260 Educators providing Courses

Ju Dachi Martial Arts

ju dachi martial arts


Ju Dachi Martial Arts Association was launched in 2007 and its goal is to promote and teach the true meaning and traditions of Martial Arts in a non-political manner in the UK, by providing a service based on equal opportunities for all. Our mission statement truly represents who we are as a company. All our instructors are passionate about karate and believe in a simple motto. Our motto is simple ‘Karate for all’. Everyone has the right to learn Karate in a fun and safe atmosphere for all. Below you can read our mission statement in greater detal. Promoting The True Traditions of Martial Arts What is the true meaning of Martial Arts? This is quite a complex topic. It is a sad fact that over the years many Martial Art systems, whether it is Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc… have become seriously diluted in order to make things easier for their students for the pure purpose of making money, or these systems have been diluted by individuals removing a lot of content and only teaching things that mattered to them. What these individuals forget is that their system had a foundation from which they learnt. By removing that foundation, their students train missing some of the important content, without the whole knowledge. When the student becomes an instructor, then they do the same and thus over the years Martial Arts such as Karate, Judo, Wing Chuan etc, become diluted and knowledge is then lost. We, at the Ju Dachi Martial Arts Association believe in preserving the true traditions, techniques and their meanings. This is why it takes at least 4 to 5 years to achieve 1st Dan Black Belt. We are very proud that we are preserving this knowledge and developing our systems to be effective in the real world, while never forgetting the foundations taught, and the history and origin of the martial art. Teaching In A Non Political Manner We only care about training and learning the true meanings of martial arts. We leave all the politics outside the Do Jo and concentrate on the training, learning, mastering ourselves and our students. Did you know that the only reason Karate is not in the Olympics is because there are so many organisations, and they are too divided? Our approach is simple, we teach martial arts in a traditional manner and with a practical approach for today’s day and age. We are just happy with you training at our school and being part of our martial arts family. We leave all the silly, childish bickering and debate outside the Dojo, and we always encourage our students to try and learn any other martial arts. We also open our doors to other associations, such as RKAGB, who occasionally run courses for us. Equal Opportunities For All All our students are given fair opportunities regardless of background, religion, race, sex or age. In our school of Martial Arts, all our students are taught and treated as individuals. Children learn in a fun, caring and safe atmosphere, as well as our adult students. We do not tolerate or accept racism, sexism, bullying, etc in any way shape or form, as this has no place in any Martial Art or healthy lifestyle. You will find that all our students train hard and will offer any new student a warm welcome. One of our mission statements is “Karate for all”, without any discrimination. We also run schemes with local tenant halls, to improve healthy lifestyle and keep children out of the streets in the community. All our students will be given opportunities to take part in courses, events and exams. Even though all students will have this opportunity, those who really stand out will be given a chance to become a full time instructor, and eventually all the support they need to run their own Ju Dachi Martial Arts club. At our school we all work together, and rest together and students/parents or carers can talk to the instructors directly at any time if they have any queries, or suggestions. We want students to get involved, we listen, we act. We welcome feedback.

The Druid Order, An Druidh Uileach Braithreachas

the druid order, an druidh uileach braithreachas


Winter solstice is between the past and the future. It is a place of freedom from the past and free from the future. The only place to make a choice. The dying Sun enters the present to be reborn or regenerated. The present tense is a womb that gives birth to all things, a dot surrounded by a circle is a symbol for a womb and provides the plan for the life to be grown. These seeds contain within them the three functions that govern all life forms, future, present and past. The present is that which breathes in and out or future and past. In Ancient Egypt the name of a Mummy is a Karist or the Call to be I Am. Making a mummy is making a seed to plant in the earth, and this seed is a storehouse of memories of its past experiences as a basis of how it relates to its promised future. Memories of events that rely on external circumstances for their life are left behind and memories that contribute towards the character of the being are built in to the seeds of future causes. What belongs to us is not the memories of the events themselves, but the pain or joy of our responses to those events. How we respond is what is important, What we respond too is not important. When we die, we do not take our house, money, clothes or material obligations with us, we take our painful or joyful responses to what happened to us. We cannot change the event but we can change our response. Out of these seeds of causes we create a new year. Jesus is a Sun God, incorporated in a set of stories about an initiatory journey to become Karistified. It is not a past tense story, It is a story about the birth and death of all life forms and as such should not have to endure the restrictions of time, space or gender. The same stories have existed for thousands of years based on the relationship between light and matter. The source material comes from a much deeper past than most organ-isations are prepared to admit. Jesus is the product of the four elements or that which provides all life forms with not only the material ingredients of their body, land, food etc. but also of the abstract events that life brings to us. These elements are provided through the present tense, and they are everywhere and nowhere for eternity. Jesus becomes invested with a fifth element enabling a process of karistification, all life forms die into the present and are reborn. (going to sleep and waking up.) The goddesses are said to be immortal and the Gods are mortal. Relative to gender a man and a womb-man, are both mortal. What exists is immortal and mortal with an active and passive functionality or mortal with a future and a past. The real cause of all births is unproven by science and religion. The cause of any birth is the I AM of the child from out the darkness and the materials for that birth are provided through the womb of the mother. All births are virgin births in the sense that it is the spirit of the child that controls the time, place and circumstances of the birth. This consciousness transits from apparently nowhere into a womb that is somewhere and appears on Earth. All women are unconsciously in contact with the other world. It is the same with the upper womb of the mind where a thought can drop into your head from nowhere and can appear as uttered speech through your mouth. The words uttered and uterus in Ancient culture are often attributed to a priest who uttered the words that come though the present tense. Winter Solstice is an acknowledgement of the creative potential contained within the seeds of all life forms with a promised return or a restoration of circular continuity. Arthur and Guinevere with her round table will one day return.

Brunel University London

brunel university london


In 2016, Brunel celebrated 50 years as a university. However, our history can be traced back much further to 1798 through our predecessor colleges of Borough Road College, Maria Grey College, Shoreditch College and the West London Institute of Higher Education and as well as through Acton Technical College then Brunel College. Our rise since 1966 has been impressive and our reputation grows year on year. Now a university of 12,746 students – 3,309 students engaged in postgraduate and research study – our special approach is to combine academic rigour with the practical, entrepreneurial and imaginative approach pioneered by Isambard Kingdom Brunel. The decision to be named after Isambard Kingdom Brunel was taken after much discussion. Rather than name the new College after a location, Dr Topping, the first Vice Chancellor of Brunel University (and former Principal of Brunel College) pleaded that the name should be a well-known person preferably an engineer or scientist associated in some way with Middlesex or Acton. Agreement was reached in March 1957 that person would be Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859) is one of the great British engineers of the 19th century. Isambard was born into an industrious family in 1806, with his mother Sophia Kingdom working for the Royal Navy and father Marc Brunel being a prominent French engineer. Isambard took on formal training as an engineer and went on to build twenty-five railways lines, over a hundred bridges, including five suspension bridges, eight pier and dock systems, three ships and a pre-fabricated army field hospital.To add to this he was a keen social engineer, building housing estates, churches and hospitals. In order to learn more about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and his legacy, visit the following links: Bristol University Brunel Collection - IKB's letters, sketchbooks, etc Brunel200 - projects, competitions, debates, media programmes and talks to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Isambard Kingdom Brunel Museum of the Great Western Railway SS Great Britain - surviving in the dry dock that had been built specifically for her design and construction in Bristol There is also extensive Brunel information on the BBC's History pages