3083 Educators providing Courses

Streetgames UK

streetgames uk


StreetGames harnesses the power of sport to create positive change in the lives of disadvantaged young people right across the UK. StreetGames' work helps to make young people and their communities healthier, safer and more successful. WHY SPORT? Sport is energetic, inclusive and enjoyable, but StreetGames' goal isn’t just about having fun. StreetGames believes in the power of sport to transform lives and to broaden ambitions. Sport teaches key skills such as teamwork, understanding and self-discipline, brings people together, creates pride in a community, breaks down social boundaries, and inspires people to make a difference in their own lives and for others. Through sport, StreetGames can empower young people to kick-start a cycle of positive change that echoes throughout their entire community. StreetGames' central programme: 'Doorstep Sport' encapsulates many of these important qualities, offering fun and informal sports clubs that work to meet the needs of today's disadvantaged young people - a staggering 70% of whom are not involved in structured activity elsewhere. They do this by operating according to the 'Five Rights of StreetGames': being carried out at the right time, in the right place, with the right people, for the right price and in the right style to suit the needs of these LSEG youth. TEAMWORK StreetGames' work is delivered in partnership with the StreetGames Alliance of around 1,000 Locally Trusted Organisations, working in disadvantaged communities across the UK. The collective power and reach of this alliance enables unparalleled access to young people growing up in over 4,000 poverty-hit localities. These organisations are the lifeblood of their neighbourhoods. They have earned their spurs, built trust and won the right to make a difference in their community. They understand what will work and what’s needed on their patch. They reach those that others find ‘hard to reach’ and are able to collaborate with StreetGames to replicate what works at scale and at pace. The organisations that make up the StreetGames Alliance maintain industry standards for safeguarding, insurance, health and safety, and equalities and diversity. Each is a self-determining organisation that is independently managed and funded. Most are charities, legally constituted community groups or Community Interest Companies. All are embedded in their ‘hard to reach’ neighbourhood. LEVELLING THE PLAYING FIELD 3.5 million UK children currently live in poverty. Fewer than 1/4 meet national guidelines for recommended daily activity. Young people from the lowest economic bracket are 3 times more likely to suffer with mental illness than a counterpart from the highest-earning group. The UK’s poorest children live an average of 3.6 to 5 years fewer than their more affluent peers These same children also spend an additional 16.5 years in poor health. Screenshot 2020-08-06 at 13.01.07.png "StreetGames has turned my life around. If it wasn't for them I don't know where I'd be right now" LYNDSEY DAWN - STREETGAMES PARTICIPANT. StreetGames believes in fair play, both in sport and in life. With only £3.21 to spend on sports activities per week – compared to the national average of £12.11 – struggling families just can’t afford to keep pace. That’s why StreetGames has made it its mission to level the playing field. Here’s how. StreetGames is committed to making communities healthier, safer and more successful. StreetGames' programmes are conducted in the ‘Right Way’ - offering projects at the right time, in the right place, and for the right price to suit the needs of young participants. Through StreetGames' pioneering Doorstep Sport approach, the organisation improves young lives through sport, giving access to positive role models, volunteering opportunities and diversionary activities. Through Fit and Fed, StreetGames tackles the hidden issue of holiday hunger and inactivity, through nutritious meals and fun, healthy activities. Through Us Girls, StreetGames work to empower young women within a holistic and supportive environment - tackling the everyday sexism that presents a barrier to participation in sport.




