53 Educators providing Courses

Children Unite

children unite


Children Unite is a registered charity that promotes participatory approaches to working with exploited children. Since 2010 we have worked in over 15 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America with children's rights agencies and donors that are supporting exploited children and young people. Through consultancy : We work with NGOs and donors that support exploited children and young people. Our advice service builds organisations' capacity to integrate children's participation into organisational policy and structure, and develop programmes that are based on needs identified by children themselves. Our technical advice and consultancy includes programme evaluation and grant assessment, qualitative research and policy reviews as well as capacity building and training staff and children. Through our projects : We facilitate children's activism and advocacy in order to influence national and international policy and practice. We design and co-ordinate participatory research and projects that empower exploited children. We have successfully supported child domestic workers to campaign nationally and internationally; influencing the International Labour Organisation's Domestic Workers Convention and introducing local by-laws to protect children from exploitation. Our Team Children Unite was founded by Jonathan Blagbrough and Helen Veitch who, between them, have over 40 years experience in the children's rights and child labour field. More... Our Board We have a Board of five trustees from a range of backgrounds who oversee the work of Children Unite. More...

Winners Academy Uk

winners academy uk


Winners Academy is a registered educational examination body, which deals with Advanced level programmes and also Consultation. Basically we help to prepare and also in the placement of our students into a registered educational institution under our care around them. We are affiliated to several schools in and outside Nigeria operating various A'level programmes such as IJMB, JUPEB, Diploma, Cambridge A'level, NAGCE , TOEFL, IELTS,GRE etc. We prepare our students to be self-dependent and also help them in their academic plans/ pursuit; we help them get the right grades, process admission and assist in Visa application process. We have an outstanding record of placing students into best universities in Nigeria at all levels from A’ Level to post-graduate students. It was established to provide qualitative and reliable educational assessment, encouraging academic and moral excellence and promoting sustainable human resource development. Out of the hundreds of Thousands of students that apply and sit for UTME yearly only about 20% are successful in securing admission into Nigeria universities. Most of these candidates, who fail to secure admission, reapply in subsequent years thereby worsening the admission burden in Nigerian Universities. Even for those who successfully score over 200 in UTME, some of them end up not being able to secure admission. The worst dilemma is that they cannot use the result in the following year, as UTME result is only valid for one (1) year, as against the IJMB,JUPEB,CAMBRIDGE,NAGCE result which has no expiry date.

Sirius Systematic Review Services

sirius systematic review services


Dr Steve MacGillivray is an experienced Health Services Researcher and Systematic Reviewer with a background in Psychology and a PhD in Health Services Research obtained within the Medical School University of Dundee. In the past he has worked in Departments of Psychiatry, Epidemiology and Public Health, Mother and Child Health and currently he works part-time as an Associate Professor in a School of Health Sciences. He has particular expertise in conducting meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (particularly Cochrane Reviews), meta-syntheses of qualitative studies and rapid evidence reviews for policy. In his career he has led international teams to conduct systematic reviews across a wide range of topics. He has been successful in collaborating with local, national and international partners to receive research funding of over £6 million to support research activity. In his academic career he has secured research funding from the following bodies: World Health Organisation (WHO); UK Government; Scottish Government; Department of Health Policy Research; Department for International Development (DfID); Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC); National Institute for Health Research (NIHR); National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); Chief Scientist Office (CSO); Scottish Funding Council (SFC); National Health Service (NHS); NHS Quality Improvement Scotland; Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC); NHS Education for Scotland. He is passionate about providing the best quality evidence to support policy and practice, and in providing training and support to anyone who needs to conduct, interpret or use systematic reviews. This led him to establish SiRiuS SRS Ltd

