463 Educators providing Courses

Reach Remarkable Ltd

reach remarkable ltd


We help individuals and their teams achieve peak performance and productivity, emphasising resilience and wellbeing with our approach to complete health. Focusing on performance improvement alone can lead to great short term results but may also contribute to burnout in the longer term. We combine performance enhancement with improved resilience and holistic well-being, supporting sustainable long term performance and productivity. Everything we do is informed by practical, real-world experience, coupled with scientific research from organisational psychology, performance psychology, positive psychology, and physiology disciplines. Staying up to date with the latest research helps us stay at the leading edge of science, which we then apply in the workplace through training, consulting and coaching. Reach Remarkable is a privately owned company based in Wokingham, UK. Click to see what others have said about us About the founder Mark Quirk - Reach Remarkable Reach Remarkable was founded by Mark Quirk, simply, to make a difference. “I have more than 20+ years of first-hand experience in individual and management corporate roles, but after several years of positively manipulating those roles so that I could train, coach and support others, I decided that the world of computer software, which had supported me for 20+ years was going to become an ex-career, making space to go back to school for a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology, training in nutrition, and health coaching, and a whole new career working with people to help grow resilience, wellbeing and performance.” Today, in businesses, schools, athletics and charities, he brings the years of research behind resilience, models of wellbeing, peak performance, brain science, mindsets, longevity, mindfulness and strengths into reality.

Herefordshire Council

herefordshire council


Herefordshire Council was established in April 1998 and took over the responsibilities of South Herefordshire District Council, Hereford City Council and Hereford-Worcester County Council and some of Leominster District Council and Malvern Hills District Council. Herefordshire Council's ambitions are set out in full in our county plan. They focus on the key areas of environment, community and economy and are to: Protect and enhance our environment and keep Herefordshire a great place to live Strengthen communities to ensure everyone lives well and safely together Support an economy which builds on the county's strengths and resources Herefordshire Council operates a leader and cabinet model of governance. The council's 53 members meet together as full Council to set the policy framework, agree the budget and spending plans, set the Council Tax, elect the leader of the council and make constitutional decisions. It is also a forum for debate on major issues affecting the council and the county. Once elected, the leader of the council appoints and chairs the cabinet, sometimes called the executive. Each cabinet member has a specific area of responsibility, called a portfolio. The different service areas or activities the council is responsible for are called functions and the law determines whether decisions about a function are the responsibility of full Council (or one of its committees), an individual officer, or of the executive. The council's employees, often called officers, are responsible for delivering the council's policies and for the day-to-day operation of the organisation. Officers have a duty to support the whole council, are not accountable to individual councillors or to the political group in control of the council and must remain politically neutral.

Restorative Thinking

restorative thinking

Restorative and relational practice is an emerging Social Science, adopted in multiple ways across the UK and beyond by Police and Crime Commissioners, Schools, Local Authorities, Health and Social Care Settings, Prison and Probation Services to address a wide variety of challenges, including: • Positive mental health and wellbeing • Organisational culture change • Staff retention and a reduction in sick leave • Improving attendance, attainment and behaviour in schools • Fostering inclusive residential environments and a reduction in re-offending In 2012, the Restorative Thinking team began delivering face to face training and coaching. In 2013 we also started to develop intervention programmes for a variety of settings and groups: prisons and probation services, schools, youth offending services, parents and carers. Our parenting programme won the CANparent Quality Mark in 2014 and our curriculum programme for primary schools won the Teach Primary Resources Award in 2019. In 2020 we began to develop e-Learning CPD, creating our own learning platform and an innovative blended learning offer for all our working partners, allowing organisations and individuals to access restorative and relational practice via: • e-Learning CPD • Consultation • Face to face training/coaching • Zoom/Teams training/coaching • Action Learning Sets • Supervisions • Guided self-study • Restorative Practice Intervention Programmes Restorative Thinking has a comprehensive offer for working with colleagues in the field of restorative and relational practice. We are able to tailor our provision with each working partner, based on strengths, needs, intended outcomes, budgets. Our team continuously strives to operate and co-operate differently and better – being purposeful about improving our own brand of restorative and relational practice, guided by our belief in (and growing evidence base of) positive outcomes for those we work with.

