480 Educators providing Courses

Oak House Kitchen Consultancy

oak house kitchen consultancy


Here at Oak House Kitchen, you can learn all about specialised diets and how to integrate them into your lives, whether at home or at work. With a love of food and drink, and well over 25 years of experience in hospitality, healthcare catering and care service provision, we invite you to look at medical diets in a new way. Working with clinical, governance, and patient service experts we have developed proven practical solutions from whole site and organisational implementation to technical know-how that works. Oak House Kitchen is the best place to find the most up to date and innovative, practical information around. Dysphagia Management and Foodservice Delivery We have supported health and social care organisations striving to develop robust and quality dysphagia foodservice teams over many years. Our understanding of what is needed has led us to collaborate with East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust to develop clinically supported training in EDS dysphagia management and foodservice delivery. Anita Smith and Laura Jones and the team at the trust continue to support the training package to ensure it is always up to date and changes in guidance can be integrated for all our learners as they happen. Dysphagia Management Solutions – We have developed eLearning courses that are aligned to the EDS at levels 1 to 3, covering the needs of all staff involved in dysphagia management across health and social care services. Advocated by clinical services across the UK at NHS Trusts and private care providers. With 1000’s of learners nationally, this training is proven to be accessible to staff and provides the outcomes heath and social care providers’ demand. Dysphagia Foodservice Solutions – Providing food and drink for dysphagia diets, suitable for the IDDSI Framework, is an integral and important part of EDS implementation. A robust management strategy is ineffective if the food and drink provision does not consistently meet clinical recommendations. Our ORAL approach to catering for dysphagia diets makes it easy to understand how to provide a varied and high-quality service that meets the IDDSI Framework, covering cultural requirements, allergen requirements and plant-based choices. Implement with the Site EDS Training bundle – We understand the needs of care providers when trying to ensure a well-trained team is always available to provide the best quality care possible. This is why we have developed the Site EDS Training Bundle allowing all team members requiring EDS training access to ALL our courses, while allowing the integration of new starters too, with no extra cost. Be in control of your team’s training needs in one validated solution.

Urban Bees

urban bees


Urban Bees helps bees in towns and cities by working with communities, charities and corporates to educate people about the importance of bees and improving forage and habitat in urban areas. We provide ‘bee makeovers’; practical steps for transforming our environment and our thinking to help bees and other pollinators – from planting trees and flowers that offer year-round food, to making and installing homes for wild bees. Urban Bees was set up a few years ago by Brian McCallum and Alison Benjamin. They wanted to share their passion for their new beekeeping hobby with other city dwellers and to make the urban environment more bee-friendly. Their first training apiary was in Battersea, south London. With funding from the Co-op Plan Bee, they set up a teaching apiary in Camley Street Nature Reserve in King’s Cross and a community apiary in Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park. They now produce Regents Park honey from their apiary in the royal park, maintain hives and bee-friendly planters for a number of corporate clients, and advise and educate through books, newsletters, talks and consultancy about how to help wild bees. ""Brian McCallum Brian runs Urban Bees. He is a qualified teacher and worked for nine years as a part-time seasonal bee inspector for the government. He is a member of the Bee Farmer’s Association and the co-author of four books on bees, Keeping Bees and Making Honey, A World without Bees, Bees in the City, and The Good Bee: A Celebration of Bees and How to Save Them. Brian provides 'meet the bees' sessions for a number of corporate clients and other organisations. He created the 'hive talking' bee map to match existing and aspiring beekeepers and people who want to host hives. He educates children, young people and adults about bees, writes blogs. He tweets @Beesinthecity. Alison Benjamin Alison co-founded Urban Bees. She is a journalist, author, educator and bee-friendly plant expert. She co-authored Keeping Bees and Making Honey, A World without Bees, Bees in the City, an urban beekeepers’ handbook; and The Good Bee: A Celebration of Bees and How to Save Them. She was part of the team that designed the award-winning King’s Cross Bee Trail App. And she created a solitary bee garden at the 2018 RHS Chelsea Flower Show with River of Flowers which won a silver medal. After a 20 year career at The Guardian, Alison is now pursuing her passion for wild bees, by doing bee makeovers, creating and maintaining bee-friendly planters, writing newsletters, giving talks and developing partnerships to improve forage and habitat for bees and pollinators in towns and cities.

