3918 Educators providing Courses

Safeguarding Association

safeguarding association

Kingston upon Hull

Over the last 15 years working in the family justice sector, I have seen how amazing senior leads come under intense scrutiny when they are working alongside children’s social care. As a child protection lawyer, and latterly a trainer, I work to empower professionals so you spend less time worrying about that Child Protection Conference or Strategy Meeting. Over the last 15 years working in the family justice sector, I have seen how amazing senior leads come under intense scrutiny when they are working alongside children’s social care. As a child protection lawyer, and latterly a trainer, I work to empower professionals so you spend less time worrying about that Child Protection Conference or Strategy Meeting. I founded the Safeguarding Association after working with so many professionals who were amazing at what they did but felt unsure about their role within the various child protection procedures and court processes. Their lack of knowledge was impacting their confidence when giving their opinions in meetings or at court. After working with lots of senior safeguarding leads like you, I realised that what they all needed was the same thing – understanding how to navigate the maze which is the child protection process and court system. The maze of processes is talked about in all safeguarding training. But knowing about it and working effectively within it are very different issues. I love sharing my experience and knowledge and there’s nothing more satisfying than knowing I have been able to remove some of that mystery so as to allow you to feel confident and empowered to fully protect those young people you work with. You should feel confident in your internal safeguarding processes, and how the systems works so you can be secure in your handling of complex child protection cases. We all need some downtime, when I’m not working, I spend mine with my husband and our golden retriever, Sam.

Av4u (Trading As Add Vantage 4 U)

av4u (trading as add vantage 4 u)


AV4U is for you and about you. We want to help you to take control of your life and to have the skills and behaviours which will help you to be successful at whatever you choose to do. The skills and behaviours you get through AV4U are the ones that employers consistently say they need. Our programme complements and enhances your formal qualifications and gives you what employers consider to be necessary to be successful in any field. AV4U’s programme helps you to: Enhance your motivation and ambition for success Have greater self confidence Strengthen your resilience and perseverance Build and improve your relationships with a wide range of people including your tutors, employers, friends and family Take responsibility for your learning and behaviour Develop open mindedness, tolerance and respect Improve your wellbeing Completing AV4U’s programme makes you more attractive to employers and will help you do better at school, university and at work. AV4U involves easy steps which allow you to take control of your future: A short easy-to-use online diagnostic questionnaire. This will tell you what your behavioural style is. It is a form of reality check. It will show how behaviours affect your effectiveness and adaptability, highlight your strengths and give you practical steps to help you maximise your chances of success in life. Mentoring support. You will have your own mentor who will help you understand your behavioural style, recognise how others see the world and develop your skills to adapt and get the most from what you do and your relationships with others. Support materials. We provide you with a handbook and other materials to help you get the most from your mentors and have control of your own development. Development plan. With your mentor’s help you will be able to create your personal development plan, including specific practical and achievable steps, record your achievements and quantify the benefit they have given you. For further information, please contact us

Autism Hertfordshire

autism hertfordshire



Autism Bedfordshire’s services help break down the barriers to social participation for autistic people and their families by providing places where they can go and feel comfortable, accepted and not judged by society. With the encouragement and support of specialist trained staff we help autistic people build their confidence, self-esteem, and social skills through taking part in social activities and mixing with other people. Furthermore, we help them to develop practical skills and independence which will improve their prospects in life and help them be part of the community. Our aspirations are for them to have the same opportunities as people who are not on the spectrum, so that they can enjoy fulfilled and rewarding lives. How we can help The physical and emotional stress of looking after an autistic child or adult is a huge strain on the parents and we want them to feel that they are not alone in their struggles. They can come to us for practical advice, information and emotional support so that they will be better equipped to cope with and care for their autistic children and any other siblings. We provide opportunities for them to have a guilt-free break from their caring responsibilities, safe in the knowledge their autistic child is being well looked after by staff who understand the challenges that autism can present. Communities Finally, we raise awareness of autism in the community in order to reduce misunderstanding about the condition. Through training and informative talks we educate schools, local businesses and community groups about the sort of behaviours that an autistic person may display and how best to respond to and be supportive of them. With our increasing presence at community events, members of the public can also become more knowledgeable about and accepting of autism. In this way we hope that autistic people will find it easier to engage with and integrate into mainstream society.

