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Mindmaps Wellbeing

mindmaps wellbeing


Download wellbeing workplace brochure here [https://www.mindmapswellbeing.com/brochure-request/] Our vision is to change the culture of workplace wellbeing. To achieve this, we believe all organisations can address the needs of mental health and wellbeing, raising awareness and understanding. By fostering an initiative-taking approach to wellbeing at work, for themselves, staff, and customers, maintaining positive strategies to workplace wellbeing creating a culture and environment where people thrive. To achieve this, we offer a range of mental health related training and guidance services to ensure employers are mentally aware in every aspect of their business. We seek to challenge stigma and discrimination in the workplace related to mental ill health through expert and professional services which develop an open and supportive environment. Where staff feel confident to discuss their mental health with their employer, to feel supported in the workplace and to maintain the mental wellbeing of everyone. Our unique approach ensures training is tailored to our audience. The Story of Mindmaps Wellbeing; After spending a solid 18 years working in various roles for the NHS, Tim recognized the significance of applying a preventative approach to mental ill health. He believed that educating workplaces and communities on the importance of mental health first aid and awareness training would equip individuals with the necessary tools to look after their own mental wellbeing and to support others.  By teaching people, the early signs of poor mental health, Tim hoped to prevent potential crises from occurring. With a sharp vision in mind, Tim shared his ambition with his friend Mikey, who was a business development manager with extensive operations experience. Recognising the value of Tim's project, Mikey eagerly joined forces to help him achieve this goal.

Ali Smith trauma  informed coach

ali smith trauma informed coach

Hi, I’m Ali Smith, coach, EMDR therapist, inspirational speaker, corporate trainer. I’m on a mission to educate and empower both individuals and organisations. I use a trauma-informed approach in my one to one sessions and workshops , providing education on tackling workplace wellbeing and stress at work After almost losing my life to a terrorist attack some years ago, I believed that my experience would lead me to my purpose. As an inspirational speaker I share my journey to recovery with the aim of raising awareness on PTSD. After years of experience working in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors, I noticed a need for increased focus on employee training initiatives around managing stress at work . Workplace wellbeing has now become a priority in our post-pandemic world I became a best-selling author in 2019 after documenting my journey to recovery after CPTSD. Alongside my 1 to 1 client sessions and speaking engagements, my trauma awareness training for organisations and business coaches has been designed to equip leaders to improve employee collaboration and reduce staff absence I’m comfortable talking about stress and trauma. Trauma is NEVER about the event but always about the internal process as a result of the event Understanding how we can manage our own internal experience helps us to reframe our lives and manage stress at work In a highly traumatised society , I’d like to see everyone willing to engage in these conversations . We need to be talking openly about trauma if we are to move forwards as a collective “Take what was your past and light it as a bonfire to be a beacon of light for others to gravitate to”