3046 Educators providing Courses

One World Living

one world living


Living Song exists to empower Young Artists and build communities through singing. We challenge limiting assumptions about what all young people can achieve, put young leaders centre stage and create innovative lifelong learning opportunities for all, insisting on diversity and inclusion in their widest sense. In August 2017, Living Song became a Community Interest Community (CIC) to enable us to build wider partnerships with Newham Council and other organizations, develop our funding steams and to create more opportunities for young people and communities to shine through singing. An advisory board was appointed, and we have continued to go from strength to strength. Who Are We? The company is directed by an Executive Director, with a board of two Non-Executive Directors and a team of advisors from across a wide range of music performance and education contexts. We have a Youth Board of five young people aged 16 – 25 who meet regularly to discuss and advise of relevant issues for them. We work with a range of tutors, artists and music practitioners, identified for their bespoke skills and experience for each project. Who Do We Work With? We work with schools and pupil referral units, community organisations, music education hubs, libraries, local authorities, commercial organisations, businesses and a range of community singing groups and choirs. What We Do Living Song has recently reviewed its work programme to see how it can be streamlined to maximise our impact. During the next 18 months – two years we will focus our attention on delivering three core programme areas which are: A Young Artist apprenticeship /’future leaders’ programme Delivering workshops in schools and the wider community A tailored Living Song Choral Music Experience (CME) These work areas are outlined in more detail below. Although distinct projects, the three areas of work overlap and reinforce each other, for example, a core element of the young leaders’ programme is the delivery of workshops in schools or for the wider community, and a handful of participants will be chosen to join Living Song’s CME course. For further details about our programmes, please contact us.

Swamp Creative Media Centre

swamp creative media centre

Established in 1996, SWAMP is a forward-thinking Community Development Trust and registered charity, using accredited training, outreach, film, music, digital technologies, gardening and the creative arts to enable and empower social change. SWAMP enhances cultural awareness, promotes social inclusion and builds community spirit within the locality, and has been successfully sustaining this for over two decades. During this time we have taken a dilapidated building within our community and redeveloped it, and are now planning another move to new premises. We strongly believe in the model of inclusion through creation, and work collaboratively with children, young people, older people and communities to achieve our aims; predominantly, but not exclusively, with vulnerable groups. We consider the arts, community involvement and accrediting training to be positive tools for change, helping people to: Build confidence and attain new skills Get back into work or education Source work in the creative arts Enjoy better health or simply improve quality of life SWAMP was one of the first organisations in Glasgow to use creative media, digital arts and new technologies as tools for community engagement, cross-referencing them to skills and learning, and later adopting the Curriculum for Excellence approach into our programmes. Through our accredited training programmes we provide young people with the skills and attributes they need to successfully make the life transition from school to employment or further education, supporting them to better understand their local environment, and encouraging them to engage in the process of lifelong learning and active citizenship. Our bespoke programmes and projects are designed and planned with the learner very much at the heart of the process and our objectives continue to focus on developing the skills of young people to become successful learners in life and work. SWAMP places innovation, enterprise and creativity alongside outstanding delivery, sound management and a strong ethos of partnership to tackle society’s big issues. Our mission and values fit well with the strategic objectives of the Scottish Government and local government priorities, and have developed strong working relationships with key partners operating within the area of youth employment, education and development.

Montet Designs

montet designs

My teenage years... IMG_20200922_093644_1.jpg were spent hanging out in the school art department (regardless of what class I was supposed to be in!) and it was there that Mr Alston, my wonderful art teacher directed and nurtured my love of art. Studying Art & Design and then Illustration, was a great foundation to my art career and helped me refine my skills as an artist. But as a naïve graduate, passionately producing illustrations and trying to make it in the freelance world - I soon realised it was going to be more difficult that I thought! I'd been working in Children's Services for 15 years running Youth Participation Projects, managing a Gypsy Roma Traveller Project and delivering a provision of services for the most hard to reach communities. This provided me with the most amazing experiences, as well as allowing me to use my art to benefit these groups. It's been a wonderful journey of learning and a fantastic platform in which to build my business. In 2016 I decided it was time to give up the office job and focus all my time on my community art work. It's been a brilliant time and I'm delighted that I still have daily experiences of working with such amazing people, from our wonderfully interesting communities. I hope that even if it's just in some little way, I am able to make a difference to the lives of those that I work with, through the medium of visual art. Audrey But freelancing for a few years whilst volunteering in the community, opened many new doors and ideas of what I could do with my visual arts. I went on to complete a degree in Community Arts and continued to work with community groups. This is where my love of creating art in the community became well and truly set. My passion for mural painting was formed following the completion of two large scale mural commissions in Scotland. Then with London calling, I completed my next 30 metre indoor mural at a special needs adventure playground in Hackney. In 2007 I was introduced to the medium of mosaic and I just completely fell in love with it!

