9761 Educators providing Courses

Owenico Consult

owenico consult


At Owenico Consult, we are your dedicated partners in the pursuit of personal and professional excellence. Our unwavering commitment lies in empowering individuals to not only master essential skills but also unlock the true potential within themselves. Our comprehensive portfolio of coaching and training programmes is meticulously crafted to elevate Emotional Intelligence, nurture profound Social Intelligence and facilitate a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth. We specialise in equipping individuals and organisations with the invaluable tools of emotional intelligence, catalysing enhanced leadership capabilities, fostering improved relationships and ultimately, propelling overall success. Our collaborative efforts extend to healthcare institutions, including esteemed organisations like the National Health Service (NHS). Within these healthcare ecosystems, we diligently cultivate leadership principles that prioritise the well-being of staff and the delivery of high-quality support services, resulting in a harmonious, loyal, and highly productive workforce. At the individual level, we partner with healthcare leaders and professionals, arming them with the essential personal attributes required for career elevation and providing compassionate care. By addressing and surmounting barriers to career progression, we empower them to strategically advance in their careers while simultaneously nurturing fulfilling personal lives marked by enriching relationships. Our unwavering dedication to this mission is rooted in our firm belief that a multitude of societal challenges, including unhappiness, anxiety, depression, stress, family discord, domestic abuse, suicide, substance abuse, violence, career stagnation and numerous contemporary issues, stem from an underlying lack of emotional awareness. This passionate commitment drives us to create a positive leadership landscape where individuals are content and eager to contribute their best efforts. We specialise in forging cultures of trust within organisations, which, in turn, foster collaboration, engagement and unleash the boundless wellsprings of creativity, productivity, commitment and loyalty. We understand that organisations that prioritise their employees and nurture their well-being in today's rapidly evolving workplaces thrive and endure. It is our unshakeable belief that your career can flourish and you can achieve tremendous success and satisfaction. At Owenico Consult, we are firmly dedicated to guiding you toward a life characterised by profound self-awareness, emotional mastery, and flourishing relationships. Our seasoned coaches and trainers are wholly committed to your journey, providing personalised guidance and unwavering support at every juncture.  Take that pivotal first step toward a future defined by heightened emotional intelligence and boundless possibilities. Your journey to self-improvement, professional excellence and transformative success begins with us.  

Burn From Within

burn from within

After I eventually graduated, I landed my dream job as a conference producer. I was over the moon! This even blossomed into a rewarding career over several years. Even though I loved my job, I noticed the company I worked for had started to change. The new management was driving many talented people I respected out, and their values started to really diverge from my own. I still loved the CEO, and to my surprise, when I handed in my notice, she gave me a rather lovely present. My CEO asked me to launch a cosmetic product business she had been working on for a while. Even though I had no direct experience in this industry, she trusted in my abilities and shattered a long-standing belief that I could only work in one industry or for other people. I started to believe in myself. I now felt I could run my own business. I just wished I had discovered this belief earlier, and later discovered through the extensive training I completed in becoming a coach, that you can set these empowering beliefs yourself with the right coach! I decided to finally scratch my travel itch and embark on a journey around the world with no set end date. I travelled for 18 months, and realized that there was so much more to life than staying in an office in London. After sipping Caiprinhas in Rio, skydiving in Buenos Aires, trekking table-top mountains and waterfalls across Venezuela, hot air ballooning over Turkey and Ukraine, and experiencing the long summer nights with friendly locals across Scandinavia, I didn’t want to come back. Who would? After working on a 6 month contract for my previous CEO to recover some of that money I spent travelling, the belief within me that I could do my own thing was still strong. So I invested in courses on ways to make money myself, including a year-long real estate investment course. After investing in some real estate myself, I ended up working with a property developer as it was a chance to learn how to find and secure bigger developments and deals, which was a way to build long-term wealth and more passive income. But I absolutely HATED (no that’s not strong enough a word) working with the people and all the values they stood for. It was purely for money. After a few months, I realized how lonely and unhappy I was. My life really was out of balance. Eventually I became quite depressed and felt lost, so I decided to hire a NLP coach who specialized in career transition. I remember so vividly one of the powerful tools she coached with me in particular made me realize I was not living as the person I was born to be. I looked at myself objectively as a character in a movie. This guy Matt I was seeing was hunched over his home office desk, all alone, looking outside into his garden watching the rain. I realized that Matt was a social, fun and confident guy. He was not using his natural talents and far from an environment that made him thrive. It was like watching a bird screaming to get out of a tiny cage. It was not right – I had to let him free. After this coaching, a friend recommended me to his boss for a sales role I would have ordinarily pass off had it not been for this insight through coaching. I got the job and thrived in sales, breaking various team and company records in my first year. But I wanted more: to travel much more, take care of my health, find balance and do my own thing again. So I invested in a personal coach for 12 months, who motivated me to take big decisions. I left the UK in August 2017 for Australia and then Asia. Inspired after the powerful NLP coaching I had experienced, I planned several NLP retreats and trainings to become a trainer just for my own personal development. Through various business and career transitions, and observing the structures that worked for me and my coaching clients, I realized any life transition that was sustainable had to have three magic elements: Passion, Purpose and Balance. On top of the extensive coaching training I had, I decided to interview a series of people who have made the journey from feeling bored and burnt out in their career, to transitioning to a life of balance, passion and purpose in brand new fields. I noticed patterns in all of these stories that lead to developing my own unique coaching model for career transition. I call this to ‘Burn From Within’. If you feel trapped in your own career or business right now, or confused about where you need to go next – I can help. It can be scary emotionally, financially and it’s easy to be immobilized knowing that you could be making bad choices. So let’s chat about this – you can have what you want in this life and taking the first steps to just talk about it can make all the difference. I invite you to book a free clarity call with me here and we can take those first life-changing steps together.





