2830 Educators providing Courses

The Friends Of Eritrea In The United Kingdom

the friends of eritrea in the united kingdom


The Friends of Eritrea was established in the Northwest of the UK during the period of famine and war in Eritrea in 1985. Academic and Scientific staff at the University of Liverpool and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and a network of colleagues and friends throughout the UK, came together to provide physical and financial support and expert advice and lobbying on behalf of famine and conflict-ravaged communities and services. Visits to assess needs and advise on reconstruction of medical, veterinary, agricultural, social and educational services were undertaken by expert members of the group. At the start, members were involved in collecting blankets, books and other materials for the war zones of Eritrea. Between 1986 and 1988 the group sent several containers of essential materials. Money was raised - from donations, from plant and car-boot sales and street collections to make grants ranging from a few hundred to £7,000 to fund transport, travel and relief and development materials. Several members of the group, including our much-missed Founder-member and Honorary President, the late Dr. John Black, (pictured), were also members of the Eritrean Medical Association/UK which played an important role in mobilising medical aid for war-torn Eritrea. After the end of the War members of both groups decided to jointly form one group to be called “The Friends of Eritrea in the United Kingdom” and to expand membership. At the end of 1995 the society was registered as a company limited by guarantee and became a registered charity (No 1052161) in January 1996. The main aims of the society are to foster friendship between the Eritrean and British people and to assist in the transfer of appropriate technologies to schools, institutions of higher learning and other centres in Eritrea, which combat poverty, sickness and underdevelopment. .Membership is open to all Friends of Eritrea who support the objects of the society. Friends of Eritrea work with other Charities and Public and Private groups and individuals, wherever appropriate. So far, we have been able to support: £10,000 worth of Food, Medical supplies and transport costs to the Eritrean Relief and Refugee Commission, (ERRECC). £3000 for Computer equipment for the Adi Ugri Secondary School. Collection and Transport of several containers of books, IT equipment, educational and relief materials, including the Keren Library Project. Small Travel and Transport subsidies including £500 each towards the visit of the Parliamentary Human Rights Group and to Mr S. Marcos of AGE, (Action Group for Eritrea), to support AGE's own project to supply books to Eritrean schools, We continue, with our Friends in Manchester and elsewhere, to collect money and materials to support Educational and Community projects in Eritrea. In 2015 we intend to develop stronger links with the Decamere Orphanage with a view to identifying further projects that we can support. Our most grateful thanks go to all of colleagues and Friends in the UK and in Eritrea, for all their hard work and dedication.