Red Dragon Karate School

red dragon karate school


Shi-han Sensei Louis Casamassa, a 10th degree black belt is Grand Master of Red Dragon Karate and founder of the American Karate Kung Fu Federation (A.K.K.F.). He originated the American Form style. During the 60’s he traveled extensively throughout the Orient studying many different styles of martial arts. In keeping with yankee ingenuity and American tradition he took the best 7 major martial arts forms and combined them into one new powerful and effective style which is known as the Red Dragon style of martial arts. Red Dragon is a true “American Original.” Founded in 1965 by former U.S. Marine Corp military police officer and 10th degree black belt, Louis D. Casamassa. During the 1950’s, he traveled throughout the land studying with a wide variety of masters in many different styles of martial arts. He spent decades gaining knowledge, and wisdom along with a wealth of business information to enhance his ever expanding martial arts skill. In keeping with Yankee ingenuity and American tradition he used the 7 best major martial art styles and combined them into one new, very powerful and effective style which is now known as the Red Dragon style of Martial Arts. Our brand and our system of martial arts was founded upon Grand Master Casamassa’s love of the Arts. We have flourished for over half a century because of his ingenuity. Shihan Sensei Casamassa is considered by many to be the “Michelangelo of Martial Arts” by taking and combining his knowledge, talent, ingenuity and wisdom, he created an entire system of self defense that is unrivaled and one that has stood the test of time and has provided generations of Americans with a great way of experiencing the Martial arts. The Red Dragon Karate program is unique because of our original approach at mixing the best martial arts styles. Today, we are widely considered the original “Mixed Martial Art,” Red Dragon Karate continues to grow because of our focus on developing the best trainers and instructors who instill character based “Life Skills” in our students. This teaching of self-discipline, self control, and self esteem when reinforced within the protocols of a Red Dragon studio, and empower our members to become responsible, productive leaders in our community.



Rhetort Ltd is a solutions-oriented company. We are a cutting edge consultancy that employs collective IQ and experiential knowledge for reducing cost, creating value and innovating solutions to problems in the extractive industry. Our primary focus is to employ our specialized, technical expertise in contributing positively to the Oil and Gas industry in particular and the extractive industry in general. We are a powerhouse of technology, creativity and expertise with unrivalled problem solving proficiency and acumen in the petroleum industry. We are key members of the gig nation, an emerging, radical business and work philosophy that leverages the power of network, talent and technology. With an open business model that thrives on cooperation and collaboration across continents and time zones, we are able to pool and mine the requisite talent and knowledge to every project (gig) and therefore offer our clients the best value for money every time. Studies have shown that every problem has its unique DNA and 90% of the population and competition fall into the trap of confronting problems and issues based on generalizations by jumping the ladder of inference and proceeding from conceived and perceived inferences. The Rhetort way is the diametric opposite of this. Since inception we have undertaken several studies, benchmarking and research projects and have authored several white, position and technical papers. Some of these have been presented in industry technical conferences and are available for download on www.onepetro.org. We have pioneered several knowledge and process engineering solutions some of which have progressed to beta-testing phase. Integrated but lean and able to respond to problems using the termite swarm approach, we are steeped in research and analytics, we provide a fresh approach to problem solving which quickly cuts through the clutter and allows us arrive at unique, specific and correct solutions. The mix and variety of expertise possessed by our principals lends credence to the earlier assertions. With an excess of 90 years combined geoscience, drilling, completion, production and management backgrounds, in addition to the wealth of experience and technology of our affiliates and technical partners, we are poised to solve all of our client’s technical problems and provide world-class project management services as needed.