Health Research & Service Consulting

health research & service consulting

Health research and health service quality improvement consultations (including project management) as related to: - Operational aspects such as implementation, monitoring, workforce, financial, legal and regulatory matters - Research strategy and policy from scratch to updates - Clinical Trials Management (from EOI and study feasibility to closure, ICH-GCP standards audit and monitoring) - Research funding support for planning, bids, applications and management (incl. International/EU funds) - Development planning, horizon-scanning, service needs assessment and evaluation (incl. SWOT analysis and SMART goal setting) - Quality assurance and improvement: Clinical audit, Clinical effectiveness and Service evaluation - Patient safety: medical error prevention, errors monitoring/analytics and incidents investigations (RCA method) - Innovation in healthcare (strategy, policy, implementation, management and IP issues) - Quantitative and Qualitative research - epidemiological and large health data-sets (incl. RWD) analyses/management, observational studies, surveys, focus groups, etc. - Systematic and pragmatic literature reviews - Custom training/workshops for health service and health research: Health improvement/assurance (Clinical audit and Clinical effectiveness); Research methodology with basic statistics; Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) masterclasses; Good Clinical Practice and research governance training; - Medical writing (incl. protocols, SOPs, TMFs, other technical documentation, regulatory submissions and briefings, clinical pathways and guides) - Academic writing (incl. structuring, language, format for peer-reviewed journals, conferences, reports and dissemination) - Teaching English to speakers of other languages for use in medical setting (with communication skills and OET prep; CELTA qualified) - ICT in healthcare (HCI, UX, UI, IT architecture) incl. Clinical Decision Support Systems (development, feasibility, usability, audit, safety) - Customised Portal/website (incl. intranet development, file content management, front-end/interface design)




YourGamePlan’s mission is to ensure that every student has the confidence and support they need to make the best decision about their future when they leave school. We believe soft and employability skills are paramount and guidance on improving these skills should be available to everyone, for free. We don’t charge schools or students for our services. We will also be partnering with top UK employers to create sector specific courses, enabling students to understand more about career options available to them. In turn, helping young people choose which career path is right for them. All of our courses have been checked and certified by the CPD. From the CPD: ‘Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is the independent CPD accreditation centre working across all sectors, disciplines and further learning applications. Our unique experience and history working with training providers, professional bodies, academic institutions and corporate organisations enables us to support organisations seeking authoritative accreditation for their CPD activities. Thousands of CPD training courses, events, e-learning programs, conferences, workshops and seminars are formally accredited by us every year adding significant value for audiences and providers alike. We evaluate further learning activities to the highest standards. Hundreds of thousands recognise our CPD Certified symbol as the qualitative benchmark that, not only reflects but also sets those standards. The CPD Certification Service supports the Continuing Professional Development policies of institutional and professional organisations on an increasingly global basis. Our CPD quality marks are protected by international copyright legislation. CPD submissions are assessed and accredited against the universally accepted structured checklist which The CPD Service has developed over the past 20+ years. The process takes an impartial and objective overview of structure and value to ensure full conformity to CPD guidelines.’

A1 Tutors

a1 tutors


A1tutor is an Educational Technology (Edtech) company with a goal of making qualitative and personalised educational content available and accessible to primary, secondary and post-secondary learners across Africa. We are an African-owned and African-focused company with extensive reach in the Nigerian educational sector and rapidly expanding to the West-African region and other parts of Africa. We adopt a technology-driven, student-centred approach to learning; through tailored educational content that is easily available in various formats and across multiple platforms. We provide concise lesson notes, interactive instructional videos, topic-related quizzes, Online/Offline CBT (Mock) tests, and a proprietary Tutor Live Chat feature for learners in Primary School (Class 1-6), Junior Secondary School (JSS 1-3), Senior Secondary School (SSS 1-3) and A-levels (IJMB & JUPEB). We also offer examination preparatory content for learners taking different categories of examinations including WASSCE, UTME, IJMB and JUPEB candidates. Our educational content is well-researched, carefully curated and expertly delivered by seasoned tutors across several specialisations. Our content is prepared in line with the approved educational curriculum for learners by examination bodies such as NECO, WAEC, JAMB, IJMB & JUPEB. We offer educational content in text, audio, video, audio-visual and infographic formats. Our multi-format approach allows us to use the most appropriate medium to present educational content making learning memorable and fun for our users. Users can access our content through their Web browser or the A1tutor app (available on both Google Play and App Store).