Boarding In Uk

boarding in uk


We want to warmly welcome you to Boarding In UK. Boarding In UK’s journey began following the personal experience of a couple during their search for independent schools for their children in the UK. They’ve shared their story below: Having struggled in the past to decide which independent school was right for our two children, we took interest in finding out what really makes a good school for a child, how exactly one can make that judgement and subsequently make the right decision. We could remember the sad feeling that enveloped us when a prep school we desperately wanted our first child to attend declined to offer him a place. We asked so many questions but no clear answer, which led to many more questions. At that point all we focused on was how beautiful the facilities of the school was and their outstanding academic performance but did not even stop to ask if our son would thrive in that environment. We went back to the drawing board and by acknowledging our child's strengths and weaknesses, we were able to place him in the environment that not only helped him develop but also to thrive. Here in the UK, we have world class boarding schools that people yearly apply to attend. This can pose a huge challenge for parents and young people when deciding. Do you go for the "good" school but not necessarily the right place for your child or you place your child where they'll thrive but the school is not at the top of the league table? How do you choose whether to go for co-education or single sex boarding school?

Seva Education, Health & Care

seva education, health & care


he Seva Care Group is an innovative, specialist, multi-disciplinary support provider based in London supporting those with learning disabilities, ASD, ADHD, behavioural, emotional and social needs and other complex needs. We offer a complete range of services from accommodation to community based support including day and night respite to education, work experience, employment opportunities and fully accessible transport resources. Seva Education currently caters for pupils from 7 to 25 years of age with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs, ASD, ADHD and those with mild to moderate special needs and learning difficulties. Our schools are one part of several outreach facilities within the Seva Care Group, where services for children and young adults with disabilities, mental health and learning needs are met. Seva Education is very much at the center of the community that it serves, and relationships are strong. Our school's greatest strengths is its commitment to supporting its families. We truly believe that a safe, happy and comfortable child or young person is one who will thrive and reach their full potential. The curriculum delivered by our talented teaching and in-class support staff provides rich learning experiences and opportunities where every pupil gains knowledge and skills to understand and contribute to the world in which they live. This is complemented by the support of our therapy team, who engage pupils in emotional well-being, self-awareness and a range of therapies to meet individual outcomes. Each pupil has an individual learning plan which carves the pathway to their unique set of skills and interests. The curriculum builds aspirations, creates a sense of belonging and develops talent.

