36 Educators providing Courses

Life with Gongs

life with gongs


Life with Gongs is made with love and passion for these spectacular instruments like no other Gongs play us, we don’t play Gongs! DSC_5958 Beata Dzwigol is a Gong and Reiki Master Teacher, Awaken Soul guided by the Source, Akashic Records Practitioner, Intuitive Spiritual Healer, The New Earth Goddess Temple FounderTM, Movement Meditation (DANCEmandala) & Cacao Ceremony Facilitator., and Holistic Therapist. She works closely with her spiritual guides to bring the body back into balance and assist in a person’s soul path and growth by drawing on her Akashic Record knowledge. Jarek Dzwigol is a powerful Gong and Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Healer, Angel Practitioner and an excellent Tarot Reader. Jarek is able to perceive energy fields surrounding the bodies of others, and can determine from the condition of the aura, the various issues which may be affecting the person. These issues may manifest as either spiritual, physical or mental in nature. By drawing on various methodologies, he is able to restore the aura, bringing great relief to the individual. Beata and Jarek are Soul Mates and they are blessed to share their similar passion and gifts with others. They have been playing gongs since 2012, but as they say, “The gongs play us”, with great relaxing and healing effect. This allow them to tailor each session to the needs attendees and one gong bath is never the same as another. They became Gong Master Teachers many years ago and they run they own Accredited Gong Player Training in Surrey. Here you can learn how to play gongs profoundly in a spiritual way and they have given birth to many talented gong students who go on to play gongs and other instruments professionally.

Prikli Pear

prikli pear



The idea of Prikli Pear was launched in 2020 during the lockdown by Creative Director and Founder, Jessica Purdie. This is when the social media and web domains were secured and the idea began taking shape. Jess worked full-time in the London PR industry whilst side-hustling on her brand idea. It wasn’t until September 2021 that Jess decided to move away from London and go full-time with her brand. This was a huge plunge into the unknown but Jess was sure that it was going to work out. Jess started with one-off knitwear pieces and accessories, gradually building products to see what worked and what didn’t. It was the only way to start without investment backing. During the winter months of 2021, Jess has received a few alteration requests from locals in the surrounding area of Lincoln and began to take on more and more. It got to the point where this overtook the clothing designs and this is where Prikli Pear’s Alterations service was born. Now a very popular service in the Lincolnshire community where individuals (men, women and children) can get their clothing repaired or altered, including occasional wear such as wedding dresses and suits! Due to popular demand, Jess began to host workshops around Lincolnshire, educating people how to fix their own clothing and create their own knitwear and crochet pieces. All workshops can be found on our events page. The name ‘Prikli Pear’ came from a nickname given to Jess during her early education… A ‘Prikli Pear’ is someone who may come across being a little unaffectionate as Jess is very sensitive to people’s vibes that they give off. No one wants to hug a negative nancey and especially Jess who keeps her aura in positive form. Whether you are affectionate or not, Prikli Pear pride itself on creating handmade clothing that tells a story and holds the personality behind the manufacturing. We aim to tell the back story of the creators by displaying WHO made the clothes and how long it took to make them. We shy away from the world of fakery and ensure we manifest true communications for our customers and our team. Prikli Pear’s style holds ‘tongue n’ cheek’ bold, graphic and colourful statement prints, knits & embroidered pieces, classic to the style of Jessica Purdie’s art! Commissions are available, visit our ‘contact’ page to find out more.

