3918 Educators providing Courses

Wiltshire Equine Assisted Learning

wiltshire equine assisted learning


Wiltshire Equine Assisted Learning offers one to one social, emotional and mental health support through equine and animal assisted outdoor learning. creates positive opportunities for young people to thrive in the outdoors in a safe and supportive space, to reset the trajectory of life’s path. allows young people, through nurturing animals, to develop their empathy and find a sense of calm. gives learners real farming responsibilities, promoting satisfaction and pride. Being herd animals, horses seek connection and trust, and they mirror our behaviour. In working with them, learners are able to develop perspective of their own behaviour and begin to regulate their energy. All work with horses is from the ground (not ridden) and so no previous equine experience is necessary. Through interactions with animals, and the outdoor world in which they live, learners enjoy the freedom of nature, gain confidence, resilience, self-esteem and self-awareness by working on outdoor activities and a bespoke animal assisted learning program. Within our farm environment we are able to create holistic opportunities for learners to stretch their expectations and reach their full potential in a safe and supported way. Learners develop an understanding of themselves, their emotions, the perspective of others and in turn improve their focus, communication skills and their wellbeing. Preparation for adulthood Employment skills - we deliver tutoring, to include time keeping, record keeping, appropriate behaviour, health and safety, modelling good practice, team and independent work, and knowledge of job-based skills. Independent living - learners develop an abundance of practical skills, as well as communication, organisation, day to day maths, and budgeting. Engaging with the community - in working with horses, learners improve their social communication skills, their respect of self, empathy for others, body language, nurturing relationships, care and kindness. Health - learners work in the outdoors where we promote the benefit of fresh air and healthy living, activity and exercise, lifestyle choices, resilience, mindfulness and positive mental health skills. Managing transitions Learners are invited for a site visit with their support worker, parents or carers to assess the suitability of our sessions as their alternative provision. Transitions are than managed through a referral form to establish each individual learner’s needs and the tailoring of sessions appropriate to the targets of their education, health and care plans (EHCPs). Following an initial induction session we work to establish a trusting relationship in the first term, allowing the learner time to settle and familiarise, and for the facilitator to assess and develop a picture of their learner-led programme moving forward. We invite future provisions to join sessions to initiate a trusting relationship and understanding of our learner when preparing to move on or integrate into mainstream education. A portfolio of skills and CV of attainment will move with the learner, to be passed on to their next further education or provision.

Bourne Education Trust Enterprises

bourne education trust enterprises

Bourne Education Trust (‘BET’) was established in 2011 and has grown steadily since then. It is largely Surrey based with 20 of its 26 schools there, but has also expanded into Hampshire and Richmond. It is made up of 20 academies, 5 associate schools and one free school due to open in September 2024. Of its 26 schools, 13 are primaries, 9 are secondaries, 2 are alternative provision and, with the new free school, 2 are specialist schools. It is responsible for the education of approximately 12,500 pupils and employs just over 1,300 staff. The Trust is organised into both phases and clusters to support specialist and cross-phase collaboration. Pupils working independently The size of BET's schools range from a one-form entry primary to an 8-form entry secondary school with a sixth form. Schools are equally important and carry the same influence in terms of decision-making within the Trust. Each school has its own Head and Local Governing Committee. The Trust is led by a core team of Alex Russell, Chief Executive Officer ('CEO'), Kate Sanders, Chief Operating Officer ('COO'), and Penny Alford, Chief Education Officer ('CEdO'). Since 2012 it has taken 9 schools from special measures or requiring improvement to good or outstanding. The rest have maintained their good status whilst in the Trust. BET has transformed the finances in 12 of its schools so that no school in the Trust is in deficit. BET’s values are summarised by our strapline: ‘Transforming schools; changing lives’. We absolutely believe that all children regardless of context or background deserve a great education, hence our involvement in schools and communities that have not always experienced this. Whilst we want our schools to retain their own identity, all BET schools share environments that are extremely warm and welcoming, professional, relentlessly positive, highly aspirational and characterised by happy and safe pupils with excellent relationships between them and the staff. In all classrooms and beyond pupils enjoy creative and effective teaching and learning that fosters belief and confidence. Auriolbet 113 Our philosophy is to have schools working as effectively as possible and serving their community. We err towards independence but never forget we are one organisation working together. Our schools welcome the support of the Trust and its collective ethos but relish their remit as local schools and the responsibility that brings. We are highly focussed on our work on equality, diversity and inclusion ('EDI') and environment, social and governance ('ESG') to ensure our organisation is highly sustainable and a driver for social justice. This permeates through our Trust-wide think tank, BET Futures, our CPD offer and our quality assurance approach.