One To Learn

one to learn



One to Learn CIC delivers specialist dyslexia assessing and teaching Maths and English via One to One tuition for pupils working at p level to GCSE Level 3 – 5. Catering for both Mainstream and Home Educated pupils. Lessons are available at Tutors Home in Shrewsbury, or at school / college. Teaching is based on enjoyable, varied learning opportunities containing multisensory activities. Lessons are conducted in a relaxed and informal environment, created for the individual pupil after identifying their particular strengths and weaknesses. If Exam practice, homework help or Maths and English skills improvement is required, please contact us. Full diagnostic Assessments and Reports are available. Recommendations Becky Marlow Bowen recommends One to Learn.24 August · 2018 My daughter has benefitted so much from her weekly lessons with Sheena, it’s been amazing to watch her progress. Her confidence and belief in herself has grown so much. The lessons are fun and Chloe really enjoys them. I would highly recommend. Yolande Hilditch-Brown reviewed One to Learn – 5 star17 July · 2018 My daughter (who suffers with dyslexia) has been having one to one tutor sessions with Sheena for quite some time.. she absolutely loves her lessons and always comes away with a positive attitude.There has been a vast improvement in her reading, writing & spelling which has been reflected in her school work having just had an excellent school report. I would highly recommend Sheena to anyone looking for learning support. Vicky Austin‎ to One to Learn10 September 2017 · Thankyou sheena for getting Rebecca Evans through her gcse maths successfully. As you know, she struggled badly with the simplest concepts. Taking her back to basics and repeating tasks really worked for her. It’s nothing short of a miracle. Your help was priceless. X ‎Rebecca Turner‎ to One to Learn1 July 2016 · My son has becoming to Sheena for lessons in maths and literacy for over a year. He has ASD and ADHD and Sheena has been brilliant with him. She has helped to consolidate his core skills (which he had some big gaps in) and taught him lots of new skills! She is very patient and paces the lessons very well and manages my son’s ASD needs very well. Since Morgan started with you as her tutor her confidence and her ability has increased beyond belief. Not only has she gained confidence in her ability academically, she has gained confidence in herself. She has now finished her Hickey Multi-Sensory system, but is continuing with her tutoring as it has turned around her whole outlook on learning. We intend to keep her in your tuition to support her as she moves through to year 8 and on-wards. Thank you for all your help over the last 2 years to improve her percentile from 20 to 47 Great work! I would recommend (and have already recommended) your services to anyone who has need of extra educational support. Thank you again. (Joanna Jones 2016) Sheena McKay quickly put my autistic son at ease during the diagnostic tests that she did. Her teaching skills are outstanding – I would highly recommend her. (A Jones 21 July 2012) Sheena provides a safe, caring teaching environment that complements our childrens’ primary education that continues to exceed our expectations. ( J.G.2012) The best thing that ever happened for my daughter was me contacting Sheena (Mrs C. Morgan) We have been very pleased with your commitment and approach to Charlie’s education. The fact that I have never for one moment felt the need to question your teaching and ideas, speaks for itself, and it has been a period in Charlie’s life where we have been confident that he is getting the best opportunity and individual attention possible. Sue Edwards Teague. (July 2010) Luke has grown and developed, his speech and language has improved immensely and he is leaving his first year a very happy and confident 4 year old and we believe that you were very valuable to that. Mrs Steel (July 2010) You have been so supportive of both him and me in the past year. Mrs Parnell (July 2010) I’ve valued your support and wealth of knowledge and will continue to do so. Alison Arrowsmith (July 2010) I myself have always valued your expert knowledge and found you very supportive. Jenny Bygrave (July 2010) In the short time you have known Daisie you have had such a positive effect on her and I am so grateful to you for that. Emma Hingley (July 2010) As a parent of children with educational needs I would recommend Sheena Mckay as a fantastic, understanding and devoted teacher. My daughter loved being taught by her and looked forward to going to school every morning. Mrs Mckay was also very understanding and sympathetic of our son’s problems too. She was always there at the end of school to put time aside for any parent, no matter what the problem. Mrs Jan Phillips (Sept. 2010) Sheena teaches with ease, knowledge and, more importantly for a young boy whom is easily distracted, with humour and fun. (Mr N. L) As a parent of children with educational needs I would recommend Sheena Mckay as a fantastic, understanding and devoted teacher. My daughter loved being taught by her. (Mrs J. Phillips) Sheena has helped Cody improve his speech, which in this short period of time has come on in leaps and bounds. Most importantly Cody enjoys his time with Sheena and always comes away with a smile. (Shauni Owen)

Yannick Jacob

yannick jacob

I help people think, learn & grow; I hold space to ponder, understand and make courageous choices; and I hope to inspire the world to embrace their life, work and "human condition" in all its beautiful and challenging facets. I especially enjoy working with leaders, coaches and people who consider themselves in a "position of great responsibility". I help them navigate the big and small questions of life and business. My work is evidence-based, informed by positive psychology and other branches of science and is grounded in the philosophical framework of existentialism. This unique combination will help you understand what drives your behaviour, manage & embrace life's many challenges, figure out what makes your life worth living and take action. People have much more in common than they have differences. That is why, existentially, we're all unique, yet very similar at a fundamental level. An understanding of human nature as well as individual cognitive and emotional processes in combination with psychological sciences, common sense and an upfront mode of practicing enable me to work with a broad range of clients. I have learned and experienced, that this knowledge is worth more than understanding specific environments, business sectors or technical processes. In my work I... - facilitate development 1on1 and in group sessions helping clients to reach goals, make difficult decisions, create meaning, overcome anxiety, get motivated and generally deal with life's adversities & challenges, - resolve conflicts between and within people, communities and organisations, - lead and develop personal & social education tutoring, workshops and training (leadership, assertiveness, confidence building, communication, strengths, relationships etc - over 200 topics), - work towards establishing personal development as a universal school subject, - promote integrative approaches to talking practice combining aspects of coaching, therapy, mentoring, consulting and mediation.

