3171 Educators providing Courses

Kibworth Golf Club

kibworth golf club



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Scott Cowan Mind Coach

scott cowan mind coach


I became a mindset coach in early 2019. Many people ask why or how I became a coach. I became a coach after one day I had a moment where I was sitting on my balcony and had the strangest feeling of looking around and thinking - how did I get here? So, at that moment I decided I had to look back at everything I had done to get to where I was. Like us all, I have faced adversity in my life. During my 32 years on earth, I had been through a very messy break-up that involved my son, I had been through grieving the loss of both my great-grandparents within 3 weeks of each other, I moved to a different country to find work, I ended up living in a hostel in a country I was unfamiliar with due to a relationship break up, I have suffered from depression, loneliness and I have even attempted to take my own life at one point. So, when I looked back over all these experiences in my life, I began to question how I managed to get through it all. After searching for a while and exploring everything I have been through, I realised that there was only one constant in every situation I had faced, and that was my mindset and how I looked at situations. Now, I'm so passionate about helping others to achieve their goals and desires. I am passionate about helping as many people as I can to make a change in the world. I want to help create a world where everyone has a positive mindset, a go get it mindset and indestructible resilience. Why do I want this? As we all know mental health has rocketed in the last decade and unless we create bulletproof mindsets and indestructible resilience, the number will only increase. My goal is to help as many adults change their mindset so then they can pass that down to their children. Having a son myself, I am passionate about helping the children of today and our future generations in creating resilience and a positive mindset as helping to create this early as possible will not only benefit the children of today and the future it will help decrease the number of mental health issues we are currently facing across the globe.



Our story starts in the classroom, but unlike most CPR training companies, it doesn't end there. Our co-founder, Roy Shaw, was a classroom CPR instructor for many years before our company was born in 2003. Roy knew what he was doing was ambitious, so rather than do it on his own, he partnered with Paul Martin and Scott Andersen to help in the early years. Our new team now included a paramedic / CPR instructor, a web developer / marketer, and a graphic designer / video editor. You wouldn't be alone if CPR training makes you think of classrooms and manikins rather than a computer. And in 2003, this was even more true than today. But that didn't stop us from deciding to change everything. After all, CPR training was broken and we were determined to fix it. No more falling asleep in a 4-6 hour class. Why not learn from the comfort of your home. GROWING PAINS AND EARLY WINS Of course, there have been challenges. Nearly a third of Internet users were on dial-up in 2003 and YouTube hadn't been invented yet. But by 2007, things were beginning to change. And that's the year we launched the Internet's first fully video-based CPR course. At this point, we had certified around 80,000 students, our three founders went full-time on the business, and we hired our first two employees to support our customers and gain compliance approvals. Compliance challenges are what led us to create a blended CPR program in 2008. Although online courses are acceptable for many people, there are certain industries where hands-on skills practice is mandatory. First, we built a national instructor network to meet this need. Then, in 2014, we introduced live video conference evaluations and a low-cost SUMO manikin kit to offer our students in-home skills evaluations, making ProTrainings the most compliant (and convenient) CPR course available online. EXPANSION AND NEW VENTURES A lot has changed since the early days. Our team has grown to 35+ people across our U.S. and U.K. offices. We've certified well over a million people and counting. And our free Student CPR program has certified tens of thousands of high school students around the country. Our course catalog has also expanded beyond CPR to include courses such as Bloodborne Pathogens, HIPAA, Hazcom, Fire Safety, Ergonomics, Sexual Harassment, Pet First Aid, Continuing Education content, and more to come. We're still just getting started!

Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation

institute of revenues rating and valuation


In January 1882, the rate collectors of Holborn invited their Metropolitan colleagues to a meeting to discuss the effect a projected reorganisation of London local government might have on their jobs and prospects. Some eighty officers attended and at a further meeting on the 25th February it was decided to form, with effect from the 1st April 1882, the Metropolitan Rate Collectors Association. As membership grew, the title was subsequently changed to the Association of Rate Collectors and Assistant Overseers in 1911. Changes in legislation resulted in a further change in title and in 1927, the Incorporated Association of Rating and Valuation Officers was established. The association was more commonly known as the Rating & Valuation Association (RVA) and no further change to the title was made until January 1990 when, with the impending introduction of Community Charge and National Non-Domestic Rate, we became known as the Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation (IRRV). A key aim of the Institute is to support its members’ professional and personal development and the sharing of best practice. We keep our members informed of current issues through our magazines, publications and a comprehensive website. Our conferences and meetings offer opportunities for networking with other professionals from the UK and overseas whilst the Forum Service continues to attract new organisations each year; the current membership now exceeding 200. We seek to influence the course of legislative and professional matters through dialogue with government bodies and other professional organisations and through commissioning and conducting original research. This is led by the Institute’s three Faculty Boards; Local Taxation and Revenues, Benefits and Valuation. The Institute has a membership of over 2,400 and offers a range of qualifications covering its professional fields. It is a nationally approved awarding body for its vocational and examination-based qualifications. Each year, in excess of 300 students sit our examinations and vocational assessments. Successful students join the thousands of IRRV qualified professionals currently working in both the public and private sector within the fields of revenues, benefits and valuation. IRRV qualifications and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme are designed to meet the needs of members at every stage of their careers. A thriving network of Associations is one of the IRRV’s main strengths. Our Associations organise programmes of professional and social activities that take place regionally and provide the opportunity for all members to become more involved in the work of the Institute.

