38 Educators providing Courses

Hay House UK

hay house uk



Hay House is a mission-driven company dedicated to supporting positive change in the world by helping all people to grow in mind, body, and spirit. With a diverse roster of customers, authors, and points of view, Hay House offers products and resources that empower, educate, and inspire. Our Story Louise Hay, the founder of Hay House, is known as one of the pillars of the modern self-help movement. Louise’s personal philosophy was forged from a troubled early life, capped by her most profound challenge—literally healing herself from cancer through the power of her mind. As she wrote, “Every thought we think is creating our future.” Louise initially self-published Heal Your Body and You Can Heal Your Life, both of which became international bestsellers. Hay House was founded in 1987 as a way for Louise to help other authors publish transformational books and audio programs. Today, Hay House is one of the largest independently owned mind-body-spirit and transformational enterprises in the world. With U.S. offices in Carlsbad, California; New York City; and Austin, Texas, and international divisions in the United Kingdom, Australia, and India, we deliver our products and services to millions of people in more than 35 countries. What We Offer Hay House produces books (print, electronic, and audio), card decks, calendars, streaming content, mobile apps, and more. From self-improvement to spirituality, health to business, metaphysics to memoir, diet to tarot, children’s books to crystals, we offer our audience a wide selection of practical and inspirational resources in a broad range of formats. We also offer online courses through Hay House Online Learning; live events around the world with our roster of visionary thought leaders through; and intimate listening experiences with our top teachers through Hay House Podcasts and our Empower You Unlimited Audio. Our self-publishing division, Balboa Press, empowers independent authors to bring their own messages to the world.

Owenico Consult

owenico consult


At Owenico Consult, we are your dedicated partners in the pursuit of personal and professional excellence. Our unwavering commitment lies in empowering individuals to not only master essential skills but also unlock the true potential within themselves. Our comprehensive portfolio of coaching and training programmes is meticulously crafted to elevate Emotional Intelligence, nurture profound Social Intelligence and facilitate a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth. We specialise in equipping individuals and organisations with the invaluable tools of emotional intelligence, catalysing enhanced leadership capabilities, fostering improved relationships and ultimately, propelling overall success. Our collaborative efforts extend to healthcare institutions, including esteemed organisations like the National Health Service (NHS). Within these healthcare ecosystems, we diligently cultivate leadership principles that prioritise the well-being of staff and the delivery of high-quality support services, resulting in a harmonious, loyal, and highly productive workforce. At the individual level, we partner with healthcare leaders and professionals, arming them with the essential personal attributes required for career elevation and providing compassionate care. By addressing and surmounting barriers to career progression, we empower them to strategically advance in their careers while simultaneously nurturing fulfilling personal lives marked by enriching relationships. Our unwavering dedication to this mission is rooted in our firm belief that a multitude of societal challenges, including unhappiness, anxiety, depression, stress, family discord, domestic abuse, suicide, substance abuse, violence, career stagnation and numerous contemporary issues, stem from an underlying lack of emotional awareness. This passionate commitment drives us to create a positive leadership landscape where individuals are content and eager to contribute their best efforts. We specialise in forging cultures of trust within organisations, which, in turn, foster collaboration, engagement and unleash the boundless wellsprings of creativity, productivity, commitment and loyalty. We understand that organisations that prioritise their employees and nurture their well-being in today's rapidly evolving workplaces thrive and endure. It is our unshakeable belief that your career can flourish and you can achieve tremendous success and satisfaction. At Owenico Consult, we are firmly dedicated to guiding you toward a life characterised by profound self-awareness, emotional mastery, and flourishing relationships. Our seasoned coaches and trainers are wholly committed to your journey, providing personalised guidance and unwavering support at every juncture.  Take that pivotal first step toward a future defined by heightened emotional intelligence and boundless possibilities. Your journey to self-improvement, professional excellence and transformative success begins with us.  

