425 Educators providing Courses

British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association

british hang gliding and paragliding association

Meridian Business Park

Welcome to the British Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association (BHPA) website. From its head office in Leicester the BHPA supports a country-wide network of recreational clubs and registered schools, and provides the infrastructure within which hang gliding and paragliding in the United Kingdom (UK) thrive. Hang Glider (Courtesy Mike Scholes) The BHPA oversees pilot and instructor training standards, and provides technical support such as airworthiness standards, and coaching courses for qualified hang gliding and paragliding pilots. Initial hang gliding or paragliding training must be undertaken at a BHPA registered school. Most schools offer training in a wide range of flying disciplines, so it's important to understand the differences between the disciplines before choosing a school. The Learn to Fly section of this web site explains the relative merits of each discipline, the types of flying involved, and provides an insight into the training methods used. As you near the end of your initial training with one of our registered schools, it's important to start looking for suitable recreational club to join. Obtaining your Club Pilot rating marks the end of your formal instruction and qualifies you to leave the school and fly within a BHPA recreational club. The BHPA supports a network of UK hang gliding and paragliding recreational clubs who are able to offer the supportive flying and social environment vital to the safe development of your flying skills, as you join other recreational flyers on the hill, and continue your progression through the BHPA Pilot Rating Scheme (PRS). As your accumulated airtime increases and your flying skills improve, you will probably start to think about your long term goals and aspirations, and working towards your Pilot Rating, the next rung on the PRS ladder. Club coaches can offer advice and support with the flying tasks that need to be completed, and the theory exam you will need to sit. An online BHPA Mock Pilot Rating Exam is also available. This will allow you to test your current knowledge and help you to understand the subject areas you will need to revise before sitting the real exam. When you first leave your school and join a club, you may choose to spend your first few hours' flying with no specific aim other than to safely accumulate airtime. However, it is well known that pilots make safer more efficient progress when they are given particular tasks to undertake. With that in mind, a panel of experienced BHPA coaches have devised a new pathway to learning, the BHPA Pilot Development Structure. This offers an alternative to the more formal Pilot Rating System, and for newly qualified pilots aims to: encourage interaction between new pilots, their club and its coaches provide a structured way to progress, acquire knowledge and build skills through attainable goals reduce flying related incidents and promote safe flying Paraglider (Courtesy Derek Frith) The BHPA also has a disability initiative called Flyability. This reports directly to the BHPA's Executive Council on disability related matters within the sport. Flyability doesn't simply take people with disabilities flying, it strives to motivate people with disabilities to become involved in the sport of hang gliding and paragliding and to train as pilots. Much of Flyability's work in the sport, focuses around changing peoples perception of disability and their attitudes toward people with disabilities. Disability awareness, education and advice play key roles in Flyability's aims and objectives, as does the development of specialist equipment, training and flying techniques. The BHPA also publishes Skywings, the only magazine dedicated to free flying in the United Kingdom. This glossy full colour magazine is distributed by mail to around 6,500 BHPA members each month as part of their membership package. Powered hang glider (Courtesy Ian Ferguson) Skywings magazine is also read by countless more hang gliding and paragliding pilots and organisations around the world who have purchased an International Skywings magazine subscription from our on-line shop. Freely available electronic copies of Skywings magazine are also published each month on our Skywings page. These can be viewed online as a flipbook magazine, or downloaded as a pdf document. When viewing the magazine online on a device with a small screen, we recommend that you select the single page option in the menu at the top of each issue.