Belief – We firmly believe that all schools have a duty to their children to develop their fundamental movement skills, whilst providing a fun and engaging environment and to ensure that every child leaves primary school physically literate. Aim – Recent studies have proven that a healthy body is a healthy mind and regular physical activity increases concentration, motivation and ultimately academic performance. Allied to this, we aim to educate children on the importance of physical activity and give teachers the knowledge and expertise to deliver engaging lessons so every child has a positive experience of P.E in their school. Objective – Our principle objective is to give all children a platform in which to realise their sporting potential in a safe and competitive environment, whilst inspiring them to remain active throughout their life. We provide children with the tools that will allow them to not only thrive academically and in sport but also socially, developing their life skills such as communication, listening, problem solving, leadership and decision making. Hassle Free – ProStars pride themselves on being hassle free. This means that you will consistently have the same coach throughout the year. This is not only important for child development but they will understand the schools policies, procedures and the day to day running of the school to ensure everything runs smoothly. We’ve never cancelled a session – On the rare occasion your coach is absent we will instantly find a replacement. The replacement coach will be of equal quality, briefed on policies and procedures, class management, how the day is run, know what the children have previously been learning and what they need to learn that lesson. We are local –We are based in The Dean Academy, Lydney and use local coaches that have been developed through our BTEC and HND programme. We are in daily contact with our team of coaches to ensure that all planning and assessments are done to the highest standard. We are also a very close group of colleges with immense job satisfaction and therefore have a very low turnover of staff, ensuring that you get consistency throughout each year. Staff qualifications – Not only do all P.E specialists have a degree or are working towards a degree in sports coaching and development, they also hold at least a level 2 coaching qualification in their chosen sport. Alongside this, they have undergone an enhanced DBS check, first aid, safeguard and child protection training. We won’t be beaten on price – We understand that schools in the local area come in different sizes and budgets can be tight, therefore we can tailor packages that suit each individual school. Why use ProStars? Where it has been reported that the general health and ability of children is in decline nationally we have seen a rise in the ability of children our coaches are regularly working with. When schools work with ProStars, they are able to offer a high standard of P.E that fits the curriculum expectations. With this they also receive planning, evaluations and assessments carried out by qualified and experienced P.E specialists. Schools are also able to offer more after school and lunchtime clubs, sport leadership awards, enter and run more tournaments which will benefit your OFSTED inspection and healthy schools award.

Train In A Day

train in a day

Newcastle under Lyme

Train in a Day is the leading UK training provider specialising in management and leadership. From our humble beginnings as an in-house training company, we have grown into one of the nation's most trusted providers of corporate education. Delivering employee training courses since 2004 We've been delivering training to UK businesses for eighteen years. Providing remote and inhouse training to work teams We work with small and large businesses with one thing in common - a desire to improve productivity through development of their employees Training Company Working in partnership with you; meeting your needs and delivering your training courses. Pre-Course Learning Most people would prefer an honest assessment of their management skills before attending a training seminar. That's why we offer our pre-course learning materials. They're designed to help employees get up to speed quickly, so the actual training course can focus on the new material. Our pre-learning materials are available online, and they cover all the basics you need to know. Engaging Training Courses Gain an edge on the competition with remote and in-house training. Our convenient, cost-effective training solutions will help you reduce costs and increase productivity. We offer experiential in-house training that encourages team-building and develops highly-productive teams. With highly-skilled leaders and managers, you'll be able to raise your productivity to new heights.