Kathy Kinnersly

kathy kinnersly

I am Kathy, a dedicated mum of two, living with intention, purpose and passion. A lifelong interest in Natural Wellness and Wellbeing - was ignited further when my son Kit’s health needed additional powerful support. He was suffering from serious Eczema and Asthma - and he continues to be naturally supported today. I went on a journey of discovery, and found a whole new fascinating world of plant power! I was introduced to doTERRA Essential oils in 2015 as I was searching for support for Kit, and have never looked back! The power of these pure and tested Essential oils has not only changed my family’s lives and health, but it steered my career into one driven by care, support, empowerment and education for others. I fell in love with these little bottles of joy, and I couldn’t wait to start sharing them with others too! I use the oils daily - and weave them into mini daily habits and teach others to do the same! Simplicity is key! I use lavender to keep calm and support sleep, peppermint for alertness, frankincense for glowing skin, lemon in my water to support daily detoxing, On Guard to support our immune systems and of course Air - to support Kit’s respiratory health. I use them in my cleaning, my skin care, my hair care! But most importantly, they form the basis of me and my family’s emotional wellbeing, we can lean on them any time. Easy, daily routines - they become a habit or a ritual, whatever suits you! I am here to guide and support you! My journey with doTERRA has been one filled with learning and excitement. The quality of the oils coupled with the ethics and integrity of the company has given me such a passion to support and empower others as they embark on this journey with me. Offering everything from education, support and community - I am driven to help other Mummas who are looking for support in the way I was. Whether they need help with hormone balance, better sleep, digestive support, detoxing, emotional support or respiratory support, I am able to help - by providing easy to use and cost effective solutions When I became a Diamond leader with doTERRA here in the UK, it felt like an honour to be recognised for what I do - both in my local community, and globally online. Having grown a fun and dynamic team of like minded women over the past 7 years, I now provide business coaching and mentoring and full support - helping them to achieve their goals, sharing with passion and growing their own business. I am passionate about what I do, and can not wait to support you on your journey too. xx



We offer personalised sessions blending physical therapy techniques with powerful yoga practices and tools. We bring a joint experience and insight from our years of practicing, teaching and studying in the UK and internationally, shaped by our way of living in unity with nature. My aim is to share with you learnings from my continuously evolving personal practice. Work and life took a very fast pace that increased as the years unrolled, especially since I have been working in London with a large professional services firm for over 12 years now. I was very lucky though to recognise my resilient and reflective nature from an early stage and rather than trying to blend in to be more like others around me, I took interest in exploring passions that were deeply rooted in me and came from beyond my background and education. Following an accidental encounter with yoga, I soon realised that I had been practicing meditation and visualisation techniques as a teenager without knowing what those were. I had also always been passionate about self healing and natural remedies and collected articles as a kid from the natural health section of local newspapers. I still keep the habit. Nowadays I research, apply and build on bits of wisdom from different sources as I continue my development journey which expanded to include plant-based cooking and essential oils. I learned how so many things interconnect and how we are all on the same kind of journey of discovery, but always our path is very unique to us. Building on my regular practice of yoga for over a decade, the teacher training course at Nada Yoga School Rishikesh in 2017 and other shorter trainings I completed since then, the classes that I teach focus always on breath and connecting the mind with the body through it. The benefits you will experience from them will be very specific to you. In my case, I have always seen real benefits only with consistent practice over long periods of time, whatever frequency I take, be it 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a week or longer sessions. A regular practice brought me clarity of thought, structure in my emotions and actions, increased insight and ability to find solutions or remembering things which I thought I never would recall (including work related!). I experienced reduced inflammation in my body and reduced pain from tensed or trapped muscles I used to often get over the years. I felt increased energy and joy of life and was able to navigate with more ease through challenging periods of time. I am also continuously humbled by the diversity of positive results my private or group sessions bring to those I share them with. Especially in supporting colleagues and others who experience a high pressure environment or who are looking to start, refresh or deepen their practice.

