438 Educators providing Courses




Discover and discuss medical images and cases From ECGs, scans and X-rays to patient photos and videos, MedShr helps you find and discuss relevant medical cases with colleagues, by specialty and at all grades. MedShr is a verified, private network and features a unique in-app system for obtaining patient consent. Follow clinical cases you find interesting and learn from your peers with informal and accredited case based discussion. Share knowledge with verified members MedShr is the simple way to capture, share and discuss clinical images and videos in your everyday practice. Create a case, obtain consent and start a discussion all from your mobile. Send medical cases to colleagues, share them with the wider community, export to your e-portfolio or simply organise cases for your personal records. MedShr is a private, professional network that gives you complete control over the privacy of your cases - you can share them with the wider MedShr community or just a single colleague. All members are verified as doctors, healthcare professionals and medical students before gaining access to the platform. Expand your professional network Medical students and doctors of all levels are joining MedShr to advance their learning and connect with peers from their university, place of work and across the world. Connect and follow specialists in your field to keep up to date on the latest cases and treatments. Join groups to learn from others, share your findings, or just discuss complex and interesting clinical cases. Medical students, junior doctors and specialist trainees use MedShr groups as a resource for informal learning, ahead of case-based examinations and in aid of their formal training. Help make a difference

Foxwood Academy

foxwood academy



Welcome to Foxwood Academy and welcome to our website. Hopefully, you will find all of the information you need on our website but if you have any specific questions you can contact us directly at the Academy. The ‘Help for Everyone’ drop down menu on the far right hand side provides you with clips and links to videos that you might find really useful and the ‘Site Map’ section in the ‘About Us’ menu will take you to a list of everything on the website. We are a school for children and young people with SEND but also a school for parents and carers. We want to provide you with the support and help that you might need and hopefully this website is your first stop. The children, young people and staff at Foxwood are remarkable. We have just over 110 children and young people and approximately 60 staff. Our youngest children start at age 4 and our oldest leave us at the age of 18. All of our children and young people have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) and all of our children have difficulties with cognition and learning. About 75% of our children would be described as children and young people with an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC or sometimes called ASD) and others can be described as having Sensory and /or Physical needs. We have a very strong set of core values here at Foxwood that guide us in every decision and action that we take. We believe in: Education – That every child with a special educational need deserves the best possible education available provided by the best teachers in the best schools and Academies. Independence – That every child and young person is given the opportunity to be as independent as they possibly can be. Celebration – That the children and young people should be happy here and celebrate their part in our community. Learning for Life – That Foxwood is a stepping-stone to bright futures. Futures where young adults can be happy, healthy, independent, and play an active part in society. Lots of parents and carers contact the Academy and the website to see if our context; or the children and young people that we teach, are similar to their children and young people at home. Peer groups are very important for our children and so this is understandable. The link here will take you to some data that might help.