3171 Educators providing Courses

Highcliffe School

highcliffe school


We believe this atmosphere stems from the ethos passionately promoted by the Governors, school leaders and staff. Our Prospectus aims to give you an insight into the ethos which animates everything we do and how we do it. Caring, Supporting and Encouraging Firstly, we believe young people learn best when they feel safe, supported, and encouraged. Our pastoral care system, alongside our approach to behaviour management and to Rewards, creates a ‘one big family’ feel among students and staff where negative behaviours are not accepted and positive attitudes and successes are celebrated daily. Students say that ‘this is a friendly school’. This view is endorsed by parents who are extremely positive about their children’s safety and the care and guidance they receive. - Ofsted Passionate about Learning Secondly, we believe a first-class education will make a huge difference to every Highcliffe student, opening their minds, developing their powers of reasoning and deepening their knowledge and understanding of the complex world around them. We believe education changes lives and that educated people can change the world. We are passionate about learning, and we communicate our passion for learning and its benefits in everything we do. We encourage students to throw themselves into the experience of secondary school and achieve excellence. We use education to prepare our students for life and equip them with the intellectual powers and personal awareness to aspire to make a difference to the world around them. Our daughter has embraced starting at Highcliffe School. The experience has been extremely positive and most importantly she is very happy. - A Highcliffe Parent The academic rigour of learning at Highcliffe underpins our students’ excellent examination success. Our year groups always achieve well above the national average in GCSE and A Level results. We believe in 2013 and 2015 the proportion of Highcliffe students achieving at least 5 GCSE Grades A*-C including Maths and English by the end of Year 11 was higher than any other nearby Dorset, Bournemouth or New Forest comprehensive school. Our Sixth Form students regularly achieve the top grades, often gaining places on the most academic degree courses at the most prestigious universities. We have an exemplary record gaining college places, apprenticeships or employment for our vocationally talented students at age 16 or 18. As a consequence according to government figures we have one of the very highest proportions nationally of former students now securely in further education, training or employment compared to schools similar to Highcliffe.

John McHale

john mchale

Way Scunthorpe

As a fellow business owner, John fully understands the ’blood, sweat and tears’ that go into not only running, but growing a profitable business. I understand what it is like to worry about the day-to-day survival of the business and making the amount of money needed to run your business and personal life. I also understand what it’s like to put in long hours and wonder what happened to the dreams and vision for life and future. I’m here to help you change all of that! From years of experience, I have gained the knowledge and skills to help you align values and visions and apply the correct strategies and tactics to get your business to the next level. I am: A dynamic, motivated and a results orientated professional with a proven business and corporate track record of success in helping business owners achieve high profitable growth year on year An MBA trained advisor to companies on development of their organisations in areas of; Finance, Operational Effectiveness, Sales and Marketing, Growth Understanding of everyone’s idea of success being different – so work on clarity and alignment in order to implement business goals with a healthy work life balance An expert at developing teams and people with many years experience of building motivated, capable and winning teams Motto: “All Winners have Coaches” Current clients say about me: “John has boundless energy and enthusiasm which is infectious—working with him is never dull!” “He is a down-to-earth communicator who dislikes jargon and really understands what drives people.” “John cares enough not to tell clients what they want to hear, but instead will function as a critical friend who tells it like it is. He will hold you to account to bring about the changes needed to create the business you want, to give you the life you deserve.” I am dedicated to my family and to having quality time together. I firmly believe that business should give you a better life and, as your coach, my goal is to help put the FUN back in your business and your life! Coaching is not for the faint hearted – it takes hard work and commitment. However, the rewards, both personal and for the business, far outweigh the investment. I am here to make the complicated things in business simple. We will work together to redefine your dreams and vision, and then we will put into place the necessary systems, strategies, and tactics that will allow you to turn your business venture into a thriving, successful one.

