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39 Courses


By Inclusive Solutions

In this course we explore how we have attempted to build inclusive circles of support around individuals and contrast this with a radical approach to hospitality and community building – the Community Circle. The purpose of community circles is to bring people from a local community together to share their skills, talents, gifts and resources. This idea is based upon the premise that ALL of us need three things in our lives to make us happy and fulfilled: these are money, friendship and meaning. We believe that everyone needs community, everyone needs to be heard and everyone needs to have fun. Online Course now available via Teachable Platform [https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/courses] – Creating Community Circles [https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/p/creating-community-circles/] Learn at your own pace… lots of text and video support https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/p/creating-community-circles/ CATEGORY Inclusion Peer Support Parents and Carers   DESCRIPTION  BUILDING COMMUNITY CIRCLES In this course we explore how we have attempted to build inclusive circles of support around individuals and contrast this with a radical approach to hospitality and community building – the Community Circle. The purpose of community circles is to bring people from a local community together to share their skills, talents, gifts and resources. This idea is based upon the premise that ALL of us need three things in our lives to make us happy and fulfilled: these are money, friendship and meaning. We believe that everyone needs community, everyone needs to be heard and everyone needs to have fun. Community Circles are based upon reciprocity and the assumption that EVERYONE has both gifts and needs – whether these are labelled or not. The circles adopt the fundamental value of inclusion that ‘all means all’, no one is excluded from community circles, instead the circle members work out how to include everyone equally and safely. A community circle is made up of participants and allies from the local community. The meeting starts with everyone sharing food and conversations. Next the group comes together in a circle so that everyone can see each other and shares what is good and new in their lives, everyone gets a turn to be listened to. ‘New and Good’ breaks the habit of thinking about and acting from what’s wrong, it is an exercise of giving and receiving attention with one another and it also provides a strong foundation of strengths from which we can think about and tackle difficulties. The group is then asked the question what do they want, need or have to offer. Community circles provide a great foundation or starting point from which to explore connections, build relationships, locate resources and share skills. These circles will be a particularly important resource for Brokers and the people that they work for. They provide a safe forum in which people can meet and friendships can start, a natural reservoir of people and relationships where people can be invited to offer their time and capacity. To be successful we have to start from a belief in inclusion. A belief that: 1  We are all born ‘in’. 2  All means all. 3  Everyone needs to belong. 4  Everyone is ready. 5  Everyone needs support. 6  Everyone can communicate. 7  Everyone can contribute. 8  Together we’re better. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. For participants to learn how to create a Community Circle. 2. For participants to understand the underlying rationale and ethos of this way of working. 3. To explore ways of maximising an individual’s inclusion and connection with the wider community. 4. To explore ways of helping with friendship, social connection and education. 5. To increase confidence, social skills and presence of disabled adults and those with a wide range of need in their local community by focusing on their contribution. WHO IS IT FOR? Anyone interested in mobilising the community to make it more inclusive around disabled or challenging individuals. COURSE CONTENT * Understanding ordinary needs – plus the true dimensions of social inclusion * Building relationships * Creating natural circles of support * Creating a community circle If you like this you will almost certainly enjoy: Person Centred Planning using PATH and MAPS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/training/person-centred-planning-using-path-and-maps/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

