73 Educators providing Courses

DisasterReady.org - Free Online Training

disasterready.org - free online training


DisasterReady.org [http://www.disasterready.org], a signature program of the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation [http://www.csodfoundation.org], launched in 2013 with a simple but powerful mission: To better prepare humanitarian and development professionals for the critical work they do by providing high-quality, relevant online learning resources at zero cost. 10 years later, DisasterReady has provided essential online learning to more than 1 million humanitarians from 195 countries. Every day, more than 1,000 people create a free account on DisasterReady.org. Developed in collaboration with leading NGOs, U.N. agencies, humanitarian experts, and professional development providers, DisasterReady.org is recognized as the largest and most trusted professional development portal in the global humanitarian sector. DisasterReady is available in four languages – English, French, Spanish, and Arabic and includes over 1,600 titles on technical topics such as shelter, food security, and logistics as well as professional development topics such as personal safety, leadership, and project management. Some of our most popular titles are our free assessment-based certificate and certification programs. These have been developed by our own instructional designers in partnership with NGOs and subject matter experts from across the humanitarian aid and international development sectors. These include: * Project Management Essentials [https://www.disasterready.org/free-certificate-project-management] * Personal Safety and Security [https://www.disasterready.org/certificate-safety-security] * Procurement and Logistics [https://www.disasterready.org/procurement-logistics-certificate] * Core Humanitarian Certification [https://www.disasterready.org/free-core-humanitarian-certification]

Awh Pro-tect

awh pro-tect



Founded in 2018, the Ayrshire Women’s Hub is a community interest company that focuses on supporting women and families. We work with women and families across Ayrshire who face hardships such as social isolation and loneliness, homelessness, sexual exploitation, abuse, addictions, mental and physical health problems, long-term unemployment, poverty and more. Our mission is to promote positive change and provide solutions that make a lasting impact within the community of Ayrshire. We provide a warm, friendly, safe environment, where women and families can come to get support, socialise, make friends and help empower each other through our workshops and group activities. In the three years that we have been providing our services we have helped assist thousands of vulnerable women and their families. Our highly trained team of support workers, community engagement officers and training and prevention coordinators bring a wealth of knowledge from various areas of health and social care and community learning and development. We deliver a holistic approach and work collaboratively with other services and organisations throughout Ayrshire to help achieve positive outcomes for our service users. The AWH has evolved and grown considerably since the organisation first began, and we hope to be able to continue providing our vital service for many years to come. Emotional & Practical Support We provide emotional and practical support to women, children & young people. As an umbrella organisation we are equipped to assist, refer & advocate on behalf of these groups. We work with a variety of professionals and organisations covering; Domestic Abuse Violence Against Women & Girls Human Rights Mental Health Grief & Loss Social Isolation Welfare Rights Housing Advice Financial / Debt Advice

The Energy Wheel

the energy wheel


North Holmwood

I am a 4th Generation Q’ero inca Shamanic practitioner, Sound, Reiki and Crystal healer. I am also a Classical feng Shui Master in Feng Shui, specialising in bespoke 1 2 1 healings, Home Healing, Geopathic stress, EMR, Geopsychic Stress and Space Clearing. My Shamanic training has taken me down the Andean Shamanic path where I specialise in removing trauma from the body due to Childhood, relationship trauma, Grief, fears, phobias, Depression and Anxiety. As a certified Classical/traditional Feng Shui Consultant, I find that Feng shui consultations can reveal a lot about a person in how they are living their lives and thatis reflected in the home/ office. To find a good Feng Shui home is an art and Science that only a consultant knows and finding a home that matches our energy and has good energy in and out is great Feng shui, although it is always the case that we have to remedy some areas as the energy changes annually. I do not use Chinese ornaments in my consultations with western clients as this is not in our culture. I use the 5 elements and bring this into the home in a style that suits the clients taste. Music and Healing has been my life and as a professional musician, I have a bond with my Sound Healing instruments and voice in a special way that enhances the healing process. Crystal Bowls. Himalayan Bowls, Voice, Tuning Forks, and other specialised instruments are used in a bespoke one to one healing or multi instrument Soundbath as a group. As an Energy Healer and Dowser, I work with Earth Acupuncture, Rebalancing environments, spirit release, resolving Geopathic and Geopsychic stress in the home and office, space clearing new homes and EMF surveys and solutions. I have trained with a whole host of top spacialists and I pride myself as s0meone who always is learning from others. I am fully Insured with Westminster Insurance