John is a highly experienced consultant with over twenty-six years of applied practise in the fields of education, coaching, mentoring and leadership within the context of sport. John is a skilled educator. He is a qualified teacher, specialising in physical education. John is also a higher education lecturer, teaching leadership and coaching and mentoring practise at Manchester Metropolitan University and elite coaching practise at Sheffield Hallam University to sports professionals and coaches. John has also educated internationally having worked in the USA, Asia, Africa and South America. John is an accomplished and experienced executive coach/mentor. John has a master’s degree in coaching and mentoring, accredited globally by the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) at senior practitioner level. John coaches/mentors numerous individual and team clients within corporate and elite sports performance settings. Current and recent clients include, The Football Association, the Brazilian National Football Federation (CBF), Malawi Football Association, Denmark Football Association, Thailand Football Association Technical Director and MK Dons, Sporting Director. “Excellent. Our meetings are really insightful. Overall, John has been able to clarify specific aspects of my approach to the team and also promote further discussions in terms of the reach and possible tools to use as a coach and leader.” (Cleber Xavier, Assistant Coach, Brazil Men’s National Football Team) Further, John has educated and supervised mentors, executive coaches and teachers. He is highly experienced at developing, implementing, and evaluating coach and teacher education programmes, having done this successfully as part of his role at The Football Association. John has developed executive education and coaching programmes as an expert consultant for large corporates, such as, Bidpath Global and is currently a FIFA Expert in technical leadership, providing training and supervision to FIFA mentors and Technical Directors globally. Additionally, John is skilled at directly delivering training and action learning to coaches and mentors in the fields of education and executive education, such as his recent work with University Academy 92. Underpinning John’s coaching and mentoring expertise is his experience as a professional sports coach and coach educator. John holds numerous UK national governing body coaching awards. Being a level 4 qualified coach, John has coached The FA England Partially Sighted National Football Squad to a world ranking of third. John has also coached elite children between the ages of 8 and 18 within boys, girls and disability performance environments within the UK. In addition, John has coached and mentored children and adults within grassroots clubs both in the UK and USA. Further supporting John’s executive coaching and mentoring is his experience as a strategist and business leader. John is a successful business owner, having established his growing consultancy, Summitpeople Ltd. John has been a CEO for an award-winning County Football Association and Regional Manager and National Manager for the Football Association. He successfully achieved continual performance improvement through the education and skilful mentoring of many senior leaders within The Football Association and County Football Associations in the UK. “I have been working with John for several months on a 1 to 1 basis. He is able to connect quickly with clients and provide insightful and professional coaching relevant to the environment I currently work within. It’s without doubt I have developed my thinking and leadership qualities from the experience so far.” (Liam Sweeting, Sporting Director, MK Dons Football Club) Finally, John is also a scholar; he believes in a growth mindset and the human drive for self-actualisation. Further, he uses this belief to establish relational and engaging learning environments where individuals can grow and discover for themselves. John uses these beliefs to inform his own continual growth. John’s research to date includes, leadership, coaching and mentoring and inclusive education. John has helped me become more self aware, expand my thinking and unlock extra (hidden) potential. I love our regular sessions as we shape and evolve my personal development plan. Leading can often be lonely and isolating, so these sessions are critical to me. Thanks for everything to date John, I'm truly grateful and look forward to what lies ahead. (David Brindley, CEO, Bidpath)