Access Underwater

access underwater


Access Underwater Ltd are a specialist underwater, diving and confined space contractor with almost 100 years combined commercial diving experience. Our company was born from a desire to centralise and coordinate the extensive diving, confined space, and restricted access experience and capabilities of our founding team members into a single solution provider. With a wealth of underwater; offshore construction, inspection, fabrication, engineering, military, emergency service and recreational/technical/cave diving/instructional backgrounds, combined with an extensive list of television/film credits, we believed that our clients would be better served by having one solution provider for their underwater access requirements, trained to the most exacting industry standards and practiced in almost every aquatic environment imaginable. We are registered with the HSE as a Diving Contractor and comply fully with The Diving at Work Approved Codes of Practice for Inshore Commercial and Media Diving (revised December 2014) and The Diving At Work Regulations 1997. About Access Underwater Despite clients often becoming overwhelmed with high running costs for their facilities, pool, plant and filming budgets, there is still a growing demand for professional and creative services to address outside-the-box, diving and restricted access projects. Clients require a dedicated service provider who can bring together all of their service, maintenance, access and creative requirements, make them affordable and offer cost-saving solutions. Utilising skill-sets forged from an impressive portfolio of projects including marine salvage, offshore oil and gas, wind farms, media productions and commercial pool facilities, Access Underwater is proud to offer such a service through our friendly, knowledgeable and highly-skilled personnel. Our team members bring their skills and expertise to your project honestly, affordably and with the highest regard for safety. We maintain a loyal, satisfied and expanding client base and look forward to discussing how we can help bring solutions to your project. Access Underwater’s Vision We aspire to be the gold standard* in our industry and want our clients to feel completely at ease knowing that they are in the safest, most professional hands. We enjoy close working relationships with all of our clients, who know we are completely dedicated to the successful completion of their projects and exploring all possibilities to deliver solutions that are right for them individually. From the very beginning, we have put honesty and complete transparency at the heart of what we do and continue to ensure that we are not only offering the best value for money but also sensible and intelligent solutions that will themselves pay dividends in the long-term. Access Underwater’s Gold Standard We noticed that during the design process with our logo, the abbreviation by which we have become known by our clients (AU) is the symbol for gold in the periodic table of elements. With this in mind, we decided immediately that the Vitruvian Diver in our logo would be crowned with a gold standard diving helmet to represent this gold standard of workmanship.

Upcoming Workshops & Retreats with Kubi May...

upcoming workshops & retreats with kubi may...


I grew up in a little market town in the East Midlands, happily in awe of the magic buzzing beneath the tapestry of existence in the countryside surrounding me, making childhood potions from crushed herbs and flowers and sneaking home Esoteric books to read from the library. At 18, I grew restless with a curiosity about the world and quit college to save up, travel, and spend time learning from the hidden tribes and global communities I had read so much about. My travels expanded my understanding around magic and how ritual had manifested in different indigenous cultures beyond our Celtic origins. Here, I began my journey training to become a Reiki healer (and eventually teacher), with a personal earth mission to also contribute as much healing, light and joy to our planet as possible. By my twenties I had returned home, moved to the city and anchored myself back into a decade of education. I gained a PGCE qualification as a secondary school art teacher and finished a University Degree; a BA Honours in Creative Therapies where I focused my dissertation on the healing power of Creative Ritual and Art in Psychotherapy. Following this, I worked for 5 years as a Creative Therapist as part of an Intensive intervention Team for Children in Social Care, whilst also founding and managing London's Activist Art group 'The People's Tribe' to try and promote positive change in society with creativity (and of course, rebellion!) As I approached my thirties, I began to delve deep into my own shadow work and healing, which lead me to explore the healing potential of plant medicines, shamanic rituals and tincture making. One summer, I softened, decided it was time to return back to the countryside and challenged myself to set off at sunset for an overnight pilgrimage. I mapped out the leylines and followed them on foot, walking 12 hours by myself through the night, singing songs to the stars and arrived at sunrise on the mystical lands of Glastonbury for the first time, where I began my training in Celtic Shamanism.... and never left! I'm humbled to live a harmonious and gentle life here upon the mystical lands of Avalon. From this sacred motherland, I forage and make flower tincture medicines from the earth and sculpt personalised wands from the fallen branches of the ancient orchards. More than anything, I love to compassionately hold space for others walking the sacred path of initiation or undertaking healing/ shadow work. (We're at a very interesting moment in history where nothing is more important than this!) I do this using therapy, ritual, ceremony, playfulness and creativity to help alchemise and empower individuals to step into the highest version of themselves and it brings me so much joy to see the light returning, one by one, to the beautiful tribe we know as the human race. Let's rise together and remember who we really are as we make the journey back home to ourselves!

