3046 Educators providing Courses




Digi-Ed is a digital creation agency founded in London in 2018 with a desire to help local businesses and startups get online. We recognise after the Pandemic the importance of getting your business back open and reconnecting with your customers. We want to make this easy and can provide you with a shiny new website in only a couple of weeks. Our approach is straightforward, we partner with each of our clients to develop customised, unique digital solutions that resonate. Our web design solutions are built with "no-code" tools, making it much easier for our clients to take over maintenance themselves and make small changes in an instant. We understand that more people than ever are using mobile devices to connect to local businesses and as such, we design our websites with a mobile-first focus. Every good web agency knows that "build it and they will come" doesn't really work online anymore in such a competitive business environment. For this reason, we offer additional digital marketing services such as Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media Management and Digital Marketing Strategies to truly get your business on the map. Grow your business, building customer loyalty and nurturing a community around your business. What really makes us special is our background in education and the reason for our name. We are able to support businesses and educational locations with support and training. This is ever more important following lockdown and we can get your workforce ready to deliver effectively using digital technologies. Are you looking for a digital transformation partner? Perhaps you want to install Google for Education or Enterprise and you want to get the most out of your investment. Digi-Ed has the experience and expertise to support your transition and make sure it sticks.

Ipswich And Suffolk Bangladeshi Muslim Community Centre And Mosque

ipswich and suffolk bangladeshi muslim community centre and mosque

Welcome to the Ipswich Mosque Ipswich & Suffolk Bangladeshi Muslim Community Centre and Mosque. The Ipswich Mosque offers a wide range of services; in addition to the Daily Prayers. We also offer counselling; education for children and adults; services related to birth, marriage and death and more. It is with great sadness that Ipswich Mosque has learned of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our deepest condolences to Her Majesty’s children and their families on this sad occasion. Her Majesty was a great example of devotion to civic duty and public life. She is not only the longest reigning monarch in British history she has also been the background to the lives of most of us alive today. She was the monarch who earned the widest possible respect here in the UK and throughout the world. Her Majesty always put duty first and brought dignity and decency to the highest office in the land. She embodied the best of qualities and was a focus for national unity and identity. Her Majesty has been the still calm centre of stability and reassurance to this nation and the other nations of which has been head of state for more than seventy years. While so much around her has changed she has been a distillation of our national identity, she has been a constant in an ever shifting world, steadfast, dependable dutiful. Her Majesty’s life was one of finely judged service true to the principles of constitutional monarchy driven by duty. Her Majesty’s life has been a huge inspiration and she will be sadly missed by all. Her Majesty’s passing is great loss to the nation. She was a remarkable human being who leaves a remarkable legacy to our country and beyond.

Swiss Cottage School - Development & Research Centre

swiss cottage school - development & research centre


It is a pleasure to welcome you to Swiss Cottage School, Development and Research Centre, a community-maintained special needs school in the London Borough of Camden. We are committed to providing the best education. Our school community is passionate and create innovative learning opportunities to promote holistic development. We are in a specialist school building designed by experts and architects through the Department for Education's 'Building Schools for the Future' initiative. Our teams have worked hard to design and embed our research-informed curriculum which emphasises ‘Deep Learning’ by responding to each student’s point of learning. There is a range of expertise throughout this school, from our highly skilled teachers and teaching assistants to a range of teams and leaders. Together, we ensure every child’s needs are met. Our teachers lead their class team through shared goals which are informed by parents, families, NHS Therapists, CAMHS professionals, and the Multi-agency Support Team. We place this vision at the heart of an integrated provision that values the power of partnerships and collaboration. Our mission across the 2022-2023 academic year is an authentic focus on reducing the impacts of the pandemic on our vulnerable community. We have formal partnerships for this academic year to enhance the role of our pupils within the local community, and to equally bring the world into the classroom through a whole school immersive technology. We are also working with key organisations through our Centre of Excellence to develop inclusion in mainstream schools, train future teachers, support the professional development of educators, and collaborate on research initiatives. We share a range of information about our school through this accessible website. Contact us if you are interested in learning more about the school provision, connecting with our community, or working together. Together we can shape the inclusive society we all seek.