Universal Truth

universal truth


The founder of Universal Truth, Nyla Khan, was forced to marry and subsequently desensitised from her own feelings for over 15 years. Her story is more than the typical narrative of being taken to Pakistan and forced into a marriage - she is a woman who cannot be put into a box no matter how hard family members and communities may try, about being disowned by her family and suffering abuse and community coercion from her own community. She has conquered every block that has been put in her way and now feels that her purpose in life is to demonstrate that all women can follow the same path. Nyla’s spiritual awakening has healed herself and presented her life’s purpose which is to gain the correct knowledge and experience to share her story and start Universal Truth so to be a role model that most ethnic minority women don’t have or can use more of – a successful and independent woman who surpassed tradition and limitations that were placed on her by archaic cultural conditions which resulted in community isolation tactics and silence in the name of honour. Nyla went from feeling like a failed unworthy daughter to the knowledge that she is just a soul who was made in the light of God. There is no box in which she belongs, she is a soul that was born to be free learning hard lessons. With so much fear instilled in victims, Nyla and Universal Truth bring a unique spiritual approach to these women. Through Universal Truth, Nyla seeks to break a cycle, to lead, to teach and heal others through her wisdom - as through her journey, she now lives a life of self-expression and truth - a birth right which belongs to all of us. Bringing Universal Truth to life is a path to support and inspire not only all the women of colour who are wanting to defy all odds but need strength and inspiration to do so, but also to inspire women from any background who have suffered similar trauma to give them hope and the courage to be loud and speak their truths. We understand that society’s structures and systems must embrace change in order for change to be effective and sustainable. That is why Universal Truth's focus is strongly dedicated to leading policy changes so that ethnic minorities are systemically supported and protected.

The Learning Place

the learning place



We are part of Portsmouth City Councils Employment, Learning and Skills service. We are fully externally funded with the main source of funding being the contribution which comes through our contract with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) which we seek to supplement though other sources, such as The Good Things Foundations UK Online Centres. This means that we are able to provide certain courses free of charge, others at heavily subsidised rates and offer reduced fees for those on means tested benefits – see our Curriculum Strategy and Fees Policy for more information. We operate from our purpose built centre; The Learning Place, 6 Derby Road, North End, in Nelson ward and you are welcome to drop-in and see us to find out more. The centre core opening times are 9.00 – 16.30 Monday to Thursday, and to 15.45 Fridays. Our aim is to provide high quality learning experiences for adults living and working in and around Portsmouth. All teaching staff are trained to teach adults, with appropriate additional subject specialism qualifications and are required to complete annual training / professional development. We understand that for some, learning supports leisure and for others it builds capacity and skills, enabling them to get back to work, take a greater role in their community or better support their childrens learning. We therefore try to provide a responsive programme which maximises access to community learning for adults, bringing new opportunities and improving lives, whatever people’s circumstances, such as: Qualification based courses supporting readiness to work / employability including: Functional Skills English, maths and ICT from entry levels up to level 2 Food Safety in Catering Apprenticeships for those aged 16+ New accredited courses are being run regularly. See the accredited courses tab for more information Community Learning programmes including: Computers and internet Family Learning and Parenting, including English and maths Community / non-accredited ESOL Introduction to Functional Skills English and maths Arts and Crafts Cookery Health and Wellbeing (e.g. confidence building, relaxation and stress busting) Improve Your Skills (e.g. CV Writing, Employability Support) If you are not able to find a course you are looking for on our website do please get in touch with us. The programme is subject to change and some courses with certain eligibility requirements are not always advertised on our website. We only have a limited budget but we do look to prioritise its use to meet identified demand, so tell us what you would like to learn and why! Many of our programmes can also be delivered in a range of venues, so if you represent a community or organisation and are interested in hosting some courses, let us know that too! In addition to the courses we deliver, a small proportion of our funding is allocated to enable quality contracted providers to be engaged, through a robust procurement process, resulting in a broader community reach. In 2021/22 our current key areas for development are: Work readiness, pre-employment skills including increased business / employer links internally and externally, to particularly support the ongoing development of Apprenticeship programmes. Digital inclusion: continuing to offer IT provision and seeking to use innovative solutions to support those who remain digitally excluded to engage with computers and the internet Health and Wellbeing: further developing the increasingly well documented links between learning, health and wellbeing. Confident and Resilient Learners: To support learners to achieve, progress and identify their next steps.