Root 2 Success

root 2 success

Little Sandhurst

Root2Success have worked hard to earn the trust and respect of agricultural plant growers and indoor gardeners across South Wales and beyond. We stock a huge range of the biggest and best growing products around, and are always on the look out for new products. With our excellent range and in-house knowledge, look no further for all your growing needs! Not only do we have a range of stores across South Wales, we are also taking the online retail world by storm meaning you can shop with us whenever, wherever! Our unwavering commitment to providing our many loyal customers with the best prices, expert knowledge and dedication to sourcing only the best brands has helped make us the largest agricultural wholesaler in South Wales. All of our stores have a variety of equipment on display for you to browse and try out, and an online ecommerce website for your convenience. We also have a variety of exclusive brands that you won’t find anywhere else in south wales, making our shops a cut above the rest! In the unlikely event an item is out of stock generally we can get it to you within 1-2 working days to ensure no damage occurs to your plants while you wait for the products you need, an important consideration for all growers! Looking for something we don’t currently stock? Let us know and we will do our best to source it for you. We hope you enjoy your visit of our website and we look forward to receiving your order or serving you at one of our stores. We can take your order by: Telephone In person Online We accept the following payment methods: Cash Credit card (in store/online only) Bank transfers PayPal (online only) Unfortunately at this time we are unable to accept payment over the phone. Speedy Service All orders are dispatched within 1-2 working days, however in unfortunate situations such as supplier delays and shortages it can take up to 5 days. If you need your order guaranteed next day delivery, contact us first so we can make sure that everything goes smoothly. Please note whilst we aim to dispatch all orders same day, we cannot guarantee this after 12pm. Plain Packaging Policy Every order is carefully packed into one or more sturdy cardboard boxes or Jiffy bags to ensure it arrives safely, and black wrapped for piece of mind and discretion. Our Shops We have a total of four well-sized shops to visit - with outlets in Pontypridd, Newport, Grangetown (Cardiff) and a second shop in Rumney (Cardiff) that acts as our Head Office and distribution center. In each store our expert staff are on hand to offer you advice when required. You'll also be able to watch many of our superb systems in action whilst enjoying a free cup of tea or coffee! Our ever-expanding array of grow shops share a reputation for excellent service, open six days a week from Monday-Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm including Bank Holidays. © 2022 Root2Success. All Rights Reserved.

Adrian Lloyd

adrian lloyd



Hello and welcome – thanks for dropping in. My name is Adrian Lloyd although those that know me well find that Ade is what I answer to best. I am a full-time designer, maker and teacher and am passionate about traditional handcrafts. I live and work in North West Cumbria in a tiny farming hamlet nestled mid-way between the northernmost edge of the Lake District National Park and the Solway Coast. Most of my making and teaching takes place in an original threshing barn, one of several historic outbuildings, which, along with our 300-year-old farmhouse, surround a cobbled courtyard. I specialise in creating beautiful, functional, traditional hand-crafted items from green wood (that is wood that looks like a freshly felled tree and still contains all of its moisture) using traditional methods and razor-sharp hand tools like axes and knives. My craft is for everyday use in the kitchen and around the home, it is designed to be used hard and for a long time, hopefully by generations of the same family. I developed my passion for handcraft from a very young age and thrive when being able to ignite a new passion for creativity in others. After a design-based university education, I then spent nearly the next twenty years teaching children and adults in both formal and informal education settings, indoors and out. However, I then took the decision to pursue craft on a full-time basis and now earn my living from all things Slöjd! I have been carving on and off for the best part of probably thirty years and have added turning, furniture making, basket weaving and anything else green wood along the way. I also do some blacksmithing, bladesmithing and tool making and make all of my own bowl turning tools. I can normally be found somewhere along or between the length and breadth of this great island teaching some aspect of this wonderful craft we call greenwood, or holed up bothering some wood in my farmhouse workshop in Cumbria. I try to use only locally sourced British hardwoods in my craft that are harvested from either wind-blown trees or from sustainably managed woodland as part of a natural thinning and woodland regeneration process. I have favourite woods for specific purposes but will generally use any wood that is suitable for the function and form of the piece being worked on. I have a real interest in the way our relationships with the natural environment develop and have studied for qualifications in bushcraft leadership, practical ethnobotany and plant identification, wildlife identification and tracking and woodland management, including the identification and management of veteran trees. I draw on this knowledge and experience to ensure my teaching provides rich, holistic and rewarding learning opportunities. If you are looking for a piece of traditional craft work that will last for many years to come and want something that you can enjoy using every day then you have come to the right place. I update products on a regular basis – although sell out quickly, so if you sign up for my mailing list you’ll often get early notification of updates and are less likely to miss out!

