3171 Educators providing Courses

Miss Soul Gym

miss soul gym


Darius has an energy that cannot be described and his passion for wanting to fulfil the potential in others that cannot be described. As the Founder of SOUL he is committed in the belief that physical activity can make a positive difference in physical and mental wellbeing. A valuable signing with his knowledge and experience, priceless to the team and is a real Leader for SOUL. Why I Love SOUL Creating SOUL has been one of my biggest achievements in my personal life and professional career. To help and support others in achieving goals and making a positive change in their lives is such a joy and pleasure. To share the knowledge and experiences that I have gained from working with great organisations, being inspired by many amazing people and travelling the world is a privilege to behold. Instagram Twitter Linkedin Daniel Annon DAN THE MAN About Daniel Believing that physical activity has a positive impact on the mind body and soul, I always like to spread this message by having fun and always demonstrating a positive energy.Through fun games and activities I believe people from all walks of life can learn from one anothers experiences and their own. An unbelievable signing with a unique ability to helping those to unlock their potential physically or mentally. Why I Love SOUL Working with SOUL has no boundaries as physical activity knows none. Whether its helping someone fulfil their potential, boosting confidence or simply injecting fun and positivity into a person’s life. You are sure to have many fun, challenging yet rewarding experiences that makes no day the same. But what remains the same throughout, is being the heart and SOUL of Physical activity!

London College of Creative Media

london college of creative media


We believe we can collectively change the music industry for the better – helping to bring about a fairer, more diverse, better educated… musically more exciting future! Higher education should have value for life and we hope your studies at LCCM will be a time of creative and cultural experimentation as well as personal development. We want to help you develop lifelong skills in communication, creative expression, collaboration and cultural understanding as well as furthering your talent, passions and personal ambitions. We believe in the Schopenhauer principle that music is the pinnacle of the arts and so at its best can be considered the highest form of human expression. So be true to yourself, whether you are an artist, entrepreneur or future executive. Be original and inventive. Your ideas and talent, if you work hard, can help bring about this exciting future. To deliver this vision we commit, wherever possible to teach: In small groups with students being supported by one-to-one tutorials With current insight from top industry professionals In a friendly, creative environment With access to industry-standard facilities and resources To the highest of academic standards With students focusing on how to collaborate and communicate effectively With exceptional skills embedded into the curriculum to ensure work-readiness for all sectors after graduation We’ve been doing this since 2002, when our founders, all professional musicians themselves, decided to launch a new college for contemporary popular music in the centre of London. The aim was to create a new approach to teaching music that mixed the best of the good universities and conservatories with an art school environment. The course that emerged embedded production with performance, establishing LCCM as the first music college where all students had to master both performance and production; a development that was increasingly evident in the music industry.

The Wellness Team

the wellness team


The Wellness Team is a company created to bring wellbeing to the workplace throughout the UK. We offer complete wellbeing solutions to our clients, whereby we bring our huge range of health and wellbeing professionals to suit your specific staff needs, right to your office. Why create The Wellness Team? Many people find wellbeing at work to be a popular topic, something to mention but possibly not action...to be aware of but not do anything about. How much is our day to day work affected by our physical and mental health? Wellbeing at work is no longer purely a concept, it's fast becoming a requirement. We created The Wellness Team to allow companies access to the most suitable, reliable, professional and well regarded therapists and practitioners without having to search high and low. We provide a continued programme for our clients, on hand to answer any questions, source the right people and delivery an exceptional standard of service throughout. For Us For our founder, Leone, a journey that started with an increased awareness of how the mind affects the body took a road down the healing power of acupuncture, the change in mood and posture from Pilates, the strength of mind and body with yoga, the positive attitude from mindfulness. Her journey doesn't end here and she's constantly researching the benefits of additional paths to happiness to be able to share. For You By employing our services, your company will gain unrivaled access to a wealth of knowledge and advice specific to your team. We tirelessly research for additional members of our team, ensuring the highest quality of delivery and obviously insurance and qualifications so you don't need to worry.

London Institute of Aesthetics

london institute of aesthetics

London EC3R 7QR

Chelsford Institute of Higher Education is a leading provider of internationally recognised academic qualifications in the UK, having been offering its education to students for over a decade. We have more than 100 courses with full time, part-time, evening and online options to suit every student. Chelsford has stood the test of quality education, allowing every individual to excel and make a difference in this world. We do not merely cram one's mind with information, but we also nurture the character and integrity of each student so that they can stand on their own feet by starting their own venture or become the best employee. Believe that strength lies in growing from the ground up, hence our motto, "One cannot fly without roots." We let you decide the best way to learn and grow by offering part-time, evening, full-time, and online courses. Our funded and private courses are an affordable route to helping you achieve your goals and fulfil your potential no matter what subject area you wish to study. With a dedicated Academic Support Team and flexible, fully recognised qualifications, we have a range of options for you, whatever your educational background or goals. If you're an international student thinking of studying abroad in the UK, Chelsford Institute's Visa & Immigration Service will help you easily navigate the UK's visa application process and achieve your dream of higher education. We believe every individual has something to offer this world. That's why we tailor our courses and facilities around your needs so that you can reach your full potential and make the grade in your own personal way. Come over to our sparkling new facility and see how Chelseford can change your future.

