43 Educators providing Courses

Rochdale Connections Trust

rochdale connections trust

Rochdale Connections Trust are the leading independent provider of Domestic Abuse services, family support services and targeted youth support interventions throughout the Borough of Rochdale. We were founded in 1997 by a group of local Youth Court Magistrates concerned by the number of young people coming before them who were disengaged from education with little or no family support. They soon realised that in order to impact effectively the offer of support needed to be extended to incorporate a whole family approach and employed key workers to offer supportive mentoring and bespoke interventions based on identified needs. Volunteer Mentors were recruited and utilised to provide sustained support to clients, most notably troubled adolescents and their families. 25 years after our inception the Charity is deeply embedded in the diverse local communities of Rochdale, Heywood, Middleton and The Pennines townships, particularly those with greatest need. We are trusted by residents, with a good word of mouth reputation. By knowing our community, understanding the complexity of the issues faced and evolving as an organisation to meet changing social, health and wellbeing needs. We remain wholly committed to our core work with vulnerable, disadvantaged children, young people and their families, delivering intense, supportive interventions designed to prevent disengagement including a package of bespoke mentoring support, group work and 1:1 sessions; in addition to dedicated work with the family.





Hi everyone, I am Debbie and I created and run the Elsa Support website. My motto is ‘Together we can make a difference’. One of the things I noticed very quickly when I was working in school was that there was a real lack of ELSA resources. I am a bit of a Google queen but even so it was difficult, without spending a huge amount of money on things, to find anything really suitable. I ended up writing my own planning and coming up with ideas and thought why not share them, that was the start of Elsa Support…… It is all about the BEES I love my bees and you might wonder why? Bees are: Busy, they work incredibly hard Work as a team always Social creatures and do communicate with each other Co-operate with each other for the same aim All have very different roles and divide their ultimate job between them all Create honey that feeds them, and us, they even store it for lean times Adaptable and do so when environmental factors change Bees work together for a common goal or aim, we can learn so much from them. They are the reason my very first ‘nurturing’ group was called ‘Busy Bees’. Well that and the fact I managed to buy some fabulous ‘bee cushions’! My vision for that first group was a group of children who belonged. We all know belonging boosts self-esteem. Feeling part of a community can have such an impact on children. Creating a group where children worked together as a team, who supported each other and socialised with each other. In fact, after the very first group I ran I overheard one of the very quiet and shy children organising for them all to meet up at playtime the next day. A major part of my role was helping children with social and emotional issues. It became a huge interest to me to try and break down barriers to learning. I am a big fan of group work and have written many interventions over the years which you can find on the website. I try to keep the cost of resources as low as I can because to me it is important that you do use them, but it is important to me that you can have some free resources to work with children, I know how difficult it is with school budgets. Every Friday I create something for free and share with you all. The website has grown from strength to strength and I have had many emails and messages to tell me how useful it has been to people setting out on the ELSA journey but also helpful to teachers, teaching assistants, learning mentors, counsellors and many other professionals. Please read my testimonials page and do email me if there is something you want to say about the website. Back to the Bees and community My vision of my very first ‘nurturing group’ was based on Bees and my vision includes that for ELSA’s and other professionals working with children on social and emotional issues. Mental health awareness, quite rightly, is becoming a huge thing due to so many factors. I really wanted to create community amongst all those people working for the same aims. This is to support you in your role supporting children. Some ELSA’s/adults do work alone in school and just need a bit of support, a listening ear, reassurance and some kind words. Our main group on Facebook has nearly 3000 members, who are all so supportive of each other. It is a wonderful community of like minded people. We have a mentoring section where you can be paired up with another person if you feel you need that extra bit of support. I listen to you, I get involved in discussion, I suggest resources, I suggest ideas and I create resources for you. You tell me what you want, and I try my best to create it for you. Do join us, together we can make a difference! What is ELSA? An ELSA in a school is an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. There is a recognised ELSA training course aimed specifically at Teaching Assistants in schools. Examples of things covered on the course are social skills, emotions, bereavement, social stories and therapeutic stories, anger management, self-esteem, counselling skills such as solution focus and friendship. To find out more about this course, contact the Educational Psychologists in your LEA and ask them if they are running one, if not ask them if it is possible for the future. Also check out neighbouring LEAs, they will sometimes take people out of their area to make up numbers. The founder of ELSA, Sheila Burton, has her own website, ELSA Network site, where there is lots of information about the ELSA Role, so do also have a look on there.

