67 Educators providing Courses

Chrysalis Craft Coventry

chrysalis craft coventry


Chrysalis Craft Coventry CIC was founded in March 2020 in response to the urgent unmet needs of BAME and migrant communities who were disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdown has challenged the mental health and wellbeing of everyone, more so for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in our communities. Many have experienced unimaginable trauma and have seen major disruptions in their life already. The pandemic has amplified further the existing mental health problems. Often left in limbo, not able to take on higher education studies and not allowed to work (with many refugees under or unemployed) and likely to face loneliness or worse, direct discrimination, within their new communities. Chrysalis Craft Coventry CIC run sessions and activities to help with healing, using art and different artistic methods for wellbeing. The aim is to build self-esteem and friendship through artistic techniques, using art to work against loneliness as a result of language, cultural and ability barriers. The social enterprise supports people from a variety of different backgrounds, focussing on disadvantaged adult women immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Focusing on women who came to Coventry and the surrounding area recently, and those who have been here for a long time, but who have experienced barriers to integration. Local authority, NHS and charities working with migrants’ commission and refer people onto in-person and online workshops. Grant funding supports materials and content development. Over the short period of the start-up, Chrysalis Craft Coventry CIC supported thousands of individuals suffering from loneliness, domestic abuse, stress, anxiety, depression, homesickness and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder because of life experiences with positive results. During the pandemic the workshops have proven invaluable, acting as a safe environment and an information and signposting service. Directing people to urgently needed services they could not reach due to language barrier or stigma caused by misinformation.

Amala Education

amala education


Amala (formerly known as Sky School) was conceived in 2017, in response to the gap in quality education provision for displaced youth. Our name is inspired by the Arabic word for hope, which our education embodies. We believe that young refugees - as all people - have a right to quality education. Yet, fewer than one in three refugees are able to complete their secondary education and only 6% are able to access higher education. In 2016, Amala co-founders Mia and Polly were working on a prestigious scholarship; the programme admitted refugees to schools around the world to complete their upper secondary education. They found that for every scholarship place available, hundreds of promising applicants were turned away. Their subsequent research showed that there were few educational opportunities available for refugee youth aged 16-25, many of whom are forced to drop out of educational systems due to the barriers they face. The idea for Amala was born: to provide transformational learning programmes for displaced youth and their host communities to improve their lives today and open up opportunities for the future. Amala has two key programmes: The Amala High School Diploma, the first high school diploma designed for and with refugee youth, and Changemaker Courses in areas such as Peace-building, Ethical Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship. Amala supports students to access further opportunities for education, training and work beyond their studies. Read more about our programmes here. Amala’s curriculum has been developed with the support of our educational partner UWC South East Asia, one of the largest international schools in the world with an expertise in values-based curriculum development, and led by UWCSEA’s former Director of Teaching and Learning Stuart MacAlpine, in collaboration with refugee youth and 150 educators. Amala learning focuses on the development of learner agency as well as competencies that enable learners to make change in their lives and communities. Amala learning is delivered through a blended learning model and in light of Covid-19 many courses have been adapted to an online model. Amala programmes are delivered both directly by Amala and in collaboration with partners whose missions are aligned to our own. Through collaborating with partners we have been able to bring transformational education to refugees in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Read more about where we work here and how to become a partner here. Amala is established as a non-profit organisation in the United Kingdom, and our remote team spans London, Singapore, Greece, Jordan and Kenya.