Wine Education Service Limited

wine education service limited


What makes our wine tastings, wine courses and wine tasting events special? Over 10,000 Satisfied Customers Great Tutors An Unparalleled Range of Courses Small Classes Flexible Booking Impartial Advice Satisfied Customers We have been running wine tastings and wine tasting courses in London for over 25 years, in Manchester for over 15 in Aberdeen and Birmingham for over 10 and in Belfast for 4. Over this time, we have created a following of over 10,000 satisfied customers. And today, over 60% of new customers book for our wine tastings and wine tasting courses on the personal recommendation of a friend or colleague. Great Tutors Our tutors are at the top of their profession. All are qualified to WSET Diploma level and are members of the UK Association of Wine Educators, the professional body for those who make their living in whole or in part from teaching about wine. Many are also members of the elite Circle of Wine Writers. All travel widely to keep their wine knowledge up to date. Skilled communicators, they know how to make wine tasting and learning about wine fun. An Unparalleled Range of Courses We were the first in the UK to offer a comprehensive range of wine tastings, wine tasting courses and wine tasting events designed primarily to appeal to wine consumers rather than aspiring members of the wine trade. In addition to weekly wine tastings in London, we organise over 30 introductory wine tasting courses a year in London and other UK cities, over 20 intermediate and advanced wine tasting courses and, for those with hectic weekday schedules, wine tasting workshops on Saturdays, when lunch is an integral part of the day. Although wine consumers still make up the majority of our customers, our London wine tastings and intermediate and advanced wine courses are growing in appeal to people studying for their wine trade qualifications, especially WSET Diploma and the prestigious, but for many, elusive Master of Wine qualification. Small Classes We know of some wine course providers who pack 30 people or more into a class. We think that’s way too many. In a class of that size, learning is more difficult, participation is inhibited and you never get to know the other people in the room. We limit bookings for our introductory, intermediate and advanced wine tasting courses and our Saturday wine tasting workshops to 16 people – much more sociable, much more fun. Flexible Booking Many people who sign up for our wine tasting courses on weekday evenings lead busy lives, working under pressure and travelling on business, often at short notice. We understand the problem. If you have to miss a course session, you may either send a substitute or pick up that session on a subsequent course. Just let us know and we will make the arrangements. We make no charge for this and set no time limit! Impartial Advice Many wine tastings and wine tasting courses are run by wine merchants. Nothing wrong with that. It’s a great way to get potential customers into their stores and promote sales of their wines. We are not wine merchants. We don’t sell wine. We are not paid by any wine merchant to promote their wines. So, at our wine tastings and on our wine courses, you will never come under any pressure to buy wine. The wines we select for you to taste are intended to illustrate the main points of the wine course session or the theme of the wine tasting. We hope you will enjoy most of the wines we give you to taste but don’t necessarily expect you to enjoy them all. Your course tutor will help you to understand what makes a wine enjoyable. But he or she will also tell you if a wine is too young, too old, too acidic, too alcoholic or just plain faulty. Just imagine a wine merchant doing that! Wherever possible, we buy the wines we give you to taste from local retail outlets. We will tell you where we bought them and how much we paid. So, if you like a particular wine, you can shop for more with confidence and without difficulty.

The Friends Of Eritrea In The United Kingdom

the friends of eritrea in the united kingdom


The Friends of Eritrea was established in the Northwest of the UK during the period of famine and war in Eritrea in 1985. Academic and Scientific staff at the University of Liverpool and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and a network of colleagues and friends throughout the UK, came together to provide physical and financial support and expert advice and lobbying on behalf of famine and conflict-ravaged communities and services. Visits to assess needs and advise on reconstruction of medical, veterinary, agricultural, social and educational services were undertaken by expert members of the group. At the start, members were involved in collecting blankets, books and other materials for the war zones of Eritrea. Between 1986 and 1988 the group sent several containers of essential materials. Money was raised - from donations, from plant and car-boot sales and street collections to make grants ranging from a few hundred to £7,000 to fund transport, travel and relief and development materials. Several members of the group, including our much-missed Founder-member and Honorary President, the late Dr. John Black, (pictured), were also members of the Eritrean Medical Association/UK which played an important role in mobilising medical aid for war-torn Eritrea. After the end of the War members of both groups decided to jointly form one group to be called “The Friends of Eritrea in the United Kingdom” and to expand membership. At the end of 1995 the society was registered as a company limited by guarantee and became a registered charity (No 1052161) in January 1996. The main aims of the society are to foster friendship between the Eritrean and British people and to assist in the transfer of appropriate technologies to schools, institutions of higher learning and other centres in Eritrea, which combat poverty, sickness and underdevelopment. .Membership is open to all Friends of Eritrea who support the objects of the society. Friends of Eritrea work with other Charities and Public and Private groups and individuals, wherever appropriate. So far, we have been able to support: £10,000 worth of Food, Medical supplies and transport costs to the Eritrean Relief and Refugee Commission, (ERRECC). £3000 for Computer equipment for the Adi Ugri Secondary School. Collection and Transport of several containers of books, IT equipment, educational and relief materials, including the Keren Library Project. Small Travel and Transport subsidies including £500 each towards the visit of the Parliamentary Human Rights Group and to Mr S. Marcos of AGE, (Action Group for Eritrea), to support AGE's own project to supply books to Eritrean schools, We continue, with our Friends in Manchester and elsewhere, to collect money and materials to support Educational and Community projects in Eritrea. In 2015 we intend to develop stronger links with the Decamere Orphanage with a view to identifying further projects that we can support. Our most grateful thanks go to all of colleagues and Friends in the UK and in Eritrea, for all their hard work and dedication.