Liverpool International College

liverpool international college

Liverpool International SS/ College was established in the year 2010 with the affiliation of Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB), Government of Nepal, to serve the students of Grade 11 (K-11) and 12 (K-12) in Science, Management and Humanities streams. As the new Education Act (8th Amendment) 2073 BS came into effect, the then HSEB got transformed into National Examinations Board (NEB) which governs and regulates the 10, 11 and 12 Graders’ standardization and certification. With a very short span of time, Liverpool International SS/ College has established itself a pioneer proud institution at home and abroad geared by its valued, supportive and constructive parents, inquisitive students and diligent faculty members, dedicated staff and, pro-active and visionary directors in lead. Liverpool always focuses on practical and experiment base learning where students are encouraged to express themselves freely with the modern spirit of learning. Group-work, presentation, and open-house discussions are the affirmed-assets of modern teaching and learning by which one learns to be prepared for global conscious and competitive citizen. Mission: Provide world-class quality Education with the blend of Technology in affordable fee in Nepal to foster and utilize human capabilities to the possible utmost level Vision: Inviting and involving promising and time-tested mentors from home and abroad in the Liverpool umbrella, we will give maximum exposure of practical and experimental learning to the students who will understand, internalize, and express in real-life situation and widen their growth mindset for the global competitive citizen.

Lighthouse Futures Trust

lighthouse futures trust


Lighthouse Futures Trust is an innovative and forward-looking organisation with a mission of changing the lives of young adults. We do this by designing and delivering engaging employability programmes that include opportunities to work with a range of local employers via a supported internship. Our curriculum focuses on two areas – Liveability and Employability – and is aimed at students aged 18+ with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). We start by getting to know each of our interns so that we can understand their skills, experiences and aspirations for the future. We then devise a bespoke programme for them which combines a range of different elements including: working on-site at a range of local employers; 1 to 1 coaching & mentoring; group work; support in gaining qualifications in Maths and English; participating in an enterprise project where they learn to create and launch a new product and service. Our talented students have a range of support needs. Some have mild to moderate learning disabilities, others are on the autistic spectrum or have social, emotional or mental health support needs. They join the programme because they want to move into paid employment and showcase their many skills and talents and just need some extra support in order for them to fulfil their potential. Our role – and our passion – is to help unlock their talents and shine a light on their abilities. From the beginning of their journey with us, we support or students to develop skills so that they can forge their own pathways in work, accessing specialist support as and when they need it, but taking ownership of their future, from the start. We believe that this helps them to find and keep paid employment more easily, and thus create a more sustainable future.

5D Health Protection Group Ltd

5d health protection group ltd


5D Health Protection Group Ltd is a globally leading accredited microbiology and contract research organisation (CRO) offering exceptional contract scientific testing services on a global scale. We are our customers partner of choice in the field of microbiology, biofilm science, antimicrobials, infection prevention and control. In particular, we have exceptional skills in standard and customised microbiological, antibiofilm, biological and antimicrobial testing. We have over 28 years experience in developing ‘fit for purpose’ scientific research and models that mimic, as close as possible, the complexities of ‘real-life’. Our Liverpool site is segregated into independent laboratory areas that provide a wide range of scientific testing support services. With a dedicated team of very highly skilled PhD scientists with specialisms in an array of different fields including microbiology, biofilms, antimicrobials, biologics, cellular biology, regenerative medicine, biomaterials, clinical engineering, chemistry and diagnostics and biosensors, 5D are able to offer a flexible service to deliver on all your existing and on-going scientific needs. The 5D group work closely with our global customers who operate in many different sectors. These sectors include medical devices, wound care, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics & personal care, veterinary medicine, oral care & dentistry, food & drink, infection prevention & control, built environment, industrial & engineered systems and potable water. We also provide and develop customer specific CPD accredited training courses as part of the 5D Education Academy. As a ‘one stop shop for all microbiology and scientific testing’ the 5D group also provide on-going advice and support to our customers during their development of technical files and design dossiers for CE marks and 510k submissions. At 5D we are always advancing our skills and knowledge to improve on our existing scientific service offerings to our customers.