Manchester Montessori House

manchester montessori house


Manchester Montessori House is the first bilingual English- French kindergarten in Manchester, in the United Kingdom for children ages 3 to 6. Initially it had started as a Montessori group for Home Educating families in Greater Manchester in 2008. There was, and still is, a big demand for alternative education and Montessori is one of these options. Montessori methodology, well known worldwide, does offer holistic approach and supports all areas of children’s development. It places the child in the centre, where he/she can develop his/her full potential through carefully and purposefully offered ‘hands on’ activities. The highly qualify staff ( with a lot of teaching experiences), implement valuable principals of Montessori philosophy while educating young children in their formative years of grow. The staff aims are to provide Prepared Environment that enables children to express their full potential over the most important and crucial first six years of life, but also later on. Teachers are ‘to offer the child an environment rich in motives for activity, in which he/she can choose what he/she will take and use. In this choice he/she is free from any teacher’s control, or indeed from adult control in general’ (Montessori, 2007, p. 186). Children who attend to our setting are carefully observed and ‘scaffold’ by the experienced practitioners on the way to ‘Normalisation’ as Dr Montessori called this process and cited it as “the most important single result of our whole work” (Montessori, The Absorbent Mind, 1949). Children natural phenomena, potential and internal energy horme, – ‘this universal force is not physical, but is the force of life itself in the process of evolution’ (Polk Lillard, 1972, p.42), are directed on the most natural way of holistic development. All the little learners are treated with the respect, are given attention they deserve, are being looked after as a unique individuals. Peers in our setting are given opportunity to grow in consistency and harmony which helps them to progress in all areas of grow ‘to follow the child, adapting himself to the child’s rhythm and the psychological needs of his growth’ (Polk Lillard, 1972, p.39). It is important for us that children grow in calm, safe and beautiful environment and are learning to be creators of the world around them. They acquire how to develop self-discipline, motivation and love of work as a natural response to their internal needs. Educational materials in our kindergarten are purchased from the licensed manufacturers of Montessori materials and are the same, which are taught in all over the world. The furniture are comfortable and accessible for children. All the apparatus are made of wood or natural resources and comply with high safety requirements. We focus on each child individually to help him/ her evolve the curiosity to the nature and to the surrounding world. We promote individuals who grow free, are independent, be self-motivated and confident. They are empathic and tolerant, can recognize their own feelings but also, which is very important, can respond to the needs of others. We give children the opportunity to develop according to their respective capabilities and to easily adapt themselves in multicultural societies. The Montessori system of education provides an environment rich in activities for every area of learning. Montessori called her schools “Casa dei Bambini” or “the children’s home”. In their home from home the children find room full of mysteries, challenges and discoveries. Our Montessori approach is holistic and aims to develop the whole child when they have the greatest capacity to learn. Follow by Montessori we aim to: help children become confident, compassionate, happy, calm, purposeful, free and independent, empower them and be creative. Awaken children’s interest in all subjects and to encourage in them a love of learning. Give children an understanding of the world and respect for all they find in it. The Montessori Method is a dynamic and complete approach to the enrichment of young children and as such represents the very best that a parent can give during these formative years. ‘The child is in a continual state of growth and metamorphosis, where as the adult has reached the norm of the species’ (E.M. Standing, 1984, p. 106).