Academy of K9 Detection

academy of k9 detection


In a world where terrorism and criminality are daily news it is crucial that our emergency services are trained to meet the ever changing threat. AKD specialise in security and K9 training to assist all front line personnel in their mission. Mission: To provide 1st responder security services and training to the highest recognised global industry standards. Provide enhancement and efficiency of capability in the fight against terrorism and criminality in order to protect life, property, liberty and the public interest. Goal AKD will provide products and services that aim to improve the operational standards, quality assurance, profitability and end user capability for all our clients. Our Story AKD and a collective of organisations have come together to provide a ‘one stop shop’ solution for your 1st responder security needs. AKD formed this year as a shop window to the world for delivery of Police, Military and security training, supply of K9 assets and handlers, and establishing a paradigm of operational capability to the very highest of standards. Our highly experienced staff are all specialists in their given fields. Their aim to bring about change in the security and K9 industry to ensure client reputation, exacting standards and safety of the public. AKD look to form strategic partnerships, alliances and in time a collective of security and K9 organisation who work together to provide the best this industry has to offer. Training Quality Assurance AKD are ratified by OCNcredit4learning an internationally recognised accrediting body. Going forward into 2021 OCN will accredit training deliverables assuring quality and competency. Our training material is mapped against the European and UK National Occupational Standards (NOS), British Standards Institute (BSI), Homeland Security Qualification (HSQ), National Occupational Standards, Security Industry Authority (SIA), Skills for Security (SfS), Skills for Justice (SfJ) to ensure sector compliance.

Zoe Pither

zoe pither

I am a mindfulness and yoga teacher with over 15 years’ experience working in facilitation, personal development, training design and delivery, coaching and wellbeing. I teach yoga, mindfulness and stress management techniques to help people thrive, especially when life is complex and demanding. My passion is helping people live happy and fulfilling lives, do what they love, and make a difference in the world. We all face challenges in a fast-paced world. I work to create moments of stillness and connection that allow you space to breathe and just be. From this place you are free to think clearly and get your life working in the way you want. Whether working with individuals, groups or corporate clients, compassion is at the heart of what I do. I believe that self-care can be a radical act that transforms our relationship to the world and our place within it, through nurture, rest and deep healing. I know that profound change can happen kindly, through thoughtful enquiry and values-based action. My work is grounded in the integrity of many years of personal practice, study and experience. This in turn supports the values-driven foundation for my work in social and educational inclusion, with a particular focus on equality and inclusion in higher education. I also have experience in facilitating learning across a wide range of settings including schools, universities and workplaces. Picture My current interests are positive psychology; mindfulness based approaches; stress and resilience; creativity; nature connection; and the power of play. I have trained as a mindfulness teacher with the Centre for Mindfulness Research at Bangor University and the Oxford Mindfulness Centre at the University of Oxford, and follow the UK Mindfulness Network Good Practice Guidelines.

Rachel Lee Coaching

rachel lee coaching

Coaching for creators innovators change makers & rebels Find and follow your own path Are your emotional needs being met? Sign up to the newsletter and get your FREE workbook → Hello, I'm Rachel. I'm a qualified coach on a mission to help my clients live and work on their own terms. Everyone has their own unique version of success. I work with individuals, teams and organisations to get what they want, even when it means challenging the status quo. I can help you too. What is coaching? Coaching gives you time and space to explore what's going on for you and what you want to be different. It's a conversation to help you discover and deal with anything that stands in your way (including yourself). Coaching increases your self-awareness and resilience so you can use your unique, awesome strengths to get what you want. You bring the topic. I'll ask the questions you haven't thought of yet or challenge you with the ones you don't want to ask. Together, we'll get you where you want to go. Everyone can benefit from coaching. As long as you're open to it, coaching is for you. Working together I'm supportive and caring. I'm curious. I believe in your potential. I'm honest. I don't sidestep difficult topics. I don't judge you. I really listen. I get to the heart of what matters. I treat you as an equal. We work as a team. You're unique, and your coaching sessions will be too. I pull from a wide range of proven coaching models and techniques based in positive psychology, neurolinguistic programming, business innovation and more. I believe creative activities boost learning and development; doing something a bit different helps us think differently and see something we couldn't before. We'll work together to find the approach that helps you get the most out of your coaching sessions.