Sew Creative

sew creative


Hi I’m Kate, I set up Sew Creative in 2016, however a lot of my customers are often surprised to hear that I haven’t always loved sewing - in fact I even paid one of my friends to sew my Year 7 Textiles project for me, then ditched the subject as soon as I was allowed in the following year! I eventually learnt to sew when I made the decision to study Fashion Design in Manchester. After my degree I worked in the fashion industry in both London and New York, before heading back up North to train to be a Textiles teacher and settle in Altrincham. Whilst teaching, I started to advertise sewing classes - it was originally just a way to earn a little extra money. I started on a table in Hobbycraft with a couple of old machines and some bits and pieces from my personal fabric stash. I sat there for several weeks, with no customers or interest, and was about to give up when Sue (now a member of staff!), my first ever customer, approached me asking if I’d teach her how to make her own patterns - and Sew Creative was born! Alex MANAGER Alex joined the Sew Creative team having left teaching in February 2020, just two weeks before the first National Lockdown! When she was a teacher, she taught social science, so sewing was a bit of a change! Alex sews most of her own clothes and can usually be found wearing at least one me-made item in store during the week. Alex teaches our adult classes as well as our teenagers. She is also the shop’s manager, so if you need anything, she is always happy to help! You can find her on Instagram @sewalexfaye "My favourite thing about being able to sew is making things that fit me properly. I'm almost 6ft tall so finding ready to wear trousers and dresses the right length has always been a challenge.Now I just make them to fit my body rather than the other way around!" Dawn TUTOR Dawn has been with us at Sew Creative for two years now and has become the heart and soul of the shop. Dawn is our resident neat-freak so she keeps us all nice and ship-shape. Dawn has been sewing for years and regularly makes herself gorgeous dresses and coats. Dawn can be found teaching our adults on a Tuesday and our Saturday classes. She is warm of heart and always up for a good natter! Jayne TUTOR Jayne joined Sew Creative in September 2020, in the midst of a Global Pandemic has has taken the rollercoaster ride like a true pro. Jayne’s career has been in lingerie design and she has worked with some of the biggest names in the biz! Jayne sews her won clothes, and loves making tailored trousers, she is always the picture of sophistication! Jayne works most weekdays and every other Saturday, teaching our kids and adult classes. She also teaches our Monday night adult lesson! George CHIEF EXECUTIVE George is the newest and most adorable member of the Sew Creative team. He’s not old enough to sew yet, but can often be found in the shop sporting a mum-made outfit. You’ll also find his full modelling portfolio on Instagram, where you are guaranteed a regular dose of cuteness. He keeps Eric and Dotty very busy and despite being so small, is always the centre of attention! We’re all convinced he’ll be the next Patrick Grant! Eric HEAD OF SECURITY Hi, I’m Eric. I can often be found guarding the front door at Sew Creative. While I might look big, tough and scary, I am actually quite a lovely chap. I love treats, cuddles, any food that you might be eating, and more cuddles. Please feel free to pick me up and cuddle me, instead of doing any sewing. I look forward to meeting you soon. Thank you. Dotty THE DUCHESS Hi, I’m Dotty. I am pretty shy, but if you’re quiet and gentle I will come for some cuddles. I can often be found sleeping in my basket, or following my Mum around - just to make sure that she’s still there! Volunteers and Party Facilitators In addition to our part and full time members of staff, Sew Creative also has a team of amazing volunteers who help us out every week. Lisa, Sue , Catherine and Liz can be found lending a helping hand in our kids and adults classes, alongside some of our teen sewers who give up their precious weekends to work with us! If you book a party with us, you will almost certainly meet our lovely party facilitators. Evie and Daisy have been sewing with us for years and as they have grown up, have proven themselves to be very capable seamstresses. Both ladies are excellent with kids and adults alike!