Hinchingbrooke School

hinchingbrooke school


It is my privilege to welcome you to Hinchingbrooke School; a remarkable school in many ways Hinchingbrooke is set in acres of beautiful grounds and adjoining a country park. Hinchingbrooke House was formerly the family home of the Cromwells and of the Earls of Sandwich. The school finds inspiration from its heritage and gives both staff and students a very special pride and a sense of identity that we capture in the phrase: We are Hinchingbrooke. Our Mission is a clear statement of why the school exists; our Values provide solid foundations for our work to develop our students as great people; and our Key Focuses make clear that we understand well what matters most in school – you will find the detail of our Mission, Values and Key Focuses below. School is about much more than examination results, important as those are. Our students’ wellbeing is paramount: we aim to know every one of our students, we want them to be happy, and we also want every one of them to feel there is someone in school to whom they can turn, if and when they need to. Our strong sense of community is captured in our pastoral work through HBK.COM. Beyond the classroom, we aim to provide a wide range of high-value extra-curricular opportunities for our students to meet their needs and interests, to develop them as well-rounded young people and, crucially, to enable them to have fun! The educational experience at Hinchingbrooke brings change, challenge and opportunity. Our students’ personal response to these goes a long way to determining their quality of life after leaving school, which is why from day 1, we emphasise Hard Work, High Standards, and Kindness. The school is well served by a team of highly committed teachers and support staff, working in partnership with governors and parents to provide the very best possible education for our young people. There is an immense vitality here and a real sense of togetherness. Hinchingbrooke students develop their confidence and skills to become well-rounded young adults, ready to take their next steps, whatever those may be. By being a part of history they develop a sense of heritage and, by looking forward and preparing for their very different and exciting futures, they develop a sense of destiny too. We are proud of our students and if you take the opportunity to come and meet us, we believe you will see why.

Amala Education

amala education


Amala (formerly known as Sky School) was conceived in 2017, in response to the gap in quality education provision for displaced youth. Our name is inspired by the Arabic word for hope, which our education embodies. We believe that young refugees - as all people - have a right to quality education. Yet, fewer than one in three refugees are able to complete their secondary education and only 6% are able to access higher education. In 2016, Amala co-founders Mia and Polly were working on a prestigious scholarship; the programme admitted refugees to schools around the world to complete their upper secondary education. They found that for every scholarship place available, hundreds of promising applicants were turned away. Their subsequent research showed that there were few educational opportunities available for refugee youth aged 16-25, many of whom are forced to drop out of educational systems due to the barriers they face. The idea for Amala was born: to provide transformational learning programmes for displaced youth and their host communities to improve their lives today and open up opportunities for the future. Amala has two key programmes: The Amala High School Diploma, the first high school diploma designed for and with refugee youth, and Changemaker Courses in areas such as Peace-building, Ethical Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship. Amala supports students to access further opportunities for education, training and work beyond their studies. Read more about our programmes here. Amala’s curriculum has been developed with the support of our educational partner UWC South East Asia, one of the largest international schools in the world with an expertise in values-based curriculum development, and led by UWCSEA’s former Director of Teaching and Learning Stuart MacAlpine, in collaboration with refugee youth and 150 educators. Amala learning focuses on the development of learner agency as well as competencies that enable learners to make change in their lives and communities. Amala learning is delivered through a blended learning model and in light of Covid-19 many courses have been adapted to an online model. Amala programmes are delivered both directly by Amala and in collaboration with partners whose missions are aligned to our own. Through collaborating with partners we have been able to bring transformational education to refugees in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Read more about where we work here and how to become a partner here. Amala is established as a non-profit organisation in the United Kingdom, and our remote team spans London, Singapore, Greece, Jordan and Kenya.