Kingsthorpe College

kingsthorpe college


Kingsthorpe College is the kind of school which is dedicated to ensuring that we make a difference, in any way that we can, to both our community and our young people. We are passionate about providing opportunities for all our students to achieve artistic, athletic and academic excellence. We very much believe that our role is to help develop successful learners, confident individuals, and responsible citizens. In addition to ensuring that all our young people achieve their potential in these areas, there is also a genuine commitment to respect for individuals which is demonstrated in the daily life of the College. One of the first things you notice when you walk into the College is how friendly everybody is to each other – how frequently people smile, take an interest in other people, and find something positive and encouraging to say. We always take the time to celebrate success. For us, high quality relationships are at the heart of everything that we do. We want our young people to be happy, confident, curious, and resilient learners. We know that this can only happen if relationships, built on trust and mutual respect, are central to all aspects of our work. We believe that when young people feel safe and secure, everything is possible, and we promise to do our utmost to make sure that we unlock the potential in everyone. All we can ask from our students is that they do their best, and we value hard work, determination, and thoughtfulness highly. We want all our young people to ask themselves just one question at the end of every day – was I better today than I was yesterday? So whilst passing exams, and gaining the necessary qualifications to take that next step, is hugely important, we are equally committed to providing our young people with the space and resources to develop their character. We are proud of the extracurricular provision that we are able to offer, and we work hard to give our students plenty of opportunities to develop their confidence and creativity – both in and out of lessons. We also believe in clarity of communication, and the power of feedback. We always welcome open and honest dialogue between all those involved in and with the College. We are committed to a restless excellence which can only be achieved through regular feedback, and you will always find us receptive to this. We are excited and optimistic about what the future holds for the young people and community which we serve. Of course the best way to experience KC is by visiting us, and you will always find our doors open. If you would like to come and see us, please do get in touch - I look forward to sharing the College with you.

Ranelagh School

ranelagh school


The opportunity to educate other people’s children is a rare privilege, bringing with it a huge responsibility to provide the best all-round education possible as we aim to prepare young people for happiness and success in their adult lives. At Ranelagh we take this responsibility extremely seriously. We care about the individual and pride ourselves in the warmth of a community in which all our students feel valued. We live in exciting and fast changing times and this means that providing an outstanding, progressive and well-rounded education is more important than ever. Of course examination results matter and at Ranelagh our students consistently achieve excellent results in all areas of the curriculum, giving them access to the top universities in the UK and overseas. In its latest Ofsted inspection report of March 2015, Ranelagh is judged to be an outstanding school that ‘provides an excellent education for all of its students, preparing them well for their futures and for life in modern Britain.’ However, this is just one aspect of the education at Ranelagh and students are supported to show ambition both within and beyond the classroom. As a Church of England School, supported by the diocese of Oxford, education at Ranelagh is provided within the context of Christian belief and practice. In its latest SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) report of April 2019, Ranelagh is referred to as ‘a school in which a deeply held, strongly Christian vision shapes all aspects of its work’; the school is described as a place in which that vision is lived out as ‘a harmonious, vibrant, and successful learning community’. This is a happy school in which we encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promote Christian values through the experiences we offer each individual. School should be fun and happy children are more likely to be successful. We see it as our responsibility to bring out our students’ talents, to broaden their interests and to develop their personal qualities. The Ranelagh Student Learner Profile qualities underpin everything that we do and are an integral part of our culture and ethos. We aim to foster confidence, resilience, curiosity, creativity, empathy and independence so that students are ready to make a really positive contribution to their wider community. Tradition is important at Ranelagh and still shapes some of our guiding principles but we seek to build on the past while looking to the future. This is, and will remain, a forward-thinking school that enthusiastically embraces innovation and new opportunity. I hope that you will accept my invitation to visit Ranelagh. It is a truly remarkable school, and it will be a privilege to welcome you here.

The John Of Gaunt School

the john of gaunt school


The John of Gaunt School is a unique, vibrant and highly successful school. The School has a strong reputation for both academic and pastoral excellence, and it is a great honour to be the Headteacher. Whilst we are first and foremost a place of learning, we strive to ensure that students are academically nurtured and cared for in a safe environment in which they can be happy, grow, gain in confidence and be challenged to achieve in all aspects of school life. Our school provides a learning environment that is rich in encouragement, and enthusiasm along with a belief in every individual. We offer a curriculum and a pastoral system designed to enrich the learning experience of all our students, whatever their ability. Helping our young people develop into confident, sensitive and reflective adults is fundamental. During their time at The John of Gaunt School we will ensure young people meet or exceed their potential, this is achieved though outstanding teaching and careful support for each young person throughout their time with us. We pride ourselves in being a community school. We thrive on strong supportive relationships with parents and carers and believe that students are best educated when parents, students and staff all work in unison. Our strong and growing links with local businesses and community organisations add tremendous value to the development of our young people. We are passionate in our belief that every young person should be encouraged to raise their aspirations and have the opportunity to become accomplished independent learners so that they are able to achieve and be successful in the rapidly changing and competitive adult world. At The John of Gaunt School we believe in regularly celebrating the success of learners, no matter how small the accomplishment. The school offers a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, before school, during lunch times and after school, as well as cultural trips and visits, foreign exchanges and residential trips, we believe these opportunities enrich the lives of our young people and enhance our already thriving curriculum offer. I hope that you find the enclosed information helpful as a means of getting to know us and what it means to be part of The John of Gaunt School. Additionally, I would like to encourage you to come in and visit us at any time as we have a fantastic reputation and are proud of our last excellent Ofsted inspection. We would be delighted to show our school on a normal school day in order for you to sample our open, caring and nurturing ethos. Choosing a school is a very important decision, but I believe our student centred approach, high standards, outstanding teaching and personalised care, will ensure your child has a very successful and enjoyable future.