Canbury School Limited

canbury school limited

Canbury is a happy, purposeful place of personal discovery for students aged 11 to 18. The ethos of the School is that great minds do not all think alike and we have established a reputation for delivering a first class, personalised education to students of all academic abilities. Excellent progress is made here because every young person is treated as an individual. Our recently opened Sixth Form provides the opportunity for students to continue to benefit from Canbury support in preparation for adult life and we are delighted to see them go on to university or college. However, the journey is just as important as the destination and so, from the outset, we focus on the whole child with emphasis placed on emotional and social development as well as academic achievement. We are committed to ensuring that our students are prepared for the future – able to step forward to take their place in the world. In our last inspection, it was noted that, “Pupils throughout the School persevere to solve problems supported by teachers and learning support assistants who establish high expectations and promote a ‘can do’ attitude”. As a relatively new school, founded in 1982, Canbury is able to adopt a progressive approach to teaching and learning, taking our cue from best practice and research. This ‘clean slate’ means that we are not hidebound by tradition; rather, we are able to create the most meaningful opportunities for our students, led by their strengths, needs and skills. We are proud of our broad curriculum, the wide range of qualifications we offer and the support we are able to provide through small group teaching and, where appropriate, specialist therapists or learning support assistants. All of this is delivered by dedicated and expert staff, underpinned by an exceptionally strong pastoral approach that places the young person’s wellbeing front and centre.

Exceed Worldwide

exceed worldwide


Exceed Worldwide, with partners, has established Schools of Prosthetics and Orthotics (P&O) in five countries in Southeast and South Asia – Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines and Myanmar. With the exception of the Philippines, our Schools train Prosthetist Orthotists to International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) Category 2 standards. The Philippines School trains students to ISPO Category 1 standard. In addition, our Cambodian School trains P&O technicians. This course has been recommended for ISPO Category 3 accreditation and is awaiting certification. Exceed works closely with ISPO to gain and maintain international accreditation standards and all of our P&O schools work closely with key partners, including government ministries, institutions of third-level education disabled persons’ organisations and other NGOs, to ensure that programme curricula comply with national standards and that graduates of P&O schools are recognised as health care professionals who can be integrated in national health systems. Places at our first, internationally-acclaimed school in Cambodia (established in 1994) are offered to students from other lower and middle income countries and this school will offer a course at ISPO Category 1 level from 2021. DEVELOPING CLINICAL SERVICES Courses at each P&O school focus on theory and practice, with a strong emphasis on practical training in teaching clinics which emphasise the importance of establishing and delivering care to national and international standards. Exceed P&O centres provide high quality, free or very low cost physical rehabilitation services for people with disabilities. ADVOCACY We work at grass roots level with teachers, community leaders and families to encourage understanding of the needs and abilities of children and adults with disabilities and promote their inclusion in local communities and society in general. We also collaborate with national and international resource holders and policy makers, including national governments, ISPO and WHO, to ensure that equal rights and the inclusion of persons with disability is high on the agenda. COMMISSIONING ACTION-BASED RESEARCH Lack of hard data and high quality research on the impact of disability, the needs of people with disabilities and the design, development and assessment of support services is a critical issue. To address this well-documented research and data deficit, Exceed has founded and co-ordinates the Exceed Research Network (ERN), an international research consortium involving universities, NGOs, P&O businesses and eminent social, P&O and engineering researchers and practitioners from these sectors. ERN is a young organisation, but Network partners are already carrying out applied research to address a range of P&O and disability issues. OFFERING COMMUNITY-BASED REHABILITATION Exceed Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) activities reflect ISPO and WHO guidelines. Our community teams focus on the identification of people with disabilities who need support, referral for treatment at Exceed centres and follow-up support. This support enables children, young people and adults with disability to access education and training, gain employment or start small businesses. We also work with community projects that directly address poverty and the exclusion of people with disabilities from mainstream development assistance. DEVELOPING NEW APPROACHES TO SERVICE PROVISION 80% of those who need P&O services do not have access to them. Resources are scarce and Exceed believes that the future provision and expansion of P&O services to an adequate level will depend on creative co-operation between governments, the private sector, NGOs and donors to develop new service models. Exceed believes that social enterprise (a business that uses its profits for social impact) will play an important role in this mix and has launched Exceed Social Enterprises as a vehicle to access private wealth to support charitable services.

