5868 Educators providing Courses

The Richmond Guild

the richmond guild

Our first meeting of 2023 occurred Wednesday, Jan 11! Our guest artist demonstrating was Roxsane Tiernan. Roxsane Tiernan was born and raised in the Greater Vancouver area. She became an international educator teaching high school and marketing for the district in Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and Mexico. She is a Member of the Federation of Canadian Artists showing in over 70 juried shows. She studied Applied Arts at Capilano College in the mid-seventies and started painting seriously in 2000 when she joined the FCA and Burnaby Artists Guild. She really likes the challenges of interpreting local nature using chigiri-e—Japanese torn paper collage. She gives workshops and lesson in this technique even in Finland or Manitoba. Roxsane joined the North West Collage Society which is centered in Seattle. Her work was featured on their posters and invitations. She has won several awards locally and internationally mostly for mixed media or chigiri-e pieces. You can find her work on Facebook Roxsane K.Tiernan; on both the Burnaby Artists Guild and South Delta Artists Guild facebook pages as well as roxsanetiernan.com on My Art Club.com; www.roxsanetiernanartandsoul.com and https://roxsanetiernanartandsoul.com/writing. ART and SOUL has her poetry and artworks together. Meetings take place 6-8:45 pm every second Wednesday of the month except in Summer. Check the calendar below or our Facebook/Meta page for details on our guest artist. For the time being, we ask that you remain masked while indoors to protect some of our more vulnerable members. Please note that the Cultural Centre prohibits food and drink indoors, but we may be able to use the roof garden during the break.

Matravers School

matravers school


Matravers School is a large, traditional 11-18 school pleasantly situated in the centre of the market town of Westbury. We occupy a very large, spacious 13-acre site. The school buildings are of mixed age, blending traditional with more modern buildings. Recently the school has benefited from state-of-the-art additions including: an £8.5million STEM (Science, maths, technology) Centre in 2019; a £1.5million upgrade to our English and Humanities block in 2020; a new Dance and Music block added in 2000; a Sports Hall and Dining Hall added in 2004; a Drama block added in 2008; and a new Sixth Form block added in 2012. Technology plays a central part in our school and we benefit from a range of technology and teaching facilities throughout the school. On-site facilities include specialist accommodation for Technology, Art and Ceramics and Photography. There is one large gymnasium for Physical Education alongside a new Sports Centre and a purpose-built fitness suite. The Sports Centre is also used by the community in the evenings. There are a separate Music and Drama building with specialised Dance Studios and Music Performance and Practice rooms. Specialised Science laboratories enable the School to offer a full programme in Science to every student. Our brand new Sixth Form building opened in 2012 to accommodate our Sixth Form offering an exciting and modern learning environment. Further significant investment in the school has led to: re-housing and updating our library provision; creating an upgraded Food Technology area; refurbishing our main teaching block; re-decorating our Music block; creating our "Outdoor Education" facility; creating our Allotment; upgrading our Inclusion facilities; installation of a "Fitness Suite".