5209 Educators providing Courses

B & E Together

b & e together

We have retained the skills, expertise and relationships to take OUR company forward. Our operational team of committed, dedicated and skilled individuals are all positively contributing to supporting and inspiring the young people of South Yorkshire. B&E Together has been established as a Not for Profit company established with 2 main objectives: 1. To benefit young people and communities across South Yorkshire by providing a dedicated Employer Engagement and Work Related Learning service that delivers: Inspirational and educational work experience placements. Inspiring and valuable opportunities for developing knowledge and skills vital for entering the 21st century work place. New horizons within the world of work, locally, nationally and internationally. 2. To provide local people with secure employment whilst working to deliver a valuable service that provides long term, sustainable benefits to the people, communities and economy of South Yorkshire. We are looking to the future and by setting a personal example our staff team of skilled, dedicated entrepreneurs are providing inspiration to the young people of South Yorkshire about the vast possibilities that career pathways and future employment can offer. B&E Together Ltd has been formed around a new business model that is based on introducing new technologies and a younger dynamic into the staff team whilst retaining the core skills, abilities and best practice developed over many years of successfully delivering high quality work experience placements.





I qualified as an infant massage teacher in 2016 and extended my qualifications to deliver yoga, sign and messy craft sessions. I juggle this with being a mother to my daughter. Before taking time off to have my daughter, I worked as a teacher and Head of Department in a Secondary school for almost 9 years within; Health and Social Care and Nutrition, at GCSE and A Level. During the first year of motherhood I was diagnosed with postnatal depression, which was a little bit of a shock. I had no idea about it, had never heard of it, didn't know how I would be treated and helped along and I had hundreds of questions. Eventually once I was able to find the correct support for me, things improved and I felt safe. My whole experience as a first time mum suffering postnatal depression led me down this path. I was keen to help and support other parents and carers, creating fun sessions for all who attend, to support all individually who attend, in all aspects of health. Making individuals feel safe, supported and cared for whilst enjoying fun and engaging sessions. The thing I love about baby massage and yoga, is the way it can help new parents build or enhance that bond with their new born and it is very instant - I can literally see it happen before my eyes, and this is a very special time. I love the way all of our sessions helps both parent or carer and the child. It is so wonderful to see all who attend go one a journey. Giving individuals the skills, the confidence and self-esteem to re-create sessions at home. I hold the Touch Learn International Qualification in Infant Massage, Baby Yoga and Baby Signing and a full and valid first aid certificate as well as a yearly updated DBS