3918 Educators providing Courses




Our project vision is to create vibrant local, regional and European learning communities, fuelled by Regional Learning Facilitators. We need new organisational concepts and ownership of issues and concerns from the crowd. Our approach lies in analog and digital networking and support structures that take into account the value of informal networks. The key message of the project is: “When we share, we win”. By learning communities, we mean forms of exchange and cooperation organised by ourselves or supported by the community, which ideally are supported by the involvement of education authorities. The Learning Communities deal with solutions to upcoming problems in everyday education, with challenges of the education system at different system levels, with the creation, exchange and further development of teaching materials, etc. The Learning Communities are also involved in the development of new teaching materials and in the development of new teaching methods. As concrete project goals, we see: the training of 24 Regional Learning Community Facilitators at least 12 Regional Learning Communities in 4 European countries the creation of a European cross-border learning community with at least 48 active members The development of a Learning Community Facilitator Curriculum, which will later become a standard KA1 workshop offer. the development of an AI-supported passive networking platform for teachers and school stakeholders to test a further development option for eTwinning that currently relies only on active search functions Our target group is teachers and their reference system. Our aim is to indirectly support the work of the teachers and to facilitate their planning, implementation and follow-up of their lessons by focusing on the principles of cooperation and exchange. Through active networking, but also by pointing out connection possibilities, teachers should no longer have the feeling of being alone in the corridor but embedded in a professional system that also brings them more self-confidence and self-efficacy.

Allestree Woodlands School

allestree woodlands school


At Allestree Woodlands, we pride ourselves on the warm and friendly atmosphere of the school. Relationships are important and we work to ensure that every student feels safe and happy. We strive for the best achievements for our students and believe that every young person deserves the chance to feel successful at school. Our school aims are summed up in our mission statement: Enabling aspiration and achievement for all, through delivery of a knowledge-rich curriculum underpinned by our CORE values: COURAGE OPTIMISM REGARD ENDEAVOUR This means that staff at Allestree Woodlands continue to review and improve our curriculum to ensure that knowledge acquisition is clear, coherent and that year on year learning builds on what has gone before so that students feel that they are moving forward and knowing more. As I have said to our students, this acquisition of knowledge gives power and confidence to believe in ourselves and put ourselves in new, unfamiliar, challenging and exciting situations in the future. We seek to equip all of our students to use their knowledge to plan for and achieve their next steps and to be aspirational for their futures. To do this, we must both support and challenge all young people to aspire, to dream of what might lie ahead and to work hard to make those ambitious goals possible. Why settle for less than our very best? When aspiration and hard work are combined, people achieve amazing things. We are lucky to be a thriving school with a growing intake, a wide level 3 subject offer at post-16, superb extra-curricular opportunities in sports, technology and the creative and performing arts as well as possessing tremendous facilities. If you would like to know more, take a look at our website or arrange a visit. We have open evenings planned for this half-term for prospective students and their parents and you are most welcome to come along and get a feel for what Allestree Woodlands is all about.

Infinite Soul Circle

infinite soul circle


We are a paid monthly spiritual learning community. We support and encourage growth through self learning courses and interactive spiritual circles, rituals, manifestation, and live psychic readings. We are intuitive, connected, inspired, and empowered. IMAGINE A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF YOURSELF AND OTHERS. Imagine empowering yourself as you work with your natural intuitive skills to harness magic and manifestation to enhance your life. Imagine a peaceful inner environment that allows you to enjoy a stress free and balanced lifestyle. How would your life be different if you were free from self-limiting beliefs and in control of your internal environment through understanding and perspective? How would you feel if you were fully empowered to live your life the way you wanted? Imagine living without the stress or weight of other people’s views and opinions… There is enough room in this world for everyone to embody their true selves. TIME ASIDE FOR YOURSELF, FOR YOUR OWN GROWTH AND HAPPINESS? How would it feel to step into who you truly are? When you join us at Infinite Soul Circle, you learn to take the aligned action that’s right for you. You understand the importance and value not only of yourself but also of everyone around you. You learn to lead from a place of trust in your own intuition without needing validation from those around you. DO YOU DESIRE SUPPORT AND DIRECTION IN FINDING YOUR SOULS PATHWAY? The confidence to learn and express your inner wisdom. To learn about divination, intuition and psychic abilities and the power of your own self-awareness. Connect to other like-minded spiritual seekers and build friendships based on trust and shared experiences. We are a learning space that gives you the tools you need and allows you to pick them up at your own pace, understanding that every pathway is unique. To not only learn, but also to want to take part in live psychic readings and spiritual chats and talk to your tutors regularly. Your monthly subscription gives you access to weekly circles, rituals, and live classes.

