38881 Educators providing Courses

Pownall Hall School

pownall hall school


I am delighted that you are considering Pownall for this very important stage of your child’s education, and I hope that our website will introduce you to all the academic, sporting and co-curricular opportunities available here at Pownall Hall. As a preparatory school, we thoroughly prepare our pupils for the top performing independent schools in the North West. Our ‘up-levelled’ core curriculum allows pupils to aspire and achieve the results required to attend the very best academic schools in the region. This combined with a rich and diverse range of specialist taught subjects means that we provide the very best academic opportunities possible: science in our laboratory, art and design and design technology in our studio, music and drama in our very own Boddington theatre, three languages and extensive grounds, an astro and a sports hall for our specialist PE and Games lessons. Our co-curricular programme of wellbeing, mental health and growth mindset enables us to educate the whole child, developing them both socially and emotionally to become curious, hard-working, aspirational, inquisitive, kind and caring children. Many families aspire for their children to attend top performing schools for their senior phase, yet still wish for them to be at a co-educational, local school in their formative years. At Pownall, we are the very best of both and will provide your child with the strong academic foundations required for the demands of 11+ whilst remaining a small class size, nurturing and family based school. At Pownall Hall we are a family, a family of pupils, staff, parents, governors and friends, all working together to ensure an excellent academic outcome in a caring, safe environment. Our curriculum is creative, broad, active and diverse, wrapped in a caring ethos and all of this is underpinned by a no-compromise approach to the safeguarding of our children, ensuring a happy and safe place for your child to flourish. We are very fortunate to have over 8 acres of beautiful grounds allowing us to have outdoor classrooms, a wildlife pond and forest school provision within our woodland areas; all of which provides excellent learning opportunities for all ages, with free flow inside/outside learning in all our early years provision. Pastoral care is paramount at Pownall. Our staff really get to know your child and will always encourage them to talk if there is something on their mind; this of course will be shared with you, transparency is key. It is crucial that each family knows and understands their son or daughter in the same way that our teaching and support staff do. We will work together to ensure your child’s happiness. We also operate a buddy system between the children from the lower and upper parts of the school, further encouraging the importance of kindness. We have a whole child approach at Pownall. Your child’s social and emotional development is very important to us and has a direct correlation to their personal progress and success. As well as the bespoke areas, there is an essential focus on wellbeing and mindfulness that enables your child to develop a growth mindset that will ensure that they flourish. We believe that these values as well as mental health and wellbeing are just as important as the academic rigour we provide to achieving success in life. We want our children to see themselves as part of a bigger picture, we want them to see beyond themselves and how social values and the qualities of humility, kindness, compassion, discipline, and honesty, are such a very important part of who they will become and what they can be.

Beacon Music Education

beacon music education


So I'm reading David Byrne's book, How Music Works, and last night I get to a chapter called "Amateurs!" — and I had to put down the book so I could take a minute and write to all of you. If you want to know why I started Beacon Music Factory in this amazing little Hudson Valley town, the desire to celebrate amateurs has a lot to do with it. I think everyone deserves to make some music, because making music will lift you up to the rafters. If music moves you, making music will move you even more. Byrne writes, "The act of making music, clothes, art, or even food has a very different, and possibly more beneficial effect on us than simply consuming those things." In modern society, we have tended "toward the creation of passive consumers, and in many ways this tendency is counterproductive." What he's referring to is the idea that for a bazillion years people made music. Then in the 20th century we created a recording industry, out of which has come a recorded-music world in which most people participate by merely consuming music. Feh. "Maybe, like sports," says Byrne,"making music can function as a game—a musical "team" can do what an individual cannot." Exactly. Long before there was ever a recording industry, music-making was a way of socializing, or being on a team. In the back forty, on the front porch, in the parlor, on a street corner, in church, in a pub. A hundred years ago, if you wanted to hear some music you got together with your peeps and you made some music. When I rave to anyone — parent, student, teacher, whomever—about why I think our Rock Band Boot Camp program is so incredible, so inspiring, so important, it's because no matter what you, the student, bring to it, you can—and we will—put it to use. And in the process, while you're in rock camp, as a contributing member of this team, of this group, of this band that you're in, you share a common goal with your crew. You're in it together. Suddenly the music you're making is more fun, more engaging, and more interesting to you than anything on Spotify or whatever on Brooklyn Vegan. The songs you're working on might be cheesy as hell, but all of a sudden you find yourself inside the music looking out—maybe for the first time. And because you're a vital part of the band, some part of that arrangement depends on you. What a rush. Byrne quotes anthropologist Ellen Dissanayake: "Prehistorically, …all art forms were communally made, which had the effect of reinforcing a group's cohesion, and thereby improving their chances of survival." Communal cohesion, tell me about it. If you were at any of the Adult Boot Camp final shows over the past year (London Calling, Arena Rock, Ziggy Stardust, Marquee Moon, Odd Man Out), the community support and enthusiasm rocked as hard as the bands. In our Rock Band Boot Camps, we are so dedicated to providing an opportunity for any and all kinds of people to rock out (our way of saying make music while having the time of your life). Of course, BMF diligently serves its serious students with instruction in a wide range of instruments, yes. But there is this other part of our mission: and that is to let the person with desire (and perhaps no experience) get his or her ya-yas out. As long as you've got desire, you really ought to give yourself the chance to rock out. And what better way to rock out than to make real music with real people like yourself. I really believe in what we're doing with these rock band camps, and I'm grateful to our teaching staff and to all of you, our students and supporters, for making this thing so real.