Tefl Professional Network

tefl professional network



As one of the longest established and most popular international English Language Teaching job platforms, TEFL.com has acted as the conduit between teachers and language employers since 1997. With a registered membership of 200,000+ ELT teaching professionals and 30,000+ employers, we offer the international job-seeker access to a unique selection of international teaching job vacancies and the recruiter to a truly global teaching audience. TEFL.com's Support for Charitable Causes Each year TEFL.com supports several carefully selected registered charitable causes around the world. Currently we provide financial support to: THE KAGHAN MEMORIAL TRUST In October 2005, the northern area of Pakistan was devastated by an 7.6 magnitude earthquake. The Kaghan Memorial Trust created a school in the memory of the children of the Kaghan Valley who lost their lives in the earthquake. TEFL.com sponsors the education of Ezza, a little girl at the school. ANIMALS ASIA Animals Asia is devoted to ending the barbaric practice of bear bile farming and improving the welfare of animals in China and Vietnam. We promote compassion and respect for all animals and work to bring about long-term change. FREEDOM FROM TORTURE Provides specialist psychological therapy to help asylum seekers and refugees who have survived torture recover and rebuild their lives in the UK. They also provide training for professionals working with torture survivors. INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR ANIMAL WELFARE The organization works to rescue individual animals, safeguard populations, preserve habitat, and advocate for greater protections. POSITIVE ACTION IN HOUSING An independent, anti-racist homelessness and human rights charity (SC027577) dedicated to supporting women, children and men from refugee and migrant backgrounds to rebuild their lives. REFUGEE SURVIVAL TRUST The RST vision is a welcoming, inclusive, safe Scotland for refugees and asylum seekers, where all live free of destitution and have the means and opportunities to realise their full potential. REFUGEE ACTION At Refugee Action, we help refugees who’ve survived some of the world’s worst regimes. We get them the basic support they need to live again with dignity. Then we help them build safe, happy and productive lives in the UK. WORLD VETERINARY SERVICE The Worldwide Veterinary Service works tirelessly across the globe to ensure that no animal goes uncared for. REFUWEEGEE Refuweegee was set up in December 2015 to provide a warm welcome to forcibly displaced people arriving in Glasgow. ANIMAL AID Animal Aid campaigns peacefully against all forms of animal abuse and promote cruelty-free living. SCOTTISH REFUGEE COUNCIL Through our direct services we provide practical support, advice and a listening ear to help people rebuild their lives in a sustainable and meaningful way. We work with communities and community groups. And we speak out against an unjust asylum system and campaign for policy changes that make a positive difference to people’s lives. ONE KIND OneKind exists to end cruelty to Scotland’s animals. We expose cruelty and persecution through our investigations and research, and end it for good by giving Scotland’s animals a voice. Join us today and you will strengthen our voice.

Hello Europe

hello europe


The language we use when we talk about refugees and migration is so often tragic. Newspapers publish heartbreaking pictures, we read statistics which boggle the mind in their numbers, learn stories which appall in their tales of suffering. At the same time running through the difficult realities are threads of potential, of optimism, resilience and of capacity for hope. It is here that Ashoka strives to work. For more than thirty years, Ashoka has identified and supported the world’s best social entrepreneurs – leaders with innovative new ideas which can transform broken systems for the better, in fields from health to human rights, education to civic engagement, economic development to environment. In this time we’ve elected nearly 4000 Ashoka Fellows in 90 countries across the world. In a collaboration between Ashoka Germany and Zalando, Hello Europe was created in 2016 to identify the most powerful and proven solutions to challenges surrounding migration, integration and refugee movements with the aim of bringing them to scale in regions most in need. Over time a European, cross-border network of solutions began to emerge, and we began to identify a new paradigm around migration and integration. Now 3 years on, Hello Europe aims to provide a vision of the kind of work happening in Europe and around the globe, which is creating a better society for people on the move as well as for those who meet them. There is a lot at stake: by providing the refugees with only enforced isolation, a lost education, and half-hearted integration, nobody wins. Political will or citizen will are not enough to solve this ever-shifting, accelerating problem – we need the nimble speed of new ideas, the passion of social entrepreneurs, the weight of government and the influence of business combined to transform the landscape for refugees and migrants. “In early 2016 – a critical time in Germany – the Hello Festival in Berlin was so many things at once: a very moving experience, a vivid demonstration of the transformative power of citizen solutions for migration, and a place where unusual partnerships began: between social entrepreneurs, ministries, companies, foundation, and welfare organisations. I am excited this is now happening across Europe!” — RAINER HOELL, ASHOKA GERMANY