Scottish BPOC Writers Network

scottish bpoc writers network


Scottish BPOC Writers Network (SBWN) is an advocacy and professional development group for Scottish or Scotland-based writers and literary professionals who identify as BPOC (Black people, People of Colour).* Contact us Frequently Asked Questions Membership Membership is free and open to any BPOC* writer or literary professional who is Scottish and/or based in Scotland and participates in our online or venue-based events or spaces, or publishing or literary opportunities. Membership may be extended to BPOC writers or literary professionals based outwith Scotland on occasion. Commissioned artists will typically be from the BPOC and/or SBWN communities. SBWN may work with volunteers, partners and allies who identify as BPOC, or white, or another racial or ethnic identity. Some events or activities may be open to the general public or the wider literary community. We have adopted a Constitution. We operate a Safer Spaces Policy during all events, projects and initiatives. *Please see our Mission and Values page for who we are talking about when we say ‘Scottish BPOC writers.’ History Formerly known as Scottish BAME Writers Network (2018-2021), SBWN was co-founded in 2018 by Alycia Pirmohamed and Jay Gao, and aims to connect Scottish BPOC writers with the wider literary sector in Scotland and beyond. Weaving together collaborative literary partnerships, cross-arts co-creation and an intersectional approach to inclusive and participatory programming, SBWN is a sector change-maker, facilitating necessary conversations around inclusive programming in an effort to address and overcome systemic barriers. Professional development programming includes publishing and performance opportunities, workshops, masterclasses, curatorial roles, training and seminars, industry panels and partnerships, feedback and mentoring. Run by BPOC writers for BPOC writers, and informed by member surveys, consultation and feedback, SBWN uplifts, validates and provides safer spaces for marginalised voices, nurturing and promoting the current and next generation of Black and POC writers based in Scotland.



Free yourself from unconcious habits and patterns which are no longer of use Through skilful and experienced 'hands on' and verbal direction, your body and mind are enabled to let go of attachment to habitual patterns of holding, tensing, tightening and shortening. This is replaced by a general freeing, easing, lengthening and expanding tendency in both body and mind. Regain, through consciousness, what we used to have, as small children, through innocence With balanced body and balanced mind (the one goes with the other) performance and pleasure in all our activities is enhanced. Perfect balance, poise and freedom of movement To find out more about the Alexander Technique, how it may help you and what happens in a lesson, please contact me or click here to visit the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) Look after your back and your back will look after you The Alexander Technique Can Help You to heal your back or other physical discomfort to regain freedom, poise, ease and elegance in movement and posture to improve performance and prevent injury in music, sport, drama, singing to enhance your public speaking and presentation skills to change the conditions that stop you enjoying a happy and healthy life The Art of Running Having undergone further specialised AT training and become an 'Art of Running' instructor I am able to help you * improve your running style * avoid injury * run further and faster * enjoy your running more A three session package is recommended. Video analysis is utilised to identify unhelpful habits and monitor progress over the 3 sessions. There will be general 'postural' work as well as specialised bespoke guidance to help you improve your particular running style. Please contact me for more information and booking and feel free to browse my website.

Caversham Primary School

caversham primary school


We, Ruth’s family, are left devastated by the sudden loss of a lovely mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, sister-in-law and friend. She leaves a huge, aching gap in all our lives and, we know, in the lives of so many others who were lucky enough to know her. We are grateful to all our friends for their thoughts and support now and in the difficult years ahead. Ruth will be remembered as the kind, funny, confident, vivacious, caring person she was and for all that she achieved in life. We also ask those who did not know Ruth please to respect our privacy, as we come to terms with our unfathomable grief, and to consider carefully how their words and actions might impact on others. As the many tributes to her from the broader school and Caversham community attest, Ruth cared deeply not just about academic results, but also about the general well-being and happiness of the pupils and staff whom she taught and led. Caversham Primary was a very happy school under Ruth’s leadership and, despite the many challenges that always go with the role of Head, she was happy there too. Ruth was a dedicated headteacher and an excellent teacher. She loved the pupils and the staff of Caversham Primary School and was very proud to have been its Head Teacher for 12 years and previously Deputy Head Teacher for four years. Ruth was a force for good in her life, and we want her to be a force for positive change after her death too. We would urge anyone who has been affected by her death to talk about their feelings and know that help is available. Local and national helplines, advice and support can be found on the Reading Family Information Service website.