Space to Balance

space to balance

Through yoga and mindfulness, I help people to slow down, prioritise their wellbeing and feel more peace day to day. I’ll let you into a secret though… the old me was not a calm, happy, chilled out yoga teacher! The old me worked long hours in jobs I didn’t enjoy, feeling constantly stressed and overwhelmed. I said yes to everything and put way too much pressure on myself. Life felt busy, I wasn’t happy and my mental health started to suffer too. It was at this point I realised something had to give. So I left my job at the time, took a step back and dived into all things health and wellbeing. Little did I know, three things would change my whole way of living. First, I found yoga. What started as 30 days of Yoga with Adriene on YouTube (highly recommend!) turned into a regular practice, and I realised how amazing it felt to properly slow down and take care of my mind and body in this way. Yoga has made me stronger, happier and more myself. It’s given me a way to find peace amidst the busyness of life. As I learnt more about yoga, I started practicing meditation regularly, and found that it gave me an even deeper sense of calm and mental clarity. Meditation has taught me how to become present and cultivate a calmer, clearer mindset, and it’s become a daily practice that I now couldn’t do without. I love to share this with others by starting every yoga class with some meditation. And last but not least, I discovered mindfulness. This is perhaps the most valuable practice I’ve ever learnt, and weaving it into my daily life has had such an impact on how I feel and experience the world around me. Mindfulness has helped me to appreciate my life more fully and find a balance between doing and being. This is something I want everyone to experience, so I now use my classes, workshops and other offerings to spread mindfulness more widely. Movement. Meditation. Mindfulness. These practices have become the three M’s I live by. They’ve improved my life more than I can say and now everything I do is about sharing them with others. I hope you’ll join me in exploring these ways of living, and find this space a welcoming place to learn, grow and nurture your wellbeing. Please reach out anytime. I’d love to hear from you.

EB Centre

eb centre

Mary has a lively curiosity and an appetite for new possibilities. She brings a blend of in-company and external consulting experience to her coaching, facilitation and leadership development work. Her earlier career as a business psychologist and then as a senior leader within a global drinks company gave her insight across a wide range of sectors and geographies and has influenced her in taking a systemic approach with her clients. Her focus is on enabling shifts in leadership behaviour and leadership culture towards a more progressive, balanced leadership approach, and she has co-authored "A Fresh Approach" with her partners in EB Ltd. She has worked within sectors as diverse as the financial sector; media; shipping industry; oil and gas services industry; professional services; food and drink; engineering firms; and telecommunications. Clients describe her as professional and engaging, combining constructive challenge with empathy. LINKEDIN Rosie.jpg Rosie Mayes Rosie is an explorer and translator of ideas, with a flair for developing them into actionable plans and value-adding outcomes. Her work is valued across many sectors and she builds strong relationships and deep understanding of her client's context. A former international athlete, she continues to coach national, Olympic and Paralympic level professionals. With an astute sense of what also creates the conditions for success outside the sporting context, she has been a highly regarded professional in leadership development, coaching and team facilitation for over 25 years, bringing a combination of theoretical rigour, pragmatism and a deep interest in people. She is co-author of "A Fresh Approach". Rosie has worked in Engineering, Construction, Professional Sports Organisations, SMEs, Banking and Finance, Pharmaceutical, Civil Service and Telecommunications. Clients describe her as grounded and reflective, on a constant quest to deepen leadership wisdom and knowledge. LINKEDIN Sue.jpg Dr Sue Congram A highly experienced process consultant, leadership learning facilitator and in-depth coach, Sue brings systemic, progressive and creative thinking to developing leadership, along with a deep understanding of organisational development, systemic and culture change. She has worked in this field for over 30 years. Sue speaks and teaches on leadership, presenting at conferences in the UK and abroad. She completed her PhD in Leadership in 2013, her research is the inspiration behind the core concepts of the EB Centre. As a respected author, she has published books & papers on business psychology, management & leadership, organisational development, diversity, and coaching. Sue has worked with leaders at the most senior levels in Finance & Banking, Energy, IT, Logistics, Communications, Pharmaceuticals and Central Government - nationally and globally. Clients describe her as tenacious and inspirational, with an infectious zest for life.