St Thomas Aquinas Catholic School, Birmingham

st thomas aquinas catholic school, birmingham


We have highly-qualified, experienced and dedicated teaching staff and a proven track record of progression onto higher education and employment. The St Bernadette Centre has recently undergone significant refurbishment and investment. Students have exclusive access to a group work room on their study day which doubles as a social space at break and lunch. They also have access to computer facilities in our new library which provides a modern learning space to aid them as they become more independent learners. Our curriculum offers the very best in both academic and vocational courses to match the needs of all our students. All Sixth Form students study Core RE across their two year career with us and complete the Extended Project, applying Catholic Social Teaching to a moral and ethical issue of their choice. Whilst we believe in allowing greater freedom to our students, we strive to have a true partnership between students, parents and tutors. Excellent pastoral care is provided by experienced tutors who advise, encourage and monitor student progress. The Duke of Edinburgh Award remains a strong feature of our school into the Sixth Form. The award gives students the chance to experience physical activities, volunteering, whilst developing life skills through expeditions; it is valued by universities and employees alike. During May half-term, Sixth Form students join the annual Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes to care for and assist the sick and disabled pilgrims. This is a very popular extra-curricular opportunity which really demonstrates the faith of our students in action. Throughout the week God’s love in action is seen through the selfless service of the young people and their generosity of spirit, sharing their talents and energy and time willingly with others.

Oak Tree Management & Training

oak tree management & training


Oak Tree, which was founded in 1994 has developed and built a Training and Organisation Development Consultancy, which is able to pride itself on the successful projects and long-term relationships it has built with its client-partners. These have been achieved through our professionalism, our highly experienced and skilled team of trainers and consultants, the constant development of our programmes to meet client needs, the maintenance of excellent communication links, attention to detail and excellence in customer service.We are committed to providing total quality Consultancy and Training Solutions through bespoke and tailored In-Company programmes, Public Courses, Residential Programmes including Nationally Accredited Qualifications and Consultancy Services. Over 70% of new business is achieved via referrals. A statistic both our Customers and we find extremely satisfying. With our Head Office based in Bury St Edmunds and centres in Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Ipswich, Leeds, London, Manchester, Milton Keynes, Newcastle, Nottingham, Peterborough and Winchester, we are able to service the needs of our clients effectively and efficiently throughout the UK, Europe, USA and Far East. Oak Tree offers participative and interactive programmes that offer course members the opportunity to develop the skills that provide a foundation for improved performance. Our courses seek to address the real-life challenges of the participants and will provide ample opportunity for skill practice including, group work, case studies, exercises and discussion. Our prime aim is ensure that each and every course participant can address personal challenges within the context of the course objectives and will have clear action plans and follow-up activities by the end. To this end, each session within our courses will normally include the opportunity to make plans for transference to the workplace. We believe for training to be effective it should be enjoyable, relevant, confidence building and challenging. Most of all, it should make a difference.

Awareness Matters Ltd

awareness matters ltd


Cathy is based in Suffolk, but travels widely across the UK and internationally with Awareness Matters running commissioned workshops and training for multi-agency professionals, counsellors/psychotherapists, from both statutory and voluntary organisations on issues related to domestic violence & abuse. Cathy has 24 years experience as a therapist and is a registered MBACP Senior Accredited Counsellor and Supervisor with the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy adhering to the BACP Code of Ethics. Cathy values working therapeutically with both clients and supervisees and enjoys the unique learning process that therapy provides. Cathy has a particular interest in the traumatic impact of domestic and sexual abuse. Cathy is Chair of Trustees for the charity Compassion – addressing domestic abuse and providing long term support to victims and families. To learn more about the work of Compassion please view the short film below or visit www.compass-ion.org Cathy is an experienced facilitator for therapeutic group work for survivors of domestic and sexual abuse and has provided group supervision for teams of facilitators and therapists for many years. Cathy has managed various specialist therapeutic service provisions including Southend Women’s Aid, SOS Domestic Abuse Projects and Lighthouse Women’s Aid, Ipswich. For many years Cathy sat on the DV Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel addressing domestic abuse prosecutions for the Suffolk Crown Prosecution Service and continues to provide consultancy for organisations. Cathy is enthusiastic and passionate about her work in the arena of domestic abuse, but when not working Cathy enjoys time with her family, walking, gardening, travel and catching up with friends.