Roxcool - Day Classes

roxcool - day classes

ROXCOOL is a professional instructional business based in and around the North East of England but we are often found working in North Yorkshire, The Peak District, Scotland and our favourite place in the whole world The Lake District. We specialise in climbing and mountaineering courses but also offer opportunities for adventures through guided and fun activities using our team of professionals. We were established in January 2009 and since then the company has not only survived but has prospered. We are very proud of the fact that we are the only Mountain Training course provider in the North East of England, offering all of their climbing instructor and walking leadership courses. We pride ourselves on giving satisfaction and so far all our feedback on both Facebook and TripAdvisor has been 5 * and positive. We also offer technical self-improvement courses relating to safe systems used in climbing and mountaineering situations. So whether its learning to set up simple belay systems or the rudiments of navigation we have a course for you. Our guiding service is very popular for those with specific goals in mind, so you can enjoy and access some of the classic walks, climbs and scrambles of The Lake District and other mountainous areas of the UK or just have a grand day out. Our work with both local and national charities has gone from strength to strength over the past few years and makes up a high proportion of our annual delivery. We specialise in tailor made events and have become somewhat experts in abseiling from unusual buildings (just click on our ‘Charity Events’ tab above). Our charity walks are a great way to encourage lots of participants and a great way to raise money for a chosen charity close to your heart. Finally, we wanted to tell you about our Spanish Adventures and retreats based in Southern Spain. These adventures definitely fit with our company strap line 'for adventures of a lifetime'. Although we have had a connection and a place set aside in our heart with a little village called Murtas for over fifteen years, we have only recently, started to offer adventures there. These adventures are as far removed from life on the costa's as they could be and so far everyone who has visited has fallen in love with the areas we have taken them to. So if you are after some guaranteed sun, warm hospitality, a new cultural experience and possibly a little vino away from the tourists, we think we have the perfect experience for you. If you are involved or want to be involved in any hill walking, mountaineering, climbing or adventure based activity we hope we have a course for you, but just in case we have missed something please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a ‘tailor made’ programme that meets your needs.

Jfk Educational Consultants

jfk educational consultants


At JFK Institute of Technology and Management (JFK-ITM), we strive to help under graduates, graduates & industry professionals to realize their potential and up-grade their skills through in-house customized training and management development programs taking advantage of state of the art technologies. Everything we do reflects this mission and the values that make it possible. Vision JFK-ITM is strategizing its operations to be a leader in the educational sector by focusing on students' innovation and efficiency to transform them into Human Intellectual Capital (HIC), through our management development programs and to provide career development opportunities to JFK-ITM staff. All of these elements will drive bottom line success and show that JFK-ITM is the only educational Institution which can fill the gap between university graduates' skills level and real life corporate world’s requirements. Our vision also includes collaboration with leading universities of the world for split degree programs and certifications. Values As an institution and individuals we value: To learn and develop new skills. Honesty, objectivity and dedication. Respect for our customers. Respect for time. Passion for technology. Openness to new ideas. Taking big challenges and seeing them through. Self improvement and personal excellence. Passion for quality. Passion for participating in the Nation Building Process. Passion for transforming our youth into HIC. Aim To provide affordable education, training, mentoring and supervision for students and professionals to upgrade their skills. To help fresh graduates to develop themselves into corporate fit executives. To assist fresh graduates to seek admission in foreign universities for higher education. To help research students to upgrade their research skills through our training programs. To mentor and guide under graduates, post graduates & doctorate candidates in successful completion of their thesis. Operational Objectives To help fill the skill gap between fresh university graduates and ever changing requirements of the corporate world through training and development programs. To provide management consultancy services to the corporate sector for process development and process re-engineering. To mentor and guide students to prepare them for various entry tests required for local and foreign universities and professional colleges including GRE, GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL, SAT-I, SAT-II etc. To help and mentor research students in developing their hypothesis, select research methodologies, develop survey formats, design questionnaires, structure interviews, conduct need assessment, collect data for specific need, develop data entry formats, process data, analyze data, interpret data, draw conclusions, develop research reports. To create common platform between corporate sector and universities for brainstorming regarding academic curriculum development to reduce the gap between what is being taught at universities and what is required by Pakistan Corporate sector. To organize training on various packages including SPSS, Content Anylasis, Statistical Analysis, SQL, ORACLE, SAP, DBMS. To conduct feasibility studies for automization of organizational operations. To conduct Operational Research for big companies to re-engineer their process.