Solutions for the Mind, Body & Soul

solutions for the mind, body & soul

Thanks for looking at my site. On here, you will be able to see that I offer a range of transformational solutions in the form of training courses, workshops, 1-2-1 sessions, talks and also products for Hypnosis, Regression and other Life Enhancing Modalities. As well as having long-term expertise in Hypnosis and Regression, I am also a Sound Healer (running regular sound baths), a Crystal Healer, a Reiki Master/Teacher in a few different traditions and have taught Reiki for 11 years, a Fully Accredited Spiritual Healer (trained at the College of Psychic Studies way back when), Aura Soma Practitioner, a coach and I work with a wide variety of energy management techniques for the Mind, Body & Soul. In short, I’d call myself a Transformational Energy Worker, and my goal with all that I do is to help people improve the quality of their lives by using simple and effective transformational techniques in a grounded, helpful and beneficial way. I have a private practice in a wonderful location in the Lee in South Bucks. This is most easily accessible by road, and also by rail (Great Missenden 8 minutes by car or Wendover 11 minutes by car) or by Metropolitan line tube via Chesham (14 minutes by car). I have clients coming mainly from London, and also the Home Counties and nation-wide. I also been working online for 4/5 years with clients both in the UK and overseas. In the past I have taught groups in South Africa, Mexico, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, Lithuania, Sardinia and the UK, as well as individuals from a wide range of countries and cultures. I am always interested in new opportunities in any country, or part of the UK for talks, workshops or more. Just email me to ask if you have good ideas or questions in that respect. As well as the therapy techniques that I teach, I also offer a range of expertise and workshops in many aspects of life-style improvement, such as relaxation, stress management, increasing productivity, improving your relationship with money, changing the energy of your home and many more. I haven’t always been in the holistic arena. I spent many years working behind a desk in shipping before the call of my intuition uprooted me and led me to quit my job, sell my house and car, and put all my possessions into storage and travel the world for a few years. When I came back to the UK, I had the notion that I had to get my chakras sorted out, and found my way to a place called the College of Psychic Studies in London where I did a 2 year degree as a Spiritual Healer. Around the same time I trained to be a Reiki Master, Theta healer, Aura Soma practitioner, and I also made a truly life-changing decision when I found my way to hypnotherapist to Stop Smoking. That 2.5 hour session saw me swapping one addiction for another as I undertook extensive training in hypnosis, then regression therapy and found my passion in helping people to understand and trance-form their subconscious patterns to liberate themselves from old patterns that have been holding them back for years, decades and often lifetimes. And that’s what I do now – my passion – which is helping people like you to be the best version of yourself that you can be, by clearing and releasing the past in whichever way is most beneficial and helpful for you.

Spiritual Vitality

spiritual vitality


Ready to ignite your inner spark and radiate well-being from within? Welcome to our haven of holistic learning, where ancient wisdom meets modern practices to empower you on your journey to spiritual vitality. Immerse yourself in a diverse bouquet of healing arts, exploring techniques that have nourished minds, bodies, and souls for generations. Unleash Your Inner Healer: * Reiki: Learn the gentle art of channelling universal energy for deep relaxation, stress reduction, and enhanced well-being. * Pendulum Dowsing: Discover the secrets of harnessing your intuition and tapping into subtle energies for guidance and insight. * Crystal Magic: Unravel the power of crystalline allies, learning to harness their unique vibrations for personal empowerment and manifestation. * Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): Learn how to use this self-healing tool to release negativity, manage emotional blocks, and unlock profound inner peace. * Breathwork: Dive deep into the transformative power of conscious breathing, unlocking pathways to greater energy, clarity, and emotional resilience. * Animal Communication: Bridge the gap between species, developing your intuitive gift to understand and connect with your furry (or feathered) companions on a deeper level. * Plant Allies: Explore the ancient wisdom of working with the healing powers of the plant kingdom, fostering personal growth and harmonious connection with nature. * Gratitude: Cultivate the transformative practice of gratitude, unlocking joy, abundance, and a deeper connection to your inner self and the world around you. * Smudging & Cleansing Rituals: Learn sacred practices to clear energies, purify your space, and invite positivity into your life. Unlock the Secrets of Your Energetic Anatomy: * Chakra Mastery: Delve into the fascinating world of the chakras, learning to balance and activate your energy centres for optimal health and spiritual growth. * Aura Exploration: Discover the secrets of your energy field, learning to read its whispers and cultivate its radiance. Empower Your Psychic Abilities: * Intuition Development: Hone your innate intuitive talents, learning to trust your inner voice and navigate life with greater clarity and wisdom. * Guided Meditations: Immerse yourself in powerful journeys inward, uncovering hidden depths of your being and tapping into your higher potential. * Unleash Your Inner Oracle: Dive into the mystical world of tarot, where ancient symbols whisper secrets and unlock hidden dimensions of your intuition.  Unleash Your Inner Artisan: * Macrame Foundations: Master the basic knots and techniques that form the building blocks of stunning macrame creations. From plant hangers to wall hangings, you'll discover the joy of crafting unique pieces that express your unique style. * Dreamcatcher Magic: Embark on a mystical journey, learning to weave intricate webs that capture good dreams and filter out the bad. Personalize your dreamcatcher with crystals, feathers, and beads, imbuing it with your intentions and aspirations. More Than Just Courses, a Community of Transformation: We believe in fostering a supportive, inclusive space where you can learn, grow, and connect with fellow seekers on a similar path. Our passionate instructors, all experienced practitioners in their own right, guide you with compassion and wisdom, creating a tapestry of shared learning and profound personal transformation. Step onto your path of spiritual vitality today. Browse our course offerings, join our workshops, and embark on a journey of self-discovery that will illuminate your life from within. Ready to awaken your spiritual spark? Contact us today and join our vibrant community! P.S. Please take note of when and where In-Person courses are being run. As we are constantly moving; it comes from living in a caravan and touring the UK.