702 Educators providing Courses

Nobleprog Pakistan

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NobleProg is an international training and consultancy group, delivering high quality courses to every sector, covering: Artificial Intelligence, IT, Management, Applied Statistics. Over the last 17 years, we have trained more than 50,000 people from over 6000 companies and organisations. Our courses include classroom (both public and closed) and instructor-led online giving you choice and flexibility to suit your time, budget and level of expertise. We practice what we preach – we use a great deal of the technologies and methods that we teach, and continuously upgrade and improve our courses, keeping up to date with all the latest developments. Our trainers are hand picked and have been through rigorous checks and interviews, and all courses are evaluated by delegates ensuring continuous feedback and improvement. NobleProg in numbers 17 + years of experience 15 + offices all over the world 1000 + trainers cooperating with NobleProg 1400 + course outlines offered companies 6100 + companies that entrusted us satisfied participant 58 k. + satisfied participants NobleProg - The World’s Local Training Provider Our mission is to provide comprehensive training and consultancy solutions all over the world, in an effective and accessible way, tailored to consumers’ needs . We offer practical, real-world knowledge supported by a full understanding of the theory. Our expert trainers are skilled in the latest knowledge transfer techniques, blending presentation, demonstration and hands-on learning. We understand that our learners are excited to be gaining new skills and we thrive off that energy to deliver exceptional training events. Investing in upskilling or reskilling with NobleProg means you stay ahead. Our catalogue is constantly evolving and we offer the most in-demand courses, Java, JavaScript, SQL, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), as well as Apache Spark, OpenStack, TensorFlow, Selenium, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analysis. Our offer consists of more than 1,400 training outlines covering more than 120 technologies. At NobleProg we emphasis a need of not only following the latest technological trends, but also anticipating changes. We focus on delivering professional skills and certifications that will have a real impact. See what sets us apart >> NobleProg's history NobleProg was established in 2005 in Krakow, Poland, and has gradually expanded its operations to other global markets since. In just two years the first international branch was opened in London. The overwhelming potential of NobleProg combined with the rising need for self-development programs, especially in the field of technological skills, prompted the company to change the business model into a franchise. By doing so, in a short period of time the company allowed a number of people passionate about education and new technologies to join the NobleProg Team. With each year the territorial reach of NobleProg was further expanding and we now have offices on every continent. NobleProg is the World's Local Training Provider.

Fresh Expressions

fresh expressions

In the late 1990’s and into the New Millennium, things were changing and stirring…. Disciples of Jesus were trying new and different things in response to where they saw the Holy Spirit at work. People in a number of denominations and mission agencies worked together reflecting on the 90’s church-planting movement and beginning a process of investing and pioneering new forms of church. These fresh expressions weren’t simply a fad or an attempt to be cool but looked to address a rapidly changing culture in the UK and a change in attitude to attending church and to a spiritual life. New things were taking place in different contexts, locations, times, as these different expressions sought to re-imagine church for this new environment, whilst staying true to a missional and Christ-centred gospel. In 2004 the Mission Shaped Church Report, instigated by Archbishop Rowan Williams, listened and noticed what was happening, and new language began to develop such as ‘the mixed economy.’ The report went on to make recommendations for the future practice of this pioneering mission movement. It has gone on to be one of the most widely read and purchased Church of England reports ever. It argued that… “The time has come to ensure that any Fresh Expression of Church that emerge within the Church, or are granted a home within it, are undergirded with an adequate ecclesiology” Mission Shaped Church Report All of this was exciting and encouraging for many practitioners at the time who were working hard to disciple people and develop new and imaginative expressions of Church but found them hard to be accepted as ‘church.’ The report recognised their importance, placed value on their role in a ‘mixed economy’ or Church and furthermore recognised the need for the “identification, selection and training of pioneer church planters, for both lay and ordained furthermore recognised the need for the “identification, selection and training of pioneer church planters, for both lay and ordained ministers” (MSC pg.147.) From this the Fresh Expressions initiative was born, as a partnership between the Church of England and the Methodist Church and initially led by Bishop Steven Croft (now Bishop of Oxford) with Revd Peter Pillinger as the Methodist Team Leader. Over the next 15 years new denominational partners joined the movement – the United Reformed Church, the Salvation Army, the Church of Scotland and the Baptist Union of Great Britain – all of whom identify growth and encouragements in these new experiments in Church. The initial team identified: “a Fresh Expression is a form of church for our changing culture established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church”