414 Educators providing Courses

Caludon Castle School

caludon castle school



We are fortunate to have superb facilities here at Caludon which provide modern and professional learning spaces and resources for every subject. In addition to this, we use digital technology smartly, investing in the creative and transformative potential of the use of IPads and interactive platforms. We know that during the course of our students’ time here at Caludon they will inevitably face personal as well as academic challenges. Our pastoral teams are dedicated to supporting our young people so that they feel safe and happy at school, form good friendships and understand and embody our values of respect, kindness and inclusion. We enjoy the diversity of our school community and, whilst we encourage a pride in being a part of the Caludon Castle School, we also encourage a celebration of what makes us unique and individual. A student’s time at Caludon should be defined by more than attending their lessons. Our students will belong to a House (Devonish, Maddison or Smith) and participate in house competitions and celebrations; they can join clubs and societies to pursue their interests beyond the classroom and they will be encouraged to invest in their leadership skills through our student leadership pathways. Caludon Castle School is fortunate to be part of a successful multi-academy trust with a strong leadership culture for both staff and students. As well as attracting and developing excellent professionals, our school community also has much to share as we collaborate with partner schools realising opportunities to continually learn and grow. Our students will benefit from this outward looking approach through which our own future leaders will no doubt emerge!

Dudley Sixth

dudley sixth


See why learning is about more than exams and textbooks. Dudley Sixth doesn’t believe in spoon-feeding learners with information or teaching them merely to pass examinations. Of course exam success is vital to your onward career at university or work, but so is the ability to think for yourself, to question norms and to explore the ideas that grab your interest. Thought-provoking discussions – rather than textbooks and lectures – can help to inspire a lifelong love of learning in us all. At Dudley Sixth we aim to nurture generations of inquiring minds. To help you thrive in your studies, we have created an environment that is happy, warm and supportive. We will celebrate your successes and encourage you to be the best you can possibly be. Feel respected and nurtured in a place that is welcoming to all. When you choose Dudley Sixth, you’re here because you want to be, not because you have to be. Our teaching staff are delighted about that and will naturally reward your maturity by treating you as an adult. In return, we expect you to take responsibility for your learning, behaviour and attendance – and to show respect for the education you and your fellow learners are being offered by attending every lesson on time. Dudley Sixth issues essential textbooks on extended loan to all learners but you will be expected to provide your own stationery. Naturally, teachers will expect you to be properly equipped for every lesson and to have done your homework! All learners will be assessed at end of first year for satisfactory academic progress and conduct before being enrolled on to the second year.