The In House Training Company

the in house training company


WHAT WE DO We offer top-quality in-house training, in a wide range of subjects, at a sensible price. All our programmes are delivered by independent subject specialists who also have outstanding training skills. We have rigorous standards and refuse to work with anyone but the best trainers. Our extensive network means that we have a choice of trainers to offer for all of these subjects, partly to ensure the best ‘fit’ between trainer and client and partly so that we can resource large-scale ‘roll-out’ programmes when required. We use a core team of around 40 associate trainers, with about another 150 specialists available on an ad hoc basis. WHERE WE DO IT Generally, we send the trainer to train up a group of people on your own premises. We work across the UK and internationally. WHO WE DO IT FOR We have an incredibly wide range of in-house training clients, of all sizes and across all sectors, as the following small selection of current and recent clients shows: Private sector • Accelerated Bridging Finance • AGD Equipment • Airbus • Alcoa • Altechnic • Appleyards • Aquaterra • AQL • Archant • Arinc • Arvato Loyalty • ASK-Mercury • ASOS • Assura • Atlas Copco • ATS Euromaster • Babcock International • BE Aerospace • Berkmann Wine Cellars • Bell & Clements • Biffa Waste Management • Bluefin • BM Trada • Bridge Hall • BSkyB • buy-a-gift.com • Carillion • CBS Butler • CG Power • Compass Group • Computacenter • Crowcon • Dalys Systems • Dawson Group • Davies Tapes • De Lage Landen • Demco Europe • Dental Supply • Domex UK • e2v technologies plc • EADS • Elstree Golf Club • Eminate • En Route • EPOQ • ESD • Fairbanks • Fourways • Fresh Student Living • FrontlineGB • Genus Construction • GeoNetworks • Gonative • GPS UK • Grace Foods • Grant Thornton • Guardian Global • GVS • Harveys Furniture • Hellmann • Hicks • Horiba • Hutchison Whampoa • Hydro International • IIJ • ILX Group • Intellident • IT Builder • Jacksons Bakery • JE Hartley • Johnson Matthey • KCE FM • Kembrey • Kennedys • Kent PHK • Lasnek • Liberty Bishop • London Underground • Longhurst Group • Mashpac • Mayflex • Meadow Foods • Michael Lewin Solicitors • Millbrook Healthcare • Mole Valley Farmers • Moon Beever Solicitor • Morris Lubricants • My Family Care • Mumford • Natixis • Network Resources • New England Biolabs • NFC Food Services • NLP Planning • Ocean Sky • OpenText • Otis Ltd • Oxford Instruments • Pegasus • Personal Group • Ping • Pudlo • Reaction Engines • Rentokil • Renewable Energy Systems • RIAS • Roadchef • Roythornes • RTC Group • RTS • RWD • RWE npower • S Farmer Consulting • Sage UK • SEA • Schroff • Scottish Power • Seico • SFPL • Sharkey & Co • Sherford • Shield Pest Control • Skincare • Sledge • Smiths Detection • Stanco • Strutt & Parker • Swift • Systech • Tennants • Tinies • Ultra Electronics • United Healthcare • Urbaser • Utilize • Vapormatic • Victoria Palace Theatre • Wasabi • WDR • WEG • Whitbread • Wincanton • WK Linkline Group • Wolverine Proctor • Xchanging • Yorkshire Water Services Public sector / education • Aylesbury College • Bedford Design Group • Berkshire Healthcare Authority • Big Lottery Fund • Brighton & Hove Council • Bromsgrove & Redditch Councils • Carmel College • Central Bedfordshire Council • City and Islington College • Daventry District Council • East Kent NHS Trust • Environment Agency • Greenwich Community Health • H M Treasury • Herts County Council • Hertsmere Borough Council • Medical Research Council • Mid-Yorks Hospital • NHS Cambridgeshire • NHS Yorkshire • NHS Western Isles • Ofsted (ALI) • Open University • Orchard Centre • Peak District National Park Authority • RAF Brize Norton • South City College, Birmingham • Stoke Sixth-Form College • Telford Sixth-Form College • University of Portsmouth • University of Southampton • Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council • Windsor & Maidenhead Council Charities / housing / not-for-profit • 4children • AgeUK • Association of Aircraft Engineers • BFI (British Film Institution) • Charities Aid Foundation • Chime • Guy Chester Centre • Hexagon Housing • Housing Plus • Independent Age • LCCA • Life • Magenta Living • Methodist Church • MS Trust • National Pharmaceutical Association • NAVCA • North Herts Homes • Nuffield Hospitals • Origins Housing • RNLI • Royal British Legion • Stevenage Leisure • Supported Independent Living • The Wine Society International African Development Bank (Tunisia) • Aramco (Saudi Arabia) • Camco Global (China) • DDB (Morocco) • Difko (Denmark) • East-West Seeds (Thailand) • NHMFL (USA) • OpenText (Germany) • Oyo State (Nigeria) • Staurus (Dubai) • Syngenta (Greece) Open course clients / partners Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce • IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) • Institution of Mechanical Engineers