The Employers Forum for Sharrow, Heeley and Norfolk Park Limited

the employers forum for sharrow, heeley and norfolk park limited

Welcome to The Employers Forum Sheffield The Employers Forum (TEF) is a non-profit organisation based in Sheffield and has a proud history of supporting those in our communities who are disadvantaged, to find and keep employment. The Employers Forum has over 23 years’ experience of delivering high quality tailored employability programmes that equip hard to reach individuals with the support they need for a path to sustainable employment. We work in partnership with companies to put inclusion and belonging at the heart of their culture, in the drive for a level playing field. We empower individuals to build their careers and ensure they can flourish and progress in life. The Employers Forum assists individuals to develop important life skills, work ready skills, strategies and confidence to overcome their challenges and barriers, as a means for achieving positive outcomes in education, training, employment and personal well-being. Our mission To guide and inspire people to realise their true potential and achieve their goals. To empower and enrich our communities through interventions that cultivate enterprise, promote active citizenship and embrace cultural diversity. To promote economic regeneration through activities that empower the community and secure prosperity through enterprise. To empower communities and improve livelihoods. To actively champion positive social change, create strong partnerships that benefit local people and transform communities through advocacy and enterprise. Our vision Enriching lives, helping people, transforming communities: empowerment through employment. To use our community links to promote and sustain community regeneration and enhance intermediary services through cross- sectored networks of support. The values underpinning our mission are: The economic enhancement of the community in which we are embedded. A supportive and inclusive culture. We celebrate the diversity of the community in Sheffield and this reflects in all our work. Harnessing social capital and providing access to services. Professionalism and responsibility in all that we do. Sound financial management and continual improvement of our processes and the way we are accountable to the communities that we serve. Environmental protection/conservation.

The Perth Fitness Camp - Scotland

the perth fitness camp - scotland

The Perth Fitness Camp is an INCLUSIVE community, a lifestyle, a movement for over 30's men & women who no matter what your size, no matter what level of fitness you are at and no matter how big you feel the Perth Fitness Camp will keep you moving forwards toward a leaner, stronger healthier and fitter looking body. WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT The Perth Fitness Camp are specialists in outdoor training and since 2009 we have helped over 30's men & women from Perth achieve results they thought were impossible. For many of my members that may mean training towards a specific event or to reveal those elusive abs. For the majority of my team it simply means getting a bit leaner, feeling fitter, stronger, having more energy and having the confidence to wear clothes that show off their bod as opposed to hiding it away. Why over 30's? As a dad in my 40's, a coach and former overweight guy....I get it!! The simple truth of the matter is that carefree days have been replaced by 24/7 responsibilities, marriage/relationships, a baby or two (or three), a mortgage and a boss who reminds you of all three. Maybe you'll agree.... Pringles and chocolate bars that once disappeared in a puff of metabolic smoke now linger like an oil spill. Get this >> did you know your physiological capacity - the overall performance of most of your body's systems decreases by around 1% per year from 30 onwards. Hence the pringle and chocolate hangover Muscle mass decreases by 3 - 5% each decade after your 30's So what can you do to safeguard this? You need to switch your focus to preventative fitness and follow a simple approach to nutrition that's sustainable for life and not just a faddy quick fix. Which is why I want to help you take back control just as I have using the very system that my clients use to stay leaner and fitter in their 30's, 40's and beyond.

Chipping Campden School

chipping campden school

Chipping Campden

This is an outstanding school (OfSTED 2017) with a long and distinguished history dating back to 1440, and a reputation to match. However, it is also a forward-looking school, striving always to provide the best opportunities for students to achieve their potential in a time of rapid change. Choosing the right school takes time and careful consideration. By choosing Chipping Campden School you can be confident that we will provide a relevant and challenging curriculum to meet your child's developing interests and ambitions. However, education for life is about much more than the academic content of courses, and Chipping Campden School offers a wide range of enriching opportunities to prepare its students for their futures. The school is fortunate to have a charitable foundation which supports the development of the school's facilities. Consequently there has been significant investment over a number of years to ensure that the school environment is one which promotes high quality learning. We are also very proud of the care and support we offer our students. Happy and motivated students will be successful students and so we take our responsibilities here very seriously. Every student is treated as an individual while being developed into an active and positive member of the school community and a global citizen. The school offers a very wide range of extra-curricular activities including sport, music and drama and standards here are also very high. There are always opportunities for students to contribute to the wider life of the school through Student Leadership, peer mentoring and charitable fundraising, for example. Staff here are well-qualified and talented professionals. We are united in our desire to ensure that all students reach their potential. We work collaboratively with parents, partner schools and colleges and external agencies to support individual students in this. This website should provide the answers to most of your questions about the school. However, we are very happy to host personal visits and this will give you the confidence that what we describe is the daily reality of the school.

Ashlawn School

ashlawn school


As the Principal I am delighted to welcome you to Ashlawn School. I am proud to be part of its heritage, its success and its future: we are a school where excellence is at the heart of everything we do. I believe passionately in education and I know that Ashlawn provides the very best educational experience for all its young people. We are a happy school where high standards and expectations lead to outstanding academic results for all our students. Respect for each other and high standards of behaviour are values which we all share and for which we are all responsible. My colleagues and I are committed to providing an inspirational environment where our students are engaged and enthused, and where learning enables all young people to realise their academic potential and acquire the skills and values they need for life’s journey. Whilst academic success is important we recognise that there is more to education than exam passes; confidence, adaptability, learning skills, creativity and resilience are all necessary life skills. Success is celebrated in all aspects of school life as we recognise the needs of each individual and where everyone really does matter. As a bi-lateral school, Ashlawn is the perfect blend of tradition and innovation. We are a forward-thinking and exciting centre of learning with excellent results and our young people are proud to belong to a school which offers the range of opportunities that our unique curriculum affords. Our record of success is reflected in our A level and GCSE results and we are committed to providing the highest standards of provision. In 2013 we were delighted when Ofsted recognised the school as outstanding in every category and shortly afterwards we were designated a National Teaching School with responsibility for teacher training and supporting other schools in our region. This success is testimony to the aspirations and efforts of our community – our students, their families and our staff.