The Old School Day Nursery & Pre-school

the old school day nursery & pre-school


The Old School Day Nursery in Nuneaton is part of the award-winning Tommies Childcare group. Enquire now for more information and availability.We stand with parents in raising well-balanced, happy and self-assured young people by investing time, care and resources in their well-being and development. 2. NURTURE A CREATIVE ENVIRONMENT We allow young minds the freedom to explore and discover in a safe, stable and nurturing environment, creating resourceful adults able to reason, respond to and influence their world. Recognise and celebrate individuality, where each child is valued for their uniqueness and distinctive strengths and taught to value and respect differences and diversity in others. 3. SUPPORT YOUR CHILD’S INDIVIDUALITY AND CONFIDENCE Foster a sense of self-worth from an early age, developing confidence and resilience in children that will enable them to withstand and overcome challenges as they grow. Encourage positive interaction and communication, building children’s’ understanding of friendship, co-operation and respect for others in wider society and promoting a sense of belonging. Boost independence, giving children the tools to become self-sufficient citizens in their community. 4. GUARANTEE OUR EMPLOYEES ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST We offer peace of mind that your child is in the best hands, providing the personal attention and nurturing environment of home underpinned by professional expertise and a genuine passion for inspiring children. We provide the best mentors and guides for your children, investing in staff who understand this is more than a job and are excited to help shape our next generation. OUR STORY… In 1998, Tommies owner/CEO, Caroline, had twin daughters who were attending a local pre-school. It was struggling financially and due to close as a result, but she was on the parents’ forum and became aware of the situation. Not wanting to see the pre-school that her family attended and loved, fail, she made an offer to buy the business. Caroline was able to save it and make it sustainable again. Since then Tommies has grown and developed considerably. We currently have eight day nurseries located across the West Midlands, Warwickshire, and Derby. At Tommies, our ethos has moved towards having a strong focus on the wellbeing of our staff as well as the children in our care. We’re extremely proud that Tommies has its own personality and its own way of doing things. It makes us unique, trusted, and the #1 choice for so many families. AWARD-WINNING PROVISION For three consecutive years, Tommies Childcare has received an award for being a Top 20 Most Recommended Mid-Size Nursery Provider in the UK, as reviewed by parents on daynurseries.co.uk. “Tommies Childcare has shown that it delivers excellent early education throughout its nurseries and we’d like to congratulate them on being a top nursery group, as rated by parents. We feel it is a real achievement to be recognised for being in the Top 20 nursery groups by the families and carers of the children.” Davina Ludlow, Director of daynurseries.co.uk In 2019, Tommies Childcare has received the 3 Star Best Companies Accreditation and was listed in the Best Companies to Work For lists. Tommies have also successfully maintained their 3 Star Best Companies Accreditation and place in the lists every year since 2019. “I would like to congratulate Tommies Childcare on your achievement. Best Companies have been producing the accreditation standard since 2006 to acknowledge excellence in the workplace. Organisations like Tommies Childcare have continued to focus on their employees and have been rewarded with an engaged workforce who tell us that this is a best company to work for.” Jonathan Austin, CEO & Founder of Best Companies

Ever-evolving Training

ever-evolving training


Ever Evolving, Inc.About Ever Evolving Steve Palmer founded Ever Evolving in February 2016 A Note From Our Founder I started Ever Evolving to help business leaders embrace disruption, because ready or not, change is coming. A recent study by our peers at Accenture stated how 93% of Executives “know their industry will be disrupted at some point in the next five years, only 20 percent feel they’re highly prepared to address it.” Which is backed up by Innosight, and their findings about the decreasing corporate lifespan. In fact, their findings show that “about half of S&P 500 companies will be replaced over the next ten years.” That’s frightening! It’s frightening because if it’s happening to the S&P 500, then we are all vulnerable. It’s frightening to think, not only about the effects that industry disruption could have on your career, but the cumulative effects on the careers of your colleagues. It’s frightening to think about the downstream effects it has on your families and loved ones. So I set out to do something about it. In today’s ever-evolving (pun intended) market place, business leaders are challenged to constantly make smart investment decisions in new products and service offerings. After all, the only way to avoid disruption is to innovate out of it. Unfortunately, based on results from a survey conducted by our friends at McKinsey & Company, only 6% of Executives are “satisfied with [their company’s] innovation performance.” Luckily for you, we have a better way. To avoid being disrupted, to not be in that half of the companies that gets replaced, you need to innovate. You need to innovate repeatably. And you need to innovate perpetually. You need a pipeline of new ideas that are ready to replace any outdated products and business practices. You need to communicate the need for new ideas and reward those who submit valuable ones. You need a framework so people know how to develop them. You need innovation governance to make sure you’re investing your time and resources wisely. We at Ever Evolving can help with that. We have developed a framework. We call it the InnoSpecting Framework. And we use that framework as a guideline, tailoring it through our regular engagements with our customers to fit the needs of their specific organizations. Our framework is built on a rock-solid foundation that we call the 4 Pillars of Continuous Innovation. And is governed through regular meetings we call Innovation Pulses. To help you quickly and accurately get through our framework, we provide you with a set of custom tools and templates. These tools will not only help you identify new innovation ideas, but to also manage those ideas so you aren’t wasting money needlessly on ideas that don’t provide value. All in all, these tools and templates will be your answer to addressing six biggest challenges to corporate innovation. But we also recognize that this isn’t a simple journey. We recognize that changing how you operate is challenging. Which is why we also provide a community of peers. We call it the InnoSpection Community. We have designed this community to provide the support you need for this journey. It’s a community of experts and like-minded companies to help you through your innovation transformation. And no matter what size your organization is, we have packages designed to fit your needs. And we’ve built all of this with a focus on YOU. With a focus on YOUR NEEDS. To make sure you are NOT one of the 94% of executives unsatisfied with your innovation performance. To make sure you are NOT one of those companies being replaced. Like I said, we have a better way. Reach out and allow me to share it with you. Connect with Me Connect with me, as I’d love to learn about your organization and talk about where we can collaborate.