Dream Big Kidz

dream big kidz


Some of our recent activities include: - Helping children develop life skills & team work skills by running their own clubs! - Sports - Games - Piano Club - Trips to various museums, parks & Jump In. - Trip to Paradise Wildlife Park - Visits to a Care Home to develop empathy & help children be grateful, etc. - Photography Club - Cooking Club - Drama - Inspirational story time & craft sessions - Photo Booth sessions - Award Ceremony - Learning how to cope with challenges & lots more! BRINGING OUT THE BEST IN CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS. OUR AIMS: For every child and teenager to understand that they are unique, gifted and can amazing things which can touch others’ lives positively. Support each child & teen; teach them how to rise above their challenges, be positive, live purposefully & aspire to excel in the areas of their passions. Create an exciting & friendly environment for them to flourish alongside their peers & friends towards being the best they can be. WHY? Emotions can move us to act or hinder us from doing so, hence the word: e-motion. Our aim is to remove emotional hindrances which hold back true potential in children & teenagers. At DreamBigKidz we are passionate about developing the emotional strengths that they need to aspire, achieve and excel. Our inspirational events include a range of activities to excite the passions and interests of children, while crucially teaching important areas of emotional intelligence, such as self esteem, resilience, handling anger and self confidence. We run single sessions as well as group sessions. In the latter, we provide fun activities to develop the students further at home, as well as optional parental / carer support. We want every child and teenage to complete the sessions with a big sense of achievement. Therefore a lot of energy goes into encouraging them with support, rewards, treats and other incentives.  DEVELOPING EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE PROMOTES: Academic success, Health and well-being Prevents or limits issues such as bullying, drug abuse, violence and truancy.



West Mids

CSCT – the UK’s Premier Supplier of Counselling Training Materials CSCT has been dedicated to the provision of the highest quality training for counsellors and those wishing to develop their people skills for over 40 years. A Unique Provider Counselling training is one of the fastest growing areas of vocational and part-time study in the UK. Our courses attract not just those interested in becoming a counsellor. Individuals from many other walks of life study with us for their own personal reasons. Many simply have a strong personal interest in acquiring some counselling skills; others undertake our courses to enhance their inter-personal skills and their general potential at work. CSCT provides a range of courses specifically to cover every level of interest. Full details of all the courses are contained in the ‘Courses’ section. CSCT courses are available throughout the UK via a comprehensive network of FE Colleges and private providers. Why CSCT? CSCT has a proven track record of creating, administering and supporting counselling training courses. Our highly experienced team of academic experts produce fully comprehensive tutor and trainee materials written to a given awarding body’s specifications. We are committed to providing high quality training programmes that reflect current thinking and research in the field and meet the changing needs of the counselling profession. Our materials give tutors and trainees the confidence and peace of mind that awarding body requirements can be fulfilled through timed sessions, individual and group exercises, topics for further discussion, points for reflection and discussion, and tutor evaluation questions. We also have available a range of non-RQF CSCT courses (including CSCT Introduction to Counselling) that are available with a CSCT certification. Funding for non-RQF courses is at the discretion of local Learning and Skills Councils. Please contact, info@counsellingtraining.com for further details. With more than two decades working with the Further Education sector and small/medium enterprises in the UK, Eire, the Netherlands and Gibraltar – and having trained over 50,000 students in that time – we understand fully the demands and needs of counselling training.



I have always been interested in communication and languages, so I gained my initial degree in teaching Hungarian language and literature both to native speakers and as a foreign language. I have taught in different countries – in Hungary, Serbia and Switzerland – committed to continuous learning and development. However besides language acquisition I am also interested in brain and personality development so I have specialized in UK in Early Years Development. I grew up with my mums much younger sister who was diagnosed with autism, so I always had a loving heart for children and people living with special needs… Whilst studying neuro diversity I discovered that I was a child with all symptoms of ADHD… and at some point I had to realise that it never went away… I still do have it… I have started reading and taking notes about it, and now i can claim with confidence that I know this type of condition inside out… I have worked in nurseries as an Early Years Teacher and later as a nursery Manager. After studying at the Metropolitan University and gaining the Diploma in Teaching Adult Learners I have taught Early Years Childcare to Practitioners as a Tutor/Assessor in wide variety of settings in London. Apart from creating a relaxed and joyful environment where active learning can take place, I am passionate to help and motivate people in every possible way, so I have also studied a variety of Holistic Coaching and Healing methods as well as Event Management. I have participated in the organization of international festivals, several exhibitions, artisan fares, fashion shows and holistic healing days. During the lock down I was approached by many parents who asked me for help with variety of issues. I have decided to organise the Happy Parent = Happy Child Online Conference and have gathered over 30 professionals to support families, children and parents.

The King's (The Cathedral) School

the king's (the cathedral) school


Our long history and exceptional achievements are things of which we are all extremely proud. We are convinced that pupils of all abilities will thrive in our challenging, supportive and friendly environment. The care we take over promoting wellbeing is at the heart of this academic success. Excellent examination results are important, but not enough. Our aim is to encourage pupils to be balanced individuals, happy in their own success, and confident enough to give their full commitment to all that they do. The individual’s wellbeing, we believe, is rooted in a confident sense of who they are. This confidence and sense of value grows as a child experiences the benefits of contributing to School teams, in orchestras or, perhaps, as a key member of a production. It is through such contributions that a child discovers how to belong, as well as feeling confident about their contribution to their wider community. In this way your sons and daughters will learn not only to take advantage of the vast array of opportunities that are available at The King’s School, but also to lead full, rewarding and balanced lives. In our Cathedral School, mental health and wellbeing is at the heart of all we do. We seek to nurture a sense of belonging to our extended family, in which every member is valued. We do all we can to support every child, and adult, at The King’s School and to treat them as an individual, capable of making a unique, distinctive and valued contribution. Our goal is that, by the time your child leaves us they, and their family, will have enjoyed the reward of being a part of a ‘Family Achieving Excellence’. Such a welcome awaits every child, and family, that joins us and we ask that your sons and daughters will respect alternative views, show empathy and compassion, and develop an understanding of their own beliefs as well as the beliefs, and values, of others.

