340 Educators providing Courses

Evolve Integral Ltd

evolve integral ltd


Why change when you can evolve? Evolution happens when we transcend and include what went before. To achieve this requires clarity of purpose, values and the deployment of our unique capabilities. Evolution is not about becoming something different, rather it's the process of becoming a deeper and fuller expression of who and what we essentially are. About Me I am Steve Creffield, a workshop facilitator, designer and coach. I am at my best hosting dynamic and innovative workshops in which people can discover, evolve and safely practice new approaches. I also enjoy the richness of working 1-1 with clients in a coaching capacity and as a designer. For over two decades, I have hosted workshops in Universities, the Health Sector, and NGO's in UK and worked globally with clients like the United Nations, The Palladium Group, WaterAid, and many more. The projects we work on are aligned to developing shared meaning and purpose, improving collaboration, and focus on innovative ways to move forward. My approach integrates research and insights from multiple fields and weaves them into creative workshops, coaching and bespoke solutions. Solution-focused techniques, Living Systems approaches and storytelling underpin much of what I do. My aim always is to adapt and refine this approach so that it aligns with your hopes and aspirations. If you would like to talk through ideas, needs, or the way I work then you can message me directly here and I would be delighted to hear from you.

Self Defence for the Soul

self defence for the soul

Last week I was having a few doubts about some decisions that I’d really been sure of before. But after taking some time for reflection, I recognized that several lies had infiltrated my thinking, tearing me down with subtle accusations. In fact, those decisions that I’d already made were from the Lord, and He confirmed them again. Clearly, it was time to examine my spiritual defenses. I am finding that everything I do related to taking a team back to Haiti next month is being fought by the enemy. Here are some mandatory responses to spiritual warfare – I hope you will take action in your battle as well: Stay Alert: We are at war, so as Howard Hendricks says, don’t be surprised that you’re being shot at. We are admonished to be self-controlled and alert, for our enemy “prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8.) Take Cover: Put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) and walk in truth, practice righteousness and exercise your faith. Stand firm and pray! If it’s been more than one week since you’ve reviewed this passage, read and pray through it right now. Fight back: Are you living in a museum, with your sword hanging on the wall in display? That’s exactly what you’re doing if you leave your Bible on the shelf. The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12, emphasis added.) A sword is not a defensive barrier – it’s a weapon of assault – which is why it is sharp and piercing. How prepared are you when it comes to self-defense of your soul? Are you a white belt? A black belt? Something in between? Keep up the regular protection of your heart, mind, spirit and soul. Here are some questions I ask myself to keep alert and engage in combat: That voice I hear – is it a shout or whisper? Yes, the Spirit often speaks in a still, small voice – but He speaks other ways as well. And He isn’t shy about getting my attention. God doesn’t hide from us. So when I detect a whisper in my ear, I need to pay attention and ask, “Is this something that God would shout from the mountain tops? Or is it something that my adversary is quietly whispering in the darkness, hoping the lies will enter my mind without being exposed to the light?” (Matthew 10:26-27.) Is the message life-giving or draining? Jesus told us that our enemy intends to steal, kill and destroy – but He came that we’d experience life abundantly (John 10:10.) Am I experiencing assurance of who I am in Christ, or being driven to doubt? Is the message I’m receiving making me more confident and full of faith? Or is it creating anxiety or fear? (e.g. 1 John 5:11-12, Ephesians 2:10, Jeremiah 31:3, Romans 8:14-16.)

Pure Art Bjj Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - Martial Arts

pure art bjj brazilian jiu-jitsu - martial arts



Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, also known as BJJ, is one of the most popular and fastest-growing martial arts in the world. Exceptionally effective for hand to hand combat and self defence, BJJ is similar to a mix of Judo and Wrestling and relies on technique and leverage rather than strength and brute force. BJJ Lesson It's one of the most effective, well-proven, and well respected martial arts for person to person combat on the planet. Heavily relied upon in MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), it's tried and tested, with its effectiveness having been proven beyond doubt in the UFC Ultimate Fighting Championships. It has a heavy focus on grappling, joint locks, choke submissions etc and especially ground fighting as this is where most fights end up! Great for Self Defence! Most fights and physical altercations end up on the ground. You don't see this in combat sports that concentrate on standing fighting such as boxing and kickboxing etc, as there is a referee to separate both combatants once the range (distance) between them closes down into wrestling range. In the real world, most situations quickly end up on the ground. BJJ Lesson Being able to take a single opponent to the ground and control them while you apply techniques that will render them incapacitated is a highly effective, tested, and proven fight strategy. But it's also equally beneficial to be able to prevent or defend yourself if taken to the ground against your will and also have the ability to return to standing again and escape if need be. Unlike many clubs that nowadays only practise BJJ's sports element, at Pure Art BJJ, we also practice the full syllabus of practical, easy to apply, and effective self defence techniques considered a fundamental component of the original art as well as incorporating contemporary self defence strategies and tactics. Fantastic For Fitness! A session of BJJ is physically demanding. The constant movement provides a fantastic workout and builds powerful functional strength as well as good cardio. The fluidity of motion and stretching it provides is also great for your flexibility. Highly Effective! BJJ uses live rolling, a highly addictive form of sparring similar to wrestling, as an important part of its training. Partners will attempt to control and apply submission techniques on each other while resisting, releasing them once their partner taps before any injury can occur. BJJ Lesson Due to the fact the art is grappling rather than strike based, partners can fully resist techniques allowing each other to test and experience using them for real without fear of causing injury. You will gain confidence and knowledge that the ability you have achieved now works for real. Due to this live practice method, practitioners can gain a very effective ability in a short time. Just like you wouldn't learn tennis without getting on a court and having a game, you cannot learn to fight without doing it. BJJ offers you a safe and practical way to do this. There is no doubting or imagining that what you have learned works with this martial art. Works Regardless of Size or Strength! BJJ uses leverage and science to allow a smaller person to overcome a larger person regardless of size, gender, or age. Instead of relying on muscle, strength, and brute force. Portsmouth Martial Arts Club Superb for Weight Loss! BJJ is an excellent form of exercise. You will burn lots of calories during a session and find yourself wanting to eat healthier due to the enhanced ability and energy this will give you both on and off the mats, and the positive lifestyle BJJ promotes. Way More Fun than Joining a Gym! BJJ provides exercise as part of an enjoyable activity rather than exercising for its own sake, which can quickly become repetitive and boring. So you're more likely to stick with it and get results. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Class Training More importantly, it's also way more productive and rewarding as you are gaining a lifelong skill and ability, which may save your life while gaining fitness and enhancing your physique at the same time. It's also great for dealing with stress and gaining balance in your life. The positive life rewards of Jiu-Jitsu go way beyond gaining skill in fighting, and at Pure Art BJJ, we foster a positive, enjoyable atmosphere in all classes, which means you will leave feeling great! Does it actually work! Yes. Unlike all the kicking and punching the air or bags you may find in other martial arts, you will gain real experience of its use under live pressure and experience its powerful effectiveness for yourself within a few classes. Time is precious, so why waste it? Do I Need Anything to start? No, just wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a drink of water. Your first session with us is completely Free to try! When you decide to get a Gi (training outfit), we recommend Valor Fightwear. Their Gis are great value and excellent quality with fast delivery. Jiu-Jitsu Scissor Sweep Get Your Free Trial And Give It A Go Now! Message us now to arrange your Free trial and try BJJ at Pure Art BJJ in Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK. We are very welcoming to new students!

Des Oā€™Connor

des oā€™connor



I create women business experts worldwide, inspire them to lead, and empower them to speak on stage. I’m honoured to be an award-winning entrepreneur and industry-leading business coach, having received recognition such as: 2013 Relationship Coach of the Year – Association for Professional Coaches, Trainers, and Consultants (APCTC) Bestselling Author – contributing author to “Coach Wisdom” Founder of Social Media Marketing Events Founder of Women In Business Events International Speaker; has spoken at business and professional conferences throughout the UK, Dubai and in the U.S. and other international markets But the most important recognition to me is the fulfillment and meaning that comes from making a positive difference in my clients lives, and building a stronger community for all of us as entrepreneurs and business leaders. More about me… I have extensive experience as a coach, consultant, social media marketing expert, and entrepreneur. I am passionate about personal and professional development and helping people get more out of life; I believe in the power of education and personal development to inspire people to make transformations in their lives. I’ve seen it happen for so many people, again and again! After several years of successful experience as a professional speaker, I realised that there was a problem in our industry. Too many speaker line-up sat industry events and conferences were all men. There were not very many women being featured to speak on stage. I knew that this was a massive problem. After all, I have worked with so many talented, amazing women who are entrepreneurs and experts and business leaders; why were there not more opportunities for women to speak on stage and be recognised as in-demand business experts? That’s why I decided to start my Des O’Connor Women In Business (WIB) events. I launched my first Women In Business event in London in September 2017, with the goal of inspiring women to become business experts, build brands, deliver value to their clients, and sell their expertise to a global audience. In the years since, I have put more than 150 people on stage at my events (many of them women, many first-time speakers) and I have helped create a more expansive community for women in business (and men too). I also provide business consulting for business experts, entrepreneurs, professional speakers, coaches, and companies that need help with social media marketing, digital marketing, webinar marketing, website development, online lead generation, and more. My clients include: Business Experts: Are you looking start a business for the first time, or build the brand of your existing business? Do you have expertise in a particular field that you’d like to learn how to make into a viable business model? I can work with you to launch your business and help you make money with your unique expertise. Professional Speakers: I empower business experts to speak on stage at my packed-out live events! Whether you are a first-time speaker, or if you already are speaking on stage as part of your business marketing or business model, I can help you get better quality speaking opportunities – including international speaking opportunities. Coaches and Corporate Trainers: I have extensive experience as a coach and professional/personal development expert. I work with some of the best coaches in the industry to help them get better clients, expand their audiences, build their brand, and get paid while they sleep with digital information products (CDs, MP3s, MP4 videos, webinars, etc.) that they can sell worldwide from their website. Authors: Do you want to write a book as part of your business and brand? I can help connect you with publishing resources, book marketing, social media marketing to boost the audience for your book, and I also produce packed-out live Book Launch events for authors. I don’t just put people on stage, I provide comprehensive marketing and brand strategy consulting to help my clients maximise their success on every level. Digital Marketing and Sales Funnels: I help my clients turn their websites into sales machines. There are lots of web designers in the world and you can often get websites designed very cheaply, but unfortunately most web designers do not understand how to systemise your clients’ journeys. I help you create a focused website marketing strategy with built-in sales funnels and CRM (customer relationship management) tools, so that you can generate a conversation with your prospective clients, lead them to sign up for further communications and a deeper relationship, and even better, to inspire your clients to order your products and services. High Quality Lead Generation and Networking: I advise and help my clients (with a variety of packages of services) on how to form their message, improve clarity of their brand and value proposition, and promote them to my extensive network of contacts to drive leads to them and take these new business leads on a journey to build relationships and increase rapport so that you can easily convert them into paying clients. Des O’Connor Shoes: I am passionate about personal and professional development. My entire career has focused on helping people to learn, get inspired, get motivated, and get better at various aspects of their professional and personal lives. So that’s why I’m excited to launch my new line of shoes, Des O’Connor Shoes. These are the world’s first shoes that empower women to improve all aspects of their personal and professional lives.

Omega Training Services

omega training services

Omega Training is a human resource development company dedicated to providing products, services, and training that creates dynamic solutions to enable companies and individuals to reach greater heights by increasing morale and productivity while also providing the tools to eliminate or reduce destructive environments and potential lawsuits. Omega Training’s software highlights include: Schedule Questions and Trainings – Trainings can go out daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. It’s up to you. Record Keeping – Know when and to whom a training was sent out and completed. Increase Retention – Ongoing trainings with small bits and pieces of information will be more easily remembered. Simple to Use – It only takes 15 minutes to set up a weekly training that will run for a year. Import questions and users through excel with Omega Trainings unique drag and drop technology. Plug and Play Content – Don’t limit your company to only Sexual Harassment training. Use Omega’s entire employment law database of legal content courses at no extra cost. Company Training Unification – Omega Training will provide a consistent ongoing training message with real-time updates on the status of your organization’s training and see what content, if any, needs to be re-addressed. Video Capable – Use Omega Trainings videos to enhance your trainings or drop in your own video at no additional cost. LMS – Omega Training offers a simplified one of a kind LMS (Learning Management System) at half the cost of a standard LMS. Multiple Device Compatibility – Whether the learner is using a computer, smartphone or ipad, the end user will have the same learning experience on any device.

Mind Skills Training Coaching & Wellbeing

mind skills training coaching & wellbeing

Mind Skills TrainingSuicide Is Preventable Suicide is preventable. As a society, we have a responsibility to ensure that young people, adults, teachers, parents and carers alike, within our community, have the opportunity to discuss the subject of mental health in an open, frank and honest way. We want to inspire, motivate and educate people with our positive message. So how do we help? And can you help, too? Please take the time to read about the work that Mind Skills Training does. Mental Health Matters Mindskills Training was developed out of a desire to help those suffering with their mental health or with the impact of suicide. Since its inception, we have worked hard to provide support where it's most needed. Orla Crummey “So informative, so much to learn and so much to take away from a fantastic mentor. Well done Phil and thank you. Cant wait to get the younger kids involved.” Dr. James Galezewski Clinical Psychologist, Associate Professor “Mr. Mc Taggart has presented to and spent considerable time with my graduate psychology students both in Belfast and in Chicago over a number of years. He has a keen knowledge of and insight into the dilemma of suicide, and the pain that is left in the wake of the suicide of a loved one. He has the expertise in community organisation and has left a lasting impression on my students and me, on the importance of individual awareness and reaching out person-to-person to those in distress.”