Profile International Consultancies

profile international consultancies

Profiles International is “The Assessment Company” for employee assessment solutions (Talent Genetic Performance Engineering). We provide services in the domain of talent assessments and talent management strategies. We have a distinctive offering in the arena of implementing online assessment solutions; as well as, offline Full Assessment Centers. With a global presence in over 120 countries and a two regional offices, in Dubai and Amman - serving more than 23 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, we assist clients throughout all phases of the employee life cycle to enhance the productivity and performance of individuals, teams, and organizations. Since our establishment in the M.E.N.A. region in 1999, thousands of organizations from different sectors have used Profiles International products and services to manage and reduce their human resources challenges. Our Employee Assessment Solutions Our employee assessment solutions can help clients: Screen-out unsuitable candidates Match others with jobs that fit their inherent capabilities Understand the strengths and limitations of successful onboarding Identify opportunities to enhance performance and maximize their long-term contribution to the organization Our Team We are constantly working to improve and expand our products and services. Our research and development professionals anticipate market needs and respond to client requests by creating new products and developing our existing assessments. Our Client Service team in the Middle East and North Africa are bilingual with a minimum of 7 years regional exposure in general, and to the Gulf in particular; hence making our approach meaningful, valid, and relevant to the region's culture and that of the industry. We completely train our clients on every aspect of using assessments. With Profiles, we ensure you are completely comfortable using any of our tools that you have purchased. How we Differ We stand out from our competitors—and can help you do that, as well.

High Grange School

high grange school


High Grange School’s multi-disciplinary approach incorporates best practices and autism-friendly strategies and supports in order to meet the educational needs of students who have ASD. Our students learn how to develop and use effective compensatory strategies to overcome difficulties in social and emotional processing, communication and flexibility in thinking and behaviour, all of which can combine to have a negative impact on their learning. The design of the school; its environment and facilities; and the structure and delivery of our educational programmes are created to reduce the stress and anxieties often associated with an autism spectrum condition. Our enabling teaching approach provides multiple physical and practical opportunities as well as visual supports for learning. This helps students to achieve their full potential by understanding and dealing with personal challenges while making the most of their abilities and strengths. Managing expectations realistically is a core part of our educational programme. Individualised Learning Plans are created for all students with input from the school’s specialist therapists. These plans include strategies to enable students to manage their anxieties; to regulate their emotional responses; and to reduce or eliminate negative and inappropriate behaviours which are preventing effective learning and positive social interactions. During the school day students have access to a varied and stimulating curriculum. The Classes are grouped by Key Stage and students are taught in small groups of up to 6. Teachers use detailed planning to ensure each individual is enabled to achieve in all areas. Classrooms are well-equipped and include specialist facilities for Music, Art & Design, D&T, Science, Computer Science and ICT, Food Technology and Performing Arts. High Grange has excellent PE facilities, including a swimming pool, large gymnasium, hard court areas and extensive grassed areas.

Create Learning Trust

create learning trust


In education, teachers often refer to a moment when they see something ‘click’ for a child; the exact moment where a concept is understood, an imagination is lit or an idea is formed. Create Learning Trust is a network of academies committed to giving children and young people moments like that in their education. We embrace innovation, share best practice and shape opportunities; creating an environment that sparks and ignites the talents and interests of our staff and students. To achieve this, every member of our community is committed to: Working together to provide the best quality of education Encouraging innovation, self-belief and confidence Acting with a moral purpose and with integrity Our Principles After looking at the strengths of our schools, and reviewing number of successful MATs, as well as analysing issues for MATs who have faced difficulties, Trustees have created a list of principles that will underpin the trust. The trust will be made up of Trustees who know our schools and our communities and/or have specialist skillsets Every academy will retain a Local Governing Body and as much responsibility as possible will be delegated to them Each school will retain its own individual identity and ethos. We want Create Learning Trust to be the sum of different, complementary parts, that work together to create a strong and supportive environment We will, however, look to share ideas and best practice to reduce teacher workload and embrace innovation Our Trust is committed to supporting and recognising the contribution of all staff make, and is focused on job retention and creation We will be innovative in how we ensure we get value for money from contracts and also, in the future, generate income to support our schools. The focus will always be on how we can invest our resources to maximise the benefits for our pupils.