32 Educators providing Courses

Zoe Patey - Fulfilment Coach & Mindset Mentor

zoe patey - fulfilment coach & mindset mentor



From feeling less stuck to accepting your past has made you the beautiful person you are, it’s all about doing the things you think you can’t – with me at your side we can achieve your dream, your vision and become the person you always wanted to be.I know where you are, I have been there – the voice in your head saying you are not good enough, or “I want more, something isn’t right, but where do I start?” ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE! It’s all down to mind-set and how you want to show up in the world; with the right attitude, motivation and willpower to shake off the past, stop playing the victim, embrace the present and have clear intensions and clarity for how you want your future to be – then you can also ACHIEVE ANYTHING AND BECOME THE PERSON YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE. Just like I did… Growing up I always had the sense of not fitting in; I felt different from the rest of my family, and although I didn’t know it then, being an empath from a young age, I found my family dynamics confusing with no affection or expression of emotions or love… sometimes I just wanted the biggest hug or to be told I was loved, but it was never forthcoming and I grew up struggling to understand why. At 14, my parents divorced and I was sent to live with my dad, who I had no real connection with and to add to my anxiety, his new partner took a serious dislike to me, finding her solace in bullying me at every opportunity. These early experiences left me with an overwhelming sense of abandonment and sadness leading me to searching for love and connection in all the wrong places; looking outside of myself for some kind of sign that I was good enough. Of course that led me into further dysfunctional relationships and by the time I was 43 and facing my second divorce, looking to a future of being a single mum, I was harbouring hatred and discontentment inside of myself that had been festering for a long time and projecting this onto those around me, feeling destined to rinse and repeat this cycle for the rest of my life. Looking at my daughter, I knew that I didn’t want to continue this way and I certainly didn’t want to pass these patterns onto her, something had to change and it was down to me to change it.

Kirsty Brown Fitness for Life

kirsty brown fitness for life

My approach is realistic, practical and always comes with empathy and understanding. We will work together to set realistic goals and develop a plan that is achievable for you. Find out why I'm so passionate about helping women create a healthy lifestyle .... I'm Kirsty, a 52 year old who has been working in the health and fitness industry for over 30 years. Having been a keen sportsperson from a young age, I know first-hand what exercise has done for me in my life. This helped develop my passion for helping others to learn the benefits of exercise for themselves. As a mum of two boys who has lived through divorce, car accidents, broken ribs, a gall bladder operation, heart palpitations and a prolapsed disk, my life has certainly had its ups and downs. As a working mum, I have juggled bringing up my boys with both full and part-time employment, whilst using evenings and weekends to set up my private fitness business, teach classes and support women. So I know what it’s like to be a busy woman …. What I have learnt…. How our life’s journey affects our health, the impact of life’s pressures and just being a busy mum. We often find it is hard to put ourselves first, but neglecting our own health and wellbeing can cause weight gain, reduce energy levels, affect sleep and how we cope with stress. This can eventually lead to low self-esteem, anxiety and depression. While recovering from various illnesses and injuries, I have learnt that planning, preparation and determination are essential. It is this positive mindset that I'd like to pass on to my clients. What I can do for you…. Sometimes we need to take stock of where we are, what we want to achieve and set goals to help us take control of our future. I can help you understand how to achieve your goals and appreciate what changes you need to make. I can guide you to take manageable steps towards lifestyle changes and overcome barriers that may have prevented you from achieving things in the past. I have developed a passion for women’s health from pre & post-natal exercise to menopause and older women. As I started the menopause early and have tried a variety of methods to relieve the symptoms including HRT, I wanted to learn more about the effects of menopause on women. By understanding what happens to our bodies on an almost scientific bases I begun to realise how menopause has such an impact on so many aspects of our minds and bodies. It has become such an interesting journey learning more about menopause and how we need to change the way we eat, exercise, sleep, deal with stress and so much more. I am continually learning and researching women’s health. Every time I do a course one of the groups will ask another new question and I will do my best to go away and find out an answer if I do not know it myself. This us how I will learn with you. We will celebrate wins however small, recognising achievements can help us visualise the end goal and that it is reachable. Working flexibly to find exercise that you like, foods you enjoy and habits that are sustainable. Let’s do this … my aim is to create a healthy lifestyle together.