UK Training & Development Limited

uk training & development limited

Hemel Hempstead

UKTD mission is to seize opportunities as they present themselves in our changing world and to offer Apprenticeships and private qualifications that are engaging, innovative and exciting. Through blended learning and technologies available to us and the impact of our delivery, we aim to retain our learners and employers and ensure the sectors we work with have the expertise and skills they need for the future. Company Vision & Core Values UKTD vision is to be a leading Training Provider in the UK, in particular for the Hairdressing industry. Our vision is to be synonymous with quality provision and expertise in our field, delivering innovative and high-quality learning experiences for the learners and businesses we work with. Through our core values and KPI’s we have aligned the company to achieve a high impact for learners and quality provision. Our vision is to also create the ethos of lifelong learning to ensure the industries we work with have the necessary skills for their business and the future. Core Values Integrity is fundamental to the culture of UKTD, it focuses us on what is important and on our main priorities, doing the best for all those we work with and for, this includes, our staff, employers, learners, and all stakeholders, that invest in us, including Board of Governors, ESFA and Ofsted. High Achievement- ensuring that through excellent data systems and reporting we are aware of areas for self-improvement to the benefit of all our stakeholders Transparency – To be an open and transparent organisation, keeping people informed via our website, marketing materials, and most importantly through the Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) that we provide. Through open dialogue with our customers, we welcome feedback and recognise the value this has for our business in helping us to improve how we work and the services we offer. Quality – Quality and raising standards are paramount in everything that we do. Through our partnerships with employers, we aim to offer high quality programmes that both challenge and stretch our learners throughout their chosen apprenticeship. The quality of teaching and learning at our placements is a top priority and with robust quality checks and ongoing support, we are committed to achieving excellent provision for all our learners. Impact– To achieve max impact in terms of achievement and outcomes, through alignment of Policy and procedure to company KPI in all departments and job roles Innovation – Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, from designing and delivering training solutions that raise the profile of work-based apprenticeships, to incorporating new ways of making our programmes relevant in an ever-changing landscape. Value – We provide training solutions for employers and learners designed to meet their needs, offering excellent value both financially and materially. From the feedback we have received from learners and businesses, our training has had a considerable positive impact on companies and careers. We aim to continue this with the new standards, placing good value products and services at the core. Experience – Our managers and staff have extensive knowledge and experience and are kept up to date through their Continuing Professional Development (CPD), standardisation and regular training. We have 20 years’ experience of WBL and the industries we work with, and we understand the value of excellent relationships with employers to encourage and support the best possible training and delivery models. Competitiveness – as an organisation with ambitions for further expansion, UKTD is highly competitive, focusing on high levels of retention, achievement, and outcomes for all. We see quality and the understanding of our business partners’ needs as fundamental to achieving this goal. Recognition and Celebration – Celebration of our shared achievement is important and motivating for us all. Additionally, we actively encourage participation and involvement in pursuing both learner and employer excellence, through the achievement of national and local awards.