Paint with Ray

paint with ray


Welcome, this my story of how I came to be a Bob Ross instructor. I loved art when I was at school but never found the opportunity to develop this interest. A long career in farming nurtured my love of the countryside and I took enormous pleasure in observing nature; early mornings, sunrises and mists, majestic trees, sparkling sunshine on the water etc. Later in life, as fate would have it, I found myself laid up for 6 weeks after an operation, and with so much time on my hands, I needed an activity – in an attempt to keep me occupied my wife gave me a painting by numbers kit. After that first very basic kit, I had begun to rediscover my love of painting. I rapidly moved on to acrylics then watercolours and then one day I came across Bob Ross on the television and was fascinated by his ‘Wet-on-Wet’ technique of painting with oils. I was amazed at the incredibly professional and delightful paintings which were possible to create in just one sitting and I watched his programmes over and over again. By 2011 I had attended Bob Ross instructor workshops to learn this method of painting for myself. Passionate about sharing this wonderful way of painting with others and discovering I had a natural aptitude for teaching, in 2012 I qualified as a Bob Ross instructor for ‘Wet-on-Wet’ floral techniques and in 2013 returned and qualified in landscape painting. My classes in my studio in Great Glen, Leicestershire, are friendly and relaxed and above all informal. We have fun together, make new friends, gain confidence through learning a new skill and anybody, even someone who has never picked up a brush before can produce a fabulous piece of art over the course of the day to take home and enjoy – a painting to be proud of. I guarantee you’ll have a thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Autism Hertfordshire

autism hertfordshire



Autism Bedfordshire’s services help break down the barriers to social participation for autistic people and their families by providing places where they can go and feel comfortable, accepted and not judged by society. With the encouragement and support of specialist trained staff we help autistic people build their confidence, self-esteem, and social skills through taking part in social activities and mixing with other people. Furthermore, we help them to develop practical skills and independence which will improve their prospects in life and help them be part of the community. Our aspirations are for them to have the same opportunities as people who are not on the spectrum, so that they can enjoy fulfilled and rewarding lives. How we can help The physical and emotional stress of looking after an autistic child or adult is a huge strain on the parents and we want them to feel that they are not alone in their struggles. They can come to us for practical advice, information and emotional support so that they will be better equipped to cope with and care for their autistic children and any other siblings. We provide opportunities for them to have a guilt-free break from their caring responsibilities, safe in the knowledge their autistic child is being well looked after by staff who understand the challenges that autism can present. Communities Finally, we raise awareness of autism in the community in order to reduce misunderstanding about the condition. Through training and informative talks we educate schools, local businesses and community groups about the sort of behaviours that an autistic person may display and how best to respond to and be supportive of them. With our increasing presence at community events, members of the public can also become more knowledgeable about and accepting of autism. In this way we hope that autistic people will find it easier to engage with and integrate into mainstream society.

Equine Holistic Training

equine holistic training

Hear our voice, feel our energy, heal our soul! Hello and welcome to Equine Holistic Massage Training and Therapy, founded in 2003 by Jilly Tanton. We pride ourselves on being one of the the leading and longest established holistic equine therapy schools in the UK. We have international recognition and have many students currently studying with us from outside of the UK, including Italy, Germany, Spain, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, USA, France and Greece. J Sorry, enrolment applications for our practitioner course are now permanently closed, and the website is currently being updated. What Do We Offer? We offer an elite practitioner level course in specialised myofascial release and craniosacral therapy. This course is currently the only one available in the UK with such in-depth knowledge. It is recognised and fully insurable by Balens, Towergate and other major insurance companies. We also hold several one day introductory clinics and workshops covering the above subjects which are well-received and sought after. The genuine focus of our training school is strictly based on remedial, rehabilitation and healing for the horse. Our courses are second to none in the current field of complimentary training programmes for anybody wishing to build a successful career and live their dream working with horses. If you are thinking of training as a professional equine massage therapist who can provide a variety of soft tissue skills then our specialised, in depth equine massage and myofascial release course is the one for you. Not only will you come away with practitioner status, you will also have a wealth of knowledge and highly valuable 'tools in your box' to assist you in building a hugely successful career. Our courses are a flexible combination of home study and practical training sessions at various venues in the beautiful Norfolk countryside, Bristol, Scotland and Ireland. We pride ourselves on offering a non pressurised learning environment and students can take their time in consolidating new skills, consequently our graduates progress to embrace their new career with confidence and a highly professional approach.