Anna Wille

anna wille

Helping People Find Their Breath, So They Can Thrive I am proud and honoured to be a known voice on Mindfulness in South West London. Over the last seven years I have dedicated my focus and energy to bringing this important life skill, centred around your breath as a tool for stress relief, with self-love as a necessary foundation, to over 6000 children, teens and adults in schools and the workplace. Having re-designed my life after ‘finding’ my breath, I am committed to teaching others to find theirs too, so they can thrive. After 20 years working in Human Resources, Design and Education, my life pivoted beyond my dreams. While living as a single mother of three teens and a dementia carer, I have dedicated my time to championing mental health and wellbeing education and tools for everyone aged 7 to 70. In 2014 these same tools enabled me to transform the challenge of divorce into a force for my happiness, as well as a way to make an impact on the lives of others. By bringing the power of Mindfulness to children and adults, I have offered them a support in everyday life, and enabled them to embrace plan B with compassion, when things fall apart a little. Plan B CAN be the life WE want to lead. How has Mindfulness helped me, my family and my career? Life presents us with challenge after challenge, each an opportunity to learn and grow … if you are in the right headspace when they show up. Whether you are finding 11+ and raising teens hard, or have lost or fallen out of love with your job, or your marriage is on the rocks, or your health or that of a loved one takes a turn for the worse … all of these are manageable, and can actually be transformative, if we have the confidence and skills to deal with them. However, if life’s unexpected pivots overwhelm us or open up old wounds, our ability to cope and be kind to ourself and others is temporarily compromised;

Course Gate

course gate



Welcome to Course Gate, your gateway to a world of knowledge and opportunity. We are a leading online learning marketplace dedicated to empowering individuals and organisations with the skills they need to succeed in today's dynamic and competitive environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Mission Our mission is to make education accessible and enjoyable for everyone. We want to help you discover your passion, expand your knowledge, and grow your confidence. Whether you want to learn a new language, master software, or develop a hobby, we have the right course for you.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Vision  At Course Gate, we envision a future where education knows no boundaries. Our goal is to eliminate the traditional barriers of time, location, and accessibility, empowering learners from diverse backgrounds to unlock their full potential. Through our innovative approach, we aim to revolutionise the learning experience by making top-quality education accessible to everyone, regardless of their location. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why Choose Course Gate? When you opt for Course Gate, you're choosing excellence, convenience, and an unparalleled learning experience. Here's why learners and organisations worldwide trust us: * Unmatched Quality: We meticulously curate our courses, collaborating with industry-leading experts to provide the highest-quality, relevant, and up-to-date content. * Flexible Learning: Our platform enables you to learn at your own pace, fitting into your schedule. Whether you're a full-time professional, a stay-at-home parent, or a busy student. * 24/7 Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team is available to assist you whenever you need help. * Accreditation & Endorsement: CPD accredited & UKRLP registered course provider in the UK. * Affordability: We believe education should be accessible to all. Course Gate provides competitive pricing and discounts, ensuring that the cost never becomes a barrier to your personal and professional development. So, what are you waiting for? Join the thousands of learners who have already chosen Course Gate as their trusted learning partner and unlock your full potential. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bernadette Willems

bernadette willems


The Power of Mediation in Business and Relationships by Bernadette Willems “I’ve had enough….” “How do I leave my husband….” “They are just not listening….” “How can we stop this from getting ugly….” “It’ll be lonely this Christmas….” “We’ve tried everything, and nothing is working….” “I’ve had enough of life….”  These are just some comments I hear daily in my role as The Business Peacemaker and The Post-Divorce Specialist at Greater Manchester Mediation Limited.  With more than 25 years of experience as a Family Solicitor, Mediator, Trainer and Coach in the field of conflict resolution, I help people lead a better life and a brighter future free from debilitating disputes – thereby helping to create a better world for all of us. The key to this is ‘Mediation’. But what is it, and how does it work? As founder of Greater Manchester Mediation Limited, and as ‘The Business Peacemaker’ and ‘The Post-Divorce Specialist’, I show my clients primarily how to communicate with each other. This is vital, as it ensures that vulnerable or emotionally fragile clients feel heard and empowered, and it rebuilds bridges between estranged parties.  I am also there to support my clients in navigating the legal process, helping them understand the requirements of law and to find the best route to resolve their disputes. In addition, I ensure that they are not overwhelmed by all the information available and help them determine their best course of action.  Many disputes or problems between individuals, in personal or work relationships or within teams, are compounded or aggravated because clients do not understand each other’s way of thinking, together with the legal (and other) options available to them.  Crucially, with the benefit of this legal knowledge, together with the life and personal development tools and resources I share with my clients, they can identify ways of building or maintaining trust, despite the past. Mediated solutions work better, last longer and cost far less than solutions imposed by a tribunal or a court, and everyone involved buys into them. Moreover, they are less adversarial, and Mediation fosters mutual respect through improved communication. Mediation can mend and preserve frayed relationships, even when the parties are extremely angry.