The Restore Trust

the restore trust


A fair society where socially excluded people are supported to obtain skills, qualifications and employment to build sustainable, independent lives contributing positively to society History: At its foundation, The Restore Trust was set up in 2009 by the current CEO Suzanne Thompson and SMT board of Avon & Somerset Probation Trust, in conjunction with the National Offender Management Service. The organisation was registered as an independent VCSE in 2010 and is managed by an excellent board of trustees. Whilst the organisation retains a specialism in working with people with complex needs and criminal convictions, it can work with anyone in the community who is experiencing barriers in accessing training and employment. Many of our clients have complex needs in relation to homelessness, mental health problems, drug/alcohol dependency and offending behaviour. We pride ourselves on our non-judgemental, person-centred approach in our work with clients that builds their confidence, motivation and helps to inspire change in their lives. Mission/Values: Our mission is to work collaboratively with different organisations to promote equality of opportunity, strengthen the sector by access to high quality services to enable people to reach their full potential by gaining the skills, confidence, qualifications and employment suited to their needs and aspirations, ultimately contributing positively to society and the local economy. This mission aligns with our core values of working in a non-judgemental and person-centred way to build constructive and supportive working relationships with our clients to help them progress and achieve the goals they have identified. We offer a relaxed, informal environment and with additional wrap around support when required, including provision of free refreshments and snacks to support clients learning on-site. A key part of our success comes from our partnerships, and we pride ourselves on having an excellent staff team with backgrounds in Criminal Justice, Welfare, and Community work with disadvantaged young people and adults. The superb quality of our board members also brings an additional wealth of expertise and experience to our organisation. Looking to partner and support other organisations A key part of our success at The Restore Trust comes from our formal and informal partnerships with a range of statutory, private and voluntary organisations. We recognise the need to work collaboratively to achieve mutual positive outcomes for our clients and to work in ways in which organisations can mutually benefit from partnership support. We welcome dialogue around how we can work with other organisations to strengthen the sector, and continue to expand access to a range of services for our clients to support their journey towards employment.

Future Path Life Coaching

future path life coaching

Being a Mum is a constant assault on all your senses – physically and mentally demanding from the very start to the very end of each day. To see our families work well, we need to be operating at our very best, feeling energised and equipped to flourish. My name is Jackie Meek and I am a qualified Life Coach. I love meeting new people and helping Mums to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than negative mindset. I am passionate about the impact coaching conversations can have, helping mums to build healthy family foundations and home environments. I am committed to enabling Mums to function to the best of their ability and seeing them thrive as powerful leaders in their family units. I love being a Mum, but it has come with its challenges. I have two precious children, born in 2008 and 2010, but I have a difficult birthing story, including experiencing giving birth extremely prematurely, the loss of a baby and I have also experienced post-partum psychosis and post-natal depression. My career, starting in 1990, has spanned a variety of commercial and not for profit organisations, primarily working in recruitment, HR, administration and finance. In 2014, once both my children were both at school, I undertook a series of life coaching sessions which resulted in a dramatic improvement in the quality of my relationship with my husband – and it was me who changed, not him! My life coaching sessions were inspiring and empowering and left me feeling energised and equipped to flourish in my role as a mother, wife, daughter and friend. I decided to build on my people skills, developed over the last 25+ years, by training to become a qualified life coach and undertook a course with Full Circle Development in London. I qualified in March 2016 with a Certificate in Professional Coaching Practice and I am an Associate Certified Coach through the International Coaching Federation. I love the privilege of having personal conversations with my clients and enabling sustainable change to take place. Spending quality time with my family is a high priority for me and as a family we love to ride off-road motorbikes and go motor racing together. In my spare time I enjoy horse riding and you’ll find me at my happiest surrounded by my family and friends. I love being organised and creative and running Future Path Life Coaching ticks those boxes. I am good at building relationships quickly and am open, friendly, calm and confident.

