2305 Educators providing Courses

Glass Bead Consulting

glass bead consulting

Over the years we have developed a modular course aimed at HR professionals who want to learn directly applicable skills and a deeper understanding of HR Transformation. The course is highly interactive, practical, and uses case studies and examples throughout. Course delegates at a site visit to the DHL HR Shared Service Centre in Kuala Lumpur, 2016 Course delegates at a site visit to the DHL HR Shared Service Centre in Kuala Lumpur, 2016 The course can be�taken from 1�to 3 days in a modular programme,�depending on delegate needs. Key Topics covered, include, Lessons learned from case studies of past HR transformation programmes Building a personalized roadmap for your HR transformation Learn how to decide which HR Services are needed to support the business Building a business case for your HRSS initiative Best practices when modifying existing HR service delivery models to increase efficiency and effectiveness Tying HR metrics to business performance measures Learn proven change management tactics for transforming HR Learn techniques for designing excellent HR services The course has been delivered in Moscow, London, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur with excellent delegate feedback. Delegates have attended from organisations such as :- Reckitt Benckiser, Telkom Indonesia, African Development Bank, Pandora Group, Jollibee, Rolls Royce, Mondel?z, Philippines Central Bank and many others. We also develop bespoke in-house training courses and workshops based on your requirements, call 01273 888182 if you would like to discuss. Other Training Courses Andrew Spence delivered HR Digital Transformation Masterclass in Rome, Italy on 25th September 2019




Only 19% of the digital tech workforce in the UK is female, compared to 37% across all sectors. It’s proven that the gender gap costs the tech sector time and money, but it also contributes to the challenges we have sourcing talent and widens the digital skills gap. Our exploration of diversity Our journey began in 2013, as Liverpool Girl Geeks. We created a community of like-minded people in Liverpool who wanted to progress gender equality in tech. In the beginning we organised meet ups for adults, but we soon realised that we could make a real difference if we mobilised the community, so we began running educational programmes led by industry with the aim of helping minority groups progress. In 2015 we launched our first educational programmes for teens. We recognised that we needed to work with girls as young as twelve to tackle the gender stereotypes that are so entrenched within women by the time they reach adulthood. What we noticed within our first few cohorts of teen girls was the lack of background diversity. Students that attended were from similar backgrounds, with supportive parents who may already work in tech (or a related field), from mostly white families, who could afford to bring their child to the sessions we were hosting in Liverpool City Centre each week. Our Co-Founders are women who have both grown up in low income families and wanted to make sure that our programmes reached girls from different backgrounds. As two (relatively young!) white women, they were also acutely aware that we needed to work with a diverse set of industry mentors to ensure that we had a broad range of people of all ages, backgrounds and identities to inspire the students. This includes working with male role models too, as we don’t want to exclude anyone from our mission. A turning point was at the Big Bang Fair in 2016, where we were exposed to hundreds of schools across the U.K. The students that attended were from different nationalities, ethic backgrounds and a multitude of faiths. We realised that to engage a truly diverse range of young people we had to remove all barriers to them accessing our programmes. Shortly afterwards we rebranded as InnovateHer and took our educational programmes into schools. We prioritised working in disadvantaged areas across Liverpool and Manchester. Since then we have worked with girls from a broad range of backgrounds; including families who are asylum seekers, looked after children, girls in faith schools and girls who identify as non-binary, trans or queer.

Socially Oxford - Beth Kirk

socially oxford - beth kirk

If you are looking for support with your digital marketing, then let me give you a willing hand. Having left a corporate career in order to work flexibly around my family, my aim is to provide business owners and organisations with a clear and straightforward strategic path to follow through what can be a very overwhelming digital world. You might be very unsure of how to approach organic social media, or wondering if starting an email marketing list is the right thing to do. You might be frustrated by the lack of engagement your social media gets, the time it takes to execute or, (this is a common one), feel that your competitors are doing it much better than you. To help you I have several service packages available to suit a wide range of budgets. These range from a basic no-nonsense audit which gives you honest feedback on what you are currently doing, a power hour to go in-depth on some specific issues, or provision of a full strategic multi-platform approach for your social media marketing. Or perhaps I can assist you with a training need? You may have someone (or a number of people) in your organisation that need to upskill in social media marketing in order to feel more confident about executing it themselves. Training others to master social is my passion and you can read some of my many training recommendations from my work as a Social Media Marketing Coach at the award-winning Oxfordshire based TechPixies here. I’ve invested in my training After spending 18 years in the more traditional sales and marketing roles, I knew it was important to invest in my own development and digital learning. In 2017 I completed the 6 month Digital Mums Strategic Marketing Diploma working alongside The Food Ethics Council, and I am trained by leading expert Emma Van Heusen in Facebook Advertising.