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380 Educators providing Courses

Recovery Coaching Scotland

recovery coaching scotland


WHY RECOVERY COACHING? Background The illicit use of drugs and particularly opiates, benzodiazepines and psychostimulants, causes significant problems within Scotland as it does in other parts of the UK and Europe. Some of these problems are primarily social in nature, involving, for example, increases in acquisitive crime, prostitution, unemployment, family breakdown and homelessness. Others are more clearly associated with health problems, for example, the transmission of communicable diseases (HIV, hepatitis), injecting-related injuries and increased demands upon health care services. Similarly, alcohol problems are a major concern for public health in Scotland. Short-term problems such as intoxication can lead to risk of injury and is associated with violence and social disorder. Over the longer term, excessive consumption can cause irreversible damage to parts of the body such as the liver and brain. Alcohol can also lead to mental health problems, for example, alcohol dependency and increased risk of suicide. In addition, alcohol is recognised as a contributory factor in many other diseases including cancer, stroke and heart disease. Wider social problems include family disruption, absenteeism from work and financial difficulties. The Alcohol Framework 2018: Preventing Harm, published by the Scottish Government includes the estimate from the 2010 study, The Societal Cost of Alcohol Misuse in Scotland for 2007, that the impact of this excessive consumption is estimated to cost Scotland £3.6 billion each year. Our Challenge There are a number of characteristics in the behaviours, profile and patterns of drug use and people who use them that both differentiate and add complexity to the nature of our challenge, such as: High risk patterns of Drug use, including multiple different drug (poly drug use) and alcohol. High levels of social depravation, poverty and highly stigmatised people. Drug Misuse & Treatment in Scottish Prisons From 2009/10 to 2018/19, Testing was conducted across all Scottish prisons annually. During one month of the year, prisoners arriving in custody were voluntarily tested for the presence of illegal or illicit drugs. Similarly, those leaving custody during the month were tested to assess progress towards the 'reduced or stabilised' offender outcome. Some key points been: In 2018/19, of the tests carried out at prison entry 75% were positive for drugs The illegal/illicit drugs most commonly detected when entering prison in 2018/19 were cannabis benzodiazepines, opiates and cocaine In 2018/19, of the tests carried out when leaving prison 26% were positive for illegal/illicit drug

STAR - Steps To Active Recovery

star - steps to active recovery

There are many organisations across the UK doing great things to help people in addiction. But they’re not always working together. And often, a great initiative runs out of steam and disappears because its organisers are struggling to cope with all the demands and pressures that are being put upon them. This is where STAR comes in. With a personal story of recovery from addiction, and six years of experience in helping to run almost 20 Recovery courses at local churches, STAR founder-director Emma Heath has spotted a growing problem. And she’s become more and more determined to do something about it. > “I see so many great things starting up around the UK. But too often they > disappear because they’re not sustainable. Churches are either not getting the > support and training they need, or they’re not collaborating with other > services and organisations in their local area, or they’re simply overwhelmed > by the need on their doorstep. People can’t work in silos – especially in the > field of addiction and recovery. It’s all too hard.” STAR is about changing the culture that exists around addiction services. Across the UK, we want to have volunteer-led Recovery hubs that are brilliantly run by expertly-trained personnel who are getting all the advice and support they need to keep going. In the future, people affected by addiction will choose to go to a STAR-approved venue because of its reputation for being safe and trustworthy. It’ll be a place where lives are being changed. Every hour. Every day.”

Leeds Recovery College

leeds recovery college


Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is the main provider of specialist mental health and learning disability services in Leeds. We also provide specialist services across York, the Yorkshire and Humber region, and some highly specialised national services. Our vision is to provide outstanding mental health and learning disability services as an employer of choice. This means supporting our service users and carers, our staff and the communities we serve to live healthy and fulfilling lives where we can all achieve our personal and professional goals, and live free from stigma and discrimination. We are an NHS foundation trust. That means: we have some freedoms to decide locally how to meet our obligations we are accountable to local people, who can become members and governors we are authorised and monitored by NHS Improvement, who support us and hold us to account We provide services for people experiencing a mental health crisis that requires urgent assessment and treatment. This may be someone’s first experience of mental health distress or a relapse of an existing mental illness. We offer services to people who need support and treatment for a wide range of mental health conditions, from depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder, to dementia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and personality disorders. Find out more about the services we offer. We support people living with issues such as addictions, eating disorders, or physical problems with psychological causes, and those needing the support of our gender identity service. Our Trust provides assessment and diagnosis of people of all intellectual ability, who may have autism. We offer community, supported living and inpatient care to people with a learning disability, who can present with challenging behaviour or complex physical health needs. We offer services across the region, and in a variety of locations, including inpatient children’s services in York, deaf children’s services across northern England, and secure services for Leeds and York.