2364 Educators providing Courses

Steph Wall Yoga

steph wall yoga



It’s that cool, no-nonsense, free spirit sensibility that characterizes the experience with Steph Wall Yoga. A modern yoga teacher with mischievous and playful side, Steph delivers a unique and empowering practice for students with a wide range of needs. There is an air of mystery around Steph herself, something powerful yet vulnerable, a compelling combination that keeps her students both intrigued and intensely loyal.” A lover of the unseen, insatiably curious and forever diving into the darkness, Steph owes much of her knowledge to the whispers yoga gave her to keep discovering, unravelling and growing amid her darkest days. Always learning from life itself, Yoga has become the container she uses to hold herself in as she reclaims the wild, mysterious, essence inside of her. Steph feels a deep and powerful call to translate the complex and rich tradition of Yoga to the modern-day human looking to develop themselves consciously, authentically and deeply. She continually expands her knowledge in several different domains of Yoga to grow with the tradition as it grows with her. Standing side by side with the tradition, her students, nature and the mysteries of life, Steph dives deep into the unknown to discover the complex, intricate and potent curiosities of life. Steph has been practicing Yoga for over a decade and completed over 1000 hours of training. Her primary teachers are Julia McCabe and Tiffany Cruikshank. Her passion lies in discovering the physical body and the complexities of Hinduism, translated via vinyasa and yin yoga.

Clinical Education

clinical education



UK’s leading providers of post graduate nutritional therapy educationWe established ourselves as a non-profit organisation in 2012, with the aim of changing the world through education. Fast forward to now, we offer a range of education experiences for our members – all underpinned by Lifestyle and Functional Medicine principles – via our blogs, course partnerships, education partnerships and archived resources. Clinical Education is also proud to be an Education Partner of The Institute for Functional Medicine, by assisting with the organisation and regional expertise of IFM educational events streamed or in-person in the UK. After 30 years of association and involvement with the Functional Medicine Movement, Clinical Education is a regional hub for those that are looking to train in and apply Functional Medicine into their practice. Part of our work is engaging with Primary Healthcare Professionals working within the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. We understand, that for many overworked, stressed GPs, the thought of making lifestyle medicine recommendations within a standard appointment time can feel daunting, Collaborating with co-creators Dr Panja and Dr Rangan Chatterjee, we created a unique learning opportunity in ‘Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine (PLM). PLM is a self-paced, interactive learning platform that allows Primary Care professionals to learn about how to implement Lifestyle Medicine into their consultations. We partnered with Social Enterprise company Practice Unbound to deliver this training, a partnership we continue to be proud of. Learn more..