5301 Educators providing Courses

Scott Cowan Mind Coach

scott cowan mind coach


I became a mindset coach in early 2019. Many people ask why or how I became a coach. I became a coach after one day I had a moment where I was sitting on my balcony and had the strangest feeling of looking around and thinking - how did I get here? So, at that moment I decided I had to look back at everything I had done to get to where I was. Like us all, I have faced adversity in my life. During my 32 years on earth, I had been through a very messy break-up that involved my son, I had been through grieving the loss of both my great-grandparents within 3 weeks of each other, I moved to a different country to find work, I ended up living in a hostel in a country I was unfamiliar with due to a relationship break up, I have suffered from depression, loneliness and I have even attempted to take my own life at one point. So, when I looked back over all these experiences in my life, I began to question how I managed to get through it all. After searching for a while and exploring everything I have been through, I realised that there was only one constant in every situation I had faced, and that was my mindset and how I looked at situations. Now, I'm so passionate about helping others to achieve their goals and desires. I am passionate about helping as many people as I can to make a change in the world. I want to help create a world where everyone has a positive mindset, a go get it mindset and indestructible resilience. Why do I want this? As we all know mental health has rocketed in the last decade and unless we create bulletproof mindsets and indestructible resilience, the number will only increase. My goal is to help as many adults change their mindset so then they can pass that down to their children. Having a son myself, I am passionate about helping the children of today and our future generations in creating resilience and a positive mindset as helping to create this early as possible will not only benefit the children of today and the future it will help decrease the number of mental health issues we are currently facing across the globe.

Bitterne Park Primary School

bitterne park primary school


On behalf of the governors and staff, I am delighted to welcome you and your child to Bitterne Park Primary School. We are sure that your time with us will be a positive and successful one. At Bitterne Park we are committed to ensuring that each child is valued, cared for and given every opportunity to achieve their potential. We are keen to promote excellent standards of learning and behaviour through high quality teaching and a broad and exciting curriculum. We ensure that every pupil is challenged and developed in every aspect of their learning. Everyone who visits our school comments on the wonderful atmosphere. They say ‘there is a real sense of learning, behaviour is good and the children are polite and friendly’. Bitterne Park Primary School is an outstanding school in Southampton and everyone associated with it is committed to ensuring the children enjoy the highest quality of educational opportunities. Parents are an important part of this work and we recognise that children learn best when their families are involved. We hope that you will take advantage of the opportunities to participate in the many different aspects of school life. Our website is intended to give you some useful information about our school. If you would like to discuss anything else, please contact us using the details at the bottom of each page. We will be pleased to help you in any way we can and are always delighted to show visitors around our school. If you would like to apply for a place then please contact the school and we will either advise whether year group spaces are available, or for Year R entrance explain the admission procedure. Alternatively, the admission arrangements can be found by clicking here. Kind Regards, and Welcome, Gerida Montague Executive Headteacher