This is our lead workshop/training day on behaviour and relationship work in Primary and Secondary schools and Academies, as well as Early Years, FE and adult settings and is both a values primer and a practical guide to successful innovative strategies for improving behaviour and strengthening relationships for challenging children and people of all ages. COURSE CATEGORY Behaviour and Relationships Meeting emotional needs Early Years Inclusion DESCRIPTION This is our lead workshop/training day on behaviour and relationship work in schools and other settings and is both a values primer and a practical guide to successful innovative strategies for improving behaviour and strengthening relationships for challenging children and young people of all ages. Not just another day on ‘Behaviour Management’ – our ‘Fresh Approaches to Behaviour and Relationships’ day goes well beyond a rewards and sanctions approach to ‘behaviour’. We will be focused on those young people for whom rewards and punishments do not always work and who confuse the adults who work with them. We aim to take a relationships based approach and to give those attending an opportunity to think more deeply about why young people do the things they do and what our part as adults is in creating, sustaining and changing these behaviours. The day gives those present opportunities to reflect on their attitudes and practice in relation to children’s behaviour and relationship building. If your usual approaches to managing behaviour aren’t working with particular individuals then take a tour through this range of cutting edge strategies for bringing about positive behaviour change, and for meeting challenging emotional needs. TESTIMONIALS > ‘Thank you so much for the excellent training day you delivered last week. I > found the whole experience quite uplifting and inspirational.’ > ‘Thought provoking and empowering. Probably the best training day we’ve had in > school’ > ‘There was already evidence on the first day of school for pupils that staff > were adopting a different approach. Thank you so much for helping us to make a > difference.’ > ‘Today has to have been one of the very best INSET days I have personally been > to – full of practical tips and techniques to use in the classroom; and also > proof that this approach does work in practice. It really was inspirational > and an excellent start to the term.’ > ‘Very motivating and exciting course.’ > ‘Another fantastic Colin and Derek training session’ > ‘Enjoyed this course very much. Derek and Colin worked very hard and I > understood it. Thank you.’ LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Reinforce and affirm good practice 2. Re-energise, stimulate and challenge thinking about inclusion of challenging young people and children 3. Increased understanding about behaviour and emotions 4. Increased confidence in managing challenging pupils in childcare settings mainstream schools 5. Access to a wider range of practical strategies to impact on behaviour problems 6. Opportunity to reflect on professional attitudes and behaviour towards families and children and young people 7. Learn new skills and processes to make inclusion successful WHO IS IT FOR ? * Primary and secondary staff teams * All Childcare Providers – Out of School club staff/Childminders/Youth Workers * Early years and school based practitioners * Heads and deputies * SENCOs * Advanced skills teachers * Primary and secondary teachers * Year Managers * Parents * Local authority support services COURSE CONTENT The course answers the questions: * Are there any new ways to include our most challenging young people? * Should we focus on behaviour or relationships? * How do we go about including high profile children or young people? * Can we find an alternative to exclusion? * What would a relationship policy look like? The following are some of the key themes and tools we are likely to explore during the day * Getting the welcome right for the most challenging * Encouraging – getting the best from the most challenging- Circle of Courage – belonging-achievement-generosity – independence * Active listening – Listening to the person underneath the behaviour * Compass of Shame – which directions do children and young people head when they feel shame? And what helps children work through these feelings in more healthy ways? * Involving other children and young people in solutions and interventions – Circles of friends: peer support, counselling and mediation * Team Problem Solving – Solution Circles: a 30 minute group problem solving process to get Teams ‘unstuck’ and to generate positive first action steps * Circle of Adults [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/circle-of-adults-live-demo/]: a process that ‘listens deeper’ to generate reflective problem solving creating lasting behaviour change and effective behaviour intervention plans. A particularly valuable process for those looking to enhance their leadership and facilitation skills * Restorative justice and restitution: principles and practice of this approach to repairing harm and restoring relationships without reliance on punishment * Understanding the effects of Separation, Loss, Trauma and Neglect on children’s learning and relationships in school and what adults can do to reach and support these children

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

Person centred rehabilitation is designed to create a better life for an individual by the provision of an intense input designed to being about social change. This usually entails a series of visits focused on getting the person out and about to increase confidence, social skills and presence in their local community and to pursue goals and dreams. Usually, the work is carried out under the close clinical supervision of a practicing psychologist. COURSE CATEGORY Inclusion Person Centred Planning Visioning and Problem Solving Peer Support DESCRIPTION PERSON CENTRED REHABILITATION Person centred rehabilitation is designed to create a better life for an individual by the provision of an intense input designed to being about social change. This usually entails a series of visits focused on getting the person out and about to increase confidence, social skills and presence in their local community and to pursue goals and dreams. Usually, the work is carried out under the close clinical supervision of a practicing psychologist. PERSON CENTRED PLANNING [https://inclusive-solutions.com/person-centred-planning/] A Person Centred Planning event would be carried out using the PATH [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/path-process-step-by-step-guide/] or MAP [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/maps-process-step-by-step-guide/] process – majoring on dreams and goal setting leading to precise action planning. Facilitators would carry out the PATH [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/path-process-step-by-step-guide/] or other person centred process. A large graphic will be one of the outcomes of the meetings this is a great visual record and a shared memory of the event. This will also inform the priorities for the later follow up inclusion facilitation work. Following the PATH [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/path-process-step-by-step-guide/] event a ‘scoping report’ is created outlining what Inclusion Facilitation could offer and highlighting what dreams and goals the individual has. INCLUSION FACILITATION [https://inclusive-solutions.com/person-centred-planning/] The PATH is also provides a good opportunity for the Facilitator to meet the focus person in a comfortable positive environment. Agreed visits from the Inclusion Facilitator are then carried out over a 3 month period. After this intensive input the Inclusion Facilitator will hand over to the existing family, carers and PA team to carry on where he or she has left off. This transition time is planned from the outset. An experienced psychologist needs to be there to support the facilitator at all times and will guide all work done by the inclusion facilitator. IS THIS JUST SUPPORT WORK? No! This is proactive engagement – doing whatever is required. This is not passively or reactively providing what is asked for – we are actively pursuing a good life for the individual. The work is built on careful research around a person’s interests and what opportunities exist locally There is community mapping There is work to tackle an individual’s own resistance and reluctance to engage more socially There is a need to engage with people in social settings that the individual attends to build bridges and connections – we are bridge builders You will need to build circles around a person There is a need to create the conditions in which friendships can flourish There is a need for direct psychological supervision and support throughout This work is short term and intense. The facilitator’s main aims will vary depending on the dreams and goals of the focus person. The basic aim of the inclusion facilitator is to better the focus person’s quality of life. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1  To create a better life for the Individual. 2  Give Individual and family a clear vision of a good life and to support first steps towards this 3  To maximise individuals inclusion and connection with the wider community. 4  To help with friendship, social connection and education 5  To increase confidence, social skills and presence in their local community and to pursue goals and dreams. WHO IS IT FOR? Anyone who is involved in the rehabilitation of children or adults who have become disabled through accident or trauma and who is committed to helping them get their life back on track. COURSE CONTENT Understanding ordinary needs – the dimensions of social inclusion * Pursuing the dreams and goals of the individual * Improving social skills * Community Mapping * Being comfortable in social environments * Developing conversational skills * Having a positive mindset * Staying physically active * Building relationships * Help in meeting new people * Create natural circles of support * Creating a community circle * Having positive body language * Employment of support staff * Pursuing personal interests   If you like this you will almost certainly enjoy: Person Centred Planning using PATH and MAPs [https://inclusive-solutions.com/training/person-centred-planning-using-path-and-maps/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500