Surecom Network Solutions

surecom network solutions

Surecom Network Solutions is a multi-award-winning engineering firm based in Ireland and the UK. We offer engineer-led professional, technical and project management services in the telecommunications and ICT fields. Our engineers and management professionals are leading the way within the industry through pioneering, practical solutions and service delivery. We have grown as a company during an upsurge in the telecoms industry, working with local and multinational clients. Our engineers remain at the forefront of industry innovations and future technologies, while our professional management experts work with clients on their businesses pain points. With engineering at the company’s core, we have a select line-up of experts who have a strong technical background, bringing with them years of professional, practical and project experience. Our technical excellence, transparency and customer focus on remaining true to our word is key to our continued success. We remain trusted and client-approved partners within the growing telecommunications and ICT sectors, which is consistently reflected through a multitude of national and international awards. Since opening in 2005, Surecom has prioritised a principal commitment to quality, health and safety that is recognised across the industry. We continue to meet the strictest international standards for our global clients, including a dedication to our ISO and OHSAS accreditations, which we have held for the past 10 years.

Julie Smith Dog Training & Behaviour

julie smith dog training & behaviour



Let me tell you a little bit about me... I have had a passion for dogs for as long as I can remember! Growing up with border collies and always looking after dogs for friends and family was the starting point of my love for all things dog! In 2012 I decided to take things a step further and began my studies on both Dog Training and Behaviour in order to become a certified trainer and behaviourist After an intensive initial 2 years studying, I set up my own dog training services in 2013 and have continued to help owners and their dogs since as well as continuing to further my own studies and knowledge each year through various accredited colleges, courses and dog training affiliations. As it stands I now have almost a decade of experience in my field as well as numerous certificates & diplomas and continue to develop my knowledge and accreditations further year on year At any given time my husband and I tend to have a small pack of our own! The services I offer cover dog training , puppy training, dog obedience training and behaviour support in Wishaw, Motherwell and most of the Lanarkshire based areas I primarily offer 1-2-1 private training but also have group obedience classes, group confidence walks, Puppy groups and puppy play dates throughout the year! Julie Smith dog training and behaviour in North Lanarkshire Dog trainer CONTACT ME FOR AVAILABILITY & COSTS Certificates , Qualifications & Memberships My very first certificate was back in 2012 now and was the Sarah Whitehead 'Think Dog' course Since then I have accumulated many more including IMDT certificates, a BCCS diploma in Advanced Canine Behaviour with a 'Merit' award, and an Open College Diploma course in dog training which I passed with 'Distinction'. I am a member of and a recognised instructor for the Academy of Dog Training and Behaviour, details of which can be found on the ADTB website. You'll also find my business listed on the British College of Canine Studies graduate directory As well as this I have a host of positive reviews on the Good Dog Guide website where my services have been listed for many years I continue to grow in my field now and look to continue studying for many years to come. You can never know to much! A 'Balanced' approach to modern dog training My training methods focus on positive and reward based training with all dogs including my own and truly believe this is the best way for not only the dogs but in order to strengthen the trust and bonds we have with them. This can be with food, praise or their favourite toy depending on the dog. We do need to add corrections when training to help our dogs understand what we are looking for from them. These do NOT have to inflict pain or fear and none of the methods I use will ever hurt or scare a dog! My training methods are about building trust with your dog and strengthening the bond and relationship you have. I use ways which will motivate the dog and have been found to have better long term benefits for both you and him I train my own dogs the same way I will train yours. And I'd very much like to say I am proud of my dogs as a whole and the amazing bond we share