London Elite Sports & Football Academy

london elite sports & football academy


We are a youth and sports organisations who seek to improve the welfare and wellbeing of all children and young people through organised football/sport training and competitive games, education and social activities of all kinds.Clasford Stirling MBE was invited to establish a youth football team on the Broadwater Farm estate in Tottenham in 1979, which he duly did and called it Broadwater Farm United. Due to his personal commitment and consistency, two key ingredients for success, that first ‘team’ eventually turned into Broadwater Sports & Football Academy, which is still going but with a rebranding to it’s new name, London Elite Sports & Football Academy, which was founded and established by his son, Jude Stirling. As a youth and community advocacy organisation, it has been incredibly successful, supporting several generations of young people against all the odds, to reach their full potential. Clasfords example of care, discipline and clear mentorship as a strong role model, has attracted other skilled volunteer coaches and workers around him, who are also simply motivated to help young people and their parents to understand the transforming principles of great teamwork and cooperation. London Elite are now key providers within Haringey of youth provision projects that target those young people who are struggling against the adverse effects of poverty and low societal expectation, that can often lead young people into anti-social behaviours that are not good for either their own health and wellbeing, or those around them, especially parents who do not know how to overcome the powerful influences of peer pressure exerted upon their children. London Elite have established a model programme to address this vulnerability of young people, called ‘Off The Street, Less Heat’ aimed at providing a safe and secure ‘Drop-In’ place with a range of social and sport activities during late evening hours, in order to offer them alternative activities that are good for them and enhance their skills through training, education and mentoring. Equality has always been at the very heart of all that guides the way forward for Clasford and his team, with a vision of equal access to not only sport, but also education and all other facilities that are available to young people. London Elite, with the funding support of Nike, are now leaders in developing young women’s football, from the age of 10 and up, with our first team entry into a league, happening this season, which is very exciting for all concerned. London Elite exists and operates within a very diverse community and have the privilege of hosting and training children from many ethnic backgrounds, without discrimination, so all of their work is underpinned by the example and policies of the Football Association, especially in terms of promoting the anti-racist principles of their Respect agenda, which apply to not only the coaches, but to players, parents and spectators alike. London Elite’s vision for going forward, is to continue it’s good work and set a strong legacy plan for it’s continuation on into the future, laying the foundation of good strong ‘best practices’, so that anyone who joins the staff will know exactly what their role and aims are and how to achieve them in the best interests of the young people that they are supporting. There is also an idea to extend the vision to develop a one-stop shop for promoting job opportunities, interview training and entrepreneurial development. Partnerships are key to this future success and their collaborations with local schools, Nike, the London borough of Haringey, Spurs and many others, show just what can be achieved once the will and resources are put to good responsible use. London Elite is governed as a non-profit company limited by guarantee, meaning that there are no profits to be taken out of any funding or income that the management team receive, with any excess of income over costs, having to be ploughed straight back into the work of the team in helping young people. Continued long-term and stable funding is hard to come by now, especially with the financial hardships caused by the effects of the pandemic and so any help is much appreciated. London Elite are always seeking to put any funding opportunities to good use for our young people, so if you feel in alignment with our basic aims and objectives, please feel free to contact us at any time with ideas or concrete offers that you may be aware of. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

