3334 Educators providing Courses

Prana Lotus

prana lotus


Myofascial Release is a form of massage that works on the web of connective tissue which runs throughout your body known as the fascia. Restrictions in your fascia can lead to long term pain, tension and postural problems. These restrictions may have been caused by injury, trauma, surgery, scar tissue or misalignments. During your treatment we will work to release your fascial restrictions, restore health to your tissues, freedom of movement to your joints and vitality back to your life. To find out more about how myofascial release and how it can help you with chronic pain and postural alignment read this recent blog post Massage Together we will create a place of deep relaxation and healing, especially tailored to suit your needs and goals. Choose from Therapeutic Deep Tissue Massage, Holistic Massage or Pregnancy Massage. Using a range of techniques including deep tissue, trigger point work MFR and energy work, your massage will be adapted to address and ease your aches and pains and induce deep relaxation. Follow this link for more information on the different treatments available.... Pregnancy Yoga One on One Classes Pregnancy is a great time to start yoga or to evolve your current practice. One on one Pregnancy yoga classes offer a new and purposeful way to address any aches or pains, prepare for birth and mentally connect, relax and prepare for motherhood. The sessions are specially designed for you and will include a pre course check and consultation to discuss what you would like to focus on and can take place in person or online via zoom. Follow this link for more information... Womens Wellness Yoga Therapy Align with your own inner wisdom and cyclic rhythms with women's wellness yoga therapy. These one on one sessions are tailored to your needs and combine harmonious postures, breath work and meditation, to bring increased strength and flexibility to your bodymind. Sessions can take place either online via zoom or in person. Follow this link for more information.

Your People Potential Ltd

your people potential ltd



Your People Potential first came to life in 2013 as Namasté Culture. Set up by former HR consultant Jacqui Kemp, the company delivers training and coaching programmes to support the wellbeing of your people and bring a positive culture to your business. In July 2017, after discovering that our name had connotations of being ‘pink and fluffy’, we worked with Collette from Brand By Me and rebranded to become Your People Potential. Jacqui works with organisations to identify their strategic health and wellbeing goals aligning with the core values of the business. Working with HR professionals and senior business leaders Jacqui develops programmes of training to address skills shortages, whether it is enabling managers to effectively identify and address concerns around mental health and wellbeing, or helping individuals and teams to build resilience, Jacqui always provides a calm, compassionate and respectful approach to the needs of the business and the individuals. Typically working with highly technical SMEs in the IT, biotech, pharmaceutical and academic fields, Jacqui merges her skills from the worlds of HR and therapy to offer a pragmatic approach to supporting good mental health and wellbeing. Based in Cambridge, Jacqui offers support online or in-person to businesses across the UK. We don’t do yoga, head massage or chanting. We’re in the serious business of helping businesses to thrive by delivering evidence-based training that’s grounded in science, we’re here to maximise your people potential.

Clinical Education

clinical education



UK’s leading providers of post graduate nutritional therapy educationWe established ourselves as a non-profit organisation in 2012, with the aim of changing the world through education. Fast forward to now, we offer a range of education experiences for our members – all underpinned by Lifestyle and Functional Medicine principles – via our blogs, course partnerships, education partnerships and archived resources. Clinical Education is also proud to be an Education Partner of The Institute for Functional Medicine, by assisting with the organisation and regional expertise of IFM educational events streamed or in-person in the UK. After 30 years of association and involvement with the Functional Medicine Movement, Clinical Education is a regional hub for those that are looking to train in and apply Functional Medicine into their practice. Part of our work is engaging with Primary Healthcare Professionals working within the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. We understand, that for many overworked, stressed GPs, the thought of making lifestyle medicine recommendations within a standard appointment time can feel daunting, Collaborating with co-creators Dr Panja and Dr Rangan Chatterjee, we created a unique learning opportunity in ‘Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine (PLM). PLM is a self-paced, interactive learning platform that allows Primary Care professionals to learn about how to implement Lifestyle Medicine into their consultations. We partnered with Social Enterprise company Practice Unbound to deliver this training, a partnership we continue to be proud of. Learn more..