290 Educators providing Courses

Eternal College of Aviation Studies

eternal college of aviation studies

Thank you for considering ETERNAL College as your education and training destination. It is my privilege to welcome you to the academic year at ETERNAL College. I hope that you are ready to embrace the promise and potential that every year brings. Some of your most transformative experiences will likely occur beyond the confines of the classroom, and we are excited to help you explore your passion and achieve your goals. We are embarking on a new chapter after celebrating over a decade of success in delivering high quality training and achieving academic excellence. We are proud to report that ETERNAL College continues to grow in all facets of its operations and welcome you all to the hands of its strong academic and placement hands, for a bright future ahead. At ETERNAL College, students have access to all levels of management to express their concerns, views and suggestions. ETERNAL College believes in continuously improving its services in both academic and administrative areas that add value to student experience at ETERNAL College. All the best wishes !! Beena Sreenivasan Managing Director Spreading education among masses is perhaps the greatest gift one can give to society as it enlightens and empowers people, humanizes them and lends meaning to their existence and thereby brings peace and prosperity in society and makes this universe more liveable.We look forward to your continuous and harmonious development through care, compassion and concern so that you may go out in the world to glitter and glow.

Honour Being Reiki

honour being reiki


HONOUR BEING: CREATING BRIGHT, BEAUTIFUL AND BALANCED LIVES... I am a shamanically trained Reiki Master in The Golden Reiki Way, a Classical Homeopath and Creatrix. I am a Wisdom Keeper, Key Holder and Walker of the Old Ways. Since 2004, I have been assisting others to make transformational change in their lives, leading to positive, lasting and sometimes extraordinary results. I am passionate about helping my clients evolve and grow into the bright, beautiful beings they were always intended to be. Having passed through many personal dark nights of the soul, I combine empathy, deep compassion and understanding with many years of professional expertise in my field. I believe in the regenerative power of hope, listening and healing touch. “Sessions are well-paced, Elizabeth listens intently and genuinely cares. I would defy even the most hardened of sceptics not to be touched by Elizabeth’s magic.  I came to her a wreck of a man, physically and mentally. Elizabeth put me gently but firmly back on the path to self-healing with enormous compassion and deftness of her art.“ (Alex C, Gloucester, Jan 2022) TREATMENTS (Available in person and via Remote Healing): ~ Golden Way Reiki Treatments ~ Crystal Reiki Treatments ~ Golden Energy Treatments (Angel Fire and Golden Ray) ~ Shamanic Reiki Treatments ~ Soul Retrieval  "Distant Healing with Elizabeth is amazing... a wonderful and positive experience..." (Teresa H, Oxon, May 2020)  COURSES AND TRAINING: (For all details please contact me direct) ~ Reiki Exploration Sundays: An Introduction to Golden Way Reiki (Includes Sitting Reiki Treatment) ~ Honour Foundation First Attunement & Training Course: Return To Joy (Healing for the Wounded Feminine and learn how to give Golden Way Reiki to yourself) ~ Honour Sacred Healing Journey Second Degree: Empowerment, Protection, Practice (Healing for the Wounded Masculine and leads to Professional Practice Qualification) ~ Sacred Art Workshops & Retreats (Dreaming Your Inner Child Work) OTHER OFFERINGS: Healing Journey Guided Meditations to download Honour Being Mandala Gifts to order.

Townsend Va Church Of England

townsend va church of england

St. Albans

As the only Church of England secondary school in this area, we offer something very special: a long tradition of a high quality education which develops the personality and talents of every child in our care. The school is open to everyone and you do not have to go to Church to apply for admission. As a Church of England School, we are very conscious of our mission to provide your daughter or son with more than just academic success. We are a school with clear principles and ideals based on a Christian ethos, and this philosophy is central to our success. Our great strength is that we keep reminding ourselves of what every parent/carer knows: children learn best when they are happy. We provide a stimulating learning environment where all children can achieve, whatever their ability or aptitude. All students are valued as individuals and all flourish in a community that lives by the Christian values of love, compassion and respect for each other. We uphold the traditional values of good manners and hard work and have high expectations of all our students. Our teaching encourages independent learning and provides students with those skills and qualities which they need to take them through the 21st century. We instil a love of learning and offer a wealth of cultural, social and sporting activities through which your child can find and develop new interests and skills. I look forward to welcoming you and your son or daughter into our lively and thriving community.