Loughborough Farm

loughborough farm


The Loughborough Junction Action Group (LJAG) is a volunteer-led social action charity that works to improve the environment of Loughborough Junction and the lives of the people who live and work here. It is our mission to make Loughborough Junction a great place to live and work. It was formed in 2008 following the murder of a young man, Andrew Pratt, in Southwell Road. Local residents in the road and surrounding streets came together to do something positive for their neighbourhood which they felt had been neglected for too long. LJAG works to achieve its mission through its projects which focus on community events, skill-sharing, greening, children’s activities and place-making. LJAG works to build a strong civic society in Loughborough Junction and has a record of involving volunteers across our diverse neighbourhood. LJAG’s fundraising activities have brought over £600,000 into Loughborough Junction and we have been instrumental in attracting over £3 million of public investment into the area. Over 13 years LJAG has delivered art projects which have improved a pedestrian alleyway under a railway bridge; run two street photography projects; launched an augmented reality app linked to the history of World War One; run community events including four street parties; health events; a community festival; run cycle maintenance classes; craft workshops; a mapping project; installed street planters and run community planting days. We have worked with Lambeth council on the production of the Loughborough Junction Plan and on public realm improvements and we facilitate monthly meetings of the Loughborough Junction Neighbourhood Forum. LJAG runs successful projects: Loughborough Farm, The Platform Cafe, Grove Adventure Playground, Craft Workshops and an informal social prescribing project, Wish You Were Here. Loughborough Farm is a successful community food growing project, where volunteers come together on Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday to grow vegetables and to socialise. The Loughborough Farm also has a successful outreach programme on two council estates and each summer delivers tomato plants and herbs to residents of the Loughborough Estate to grow on their balconies. The Farm is also responsible for the orchard in Wyck Gardens.

Yoga With Debs

yoga with debs

I have been practising yoga since 2001 and Qigong since 2017. My practice includes pranayama, yoga nidra, seasonal flow, vinyasa flow, yin and qigong. All practices have influenced my physical, emotional and mental wellbeing and have been life changing. I am passionate about creating opportunities for others to experience the benefits yoga and qigong can bring. My journey has been strongly influenced by the instruction and support I have received from the teachers who have inspired me and whose encouragement ultimately led me to train as a teacher. My teaching journey started with teaching children yoga; having always enjoyed working with children and holding a firm belief in making things better and easier for them, it seemed natural to combine two of my passions – yoga and children. If only I had known then how simple breathing activities could help calm my mind and balancing as a tree could help focus my mind…..perhaps exams wouldn’t have been so stressful and bullying not been so distressing. I now teach all age groups from babies to teens and adults, including children with additional needs. My classes are influenced by the styles of yoga I have practised over the years and the teachers who have inspired me. I teach from the heart and with a sense of humour. I believe yoga is creative, fun and educational, suitable for all ages and capabilities. Yoga gives us the understanding and practical applications to be the best people we can be and to live by our values; it is an honour to have this practice in my life. I am a Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher, completing my 200 hours with Seasonal Yoga Academy in Glasgow. I trained with Birthlight to teach babies and toddlers, and holds certifications in children’s yoga with Breathe and Be You, and yoga for additional needs, completed with Special Yoga. A huge thank you to all my incredible teachers who have inspired me, encouraged me and taught me. Julie Hanson, Karen Naismith, Marit Akintewe, Cathy Moran, Claire Davidson, Maureen Thorpe, Sue Woodds, Jenni White, Jane Blundell & Tracey Lysaght.

Henry Hardoon

henry hardoon

H & H Associates based in London, was formed in 1983 by senior partner Henry Hardoon BSc, FCA, FCCA, FAIA, CPFA, CMC, a Certified Management Consultant, Chartered Accountant, Chartered Certified Accountant, International Accountant, Forensic Accountant, Project Manager and qualified IT professional. The firm has been providing Training, IT, management consultancy services and forensic accounting for small to medium sized companies for several years. Clients range from sole traders to large corporations. At the heart of H & H Associates consulting approach is a focus on delivering long-term sustainable improvement. H & H Associates do this through a staged process that includes the following tasks 1. Providing information to a client. 2. Solving a client’s problems. 3. Making a diagnosis, which may necessitate redefinition of the problem. 4. Making recommendations based on the diagnosis. 5. Assisting with implementation of recommended solutions. 6. Building a consensus and commitment around corrective action. 7. Facilitating client learning—that is, teaching clients how to resolve similar problems in the future. 8. Permanently improving organizational effectiveness. Because of this H & H Associates’ clients have not only weathered storms but have become industry leaders. H & H Associates also have many years of experience of preparing expert reports and of giving expert evidence in the UK’s civil and criminal courts. Matters on which we give expert opinions include: accounting treatments designed to conceal wrongdoing. revenue recognition. solvency and going concern. the quantification of losses, and the valuation of shareholdings and businesses. The firm has also developed a reputation for being able to implement the latest software and systems alongside existing client infrastructure. It prides itself on always being able to examine the human aspect. Our commitment to remain at the forefront of the forensic accountancy, consultancy industries, matched with our unwavering culture of excellent client care has resulted in repeat instructions from the most successful companies. Our bespoke solutions also include our established white-labelling service covering all our areas of expertise. So much so that over the last few years Henry Hardoon has become a leading industry spokesman on accounting software and IT applications. He writes regular columns in accounting publications and comments on both TV and radio.

