3171 Educators providing Courses

Sun Kyeong

sun kyeong

There is a vibration more powerful than any other because it comes directly from the Mind of the Universe. It creates and supports all living beings with universal light, love and energy. It is Qi, the vibration of life. Sun Kyeong is a spiritual practice that began in the mountains of South Korea, reconnecting us to ourselves, nature and the Universe by tuning to the vibration of life, Qi. With the world in ever expanding social and environmental crises, now more than ever humanity needs a new method that can transcend the limits of human intelligence. Sun Kyeong comprises of Qi Sessions, Qi Classes and a transformational Ancestor Healing course designed to clear inherited patterns. Over time this practice can lead us to understand the laws of nature and guide us to greater levels of health, happiness and spiritual connection. Many of the problems people experience today stem from a depletion of Qi. At work and in our personal lives, many of us stand at the same threshold daily and think something has to change. Stress, worry, fatigue and chronic health conditions are on the rise. People are searching for a way to be truly happy and find meaning in their lives. We have become increasingly disconnected from the vibration of life – Qi. Sun Kyeong can be a transformative pathway intended to help us connect to the infinite source of universal light, love and energy designed to keep us healthy, happy and supported to live in harmony with each other and nature. section divider The Sun Kyeong Masters Sun Kyeong Qi masters are specially trained to receive and transmit Qi. They live a spiritual life dedicated to caring for the well-being of others. Qi masters are trained in the mountains of South Korea and maintain their ability to transmit Qi with 3 to 4 hours of personal training each day. Qi masters come from all walks of life and from all over the world. Many have, themselves, recovered from chronic health conditions and have gone on to help others worldwide.

Enterprise Squad

enterprise squad


After the purchase of a 1958 Pontiac hearse for $250, Enterprise Rescue Squad answered its first call in 1963. Seven members of the community trained in American Red Cross First Aid volunteered to staff the fledgling service which was headquartered on Main Street by Glover Avenue. Over time the service grew and acquired new ambulances and better equipment. In 1981 Dr. Andy Kirk put together the Service’s first structured Emergency Medical curriculum and “attendants” became EMT’s providing much better care for the community. As our ranks grew, we began to see the need for a new facility. In 1994 after much fund raising and hard work, Enterprise Rescue moved to our current location at 205 W. Lee Street. Our station includes a dayroom, kitchen, communications room, sleeping quarters, and a bay that houses 4 ambulances and a service lift. As the City of Enterprise grew and the demand for Emergency Medical Services increased, it became obvious that the change from volunteer to paid service was neccesary. In 1997 Enterprise Rescue Squad became Enterprise Rescue, Inc. Now with almost 20 years as a paid system, Enterprise Rescue has over 40 employees and 7 ambulances. We currently average over 11000 calls a year and operate three 24/7 ambulances and one day ambulance in Enterprise as well as one 24/7 ambulance and one day ambulance in Elba. With the addition of a separate administration and training building at 519 E. Lee Street, Enterprise Rescue has become a regional training facility for various programs and agencies. We hold over 100 classes a year ranging from basic first aid and CPR to critical care and specialty courses for advanced medical providers. Enterprise Rescue strives to provide the very best medical care for our coverage area. We are constantly finding ways to improve the quality of our services. From the newest state-of-the-art medical equipment and vehicles to ongoing training in the latest developments in emergency medicine, we will continue to serve our community with professionalism and pride.

JCI United Kingdom

jci united kingdom


JCI (Junior Chamber International) is a global, not-for-profit organisation for 18 to 40 year olds, run by its members for its members. JCI’s mission is to provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change. JCI members are from many different backgrounds, cultures and professions, but all share common values and passion to develop themselves and support and improve their communities. Through workshops, projects and organisational boards, members are able to gain practical experience not always available in their work environments. They can develop new skills outside their usual day-to-day experience, take on leadership positions years ahead of when they might be offered in the workplace and learn from people with different personalities, perspectives and experiences. JCI events offer a open and supportive environment, where members are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones, experiment and learn by doing. What does JCI give you? 1. A network of business contacts: We all come from different areas including finance, marketing, business development and startups businesses. We are here to help each other to succeed. 2. A chance to travel to international events: Junior Chamber International (JCI) is the biggest youth leadership development organization in the world and as a global network it unites 150,000 young people spread in 5,000 communities, 100 countries. Get in touch to learn about upcoming international conferences. 3. An opportunity to get involved in community projects: At JCI we meet on a regular basis for fun and friendship and we voluntarily run inspiring events and initiatives. See our events section what is coming next. 4. Trainings and workshops for your personal development: Public speaking, events management, project management, networking. At JCI we believe in learning by doing. We invest in our members personal development through training and workshops once a month or more. What do you do next? – Check out your nearest Local Organisation or drop us a mail for more info.

