710 Educators providing Courses

Generation Women

generation women


I spent the first half of my career in a thick fog, and of course I got lost and ended up somewhere I didn’t want to be. I felt lost, miserable, and what little confidence I had was waning by the minute. I also became a total bore. I was consumed by how unhappy I was. I couldn’t even apply for another job because I didn’t know what I’d do. So I felt stuck. I had, by many measures, a great job, a great salary, in a great company. But I was in the wrong place. I was ambitious with nowhere to direct it, so it evolved into frustration! It took a fair bit of effort to turn it around, which started with working out what I wanted and developing some much needed confidence to get there. Thankfully I had a good basis with my Psychology degree, throw in a mountain of self-help books, a coaching and NLP qualification, a mountain of training on presenting and the like…and a real desire to build my brand, visbility, and expertise, meant I built a reputation for business and leadership transformation. That experience of having a big impact, being recognised, and having real influence made me feel like I could achieve anything. My values, purpose, and strengths were all aligned and I felt amazing! It came as quite a shock then to be confronted by my inner feminist one day. I’d had my first daughter (I now have 2), and was having a cheeky nap. You know how it is, I love my sleep! So for the first time ever, I sat her down in front of Nickelodeon so I could get some zzz’s. I was happily snoozing away when the advertising started to filter through to me. The ‘boys toys’ were all exciting and adventurous. The ‘girls toys’ made me want to vomit. All about being pretty and vacuous. I jumped off the sofa with an ‘oh hell no’! Ever since I was a little girl I’ve been driven by fairness. I think it may be because I’m the youngest of 4 and nothing ever seemed fair from my standpoint. My sister tells me of times I used to fight for gay rights at the dinner table and I was always arguing for what I felt was right (because it is). The one thing I’d never have called myself back then, or until that day, was a feminist. No, I’d been well trained by society to see feminists as embarrassing, hairy, dungaree-wearing angry women who made a show of themselves. This moment set a chain of events into action that lead me to start a political party where I live, and gave me the direction for the business I would later start.

Generation Edinburgh CIC

generation edinburgh cic


We are a dance family that look out for each other and encourage our pupils to succeed with their dreams. GE is a safe and loving environment where all attendees whether young or old enjoy themselves and feel accepted regardless of background, or technique in dance. Our school is built on the ‘3Es’: ‘Equip, Encourage and Engage’ to help our pupils grow and excel in dance, as individuals, as a team, and in making a difference in the world around them. 1) Equip GE seeks to bring excellence into our teaching and quality of dance. We aim to bring in the right balance of fun, challenge and variety in the classes that we teach. Regardless of whether our pupils are with us for a term or for some years we seek to equip them with a new skill that will aid them in their journey through life. 2) Encourage Encouragement is something we love to share and grow in our pupils. It’s so easy to look at the negatives, especially in learning something new. We aim to focus on the positives before addressing the improvements or gentle corrections. At times our pupils will watch each other and learn to feedback with two encouragement points and one improvement point. In doing this they learn to build each other up and recognise each other’s individual strengths and giftings. Each dancer is unique. 3) Engage Community is something we care deeply about and we see dance as an opportunity to make a difference where we can. We give pupils opportunities to take part in fundraisers, community projects and shows to teach them that they can help others and make the world a better place. As a dance school we love to liaise with charities, churches and schools and have been involved with SU camps, school projects, fundraisers and outreaches.