The Self-compassion Community

the self-compassion community


I'm a former board level executive director who rose quickly ... and became burnt out, young. I am also a former voice artist - something which served me well when a life-changing injury occurred in 2006. I suffered a ‘hip replacement gone wrong’ which left me with major arterial internal bleeding and genuinely fighting for my life ... physically of course, and subsequently mentally too as the months of physical recovery and pain rolled into many years. I went from being a high-achieving, fast-paced, super capable person, to someone who needed to learn to walk again. That took its toll. And years of pain and effort. Cultivating self-compassion and mindfulness helped me find a way through. Sounds trite almost doesn't it? But it's powerfully, powerfully true. Catherine Kell Meaningful and adaptable teaching I have studied hard to do the work I do, to get all the necessary qualifications and registrations (more on those below). Yet what exams and qualifications alone can't give someone is the heart to do the work. That 'in the veins' pulse to help improve the life of another. And I believe my journey gives me the authenticity to bring compassion-based approaches meaningfully and wholeheartedly to others. I embody what I teach, and I bring kindness, sincerity, warmth, and of course compassion to every interaction. I'm friendly and lively too! I bring an adaptable pace and tone depending on the environment. I'm passionate about bringing the skills of self-compassion and mindfulness into people's lives to help them make transformations, build their resources and step into their full expression and power from a place of self-acceptance and inner strength. It's a privilege to witness the unfolding of all aspects of their good health. Qualifications and Education Catherine has had a personal mindfulness and meditation practice since 2006. She is a qualified and authorised Trained Teacher of the evidence-based and empirically-supported Mindful Self-Compassion programmes and trained through the globally renowned Center for Mindful Self-Compassion in their intensive MSC programme developed by self-compassion pioneers Kristin Neff PhD and Christopher Germer PhD. She is trauma-sensitive in all her work, undertaking ongoing CPD in the trauma field. She has an MA Degree with Honours and as well as her training as a Mindfulness Teacher she holds a Professional Certification in Clinical and Therapeutic Mindfulness for applied use in 1-to-1 session work. Additionally, Catherine is an alumni of Compassion Cultivation Training with the Compassion Institute, a scientifically-backed and evidence-based training programme developed at Stanford University, as well as various compassion, mindfulness, meditation and lovingkindness professional development programs with Tara Brach and Sharon Salzberg, both global leaders in compassion and mindfulness. Catherine is also a Trained Teacher with the Mindfulness in Schools Project, and has passionately brought her skillset to scores of teenagers and school staff as a teacher of kindfulness, gratitude practices and the MiSP evidence-based 10-week mindfulness curriculum developed specifically for pupils and staff in schools. Catherine is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist (Dip.Cl.Hyp (Distinction), Cl.NLP, CNHC Reg., SICH HPD, MNCH(Reg.) and Paediatric Clinical Hypnotherapist (Dip.Hyp Paediatrics (Distinction). In her past work with children, Catherine had a particular interest in anxiety, panic attacks and sleep, helping children and adolescents from the age of around 7 to 18. Today, working with adults, Catherine uses hypnosis in a coaching capacity rather than a clinical one in order to help those working with her to cultivate self-compassion, boost life-satisfaction, uplevel and truly thrive. Previously, Catherine provided in-depth parenting support and empowerment services for whole families either in office from a local health centre, or via home visits. Catherine led specialist therapeutic support and learning sessions for mothers based around cultivating mindful self-compassion and strengthening the parent-child connection in parenting. Catherine is a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, holds a Diploma In Positive Parenting and is a graduate of the 'Parenting by Connection Professionals Programme' with Hand in Hand Parenting. Catherine draws all her rich experience into every interaction. She is passionate about guiding people in developing the capacity to be with themselves in the kindest and most supportive way. Self-compassion can truly transform lives. Catherine is an accomplished speaker and provider of workshops and talks. She has contributed as a mindfulness and self-compassion expert to many podcasts and a number of mental health books.