Maya Dattani Kundalini Yoga

maya dattani kundalini yoga


Milton Keynes

Being different wasn’t easy for me. I grew up in a school and feared going in every day. I would get called names and my glasses would be thrown from person to person while I tried to catch them!! I was tall, I was skinny, and I didn’t have the same colour skin like them. I was in a predominantly white school, with only a handful of Asians and no Black people at all. I stuck out like a sore thumb!! I hated it!! I did whatever I could to try and fit in and blend into the crowd. There were many times where I cried myself to sleep. The wanting of belonging was heavy in my heart. As you can imagine this affected me growing up. Growing up I barely had a voice, or an opinion on anything. My self esteem was so low, I hated the way I looked, and most of all I hated being at the centre of attention. The years passed and I got married at the age of 22. I thought I had it all, a home, a husband and my beautiful little boy. I could put the past behind me. This all came crashing down when the relationship with my husband came to an end. I moved back in with my parents and went through 4 years of battling the court system over our young boy. I was made out to be an unfit mother who couldn’t be capable of looking after our son. I became really down, I mean really down!!….. I suffered from panic attacks and depression, and really hated myself, and my life. I remember one day driving my car and all of a sudden I had to pull over!! My eyes had become hazy and I couldn’t see properly, my breathing became shallow and my chest was hurting! I could feel the panic rising as I dialed my dad’s number to come and get me from the side of the road. I felt broken, completely shattered both mentally and physically. I thought there was something seriously wrong with me and that I needed to be fixed! The day came, I remember it so clearly. I was in the kitchen after putting my son to bed. I was just about to take my depression medication and something inside of me just flipped, like a light switch. I could hear a voice in my head very clearly. This is not my life, this is not how I am supposed to live. I took action. I threw the pills in the bin, ( I don’t recommend this unless you speak with your GP) and said enough is enough, no one can change things for me, I have to do this myself! At that point I became determined to change my life around and I would do anything I needed to do to get myself better. That day I googled stress and panic attacks, and days that followed I read more and more. I could see I wasn’t the only one suffering. I started to see a glimmer of hope. I came across a Kundalini yoga DVD called Stress and Detox, the teacher had the same name as me, Maya, so I saw it as a sign that I needed to give this a go. I had tried yoga before but this was something so different on many levels. It was weird, she did some funny breathing and chanted words I didn’t understand but I kept an open mind and continued. I felt different, I felt better than I had done in ages. After practicing consistently for a few weeks I remember telling my friend I felt like I was drunk without the alcohol. I was getting high on life, and I was beginning to see a way out. This was my journey of how I found Kundalini Yoga. Over the years, I discovered I had a lot of health issues due to stress, I had no idea that stress could do this to my body. I thought stress was just all in the head. How wrong was I! My digestive system was way off track, I had become intolerant to so many foods. I suffered from severe lower back pain for years, where I had to take pain killers most nights. I also suffered with UTI’s pretty much every other week, and horrific migraine attacks where I would be bed bound at least 8 – 10 days a month, they were so painful and I was unable to function at all. As well as Kundalini yoga ( the yoga of awareness) I worked with Ayurvedic practices (an ancient health care tradition from India dating back over 5,000 years.) It’s where you work with your mind/ body type to bring yourself back into balance. I also practiced Mindfulness, and Art therapy. I found peace by being creative, it took my mind off the worry, it brought me joy to see the things I created, and I still love it now. I learnt to slow down my breathing and my overactive mind, and my body started to follow, relax and heal itself. All these practices and experiences of life have made me who I am today! I wouldn’t change it for anything now. I have learnt so much from these experiences and now I can help other people in similar situations. I know going through divorce was hard and at the time I couldn’t see an end. However, it gave me a new lease of life, a new sense of freedom. To live life on my terms and I love it! I remarried and have an amazing relationship with my husband, whom I truly love and trust. I can completely be myself, I do not have to pretend to be someone who I am not. My son is living between both houses. He is now 15 and l love spending time with him and love his big squeezy hugs when I can get them out of him. And the ex husband is still in the picture and is a great dad to our son. From a life that I hated, to a life that I love! I know once I took back control of my life and made my choices consciously, everything changed for me. This allowed me to set my boundaries and move forward step by step. It wasn’t easy but I did it. This process allowed me to create my life rather than to let life happen to me. If I can deal with a marriage ending, and child custody battle through the courts, that resulted in me being at my lowest point, ever! The stress, the anxiety, the health issues and the feeling of being helpless, incapable and unhappy, then you can too. This is why I do what I do. I love to help people feel better, feel better in their mind, their physical body, help them to connect and learn to love themself. And uplift their soul. It gives me great pleasure to see them smile and actually know it’s for real, and it’s coming from deep within the heart. This is why I call myself the Conscious Change Creator. I am here to help you create change consciously.