The Flowhesion Foundation Research Centre for BAMER Research

the flowhesion foundation research centre for bamer research


Imam Abdul Hafeez Siddique is the Founder and CEO of The Flowhesion Foundation. He is an experienced, qualified Muslim Chaplain who studied at a traditional Islamic seminary in Bolton. Abdul graduated from the seminary at the age of 17 making him, at the point of qualification, one of the youngest Imam’s in Britain. Post qualification, he serves as a Muslim Chaplain at HMP Wymott where he works as part of a multi-disciplinary, multi-faith team. Abdul has a strong academic background in community cohesion and social capital research. After completing his undergraduate degree in this field, he was awarded a postgraduate scholarship by the Mariott Trust. Subsequently this led him to become the first person in the Northwest to look in to how members of the South-Asian Muslim community in Bolton interpreted the terminology and lexicology surrounding community cohesion. He asked these difficult questions to marginalised members of the bamer community. The research allowed Abdul to undertake an in-depth theoretical study of the evolution of the concept: community cohesion and his in-depth qualitative interviews formed the basis of his study that was supervised by Professor Carole Truman and Dr Margaret Boneham at the University of Bolton. This seminal study came to fruition in the form of a thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) titled ‘A critical analysis of Cantle’s (2001) community cohesion model and its applicability to marginalised elements of Bolton’s south-asian Muslim Community’ that was awarded to him in 2011. In addition, Abdul has over 10 years experience working with socially excluded immigrant BAME communities and their representatives in Bolton to promote community cohesion and build social capital.




Welcome to my journey of how to Teach Me Islam came to launch.  Assalamu Alaykum,  My name is Nabeela, CEO of TEACHMEISLAMAPP.  I hold a Masters’s equivalent degree in Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence. I am also a qualified Early Years Educator. With 9 years+ of solid experience in Education. Since then, I am now also a qualified Business Analyst. With 9 years of experience on my side, I have become aware of this untapped potential for the facility that was missing within our community. I realised that the demand for qualitative Islamic teaching with progressive results for parents and students is high. It has been my dream to scale out, unite and build a limitless platform, bringing different social groups together, no matter the age, gender, religion or background.  Teach Me Islam is the first of it's kind, an award winning pioneering virtual organisation. An easy and accessible online platform and application that is designed to offer you the flexibility to book high-quality Islamic private tuition lessons from the comfort of your home. Delivered to you by British-educated, security-assured DBS-verified, rightly qualified Islamic tutors who nurture our students through their programme that transforms our student's lives spiritually.  We use a revolutionary three-tier programme steeped in rich Islamic history from Arabic comprehension of the Holy Quran to the teachings of the Prophets and their noble companions. Enjoy interactive and highly-organised lessons through our easy-to-use platform, in a digestible style designed to build confidence and help you or your loved ones learn in a coherent way that is both effective with long-term practical results in our student's lifestyles. Suitable for adults and children, both men and women.  Learn through interactive online lessons at your pace with friendly and familiar tutors who share similar values and beliefs. Contact us via our contact form on our website for a free phone call consultation for all the details. 

Inspiring Futures Through Learning

inspiring futures through learning

A message from Sarah Bennett, IFtL CEO I know every CEO is proud of their Trust, their schools, the staff and the pupils within it…..and I am no exception. I know every CEO feels their Trust is unique, that their USP is different from every other; and they have a WOW factor that exceeds all. I am absolutely no exception to that either! I am personally so proud of the journey we have travelled and what we have achieved to date - created by people with a genuine desire: ‘To inspire the futures of us all through learning together’ We formed Inspiring Futures through Learning (IFtL) in 2016 as a natural extension of our school improvement journey. Indeed, for over twenty years our founding school, Two Mile Ash School had worked with very secure, high-quality partners in their ITT School-Based Partnership, supporting newly formed Trusts in turning schools in difficulty around and created our CPD programme to support the development of leadership and continual professional development both locally and nationally. There was a very strong track record of school improvement led by high performing leaders who shared a common vision. Developing a Multi-Academy Trust with like-minded schools and their leaders meant that our vision could circulate further, ensure the impact of our work reached out to more children and more staff benefited from high-quality development and learning from each other. Since 2016 we have achieved great success. We can quantify our success in Ofsted reports, performance data, financial spreadsheets and our recruitment and retention figures. However, most importantly to note is that we can only achieve such success because of our culture and ethos. It is our more qualitative success that makes IFtL truly unique. We are a strong family, with different personalities and differing abilities but we have the golden thread that pulls us together - a belief that we are stronger together; that we will go that extra mile for each other and support each other when things aren’t going the way we want them to. The camaraderie is second to none as our school improvement system is strongly embedded in our schools as we use the skills and expertise to support each other. There is nothing new about a self-sustaining school improvement system – but the way we do it is unique to us and something that we are extremely proud of. Indeed, IFtL is all about the people: the adults and the children. Our values set us apart: