3467 Educators providing Courses

Dame Allans Schools

dame allans schools

Newcastle upon Tyne

Choosing the right school for a child is something that I know parents spend much time and thought on - and rightly so. If you were to ask our parents why they chose Dame Allan’s they would tell you that the children here are positive and outgoing, at ease with themselves and each other, yet excited and enthused by the opportunities ahead of them. By the time they leave school, you will want your child to have grown into a confident young adult with an awareness of their potential and the drive to turn their ambitions into reality. So the question is: what kind of school will help them along that path? It should be a school which introduces them to inspiring thoughts and experiences; a school where they feel known and valued; one which challenges them to risk new ideas and helps them when they need it. If they leave school having learned to break through self-imposed limits, to value the experiences of others, to persevere when the going gets tough, then we all have done our job, as parents and teachers. Dame Allan’s succeeds in combining academic excellence with a wealth of co-curricular opportunities, all underpinned by a deep commitment to the individual needs and interests of each child. You’ll find lots on our website about what we do. You can read about our diamond structure, our ethos and heritage, and see the activities and successes our pupils enjoy. And if you want to know whether Dame Allan’s is the right school for your child then the best way to find out is to make a visit and see for yourself.

Tytherington School

tytherington school


We are a successful, ambitious and high-performing school at the heart of the local community. At Tytherington School, we pride ourselves on our high standards which enables us to provide first-class learning experiences for all students. As Headteacher, and a parent myself, I make no apology for having a very simple and uncomplicated view of what makes an exceptional school. At Tytherington School we have a calm and supportive environment which is characterised by respectful relationships between the teachers and students. There is a very clear focus on delivering high academic standards for all students. We encourage all students to strive to fulfil their potential wherever their interests or talents may lie. Excellent teaching and learning is at the core of our approach. We provide all our students with a forward looking and rich curriculum which allows them to develop the skills and knowledge required to grasp any opportunities the future may present. Our ethos encourages students to be articulate, resilient, courageous, curious and have the confidence to stand up for what they believe in. We are very proud of our strong culture of academic success at key stages 4 and 5. We offer a wide range of courses which enable all students to thrive. Tytherington is a safe and happy school where there is a sense of pride amongst students. If you want to know more about us please arrange a visit, we would love to see you. Mr Emmanuel Botwe MA (Oxon), Headteacher Please click the link below to hear Mr Botwe’s recent TED Talk about his values and beliefs about Education. Mr Botwe’s TED Talk Please find below the link to a podcast about Mr Botwe where he talks about Headship and the school.

Action For Community Development

action for community development

Action for Community Development (AfCD) is a community-based organisation assisting socially excluded members of the community such as ethnic minorities, refugees and asylum seekers and unemployed people in general. We give impartial, reliable and professional training, information, career advice and guidance. Our Background: AfCD was established to respond to reports that Refugees and people from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities feel alienated from sources of advice, advocacy, training and statutory agencies provisions. There remain challenges to improve engagement and increased social inclusion. National statistics suggest that issues of inequality persist between different communities in British society and in many societies. AfCD was set out to reduce these barriers, bringing about socio-economic justice and promote equal opportunities for the benefit of the wider community. We manage a resource centre in South London which offers comprehensive services to our beneficiaries. These are in the form of advice, information, casework, advocacy, counselling and training. Our team of dedicated staff and volunteers reaches out to our beneficiaries who recently migrated to the United Kingdom and those already settled in the UK on a low income, disadvantaged or deprived. We support the transition from dependency to sustainable living. Our team consists of people with vast experience who have passion and enthusiasm for their work. We also work with partners organisations and agencies to pool together expertise, maximise available resources to support our beneficiaries towards their goal of resettlement, skills acquisition, education and gainful employment. Objectives: To provide training, information, career advice and guidance to Refugees, migrants and other disadvantaged members of the society. To promote empowerment, self-advocacy and build the capacity of Black, Asian and Ethnic Minorities (BAME) and other disadvantage members of the society to the benefit of the wider community. To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, resource assistance and coordination with other community-based organisations. To carry out research and publications on issues of socio-economic development and human rights. To set up projects as well as collaborate with existing indigenous Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the developing world whose works are geared toward the development of civil society and the reduction of poverty. Mission: AfCD was founded with the mission to promote community building and social transformation in diverse and under-resourced communities. We do this through specific and measurable approaches designed to enhance the capacity of individuals. We support disadvantaged members of the community by helping them define their own path to bring about social change. Social transformation and community development can only occur in a society free from all form of prejudices, deprivation and is culturally dynamic. We work with our networking partners in providing information, advice and guidance to individuals to meet their needs. We also provide training, resources and community engagement in our effort to develop responsible and active citizens.