3633 Educators providing Courses

Scottish Cut Flowers

scottish cut flowers


It’s our vision to help our customers reduce their environmental footprint giving them the choice to buy home-grown flowers over imported foreign flowers. This small decision will have a big impact on the reduction of carbon emissions from unhealthy production techniques and transport fumes. We strive to continually reduce our environmental footprint by choosing recyclable or compostable packaging, streamlining deliveries, avoiding synthetic chemicals like the plague and whenever possible sourcing product from within Britain, Scotland ideally. Farming counterintuitively can be detrimental to the land, I’m talking about the huge hedge-less fields, large machinery and single crop type of farming you see everywhere. At SCF we aim to be the opposite of that, we have 50+ different varieties of flowers for the wildlife to feed and live from, we use minimum till methods to protect the important worm population, we use compost to add fertility, and beneficial insects rather than synthetic chemicals to control pests and weed suppression material to negate the need for weed killer. We feel it is our duty as custodians of the land to help in the fight to save the bees, this year we will be undertaking a bee keeping course and hope to establish our hives by mid-summer. With such an abundance of flowers and surrounding fields, we should be able to provide a sanctuary for at least a couple of hives which will increase the pollination of those surrounding food crops. We are buzzing!

Canine Kids

canine kids



Karen Lockey-Kennedy Canine kids ® Owner / Chief Instructor Professional Dog Behaviour Counsellor and Training Specialist BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour & Biomedical Science DipCABT, Member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers No 00692 Member of The Animal Behaviour & Training Council Canine kids® is owned and managed by Karen Lockey-Kennedy who is a highly experienced and fully qualified dog trainer and behaviourist and is also chief instructor for the company. After completing her honours degree in Animal Behaviour and Biomedical Science, Karen went on to complete an advanced diploma in Practical Aspects of Companion Animal Behaviour and Training through COAPE. Karen is also a member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers. All members of the APDT are assesed and train under a strict code of practise because they believe in modern, kind and gentle methods. This offers pet owners a guarantee of quality when signing up to a class. Karen feels very strongly against punitive heavy handed methods and believes if we have our dogs as companions and part of the family they should be treated that way. Karen has worked with internationally renowned Sarah Whitehead for 8 years running three of the leading branches of the previously known Alpha Puppy Classes and Pet Behaviour. She also used to be a tutor for Alpha Education OCN accredited courses for new trainers and behaviour counsellors. Now 37, Karen's ambitions and success led her to branch out with her own team of trainers and launched Canine Kids® in July 2009. Karen and her team run training centres in Camberley, Godalming and Farnham area and do one to one training and behaviour councelling through out Surrey, areas of Berkshire and Hampshire. We can travel further if required. Karen has a strong passion for her job and ultimately wants the best for every dog and family that comes through her doors. You can be quaranteed to be given the highest quality of service by Karen and her team.