Peebles High School

peebles high school

Peebles High aims to do everything we can to ensure a positive experience and outcome for our young people while they are here with us. To do this we published a very ambitious document in 2106 entitled “ Vision 2020”. This captures the how and why we hope to do this for every member of our school. Please download this pdf or continue down this page to read more fully about our ambition and commitment. phs_about01 phs_about02 phs_about03 phs_about04 phs_about05 phs_about06 phs_about07 phs_about08 phs_about09 phs_about10 phs_about11 phs_about12 phs_about13 Our Values Our values are taken from the mace of the Scottish Parliament: Justice, Wisdom, Compassion and Integrity. We aim to exemplify these values in our actions and encourage each other to live by these values. Our decision making and strategic planning are founded on these values. Mente et Manu. Compassion We care about each other, the wider school community, and the whole of society. We see ourselves as global citizens with a responsibility to help those less fortunate than ourselves. We try our hardest to understand those who hold different values and beliefs and celebrate our differences. Integrity We promote and practise our values in our actions and reflect these values in our policies. We aim to face our challenges, identify areas for improvement and focus on meeting learners’ needs by applying these values with honesty and transparency. Justice We treat everyone fairly and always strive to provide equal opportunities. The safety and happiness of our school community members will be prioritised as we aim to deliver the very best opportunities for all to achieve and surpass their ambitions. We believe in, and are committed to, being an inclusive school. Wisdom When making decisions we will apply our knowledge, experiences, understanding, common sense and insight. We understand that at times the rights of our community members may be conflicting and we will always consider our values to help us arrive at the right decisions. We are all committed to learning every day. Our Key Aims To improve the lives and the life chances of all of our students. To promote respect and positive behaviour in all of our relationships. To ensure every student is included, participative and takes advantage of the wide range of activities on offer. To deliver the highest levels of attainment and achievement possible for every individual. To deliver positive and aspirational destinations for all of our students as they leave school. Self-evaluation for self-improvement Evaluating the quality of learning and teaching to ensure it is of the highest standard is given priority in our school. We ensure everyone involved in school life understands their responsibility to evaluate their performance and all stakeholders take an active role in identifying what the school needs to do to improve outcomes for learners. Using a variety of strategies, we involve different groups of parents, pupils and staff to lead, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate our improvements while avoiding overly bureaucratic approaches. We are committed to our School Improvement Partnerships with other schools, looking for and learning from best practice within Scotland and further afield. We listen carefully to advice from SBC, Scottish government and international sources, while also considering the best available research, to reflect on our practices and when planning new initiatives. Gathering and analysing data, information and views underpins our approach to identifying what we need to do to improve and we are always mindful of the impact of our approaches on workload for young people and staff. Learning, Teaching and the Curriculum 7 Principles At every stage of learning all of our students will benefit from their entitlement to a curriculum that is… challenging and enjoyable, broad in scope, progressive, deep, personalised by genuine choice, coherent and relevant Dialogic Teaching We harness the power of talk to stimulate and extend students’ thinking and advance their learning and understanding. Staff are skilled at using dialogic teaching to diagnose students’ learning needs, frame their learning tasks and assess progress. This empowers students for lifelong learning and active citizenship. Active Learning Providing active learning experiences is a priority for all of our staff. Our students are eager and active participants in all lessons. We engage all of our students in collaborative learning activities, outdoor learning, and provide learning experiences that are meaningful to a digital generation. Assessment for Learning We are committed to using assessment to aid the learning process. We believe that making and learning from mistakes is a vital aspect of learning and formative feedback, peer assessment and AifL strategies are at the heart of our approach to Learning and Teaching. 3-18 Experience We are committed to partnership working across Tweeddale to ensure that all of our students benefit from a coherent experience that builds on learning at every transition point. Across Tweeddale there is a consistent approach to pedagogy, a commitment to cross sector working/CLPL and a commitment to prioritise Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing and Skills for Learning, Life and Work.