Woolwich Polytechnic School

woolwich polytechnic school


Welcome to Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys, and thank you for taking the time to express your interest in us. We are a very special school that aims to serve the community, improve opportunity for our community and also reflect our community through our diverse and ambitious curriculum, as well as through our diverse staff and student bodies. We hope that you, too, feel that specialness when you visit us, a specialness that encompasses care and compassion, a genuine delight in children’s contributions and a drive towards “success for everyone”. We have a long and proud history, having educated boys for over 100 years: we have been a technical school, reported as the most improved boy’s school in the country, a community school and now an academy, a single school and now the founding ‘brother’ to our sister school, Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls. We have year-on-year exam results at GCSE and A Level that make us, our students and their families rightly proud. Yet our relentless focus is upon the futures of our current students as we counsel them through their educational careers to be the most successful version of themselves. To support your son through their secondary education, we have firm foundations in exemplary pastoral care and expert teaching. Safeguarding our students is the absolute priority that informs the behaviours we demonstrate in the staff and student bodies. Our pastoral care and personal development programme are child-centred, empathetic to individual children’s needs, recognising their challenges and assisting with overcoming them. We care; we listen; we understand context and we actively build meaningful relationships with every child. Our teaching is equally child-centred, offering support and challenge as required to ensure that all our students achieve the grades they need to pursue the courses and careers they aspire to with confidence. Our curriculum is designed so that students can make interconnections between the various subject disciplines, hence stimulating a culture of curiosity and questioning so that all our boys leave us as well-rounded, caring members of the community, ready to navigate the adult world safely, critically and knowledgeably. We also recognise that child development is enhanced through pleasure and we therefore cater for their personal interests with an extensive enrichment programme, including wellbeing days, our Activities Week, curriculum and reward trips and a variety of clubs. There are always opportunities for your son to have their voice heard, whether through the Student Council or more informal feedback to tutors, teachers and head of year or our dedicated student voice co-ordinator. I am confident that you will have made the right choice for your son by privileging us with his care, education and personal development so welcome to the Poly family.

Excel Women's Association

excel women's association


Excel Women’s Centre was formed in 2013 with origins starting all the way back to 1995. Excel Women’s Centre CIC is an organisation based in Barking & Dagenham and surrounding boroughs which supports women, families, young people, carers and individuals with all issues affecting their quality of life and wellbeing. We work mainly in Barking & Dagenham, and now across a lot of East London, offering a range of dedicated services aimed to support our service users, engage and enable the community. Thus, we strive to empower individuals of all ages and ethnicities to become valued members of society. About Us Excel Women’s Centre, CIC, is community hub that has an open door policy and provides services to all women, children and families residing in the London borough of Barking & Dagenham and surrounding boroughs. The centre offer help to vulnerable women and their families to fight discrimination demand their right and increase their self-esteem and confidence within our multicultural society. Empowerment is the key focus of the organization throughout. With empowerment, more services will be provided and service users will gain the skills and encouragement they need to change their lives. By developing as an organization, service users will be able to see a range of activities materialise in the area of mentoring programs, youth projects, IT clubs, Job clubs, Parenting classes for new mothers, healthy eating sessions and many more specifically suggested by the service users. Excel Women’s centre would like all our services users of the organisation to be able to integrate into Barking and Dagenham borough as well as all around London and have the same accessibility to services that everyone else has in London. By working in partnership with service providers, voluntary and community groups, Excel Women’s Group will lead the way, by illustrating that marginalized communities can integrate into society and become part of the community at large. The group will strive to break down barriers in the area of language by holding English Language Classes and breakdown social exclusion by involving community members in various training schemes and volunteering projects which can help their future ambitions. Our Vision Our vision is to become a resource centre and hub for women in the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham and living in surrounding boroughs. We want to be part of a community that enables individuals to make informed choices maintain good health and achieve their potential regardless of their health, education and social circumstance. Our Mission Statement Our vision is to become a resource centre and hub for women in the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham and living in surrounding boroughs. We want to be part of a community that enables individuals to make informed choices maintain good health and achieve their potential regardless of their health, education and social circumstance.