Prevention of bullying in schools Course

By Elearncollege

DESCRIPTION Prevention of bullying in schools Diploma  This Prevention of bullying in schools diploma course starts with discussing the term 'bullying'. Some children are prone to bullying others, and the course discusses this and cyberbullying. The course dives deep into the legal aspects of bullying and reviews laws that are in place to protect children from bullies in schools and what incidents can be legally reprimanded according to government guidelines.  Bullying is not a simple phenomenon. One person is not enough to stop bullying from happening in schools. Instead, the whole school has to be actively involved in curbing it. It must be acknowledged by the school community members to recognise it as an issue that needs a solution. There should be shared knowledge about its existence to communicate openly with the teachers and their parents.  The Prevention of bullying in schools diploma course is meant for students, teachers, and parents. It contains all information necessary to deal with the alleviation of issues surrounding bullying in schools. The course, along with its exercises, will prepare you to handle problems and respond appropriately when facing situations that involve bullying. As the course discusses the legal aspects of bullying, you will understand essential regulations and acts that are in place. This knowledge will help you set boundaries when discussing bullying issues with authorities such as teachers or government officials.  The Prevention of bullying in schools diploma course mainly focuses on discussions around exceptional cases where people are bullied based on their disabilities, gender identity, race, and other prejudice-based judgements. The course is of particular use to parents as it talks about and gives advice on how to help children deal with bullies and the emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical pain that bullying can cause. The course also talks about how humans need to be open-minded and tolerant towards groups that we may not identify as our own by instilling ideas and values in children so that bullying does not occur. Children mostly learn these ideas from adults around them, which means that parents and teachers play a huge role in its eradication.  This Prevention of bullying in schools diploma course discusses bullying in schools in particular, which makes it a beneficial course for parents and those working in schools or with children, like teachers and administrators of educational institutions. A course such as this can create more inclusive, friendlier, and tolerant schools for students with all kinds of backgrounds.  The Prevention of bullying in schools diploma course focuses even more on bullying in primary and secondary school sections. It provides:  * The learner's knowledge of how bullying can be eliminated.  * The tools and techniques that may be used to achieve this.  * The statistics show that this is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with.  It dives deep into the factors that cause bullying, the roles and responsibilities of school administrators and teachers, modern-day bullying, cyberbullying, and social media's role in perpetuating this.  The Prevention of bullying in schools diploma course will get you acquainted with the laws and regulations that are in place to protect individuals from being bullied. Knowing this lets you understand which situations you can bring legal authorities involved. The focus is on groups that are protected by laws like minority groups and disabled individuals and the parts of the legislation that have been implemented to protect these groups from being discriminated against. Through this course, you will also learn how you can identify bullies and methods that can be used to teach children to be kinder and more caring towards others so that bullying may be prevented.  What you will learn   1: Defining Bullying  2: The bullying vocabulary  3: Position of the school  4: Talking with the children  5: People involved in bullying  6: Acting against bullying  7: Managing Bullying  8: Raising awareness  9: Peer Support  10: Preventive Strategies  COURSE OUTCOMES After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college. ASSESSMENT Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter. ACCREDITATION Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.

Prevention of bullying in schools Course
Delivered Online On Demand

Healthcare Team Leader Programme - 2.5 Days

By The Development People

Our Team Leader Programme is designed specifically for new & existing Team Leads & Managers in Healthcare, such as General Practice, Primary & Secondary Care. This programme gives delegates the opportunity to spend time with peers, gain new tools & techniques that enable them to develop & support their team effectively. Building confidence to be able to have more proactive & challenging conversations with team members, supporting managers and reducing escalation.