Belper School And Sixth Form Centre

belper school and sixth form centre


Belper School is committed to providing a high quality educational experience which develops in students the aspiration, knowledge, skills and understanding they require to create happy and successful futures for themselves. . We summarise this vision in the phrase “Create your future. Be who you are and become who you aspire to be.” At its core our ethos is built on respect, inclusivity and responsibility, nurturing students to be individuals within a family approach. Central to this ethos is a focus on relationships which demonstrate mutual respect and equality. The school places value on treating each other, and our environment, with care, dignity and compassion, so that as members of the school and wider community we can make a difference. The ethos is student-centred, empowering people to have confidence to participate and engage. Belper School has a determination for all students to fulfil their potential and experience success. There is a commitment to high quality learning and teaching that challenges and inspires all, ensuring that individual needs are met and that students can make progress, develop and grow to make a valued and positive contribution to society. Emphasis is placed on a broad and balanced curriculum that enables horizons to be broadened and promotes independence, creativity and enjoyment. At the school there is a passionate belief in providing diverse and rich opportunities and encouraging students to step up and participate in what is on offer. There is a drive to celebrate success and take pride in, and reward, effort and achievement.

The Haven Parenting and Wellbeing Centre Ltd

the haven parenting and wellbeing centre ltd


Sair is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner, an Accredited Practitioner with the Foundation for Infant Loss Training, and Mental Health First Aider. Through The Haven she works with clients to promote parental mental health, the prevention of parental compassion fatigue and support families through therapeutic parent coaching. Her work also extends to parents who have experienced the effects of prenatal or postnatal stress, specifically focusing on PTSD symptoms from difficult pregnancies (including extreme pregnancy sickness Hyperemesis Gravidarum) and birth trauma. emmaedwards_edited.jpg Emma Edwards. Emma is an EFT Practitioner and Mindfulness Teacher. She is an experienced parenting coach delivering workshops to groups of parents and also to individuals through consultation services such as parenting strategies and establishing and promoting healthy sleep routines. She specialises in supporting individuals through the IVF process and works with individuals and families to encourage clients to work towards their personal development goals. Emma uses mindfulness as a tool to enable clients to develop their authentic selves. l5.jpg Lydia Pask. Lydia is a qualified Art Therapist and Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner who has worked both in the UK and in New Zealand with Children and Young People who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences. (ACEs) Lydia is also skilled in using Therapeutic Parenting strategies throughout her therapy, to support the parent and child to connect with each other. By forming a trusting relationship within a safe environment with the therapist, the child can use art materials as a mode of self-expression and communication when words are too hard.




My name is Orla Beaton and I run "Yoga by Nature" in Milnathort, Perth & Kinross. I have been teaching my own gentle blend of movement & mindfulness since 2015 and prior to that I worked as a massage therapist specialising in pre & post natal bodywork for 8 years. Qualifications 2022 200hr Well Woman Yoga Therapy training with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli 2021 Level 2 Training with the Mindfulness Association in Compassion (Feb-Aug 21) 2021 Essential Somatics Movement Teacher Training - Level 2 (now a certified teacher) 2020 Qigong Immersion for Yoga Teachers with Mimi Kuo Deemer (August 20) 2020 Essential Somatics Movement Teacher Training - Level 1 (March 20) 2019 Level 1 Training with the Mindfulness Association in Mindfulness (April - Nov 19) 2019 Winterlight - 12 Week course in Mindfulness with Orlaith O'Sullivan 2019 Fundamentals of Essential Somatics with Martha Petersen (2 Day workshop) 2018 Mental Health First Aid (12 Hour - SMHFA) 2018 CPD - Yvonne Austen "Adjustment & Observation" 2018 CPD - Brenda Louw "Anatomy & Scaravelli Yoga" 2018 CPD - Somatics Workshops with Jahna Clark (Shoulders & Hips) 2017 CPD - Rona Main "Creating Space/ Sutras" 2015-17 2 Year (500 HR) Yoga Teacher Diploma with Yoga Scotland 2016 Youth Mindfulness Kids Teacher Training 2015 Certificate in Jikiden Reiki 2015 First Degree in Usui Reiki 2015 Forest Schools Practitioner (Level 2) 2014 Art of Mentoring (Ring 1) 2013 1 Year Foundation in Yoga with Acquaviva Yoga 2013 Baby Massage Instructors Certificate (SSCBM) 2011 Diploma in Remedial & Sports Massage (AMTS) 2010 Wellmother Diploma in Massage & Pregnancy 2010 Certificate in Massage for People Living with Cancer My Journey I was initially drawn to yoga and holistic therapies in my late 20’s when I was searching for a better work-life balance and a solution to my stress-driven anxieties. Living in Dublin at the time, a work-hard play-hard culture had driven my body and mind to the brink and I regularly experienced panic attacks, depression and became quite unwell with an over-active thyroid – my body had had enough. Deep down even then I knew there was another way but felt stuck in my chosen career at the time. A chance conversation one evening in a pub with a friend opened my eyes to the world of holistic therapies like homeopathy, massage and yoga and a different way of being. I began to consider the prospect of honouring my heartfelt desire to help others. However it wasn’t until I fell pregnant with my first child that I found the courage to try a pregnancy massage and join a yoga class, persuaded by the chance that others would be beginning too. Healing myself came first and is an ongoing journey. Returning to Edinburgh that year I continued pregnancy yoga and massage and I have no doubt that both allowed me to sail through the 9 months inspiring me to go on and train as a bodyworker and leave my career in finance behind. I then spent many years working and learning about bodywork and building a successful niche massage practice supporting expectant and post-natal mums and their families. Some say that the average work-span of a massage therapist is 8 years and that certainly was the case for me. Whilst I was and still am hugely passionate about the benefits of positive touch, my body knew otherwise and it was time for a break from treating bodies in such a hands-on way. This realisation coincided with an opportunity to step back into employment for a while and I spent 3 fantastic years working for Secret Garden Outdoor Nursery founded by Cathy Bache. The chance to step into such a fabulous social enterprise was a true gift and allowed my deep love of Nature, which had been lost along the way, to resurface. I had the privilege to take part in a deep nature connection program called Art of Mentoring in 2014 and went on to train as a Forest Schools Practitioner and support young children in their free explorations of natural world. At that time, along with Nature, yoga was the biggest source of support in my life, emotionally, mentally and physically. I returned time and time again to the refuge of my mat to ease the physical and emotional stresses of parenting and life. In 2013, I had the privilege of doing my Foundation Yoga Training with Marc Woolford of Acquaviva Yoga. This year of training based around Marc’s interpretation of the teachings of Vanda Scaravelli really laid the foundations of my daily yoga practice and greatly influenced the style of my teaching today which is gentle yet deep, somatic and very mindful. In 2015 the conditions finally felt right for me to progress onto a full Teacher Training Diploma with Yoga Scotland, one of the most thorough and diverse qualifications in the UK. The loss of a dear friend that year and the deep grieving that unleashed became a transformational stage for me and gave me the push that I needed to step up and allow the Yoga teachings that had supported me so much over the years to be passed on to others. I completed the 2 year (500 hour) course in June 2017 and I'm now living and breathing Yoga and bringing my blend of the teachings out into my local community.