Oxford Royale Academy

oxford royale academy


Nearing the end of his undergraduate degree at Oxford University, our Director, William Humphreys, reflected on the life-changing opportunities that had been afforded to him, and the countless avenues now open ahead of him, as a result of his time at Oxford. Affected profoundly by the transformational effect this place and this education had had on his life, he started discussions with his brother and Co-Director George about how these same opportunities and experiences might be offered to students looking to make decisions about their own futures. George and William opened the first ORA summer school in 2005, made up of 35 students, a number of whom are still in touch with us and each other today! That summer was full of academic energy and progress, friendship, cultural expansion, and fun! It became clear that the opportunity to use summer holidays to learn in an entirely different way from school was both exciting and inspiring to students from all over the world. Energised by the opportunity to bring something new to the world of education, our most popular courses were born and aptly named ‘New Perspectives’ and ‘Broadening Horizons’. We build and retain close relationships with our students and their parents, listening carefully to their experiences and ambitions. These relationships have become an important driver of our growth and we are always thrilled to hear from alumni about the paths they have taken and the successes they have enjoyed. By 2008, we were accredited by the British Council, had assembled a committed team of staff and teachers excited by this new philosophy, and were welcoming hundreds of students each year to Oxford to study a growing number of courses. From 2010 onwards, with students wanting to return to the programme but keen to see more of the world, we began programmes in Cambridge, and later St Andrews, London, and Yale. In 2017 we launched programmes for younger students, from age 8, as well as courses for students aged 19 and over, many of whom were former students wishing to continue their education with us. We have been awarded the BETA Award for Best Educational Product an astonishing five times, and have been proud recipients of The Queen’s Award for Enterprise three times. We have an extraordinary team of staff, all entirely committed to the transformational effect education has on a young life. These range from the counsellors on our campuses who guide students through each day and offer insights into university life, to the teachers who get to know our students well enough to introduce them to the precise topics and ideas that will inspire them, to the office staff who work with parents to ensure their children are happy, safe, and make the most of every opportunity presented to them in their time with us. Of course 2020 was not part of anyone’s plan. When it became clear in March that we would be unable to guarantee the safety and wellbeing of our international student body that summer, we were forced to suspend our programmes for the first time in our history. Disappointed but not disheartened, we decided to rise to the challenge and move our courses online, with the firm commitment to preserving the interactivity, the excitement and the academic rigour that characterises our summer programmes. We were blown away by the dedication of our teaching staff that summer, by the positivity and intelligence of our students, and by the enduring commitment to learning and aspiration. With this confirmation that the ORA philosophy thrives even in the face of such challenges, and with a firm commitment to innovation in a fast-changing world, we are extremely excited about the future. Education, and working globally, has never been more important and we are proud to be at the forefront of innovation in international education.

Chickenshed Theatre Company

chickenshed theatre company


We've been making pioneering, beautiful and inclusive theatre for over 40 years. And we're just getting started... Chickenshed is an inclusive theatre company that first began in 1974. Primarily based at our own purpose-built venue in North London, we create theatre for all ages and run successful outreach projects, education courses and membership programmes throughout the year. We are also a registered charity and rely heavily on the generous support of individuals, companies, trusts and foundations in order to continue our pioneering work. Performance Entertaining and thought-provoking Performance is at the heart of everything that we do, and brings together all aspects of the company. Our work uses the stage to celebrate diversity and performance as a vehicle to communicate with audiences and tackle topical social issues. We regularly present original and entertaining productions for young children, families and adults. We also create new work, inspired by the people around us, about personal and social issues that affect society today which we then take on tour to theatres, community centres and schools across the UK. You can visit our What's On section, to see our upcoming shows and events. Education Because everyone has a right Chickenshed changes lives by bringing young people from all social and economic backgrounds, cultures and abilities together to study creatively alongside each other, many of whom have been marginalised by society and excluded from mainstream educational settings. We welcome over 200 students onto our Level 3, Foundation Degree and BA courses every year. 66% of students would not otherwise have the opportunity to study, yet 95% of these same students achieve a nationally recognised qualification at Chickenshed. Participation Celebrating diversity We believe that every person who joins our company positively changes the way that we work. We work to every individual's strengths, finding the creative environment that will enable them to flourish. We hold weekly workshops for over 900 children and young people - providing them with a safe and rewarding environment where they can gain a new-found confidence and have the chance to regularly perform in major in-house productions. Outreach Targeting those who are difficult to reach Chickenshed has established a network of partners that enables us to effectively target children and young people who would otherwise not be able to access our work. We regularly take our inclusive outreach model on the road, delivering over 15 projects and benefiting over 15,000 young people every year in venues ranging from primary schools and young offender centres, to mainstream and special schools. Our work engages and educates young people about relevant social issues through the power of performance and active participation in workshops. ‘You must do the show in my primary school because that is when everything bad starts.' 13-year-old boy from a school in London. We also run Shedlink - an ongoing project that enables us to help community groups set up independent 'Sheds' around the UK (and two in Russia!) so that more people can benefit from our ethos and teaching style. Chickenshed Kensington & Chelsea Expanding our work to meet growing need In 2011, we launched our branch in Kensington & Chelsea to bring our work to an area of London polarised between rich and poor. This will ensure even more children and young people can experience the importance of being included and valued; not segregated or rejected. 50% of children in the Borough of Kensington and Chelsea attend independent schools, yet 42% of children in the Borough are from low income families. Young Creators Vocational training programme Young Creators is a professional development programme which launched in 2013, providing young people with access to training and practical work experience in a variety of theatre skills. The programme provides a platform which teaches young people creative skills and arms them with the necessary tools to further their professional development. Each year, up to 165 Young Creators can benefit from the programme