Patchway Dragon Tang Soo Do

patchway dragon tang soo do


Dragon Tang Soo Do is an Association of friendly family martial arts clubs based predominantly in the South West of England. Tang Soo Do is a traditional Korean martial art which teaches self-defence, fighting skills and weapons, in addition, its many benefits also act as a guide to allow people to live a healthy and harmonious life. Incorporated within the Association is a Japanese based style of martial arts called Wado Ryu. These clubs which are based in Bournemouth joined the Association in 2004 and share our ethos, values and aims. Together we are a strong, united and friendly group of like minded martial artists keen to improve our knowledge and pass on our skills and experience to others. Our clubs cater for people with a wide range of abilities and ages (5 years and above), so whether you want to train to improve your fitness and health, or are keen to learn how to defend yourself, or simply want to find a hobby to relieve stress and make new friends, then we maybe for you! We live in challenging times and nowadays, increasing numbers of people are learning to protect themselves and their families, our martial arts are a very effective tried and tested method of self-defence. However there are many other reasons why men, women and children train with us, our martial art also provides skills such as self-confidence, self-discipline, physical fitness, flexibility, co-ordination and respect, skills that help us all to cope better with the pressures of everyday life. The real benefits of Dragon Tang Soo Do are not the coloured belts you earn, but the positive changes that you will experience, the enhancement of your mind, body and spirit as well as the development of individual character and respect for others. The true goal of Dragon Tang Soo Do is to use the lessons you learn in class to enrich every part of your life. Our Vision The vision of Dragon Tang Soo Do is one where people can practice the Martial Arts in a safe and controlled environment. Dragon Tang Soo Do will strive to retain the important traditional aspects of our style, whilst being adaptable and open to new techniques and ideas. Our Instructors and senior grades will endeavour to provide instruction and guidance in a way that does not prejudice any student and will enhance the development of all, both in and out of the Dojang and Dojo (Training Halls). It is important that people enjoy the learning experience provided by Dragon Tang Soo Do. Goals To develop an individual’s mental and physical health. To build confidence in all who train with us. To have a reputation as an organisation of quality martial artists. To provide scheduled events to support the development of all. To set and maintain high standards. To build healthy relationships with other martial art organisations, in the interest of sharing best practices and continually developing the level of knowledge of the instructors and senior members. To maintain a balance between organisational cost effectiveness and the cost to the practitioner. To provide a challenging, fun environment that keeps the safety of all in mind. Diversity Every single person counts and everyone has a justifiable expectation to be treated with dignity and respect. That’s why through our ‘vision and goals’ the Directors, Masters and Instructors of Dragon Tang Soo Do are committed to ensuring that our Association respects and celebrates diversity and that all members are helped and encouraged to reach their full potential. Central to this we accept that we are all different and believe that everyone should be treated in an honest, fair and transparent manner in which their individuality should be celebrated and not used as a possible means of discrimination or barrier to achievement. If you feel there is anything more we can do to improve the way we treat our students then please speak to an Instructor, Master, Director or Master Thomas our Diversity Lead. History of Tang Soo Do The very first evidence of this ancient form of Korean martial arts appeared during the Three Kingdom era (57 BC-935 AD) as Hwa Rang Do. Since then, 2,000 years have passed. The indigenous martial arts quietly developed through generations of the Korean people. During some eras it flourished and other times it diminished, according to the political, economic or cultural environment. The art was known by various names throughout the eras, such as Hwa-Rang Do, Kyuck Too Ki, Moo Sul, Soo Bahk Ki, Soo Byuck Ki, and others. Following 1945 Korean independence, the Korean martial arts were again merged and flourished throughout the entire Korean Peninsula. Many organisations were founded with various names such as Soo Bahk Do, Tang Soo Do, Tae Soo Do, etc… At the beginning of the modern era of the Korean martial arts, Tang Soo Do was the most popular term for these arts. However, at that time, the Korean political leader was concerned about establishing Korean value based on Korean nationalism. The political leaders recognized the popularity of Korean martial arts around the world, but were opposed to the use of the name Tang Soo Do for the art, as it sounded like a Chinese martial art, because the first word “Tang” could be interpreted as representing the Chinese Tang Dynasty (617-907 AD). In 1964, a government sponsored small group created a new name for the Korean martial arts: Tae Kwon Do. We still respect the original term, Tang Soo Do, and intend to preserve its heritage and value as a traditional way or path. Unfortunately, many Tae Kwon Do instructors did not maintain the traditional values of the true martial arts. Instead, they converted to a sport as they have progressed to the internationally recognized sports arenas such as the Olympic games. This was considered to be a great political achievement, to bring strength and prominence to the Korean government in International politics. True Martial Arts lovers had no place within these Tae Kwon Do dojangs (Training Halls) to continue to pursue traditional martial arts because they abandoned many valuable aspects of true Martial Arts to become a simple competitive sport. We, as Tang Soo Do practitioners are striving to maintain traditional values of respect, dicipline, self control, self improvement, etiquette and ultimately live a healthy and harmonious life, physically and mentally. History of Wado Ryu It would be very difficult to trace the original roots of karate back to their inception, however it is believed that the Okinawan Islands off the Japanese coast were the birth place of the art practiced across the world today. Despite the strong links to Japan, the original name was “Chinese hand" or "Tang hand" which during the early part of the 1900s, the Japanese changed to Kara-te “open” or “empty hand” Wado Ryu is one of the four most popular karate styles practiced today, in comparison with others, it is relatively modern with the founder Hironori Ohtsuka, who had studied other forms of martial arts previously, introducing Wado Ryu in Tokyo around the mid 1930s. It wasn’t until 1965 that it was introduced to the United Kingdom by Tatsuo Suzuki. Our Clubs in Bournemouth have been operating since 1992 and we work hard to maintain the traditions and techniques as outlined by the Founder.

