5304 Educators providing Courses




Assist Tutor is a leading private education company providing private tuition in small groups or one to one as well as childminding. The company’s vision is enlightened for more than a decade by the experience and vision of its director Mr Ibrahim SAL. Based on Mr Sal’s philosophy Assist Tutor created a student centred learning strategy. Therefore, Assist Tuition Centres have always put the students’ success in front of everything. Achieving this hard task was quite a challenge on its own, nevertheless, developing its own dynamic scheme of work has helped the institution to reach its goals. Apart from preparing its students to higher academic levels, Assist Tutor targets to improve humanitarian qualities of its students. Assist Tutor always advice its learners to become active and helpful with in their societies. Being a good person will always help someone to become more successful regardless of the type of the challenge. Assist Tutor’s popularity lays in its success. Apart from helping to students get high pass grades in their A levels and GCSE exams, most of Assist Tutor learners achieve high passes in selective school exams, 11 Plus exams and all other national tests. Most of our learners are appointed to national maths and science challenges and they become winners. These success stories create a powerful recommendations about our services through word of mouth. Although we are barely advertising, we are accepting great numbers of enrolment requests.




C2E Mission Statement Our vision is for all organisations in the UK, regardless of size, sector or profile to fully embrace good working equality practices and profit from the manifold benefits to be had from employing fairly for their organisation, their employees and the community. C2E Delivery Charter Committed2Equality is a National Equality Standard, designed for organisations to enable them to reach their equality potential and demonstrate their equality and diversity working practices. The Committed2Equality Standard validates actions and engages with organisations helping to build knowledge and a greater understanding of equality and diversity issues in the workplace and in community. In attaining the Committed2Equality Standard, achieving equality at work and improving competitive advantage, organisations are supported by C2E's Delivery Network providing the value added proposition, knowledge and expertise. C2E further assists organisations to meet their inclusion goals through partnerships and by engagement with other equality bodies. C2E and its Delivery Network provides accurate and current equality and diversity guidance C2E informs organisations of their legal duties and helps them understand their equality and diversity obligations C2E will make organisations aware that they have choices of the methods with which to provide acceptable evidence of their equality and diversity practices C2E will support organisations to meet the contractual requirements of Public Bodies, Local Authorities and Central Government and will verify compliance with their equality and diversity duties as suppliers C2E will support organisations in building the skills necessary to manage their equality and diversity practices in a responsible manner The C2E Standard and Accreditation demonstrates and evidences organisation's equality and diversity practices C2E is a Founder Member of The Association of Equality Scheme Providers (AESP) and subscribes to the AESP Code of Conduct



Hi! I’m Nicola and I am the founder of Little Love Harts. I am a certified Blossom and Berry Baby Massage and Baby Yoga instructor and a qualified Hypnobirthing Instructor with The Calm Birth School I also hold as BSc in Social Science and have always been interested in people, other cultures, why they do things & how they benefit both families and society. I am married to Andy have a little boy Hugo R Hart our very own HRH – he is both my why and how for becoming a Baby Massage, Baby Yoga and Hypnobirthing instructor. I loved Hypnobirthing and the tools it taught me to prepare for a safe, empowering and positive birth. Despite our birth not going to what we had ‘planned’ or rather what my first preference was, utilising the tools and techniques my husband and I had learnt through Hypnobirthing we were able to have the best birth ever!! Like many I found the first few months of motherhood very overwhelming – my world flipped 180 in both an amazing and positive way – which obviously I am so grateful for, but also in a scary and at times, lonely way. In having my son I both lost myself and found myself all at the same time… My aim with Little Love Harts is to give the tool for safe, empowered and calm births and to teach parents that they are enough for their baby, yes read the books, yes seek advice from family, friends and when needed professionals – but always know that you are all your baby needs. At Little Love Harts I the importance of love and connection through nurturing touch, massage & yoga to help babies and children reach their full potential & make the world abetter place. My mission is to grow babies with love, touch, responsive care and positive interaction. Little Love Harts aim is to create nurturing experiences for all parents and babies to deepen their connection and confidence. I want to make sure that parents feel nurtured and in turn get the space and tool to nurture their babies in a loving and supportive environment. My classes are an inclusive, accepting, welcoming and safe space for all. I am committed to promoting the wellbeing of parents and babies through the provision of inclusive, educational and supportive classes and services. I will welcome you with a smile, listen to yours and baby’s needs, hold space for you when you need it and give you the tools to bond, soothe, relax and aid your baby’s development – be this at the Little Love Harts studio or via Zoom. I also provide several free services in the Colchester area, to help parents connect such as coffee and catch ups, buggy walks and online community to share and exchange ideas. I can’t wait to meet you, your birth partner and if they are already earth-side your baby! I will share the tools I have learnt through Hypnobirthing, Baby Massage and Baby Yoga to connect with your baby and teach them love, nurture and some amazing techniques to aid both their mental and physical development!