Lexington Learning

lexington learning


About Us Lexington Learning was founded in 2018 by Maxine French, a qualified Law, Business and Politics Lecturer and experienced continuing professional development trainer and Education Technologist. Lexington Learning's aim is to enhance the teaching and learning experience by embedding EdTech, Maths, English Literacy, employability skills and social and environmental awareness. We offer a number of services including: private tutoring, CPD for schools and colleges, short courses for adult learners and specialised workshops for educational institutions that can complement and reinforce curriculum learning. At Lexington Learning, we are passionate about teaching, and as each person has a different learning style, we tailor our services to suit the needs of the client. Delivering a truly bespoke learning experience, where the needs of the client come first. Our Values We create life enhancing learning experiences that help students and teaching professionals achieve their learning goals and develop personally and professionally. Our aim is to provide a positive and inspiring experience through education, training and skills development. Our core values are at the centre of our business. They define who we are, how we work and how we collaborate with our stakeholders. INTEGRITY - We are open and honest in all the work that we do. We value our relationship with our students and stakeholders and maintain our relationships through mutual trust and respect. CREATIVITY & INNOVATION - We are continuously innovating and researching to remain at the forefront of the latest developments in education, technology and training. We are a progressive organisation and embrace change and encourage creativity in all we do. EQUALITY & DIVERSITY - Inclusion, equality and diversity are at the core of how we engage with our colleagues, students and stakeholders. We are fully committed to creating a supportive working and learning environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. SOCIALLY & ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE - Our aim is to enhance the teaching and learning experience by embedding technology, employability skills and social and environmental awareness in all that we do.

Creative Writing Mentoring & Creativity Coaching for Writers

creative writing mentoring & creativity coaching for writers

Our programmes offer individual and group coaching sessions for writers who are facing blocks, bumps, or other challenges in their writing process. The coaching aims to help writers regain their passion for writing, build confidence, and develop new writing techniques. The programme provides accountability and support for writers, helping them to overcome obstacles and reach their writing goals. The coaching sessions begin with an evaluation questionnaire to tailor the group to the writer's specific needs. * Tailored coaching: Evaluation questionnaire to address specific needs. * Overcome obstacles: Collaborative solutions for writing blocks. * Rekindle passion: Maintain drive and passion for writing. * Develop skills: Opportunity to improve writing techniques and skills. * Comprehensive support: Accountability, compassion, and a listening ear throughout writing project. As humans we have an innate connection to the natural world. This connection is tied up with the deepest part of ourselves, our unconscious. The part of our self that is both illusive and difficult to define but that is bound up with our emotional and physical make up. It is also bound to the creative part of us, it’s where our ideas come from. It’s curious, then, why writers don’t talk more about their connection to nature and the natural world. It is curious because ignoring this part of our creative makeup makes the writing process all the more difficult. Not just the writing process, but the writing life and making meaning with our words. Maybe it’s time to consider a change. Get away from your daily routine, or even your surroundings, and discover a way to Reimagine, Refresh and Reboot. “Highly recommend the course for opening up fixed writing patterns and limiting thought processes, to inspire a more enjoyable writing process and make your writing richer so it is ultimately more successful” Liz Web, Author of The Daughter As a new or struggling writer, how do you know it’s time for a helping hand? Here are my reasons why you’d want to do this for yourself, your writing process and your writing life and the benefits that come with investing in The Write Wild Method: GETTING UNSTUCK YOU - Are you stuck in the middle of things? Or stuck, unable to begin? The Write Wild Method will help you gain a fresh perspective, find new ideas and insights and ultimately get you started, or unstuck so you make it to the finishing line of your writing project. WRITE COMPELLING PROSE YOUR WRITER’S VOICE – are you struggling with making meaning with your writing? Does it feel flat, unexciting, are you wondering why anyone would want to read anything you write? Would you benefit from a method that will give you the confidence to find and develop your authentic voice so you can write the words you mean to write? BATTLING WITH FEAR AND ANXIETY YOUR WRITING LIFE – did you know that the more anxious you get the less creative you can be? This is a fact, anxiety swamps the part of your brain that is responsible for creating. Anxiety kills creativity flat. There are simple techniques within The Write Wild Method that will reduce your level of anxiety so that you can begin creating, the more practice you get with these techniques, the more creative you will be able to become and the better your writing life will be. GOALESS OR DIRECTIONLESS YOUR WRITING PROCESS – are you confused about what direction you should be taking? Uncertain about which writing project you should be tackling? Do you have a clear idea but are unable to make that idea materialize? How you begin and keep going to the finish is not always about how committed you are to any one project. It can be that you have no clear direction about what the project demands or what you want from the project. The benefit of developing a writing process that works for is that you will get from start to finish in a way that satisfies your project, yourself and your reader. Within the Write Wild Method you will be able to identify what works and what doesn’t work in terms of process and get practice in making your writing process the thing that gets you reaching your goals.