Belfast YMCA Limited

belfast ymca limited


Belfast YMCA has been serving and supporting the people of Belfast since 1850. We are the Belfast association of a global movement of YMCAs. We are physically based in the Stranmillis area of South Belfast but we serve all the people of Belfast. We are guided by our Christian ethos and a desire to serve our community and respond to the changing needs of the people in our city. FullSizeRender.jpg We are committed to: Promoting the Christian faith Providing educational opportunities for all people (and particularly young people) Promoting healthy living (including mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing) Promoting community engagement and citizenship, for young people, their families and other adults for the purpose of family support, community relations and active citizenship Assisting in the relief of hardship or distress (social, physical, emotional, spiritual or economic circumstances.) 20180628_144714.jpg What do we do? In order to achieve our objectives, we carry out the following activities: Faith Development – enabling those who come to faith in Jesus Christ to grow in their relationship with Him and to the church. We host a church on our premises. Our Christian faith underpins all other aspects of our work and encourages us to work inclusively, with care and love and with particular focus on vulnerable groups, including young people. Youth Development – providing training, information and support to young people. Annually, our youth team engage with around 900 young people across a suite of projects. We deliver schools-based Good Relations training, an internet safety project, sixth form enrichment training, and shared education. Our centre based projects include the Duke of Edinburgh Award/Gaisce – The President's Award, volunteer training, the NI National Citizen Service project and Youth in Government. Family Support – providing childcare, after school programmes and holiday clubs. Health & Fitness – providing facilities for sport and fitness for a healthy lifestyle. Community Engagement – promoting reconciliation through responding to the hurts and issues facing people in a divided community which is emerging from conflict. Social Enterprise – developing initiatives which meet our charitable objectives through providing a viable service to the community. All income generated is invested back into our charitable projects.

Outcomes Advocacy And Mediation

outcomes advocacy and mediation


About Outcomes Advocacy At Outcomes Advocacy we are passionate about ensuring children and young people with special educational needs are provided with the provision they need to reach their potential. We have embraced the focus the Children and Families Act 2014 places on children and young people with SEN reaching their best possible outcomes. We recognise that parents and carers need different levels of support at various points. At times parents may need skilled specialist advocates to support and represent them in a non-neutral capacity. Our mission is to make that high quality, personalised service accessible and affordable. Being partners with you is important. At all stages we explain each process and your options, and while we equip you with the knowledge you need to make decisions we respect your choices about your child’s education. Outcomes Advocacy was founded in 2016 by Steve Devlin Outcomes Advocacy is the culmination of many years of experience of working with families of children with SEN and disabilities. Steve has managed one of the busiest SEND IASS (formerly known as Parent Partnership) services in the country for a London Local Authority. In this time Steve has undertaken significant training and continual professional development accredited by the Solicitor’s Regulation Authority. Steve has provided a service to over 1000 parents and has delivered over 100 workshops on specific areas of SEN. In addition to his wealth of knowledge on SEN legal frameworks Steve has an in-depth knowledge of how Local Authorities function, including their decision making processes. Steve has held key strategic positions on the SEN reforms management board for Local Authorities, helping to design the new polices, procedures and key documents for the revised statutory assessments and Education Health and Care Plans. Steve has worked professionally in the field of special educational needs and disability since 2002. Starting out as youth worker with a specialism in working with disabled children, he went on to manage local and national projects. Steve continues to run an award-winning youth club for disabled children on weekends and has over 1800 hours of face to face di