Aqualife Swimming

aqualife swimming


The Aqualife Story Aqualife Swimming was founded by Penny Watkins in 2012. As a child, Penny was a naturally gifted swimmer, swam competitively and felt very at home in the water. In 1999 she gave up her career in a City law firm and packed her rucksack, heading off for water-based adventures around Europe, Africa and Asia. Whilst managing and teaching at a Scuba Diving centre in the Canary Islands, Penny got her first taste of the joy of teaching others about the aquatic world. Penny returned to the UK in 2006 and decided to follow her heart and pursue a career in swimming teaching. Crucially, she was determined to offer something in addition to swimming skills; she would take a holistic approach to her teaching and ensure that all her swimmers grew to love the water and have an understanding and respect for the aquatic world. In 2012 she was offered the opportunity to take over the running of a small local swimming school . . . And Aqualife Swimming was born. The swim school now employs 16 swimming instructors and provides high quality and fun swimming lessons to hundreds of individuals every week, at three venues in Sevenoaks, Kent. Classes include Adult Aquafit, Aquanatal, Parent and Baby/Toddler classes, STA accredited children's lessons and a special Junior Lifeguard programme, and all are designed to develop ability, confidence and a love of all things aquatic. Class sizes are small which enables all swimmers to have the space and time to learn at their own pace. Key to the Aqualife ethos is teaching all swimmers to understand their own natural buoyancy in the water and thus become confident independent swimmers. You will never use use armbands or buoyancy controls in an Aqualife classes. All of the Aqualife team follow Penny’s original vision of teaching swimming skills in a holistic natural environment, whilst also helping babies, children and adults develop a love of water and a respect and understanding of the aquatic world.

Tewkesbury School

tewkesbury school


I am absolutely thrilled and honoured to take up the mantle of Headteacher at Tewkesbury School. When I first visited the school and the town back in 2021, I was struck by the community feel, the passion for the town and the dedication of the staff team for all the young people. I distinctly remember the pride with which the student guides spoke of the school and of their community and the ambition the team at Tewkesbury School had for every student. This will be my second Headship in the South West and my 20th year in education and I am excited to guide Tewkesbury School through its next phase. Headteachers are custodians of schools on behalf of young people and it will be my privilege to work with the whole community from governors, parents, students, colleagues and primary colleagues to other partners in the town, county and region to make sure Tewkesbury School is strong, effective and serving our children to the best of its ability. The greatest successes come from working together towards a common cause and there is no better cause than the education of the next generations. I am keenly ambitious about our future as a school so will continue the drive towards the highest standards academically and behaviourally whilst still ensuring we remain an inclusive school serving the Tewkesbury community. The educational landscape is shifting and changing at a national, regional and local level yet, despite that, there is nothing more important than making sure our young people are well prepared to step out into the world with confidence and understanding as a result of great teaching and a broad range of experiences. Everything I do will link back to preparing our young people to be successful in their next steps in life. It is an absolute privilege to be the Headteacher at Tewkesbury and I look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Equine Holistic Training

equine holistic training

Hear our voice, feel our energy, heal our soul! Hello and welcome to Equine Holistic Massage Training and Therapy, founded in 2003 by Jilly Tanton. We pride ourselves on being one of the the leading and longest established holistic equine therapy schools in the UK. We have international recognition and have many students currently studying with us from outside of the UK, including Italy, Germany, Spain, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, USA, France and Greece. J Sorry, enrolment applications for our practitioner course are now permanently closed, and the website is currently being updated. What Do We Offer? We offer an elite practitioner level course in specialised myofascial release and craniosacral therapy. This course is currently the only one available in the UK with such in-depth knowledge. It is recognised and fully insurable by Balens, Towergate and other major insurance companies. We also hold several one day introductory clinics and workshops covering the above subjects which are well-received and sought after. The genuine focus of our training school is strictly based on remedial, rehabilitation and healing for the horse. Our courses are second to none in the current field of complimentary training programmes for anybody wishing to build a successful career and live their dream working with horses. If you are thinking of training as a professional equine massage therapist who can provide a variety of soft tissue skills then our specialised, in depth equine massage and myofascial release course is the one for you. Not only will you come away with practitioner status, you will also have a wealth of knowledge and highly valuable 'tools in your box' to assist you in building a hugely successful career. Our courses are a flexible combination of home study and practical training sessions at various venues in the beautiful Norfolk countryside, Bristol, Scotland and Ireland. We pride ourselves on offering a non pressurised learning environment and students can take their time in consolidating new skills, consequently our graduates progress to embrace their new career with confidence and a highly professional approach.