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Alison Moore - Bemoore.

alison moore - bemoore.


Milton Keynes

Relationships are all around us – from our relationship with ourselves to how we interact with other in both our personal and business lives. They are also ever changing. For me, understanding how my relationship with myself has been formed and shaped over the years and how this has impacted my outward behaviours towards others was a life changing experience. Now I help my clients do the same – creating healthy and harmonious relationships across their world. I am committed to empowering my clients to feel their best and embrace their true self. Initially I trained as a Coach whilst working in one of the most successful business on the planet – coaching their senior team leaders to success – I loved coaching, but having gone through some serious life transformations myself including bereavement, separation, divorce and severe anxiety, I also discovered the power of Psychotherapy and after being encouraged to re-train I know it was the missing piece to creating a way to really empower my clients to shine. Through this training I became fascinated with our behaviours towards ourselves and to others. I firmly believe relationships is where the magic can happen. Ali is the author of best seller Reconnect Your Life – based on her successful Reconnection Programme. Ali lives in a beautiful cottage in Kempston ‘The Three Fishes’ with a very patient hubby – which is also where the Bemoore HQ sits within the grounds. Together they are parents / co parents of 5 wonderful headstrong and independent children spanning an age gap of 24 years and a crazy sprocker called Reggie with currently 2 diva ducks in resident.

Rewilders Ltd.

rewilders ltd.



Rewilders was born out of a love for people, and a passion for helping to make the world a better place. After university, I embarked on a marketing and management career that gave me the opportunity to work at amazing companies like Marks & Spencer, Mars Chocolate and Wheyhey!. There I learnt that businesses are fundamentally about people, and that the time and effort you invest into bringing out the best in those people, can be the biggest factor in determining your success. My career also taught me that businesses are not just there to make money. Businesses with a vision, with a greater purpose for existing than simply generating profit can be extremely powerful vehicles for change, and these are the companies people want to work for. We all want to make a difference, to feel that our work is doing good, and to go home at the end of the day knowing that we’ve had a positive impact. So when I decided to leave my ‘good, sensible career’ behind, and start running my own business, I new these were the kind of companies I wanted to help - those who were intentional about doing good. So I went and did additional training in coaching and NLP at the Coaching Academy, and then started Rewilders - a coaching and consultancy business bringing business and professional development support to the leaders and teams of purpose-led organisations. My mission is a simple one… to help you bring your best to work that makes a difference, so that good companies win, and the world becomes a better place.

Soar Valley Archers

soar valley archers



Welcome to Soar Valley Archers. Our club has a rich and proud heritage of some thirty years standing. We are based in the beautiful village of Seagrave in Leicestershire. We are privileged enough to also have the use an indoor facility which allows us to continue our activities throughout the winter months. This last year has seen our membership nearly double which is great news for both the club and the sport of Archery. I am keen to encourage our Junior Members and we will be running 3 Beginners/new intake courses of six week duration throughout the year. This gives us more control over providing enough training equipment and to monitor numbers more easily. We have a varied membership ranging from 8 to 80 years of age and we are open to all members of the community. We are extremely proud of our safety record and there are always senior members on hand to provide assistance and advice when required. I am addicted to archery and it is so refreshing to be able to join up with so many like minded enthusiasts. Our members specialise in every different archery discipline from ancient longbow to more modern recurve bows and we also have a healthy number of compound archers who embrace the latest technology that the sport has to offer. If you want to take part in competitions and tournaments we regularly enter teams for major events or even if you just want some exercise and pleasant company. We are a friendly bunch and a warm welcome awaits anyone wishing to take up this ancient sport.