Healthcare Team Leader Programme - 2.5 Days
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request



By Yorkshire Hypnotherapy Training

accredited hypnotherapy training in person and online, expert tuition, free online taster course, contact us now for further details

Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request
£1950 to £2950

CQC Training Course - New Assessment Framework and How To Be 'Outstanding' Truro

By Green Maze Support

Being Prepared for CQC's New Assessment Framework Course

CQC Training Course - New Assessment Framework and How To Be 'Outstanding' Truro
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

CQC Training Course - New Assessment Framework and How To Be 'Outstanding' Plymouth

By Green Maze Support

Being Prepared for CQC's New Assessment Framework Course

CQC Training Course - New Assessment Framework and How To Be 'Outstanding' Plymouth
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Home Support Workers Course

By One Education

Compassion, trust and honesty, motivation, the ability to be flexible and adaptable, a problem solver, a team player and an excellent communicator with a good attitude and considered approach-- a group of positive characteristics that make a significant Home Support Worker. This Home Support Workers Training prepares you thoroughly for a bright future ahead with our easy-to-understand learning materials and accredited certification. Simply enrol in this course with a special discount and help to advance your career today in helping people in need. Key Learning Points * Learn how to help children who live with parents who have mental health problems. * Participate in and assist children and families. * Be able to provide peer support to children and adolescents * Monitor progress * Understand and recognise domestic violence * Recognise the risk factors for child abuse and neglect. Meet the Accreditation CPD Quality Standards (CPD QS) accreditation assure the Home Support Workers course training and learning activities are relevant, reliable, and upto date. Expert Support Dedicated tutor support and 24/7 customer support are available to all students with this premium quality course. Key Benefits * Learning materials of the Design course contain engaging voiceover and visual elements for your comfort. * Get 24/7 access to all content for a full year. * Each of our students gets full tutor support on weekdays (Monday to Friday) Course Curriculum * Module 1: Introduction to Family Support Work * Module 2: Solving Family Issues: part-1 * Module 3: Solving Family Issues: part-2 * Module 4: Safeguarding - Assessing Need and Providing Help: Part-1 * Module 5: Safeguarding - Assessing Need and Providing Help: Part-2 * Module 6: Overview of Mental Health Support Worker * Module 7: Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs) * Module 8: The Participation of the Service User * Module 9: Legislation, Policy, and Guidance * Module 10: The Mental Capacity Act * Module 11: Confidentiality and Record Keeping * Module 12: Interface with Legislation, Policy and Procedures Course Assessment To simplify the procedure of evaluation and accreditation for learners, we provide an automated assessment system. Upon completion of an online module, you will immediately be given access to a specifically crafted MCQ test. The results will be evaluated instantly, and the score will be displayed for your perusal. For each test, the pass mark will be set to 60%. When all tests have been successfully passed, you will be able to order a certificate endorsed by the Quality Licence Scheme. Exam & Retakes: It is to inform our learners that the initial exam for this online course is provided at no additional cost. In the event of needing a retake, a nominal fee of £9.99 will be applicable. Certification Upon successful completion of the assessment procedure, learners can obtain their certification by placing an order and remitting a fee of £9 for PDF Certificate and £15 for the Hardcopy Certificate within the UK ( An additional £10 postal charge will be applicable for international delivery). CPD 10 CPD hours / points Accredited by CPD Quality Standards WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This Home Support Workers course is designed to enhance your expertise and boost your CV. Learn key skills and gain a certificate of achievement to prove your newly-acquired knowledge. REQUIREMENTS This Home Support Workers course is designed for everyone. There are no formal entry requirements, so anyone is welcome to join. CAREER PATH Successful completion of the Home Support Workers Course will equip learners with many invaluable skills and provide them with an opportunity to take on aspirational roles such as: * Family intervention officer * Family outreach officer * Family welfare assistant * Key worker * Parenting support worker * Project worker CERTIFICATES CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Digital certificate - £9 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Hard copy certificate - £15 CPD Accredited Certification * Hardcopy Certificate (within the UK): £15 * Hardcopy Certificate (international): £15 + £10 (postal charge) = £25

Home Support Workers Course
Delivered Online On Demand



By Yorkshire Hypnotherapy Training

If you prefer the convenience of learning from home, or live outside the UK, join our online hypnotherapy training. We welcome students from all over the world* and you can study at either Foundation or Practitioner levels. If you want to train during the week, our midweek class offers a blended option, including both online and in-person students. This involves attending for one full day, then thirty-eight half days (one per week in term time only). It starts in September, so the Foundation level ends in January and the Practitioner level in July. Availability of blended places is limited, so please complete the enrolment form in good time.

Delivered Online On Demand
£100 to £1950