Patchway Dragon Tang Soo Do

patchway dragon tang soo do


Dragon Tang Soo Do is an Association of friendly family martial arts clubs based predominantly in the South West of England. Tang Soo Do is a traditional Korean martial art which teaches self-defence, fighting skills and weapons, in addition, its many benefits also act as a guide to allow people to live a healthy and harmonious life. Incorporated within the Association is a Japanese based style of martial arts called Wado Ryu. These clubs which are based in Bournemouth joined the Association in 2004 and share our ethos, values and aims. Together we are a strong, united and friendly group of like minded martial artists keen to improve our knowledge and pass on our skills and experience to others. Our clubs cater for people with a wide range of abilities and ages (5 years and above), so whether you want to train to improve your fitness and health, or are keen to learn how to defend yourself, or simply want to find a hobby to relieve stress and make new friends, then we maybe for you! We live in challenging times and nowadays, increasing numbers of people are learning to protect themselves and their families, our martial arts are a very effective tried and tested method of self-defence. However there are many other reasons why men, women and children train with us, our martial art also provides skills such as self-confidence, self-discipline, physical fitness, flexibility, co-ordination and respect, skills that help us all to cope better with the pressures of everyday life. The real benefits of Dragon Tang Soo Do are not the coloured belts you earn, but the positive changes that you will experience, the enhancement of your mind, body and spirit as well as the development of individual character and respect for others. The true goal of Dragon Tang Soo Do is to use the lessons you learn in class to enrich every part of your life. Our Vision The vision of Dragon Tang Soo Do is one where people can practice the Martial Arts in a safe and controlled environment. Dragon Tang Soo Do will strive to retain the important traditional aspects of our style, whilst being adaptable and open to new techniques and ideas. Our Instructors and senior grades will endeavour to provide instruction and guidance in a way that does not prejudice any student and will enhance the development of all, both in and out of the Dojang and Dojo (Training Halls). It is important that people enjoy the learning experience provided by Dragon Tang Soo Do. Goals To develop an individual’s mental and physical health. To build confidence in all who train with us. To have a reputation as an organisation of quality martial artists. To provide scheduled events to support the development of all. To set and maintain high standards. To build healthy relationships with other martial art organisations, in the interest of sharing best practices and continually developing the level of knowledge of the instructors and senior members. To maintain a balance between organisational cost effectiveness and the cost to the practitioner. To provide a challenging, fun environment that keeps the safety of all in mind. Diversity Every single person counts and everyone has a justifiable expectation to be treated with dignity and respect. That’s why through our ‘vision and goals’ the Directors, Masters and Instructors of Dragon Tang Soo Do are committed to ensuring that our Association respects and celebrates diversity and that all members are helped and encouraged to reach their full potential. Central to this we accept that we are all different and believe that everyone should be treated in an honest, fair and transparent manner in which their individuality should be celebrated and not used as a possible means of discrimination or barrier to achievement. If you feel there is anything more we can do to improve the way we treat our students then please speak to an Instructor, Master, Director or Master Thomas our Diversity Lead. History of Tang Soo Do The very first evidence of this ancient form of Korean martial arts appeared during the Three Kingdom era (57 BC-935 AD) as Hwa Rang Do. Since then, 2,000 years have passed. The indigenous martial arts quietly developed through generations of the Korean people. During some eras it flourished and other times it diminished, according to the political, economic or cultural environment. The art was known by various names throughout the eras, such as Hwa-Rang Do, Kyuck Too Ki, Moo Sul, Soo Bahk Ki, Soo Byuck Ki, and others. Following 1945 Korean independence, the Korean martial arts were again merged and flourished throughout the entire Korean Peninsula. Many organisations were founded with various names such as Soo Bahk Do, Tang Soo Do, Tae Soo Do, etc… At the beginning of the modern era of the Korean martial arts, Tang Soo Do was the most popular term for these arts. However, at that time, the Korean political leader was concerned about establishing Korean value based on Korean nationalism. The political leaders recognized the popularity of Korean martial arts around the world, but were opposed to the use of the name Tang Soo Do for the art, as it sounded like a Chinese martial art, because the first word “Tang” could be interpreted as representing the Chinese Tang Dynasty (617-907 AD). In 1964, a government sponsored small group created a new name for the Korean martial arts: Tae Kwon Do. We still respect the original term, Tang Soo Do, and intend to preserve its heritage and value as a traditional way or path. Unfortunately, many Tae Kwon Do instructors did not maintain the traditional values of the true martial arts. Instead, they converted to a sport as they have progressed to the internationally recognized sports arenas such as the Olympic games. This was considered to be a great political achievement, to bring strength and prominence to the Korean government in International politics. True Martial Arts lovers had no place within these Tae Kwon Do dojangs (Training Halls) to continue to pursue traditional martial arts because they abandoned many valuable aspects of true Martial Arts to become a simple competitive sport. We, as Tang Soo Do practitioners are striving to maintain traditional values of respect, dicipline, self control, self improvement, etiquette and ultimately live a healthy and harmonious life, physically and mentally. History of Wado Ryu It would be very difficult to trace the original roots of karate back to their inception, however it is believed that the Okinawan Islands off the Japanese coast were the birth place of the art practiced across the world today. Despite the strong links to Japan, the original name was “Chinese hand" or "Tang hand" which during the early part of the 1900s, the Japanese changed to Kara-te “open” or “empty hand” Wado Ryu is one of the four most popular karate styles practiced today, in comparison with others, it is relatively modern with the founder Hironori Ohtsuka, who had studied other forms of martial arts previously, introducing Wado Ryu in Tokyo around the mid 1930s. It wasn’t until 1965 that it was introduced to the United Kingdom by Tatsuo Suzuki. Our Clubs in Bournemouth have been operating since 1992 and we work hard to maintain the traditions and techniques as outlined by the Founder.

Courses matching "Self Improvement"

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Help to Grow Confidence and Tackle Imposter Mindset

By Samina Arshad

Travel and Parking arrangements: Paid parking is available (attendees are responsible for paying parking fees) From New St Station, follow signs to Moor St station. When you get to Moor St, go down the hill to the side of the station towards the multi-storey car park. At the car park, go left under the railway bridge. Immediately after the railway bridge turn right onto Shaw's passage, which is quite short. We're on the corner at the end of Shaws Passage - walk round the corner onto Allison Street and past the Cafe to the full glass door with the Birmingham Friends of the Earth hanging sign.

Help to Grow  Confidence and Tackle Imposter Mindset
Delivered In-Person in Birmingham Fri, Oct 1808:30
£97 to £150



By Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

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By Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

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