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Bracknell Business Improvement District (BID)

bracknell business improvement district (bid)

Quarter Derby

Businesses in the Southern and Western areas of Bracknell voted in favour of plans to set up a Business Improvement District (BID) to run from 1st April 2020 – 31st March 2025. The positive ballot result follows 18 months of planning, in-depth interviews, surveys and workshops and a month-long ballot in which businesses in the area were asked to vote on the proposals. 63% of votes cast voted in favour of the BID by total number of businesses, and 88% of votes cast voted in favour of the BID by Rateable Value. As a result of the yes vote, the Bracknell Business Improvement District (BID) started on 1st April 2020. Businesses with a rateable value of £12,001 or above will pay a levy based upon their rateable value, creating a collective fund of more than £3 million to spend over the next five years. The plans were driven by a steering group of business representatives from across the area, who have now formed the Bracknell Investment Group Ltd. This is the company that will manage the BID. Bracknell BID is governed by a board of directors of the Bracknell Investment Group. The BID Board consists of representatives from all sectors within the BID area to ensure balanced representation. Directors are volunteers from businesses and partner organisations who give up their time for free. They are supported by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd, who develop and deliver Business Improvement Districts across the country.

Brosna Career Consulting

brosna career consulting

Career Audit We work closely with you to review where you are in your career to date, how you feel about your current status and what options might be available for your next career choice. We will help you assemble a plan for how to move forward. Resilience Coaching We coach you privately to deal better with the stresses and strains of your intense and often pressurised working life. We provide coping strategies and tools to prevent and/or deal with full-on work pressure, uninvited setbacks and to restore and enhance your self-balance and well-being. Career Transition We help you define your next career options and build your distinctive narrative for the jobs market. We proactively support you to source great new job opportunities using contacts, networks and recommended search firms. Finally we prepare you extensively to stand out at short-list interview. Interview Preparation As a stand-alone offering, we will prepare you throughly for job interviews. We will provide you with competence and confidence to stand-out with impact at interview using a range of powerful visual techniques to assist this. We will role play interviews and give honest feedback to improve your interview performance. Onboarding Coaching As a consequence of helping you to secure a new role, we can then coach you to prepare, plan and execute important actions in your first 90 days in your new organisation so as to make a fast and confident start. We do this by intensive and focused coaching dialogues during your early months.