Gianpietro Pucciariello

gianpietro pucciariello

"Photography is a tool to give voice to the voiceless and to give light to shadows within ourselves and in society“ Hello, my name is Gianpietro Pucciariello and I am an Italian visual storyteller and participatory facilitator based in London. My main work focuses on pushing the boundaries between social impact, dialogue and human conditions. This means that I work following ethical conduct to bring dignity and hope to people's faces and lives. Through my work, I want to celebrate, using empathy, respect but also playfulness, the beauty of the human soul along with its daily struggles and vulnerabilities. I use photography as a medium and a tool to give a voice to marginalised communities and organisations that want to address social and environmental issues in the places they operate by telling stories that mainstream media formats do not often tell, to encourage critical consciousness and influence policy. To do this I usually combine four themes, 1) Human beings, 2) places, 3) food 4) actions for impact, and five elements 1) focused questions, 2) metaphors, 3) storytelling, 4) Participation 5) Action-Driven Challenges. I grew up in the Lake Como area, where I got used to beauty already at an early age, in a family that, despite not being particularly affluent, provided me with a rich and safe place for growing my never-ending curiosity and learning, the value of an authentic soul, and the fundamental importance of social justice. I was lucky enough to have my mother, a kindergarten teacher, leading me by example with playfulness, self-expression and empathy and my father, working for the Italian railways, sustaining my development with strict rules and pushing my need for achievements, but always supporting my learnings with travels and books. I grew up as a really serious and introverted child - many people wouldn't believe so, as I developed more into a shy extroverted character through the years - with a huge inner world and having difficulties expanding outside in words. This is how I first discovered art and particularly photography. What I liked about taking pictures was mainly the idea of using an organic process for self-expression and for absorbing, summarising, explaining and creating knowledge around the social and environmental causes I cared for, and I was involved in since my teenage years. My need for expression became even more evident when my father was diagnosed with a rare neurodegenerative disease in 2003, after 5 years of unusual emotional outbursts, apathy and depression, tremors and personality changes. I put myself more and more on the front line of volunteering in the communities I was part of, and I focus my University Studies on the social sector and welfare, but at the same time, it became even more difficult for me to communicate my inner feelings on the outside. Despite this difficulty, I'm glad I took Economics as a Major subject. This gave me the chance to reflect and work deeply on human behaviour, motivational science, mental models of choice and root causes of oppression. Though, Economics gave me fewer opportunities to express my artistic side. I moved to London in my late twenties, and after a few years, I got stuck between a career I felt detached from, and together with my family situation, I got into a period of severe anxiety and inner chaos. One evening in October 2012 thought, returning from work, I found a leaflet about a course in photojournalism with the City & Guild in Tower Hamlets. That's how my journey in photography restarted. With and through photography, I restarted again to explore in deep the world around me, the condition of human beings and the causes I cared about. Even more important, I rediscovered myself, and my artistic skills, and boosted my self-confidence. Without rediscovering photography I wouldn't have gone back to practice facilitation and I wouldn't discover and loved other practices I work with right now, like coaching, social impact and innovation consulting. Without photography, I would have never become an entrepreneur and I wouldn't have nurtured other creative skills, like sketch noting & doodling. Photography helped me meet inspiring human beings that became friends, mentors, and some of the most important people in my life. That night in 2012 I drew a line in my life with a simple decision. I strongly believe that photography is one of the best ways we have to discover ourselves and the world around us, focusing on the present moment, one shot at a time. This is why I want to support you in using photography differently.

Liverpool Hope University

liverpool hope university


Liverpool Hope University pursues a path of excellence in scholarship and collegial life without reservation or hesitation. The University’s distinctive philosophy is to ‘educate in the round’ – mind, body and spirit – in the quest for Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Liverpool Hope University is distinctive in that it is the only university foundation in Europe (and the USA) where Catholic and Anglican colleges have come together to form an integrated, ecumenical, Christian foundation. It has happened in Liverpool and nowhere else in Europe largely because of the presence in the 1980s of two remarkable church leaders: Bishop David Sheppard, the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese, and Archbishop Derek Worlock, the Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese that extends from Liverpool across the north of England. They confessed their faith to each other and took their congregations to visit each other’s cathedrals, a symbolic act of Christians working together in the context of northern Irish religious sectarianism. When the three colleges (St Katharine’s 1844, Notre Dame College 1856 and Christ’s College 1964) came together the name ‘Hope’ was adopted came from Hope Street that links both cathedrals - a living parable of what can happen when Christians unite and work together for the common good. This year we celebrate 175 years since the founding of our first college in 1844; in that year there were only six universities in England (two of them medieval) but all of them did not admit women, Catholics or Jews. The founding colleges of Liverpool Hope University were among the first few institutions to begin opening up higher education to the vast majority of England’s population. The Anglican Bishops of Liverpool, going back to the founding Bishop, Bishop Ryle, were all evangelicals. The friendship of the Anglican Bishop and the Catholic Archbishop was largely based on both their sharing of a mutual faith and their commitment to the poor. This adherence to historic Christian faith remains the university’s own commitment as it seeks to live out that faith in its life and work in a secularised British academy. At the beginning of each academic term we hold a Foundation Service to restate our foundational mission and values. Our Graduation ceremonies are held in alternating years in both the Anglican and Catholic Cathedrals in Liverpool.The new name of Liverpool Hope University was chosen to represent the ecumenical mission of the Institution. Liverpool Hope University was born in July 2005, when the Privy Council bestowed the right to use the University title. Research Degree Awarding Powers were granted by the Privy Council in 2009.