Train for the screen, not the stage DontGoToDramaSchool offers you a low cost, industry relevant, practical 21st century approach to drama training. A traditional drama school/University drama education is very expensive (£27,000+ over 3 years) heavily over-subscribed; and involves the student moving away from home to study for several years, often learning outdated stage acting techniques and drama theory Little opportunity exists for aspiring actors to access industry relevant training and develop their own unique acting style. Statistics show that most acting graduates give up on their acting career dreams within 6 to 12 months of leaving drama school. DontGoToDramaSchool is determined to change this! Teaching the Hollywood endorsed Chubbuck Technique, Meisner Technique, and TV & Film acting techniques, students of DontGoToDramaSchool.com will learn: * An easy to grasp, modern emotion-based interpretation of the classic Stanislavski theories * Empowering techniques to create a personalised performance in any dramatic situation * Intensive mental focus techniques, creating strong characterization & audience engagement * Technical aspects unique to film and television acting * Acting for single camera drama * Screen continuity * Effective use of costume, props and scenery * A systematic approach to script analysis * Audition technique, career advice and life coaching/mental resilience training * Success mindset coaching * Sales and marketing hints and tips to help students develop their career after training Our website training will allow students of all ages to study the acting techniques of the Hollywood stars in the comfort of their own homes. With each workshop, students receive a training video, accompanying study notes and scripts, teaching a new acting component. Students will need to engage in a number of practical drama exercises and act out a number of dramatic scripts. Some scenes will require an acting partner. This training is ideal for TV drama directors wanting to fully understand how to effectively work well with actors. And scriptwriters wanting to understand how to create psychologically multifaceted characters full of story potential. * This training is unaccredited *

Black Leaders

black leaders


Black Leaders is a registered community interest company providing career progression guidance for students and professionals across the U.K. We aim to be a motivating power in reducing healthcare inequalities for Black and other ethnicities; whilst tackling social exclusion within the workplace. We will achieve this by educating, inspiring and equipping a community of professionals with meaningful and practical leadership skills, to improve career prospects. We offer a diverse range of workshops, events and guidance designed to help you progress further in your career. This includes leadership workshops, networking, training and mentorship. Whether you’re experienced, new to the field, a student or even a young person considering a healthcare career we are here to support. Mentoring Programmes We offer both professional 1:1 and peer-led mentoring programmes for students and professionals. Our services include CV/job applications, writing skills, interview techniques, support with continuous professional development and much more. Networking & Training Regular events to increase knowledge of systems such as Human Resources, financial planning and pensions. Online community-led forum. Training sessions on the gold standard of professional practices and insight into prospective career paths. Advisory & Change Management Help organisations and small businesses to make informed decisions regarding the ethnically diverse workforce. Engagement: Facilitate and analyse staff surveys & feedback, manage away days and corporate team building events, staff forums and networks. Co-design and implement bespoke succession planning frameworks and SoPs.

Megagen Implants UK & Ireland

megagen implants uk & ireland

Great Marlings

The Megagen Implant Company was started in 2002 by a group of experienced dental surgeons looking for a better implant. Their interest in offering better solutions to their patients continues to drive the company in improving products constantly & introducing ground breaking solutions for difficult surgical situations. We changed the market when we launched the Rescue Short & Wide implants; we researched them extensively and proved that short implants work. Now, most of the companies have in their portfolio short and wide implants. We were among the first to develop our Internal Sinus Grafting technique and kit. Now there are hundreds out there. In 2010 we launched what we consider to be our best product and the ultimate result of our clinical experience combined with our world class R&D: The AnyRidge Implant System. Locking morse taper, innovative thread shape, aesthetically designed platform shifting, universality of the prosthetic connection and the revolutionary progressive thread/core concept are just a few of the features of what we think is the best implant in the world. AnyRidge is for the perfectionists that do not want to compromise on aesthetics, functionality and versatility. By bringing AnyRidge to the market, we aim to bring the emotion and art back to dentistry. We believe that from now on, Megagen Implants will play an important role on the UK market and that with the clinician’s dedication for the profession and with our products we can change the market for the better.