Courses matching "discipline"

Show all 2749

Introduction to Gemmology with Stuart Pool from Nineteen 48 Ltd. Sunday 29th September 10-4.30pm


By Workshop 925

Introduction to Gemmology with Stuart Pool from Nineteen 48 Ltd. Sunday 29th September 10-4.30pm
Delivered In-Person in WokingSun, Sept 2909:00

Creative Practice

By Airtily

Live via Zoom. Fortnightly - 1/15/29 Oct, 12/26 Nov, 10 Dec - 6-8pm UK time Join artist Julie Galante for this course designed to nurture your creative practice. Together we’ll explore ways to create work that reflects your individual interests, passion, and point of view, no matter your experience level. The course content is delivered over six live Zoom sessions, in a small, welcoming group with plenty of opportunities for interaction. Additionally, there will be optional (but highly recommended) assignments to complete in between the live sessions - assignments designed to get you stuck in to your creative practice in new and interesting ways. During each live session, there will be a demonstration focusing on a particular aspect of visual art - this will include various materials, subjects, and considerations such as composition, theme, mark-making, layering, and so on. We will also have a look at everyone’s recent creations, with celebration of the triumphs and suggestions for moving forward with work-in-progress. Together we’ll explore techniques including drawing, painting, mixed-media, and collage, but you don’t have to work exclusively in these media to take part - all creative disciplines are welcome. Each participant will be encouraged to deepen their explorations in whatever direction interests them most - be it a series of drawings, written reflections, sketches, collages, photographs, mixed-media pieces, or a unique, personal combination of all these. There will be an optional Facebook group for participants to stay connected and share their creations with each other between sessions. There will also be discounts available for other workshops and one-to-one mentoring. 

Creative Practice
Delivered OnlineTue, Oct 117:00 + more

Dog Training Course


By Talkofthedog

Dog trainer, beginner lever for dogs 10 months and older. This 6 week course where the classes encompasses a comprehensive range of essential skills and behaviours. You will attend 6 x 45-minute training classes Ruby's Yard, The Boat Yard, Slack’s Avenue, Atherstone, England, CV9 2AR.

Dog Training Course
Delivered In-Person in AtherstoneThu, Oct 318:00 + more

AZ-305T00 Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions

By Nexus Human

AZ-305T00 Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions
Delivered OnlineMon, Oct 713:00 + more

Discipline- Powerful Discipline

By iStudy UK

Discipline- Powerful Discipline
Delivered Online On Demand59 minutes

ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management

By Dickson Training Ltd

ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management
Delivered in Nottingham + 1 more or OnlineTue, Oct 808:00 + more
£895 to £995

Dog Training Course Mancetter Memorial Hall


By Talkofthedog

Dog training, beginner lever for dogs 10 months and older. This 6 week course where the classes encompasses a comprehensive range of essential skills and behaviours. You will attend 6 x 30-minute training classes Mancetter Memorial Hall, Old Farm Road, Mancetter, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 1QN.

Dog Training Course Mancetter Memorial Hall
Delivered In-Person in Mancetter, AtherstoneWed, Oct 2318:15 + more

Self Discipline Skills Course

By Elearncollege

Self Discipline Skills Course
Delivered Online On Demand9 days

Powerful Discipline Guide

By Course Cloud

Powerful Discipline Guide
Delivered Online On Demand

Powerful Discipline Guide

By iStudy UK

Powerful Discipline Guide
Delivered Online On Demand59 minutes