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Passion Driven

passion driven

You are constantly creating your life, we all are. We create our lives out of the things to which we give our attention, and you attract into your life more of what you put attention on. If your attention is on the things you don’t have, all the problems in your life, all the bad things that are happening to you, then you are creating more of that. If you want more problems, more challenges, more unhappiness, then give attention to those things. If you want to find your purpose and live a passion driven life, then give your attention to the things that create those feelings. ideal_career When you discover your deepest passions, you connect with the essence of who you are. The key to success in life is to live aligned with your passions and your personal destiny will unfold naturally and effortlessly. When that happens, life becomes an expanding field of joy, happiness, and fulfillment, along with all the same inconveniences, challenges, obstacles, and discomforts everyone experiences. The difference is, on the path of a passion driven life, those things just don’t have much significance. Finding The Key to Success in Life Out of fear, people focus on what they don’t want. They’re afraid they won’t have enough money or they’ll get sick or there will be a disaster. One of our favorite sayings is, “Fear is vividly imagining exactly what you don’t want to happen, happening.” Focusing on what you don’t want is a habit. Whenever you notice that you are focusing on something in a negative way, just say “cancel” and replace that thought with something you choose to create. This is the key to success in life and living life with passion. Living Life With Passion: Find Your Purpose Let’s try it right now. Close your eyes and imagine something you fear could happen to you. As soon as it appears say, “cancel” and shift your attention to the opposite. Isn’t that just as likely? You can shift your life just that easily. Because of neural pathways, these fearful thoughts may continue to come up for a while. Just keep canceling those thoughts and replacing them with their opposites. With a little time new neural pathways will be created and your experience will change. What will you put your attention on now? What will the best and most amazing experience of your life look like? By now, we hope you understand that you have the power to craft that experience. You are creating your life and your world in every moment. Want to see how powerful you are? Look at your life. Creating a Passion Driven Life It’s not action that creates the desired result (even though it may appear that way). It is your intention directed through the process of attention that creates the result. You can see this is true because in almost every case the way in which a result happens is different from the plan of action created for achieving that result. Your life today is the result of the predominant thoughts you have held up until now. If you want your life to change, change your mind. It doesn’t have to take a long time to do so and live a passion driven life. Are You Fulfilling Your Life’s Purpose? Living life with passion has the power to transform your life into one full of love, happiness and meaning. Find your purpose and discover how you can use your passion for inspiring and empowering others to become an entrepreneur who ACTUALLY makes a difference in the world around you! Click here to learn more about joining the Passion Test family and living a fulfilled passionate life. Thank you for reading this article about the key to success in life and living a passion driven life.

Budokai Karate

budokai karate


By Sensei Kevin Allmond 3rd Dan Hakuda Ryu Karate Senior Instructor & Technical Director - Budokai Karate Member of the BMABA (Pictured right) Every instructor at Budokai Karate realises that the martial arts is not simply about kicking and punching, but more about encouraging physical fitness, self confidence, self discipline and ultimately achieving a set of goals that we look to achieve together. We genuinley believe that in developing an individual both physically and mentally, they will reap the rewards in every aspect of their lives and it's because of this we are dedicated to not only producing excellent martial artists but outstanding members of the community. Budokai simply means "many styles" and as can be seen from the instructor profiles below, the main instructors all come from different backgrounds. Martial Arts are all essentially the same as there are only so many ways to perform a kick or a punch, however, there are subtle differences between styles which help people of varying abilities to perform each technique. With the wealth of experience that we are now gaining as an organisation there are very few techniques, if any, that can't be taught to people of any level. Whether they saw it on the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, on the Power Rangers, or on Yu Gi Oh, children today have been exposed to martial arts from an early age. From karate to kung fu, martial arts provide a powerful workout, but some parents worry that these sports are too violent for children. While it is true that martial arts originated as fighting systems in Asia, today's martial arts provide children with physical exercise, a chance to gain self confidence, an opportunity to interact with others, and worthwhile lessons in self defence. For children of all ages, martial arts are an exciting alternative to more traditional sports. We teach karate, or empty hand, which is perhaps the most well known martial art. Karate is a Japanese discipline used for self defence. In addition to throws and blocks, karate also incorporates punches and kicks as well as weapons. Karate competitions take place at all levels across the UK, and more information can be found from the British Karate Association. No matter in which martial arts your children become interested, all martial arts build confidence, encourage self control, motivate self esteem, and teach self defence. Martial arts are also incredibly safe when taught in an appropriate school, and all qualified instructors will be more than happy to share their qualifications and training philosophies. Finding the right school for your child could well be the first step to a long love affair with the martial arts.

Better Business Academy

better business academy

Helping you realise your potential for a better business and a better life. My mission is to inspire growth focused business owners and managers to realise more of their potential and develop the skills to do the same for others. I provide proven tools, training and support that teaches and enables business owners to think more strategically and create the time working ‘on’ the business more often instead of feeling stuck ‘in’ it. I started in business from a young age and have owned 14 businesses across 11 different industry sectors and including a business I grew from a single garage to an award winning nation-wide business consisting of 19 franchisees inside 4 years. Another, I grew from just an idea to attracting a number of investors and selling its world-first technology product into 55 countries. Others were in financial services, publishing, IT, distribution, an ISP and more. My wealth of ‘real world’ experience along with a corporate management background in banking, financial services, media and food distribution give me a unique advantage when it comes to understanding the challenges facing business owners in today’s competitive world. Since 2003 I have worked closely with more than 200 progressive business owners, held 7000+ face-to-face strategic coaching/mentoring sessions and led hundreds of workshops for business owners, managers and teams. I am one of NZ’s most experienced strategic business coaches and NZ’s only business coach trainer. I am a professionally trained Coach, Licensed Facilitator of the Coach Clinic Training (CoachU, USA and Australia) and an experienced NLP Master Practitioner (INLPTA). I’m married with 6 children and 3 grand-children. My personal interests include learning, coaching, high-performance strategies, surfing and time at the beach with family and friends.