Ptrc Education And Research Services

ptrc education and research services


We specialise in training and staging events on all matters relating to transport and travel planning for consultants, local authorities, government bodies and universities in the UK and overseas. We have developed a range of technical courses that are likely to appeal to newer engineers, planners and technicians, including those who have been recruited from a non-technical background. We offer a variety of training and education formats, from evening lecture series such as the “Principles of Traffic and Transport”, to one and two day public courses like “Planning Public Transport Services". News We found Britain’s greenest city centre – and its least green Jake M Robinson, Paul Brindley 25 November 2022/Number of views (142) Why UK railways can’t deal with heatwaves – and what might help Kangkang Tang, Brunel University London 19 August 2022/Number of views (492) Good To Go? Decarbonising Travel After the Pandemic David Metz We have built our modern economy and lifestyles on the energy of fossil fuels. We know we must cease their use if dangerous climate change is to be avoided. Transport is the largest contributor to... 22 July 2022/Number of views (695) RSS Transport Practitioners' Meeting Mark your calendars! #2023TPM will take place 28 - 29 June 2023! TPM navy turqouise 2020 Advancing skills knowledge with PTRC Whether you are new to the transport industry, are looking to refresh your knowledge on transport principles, or if you have taken on a new responsibility or are working in a ‘niche area’ and wish to broaden your knowledge, PTRC’s 20 week evening lecture series offers a cost-effective and time-inexpensive training course that will benefit both the participating The next session starts soon! More information here... Upcoming Training The Principles of Traffic and Transport - The 20 Week Evening Lecture Series Our most popular lecture series provides an introduction to the key components of transport planning and traffic engineering. Whether you are new to the transport industry, are looking to refresh your knowledge on transport principles, or if you have taken on a new responsibility or are working in a ‘niche area’ and wish to broaden your knowledge, PTRC’s evening lecture series offers a cost-effective and time-inexpensive training course that will benefit both the participating employees and their employers. The programme has been designed to complement both the TPS Professional Development Scheme and the CIHT/TPS Transport Planning Professional (TPP) qualification enabling participants to gain knowledge across all the mandatory units. Upcoming Dates: 20 September 2022 - UK Online 28 September 2022 - Ireland Online 28 September 2022 - Toronto Online 06 October 2022 - London in-person

Swindon Borough Council

swindon borough council


At Swindon Borough Council, we are committed to delivering for our residents, local businesses and communities. Our services provide a lifeline and safety net to residents who need us most through the vital care and support we provide. These services directly benefit a relatively small number of residents yet demand the majority of our funding. But, by squeezing the most from our resources, we continue to provide services for the whole community including waste and recycling collections, road repairs and libraries. As well as providing a vast range of public services, we are using our legal powers, assets, access to targeted funding, local knowledge and influence to lay the foundations for Swindon to thrive in the future. Bringing together partners from across the private, public and voluntary sectors to improve the quality of life for residents. Working across education, health, crime, the local economy and climate change. We are ambitious for the town, realistic about the challenges but excited for the future. We’re acting now to meet the needs of Swindon’s growing population: building new homes, creating new school places, upgrading roads and enhancing our country parks while also working to revitalise the town centre with £100 million of Council-led investment. We have a clear vision for how we see Swindon developing in the future: By 2030, Swindon will have all of the positive characteristics of a British city with one of the UK’s most successful economies; a low-carbon environment with compelling cultural, retail and leisure opportunities and excellent infrastructure. It will be a model of well managed housing growth which supports and improves new and existing communities. Swindon will be physically transformed with existing heritage and landmarks complemented by new ones that people who live, work and visit here will recognise and admire. It will remain, at heart, a place of fairness and opportunity where people can aspire to and achieve prosperity, supported by strong civic and community leadership. None of this is possible if we don’t live within our means. That’s why our Council Plan sets out our clear priorities to make best use of our resources and how we will achieve our ambitious vision. We have committed to six key priorities which the Council will focus on over the next four years. These set out how we intend to provide services to residents and set key milestones to achieving our aims. We are in the process of developing a new reporting system that will allow you to monitor our progress against each pledge.