Monifieth High School

monifieth high school

Welcome to our website. Here you will find information about our school including the opportunities available for young people, how we support and promote learning and who to contact with any queries. Monifieth High School has a rich history of success in supporting young people to learn, develop and succeed through a focus on relationships, respect and aspiration. Our values of compassion, integrity, justice and wisdom are at the heart of everything we do. Recent experiences have taught us the importance of living out these values to support one another during challenging times. Our community is central to our life as a school. As we continue to recover from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, now is a time for taking stock, building on previous success and developing our vision of where we want to go in the future. As a school community we are thinking together about our vision and about how we continue to improve our learning experiences, how we ensure even higher levels of achievement and attainment and how we promote healthiest living. We will utilise the potential of our exciting new learning campus to focus on sustainability and ensure our young people lead the way on climate issues. We will also continue to develop our offer and our partnerships to ensure every young person moves on into inspiring and successful destinations beyond school. We believe that everyone in this school can impact the world and the lives of others. It is our job to support our young people to develop their values, skills and abilities to be the change they want to see and to be successful in their lives.

Alamiyah Educational Foundation

alamiyah educational foundation


The Alamiyah School stems from a project which began in 2005 with a determined group of home-schooling parents who were eager to create a positive learning environment for their children; one that would foster not only a love of knowledge but give the children a moral framework and nurture each child’s unique genius. The project was subsequently joined by a group of educational professionals and evolved into the Alamiyah Pre-school. We registered as an independent school (Alamiyah School) in 2017 allowing us to cater for school age pupils. The school now caters for pupils of age 3-11 years till the end of the primary age range. The Alamiyah School is inspired by the Prophetic Tradition and will use a curriculum infused with the prophetic stories, arts and sciences. The Montessori approach to early years is the framework upon which the school is based, thus creating an educational experience based on ancient wisdoms and modern discoveries. The Montessori approach creates an environment that offers each child the opportunity to express and develop their individuality and their innate need to learn. It is based on the natural laws of human development (fitra) confirmed by scientific advances and is therefore perfectly in line with a prophetic model for education. The curriculum is child centered, encourages independence and fosters empathy and compassion. The project is lead by an enthusiastic group of teachers trained in the Montessori approach, with many years experience with young children. Our teachers are professionals in their field and have a deeply rooted interest in education. Each of them has come to appreciate the importance of the early years learning in a child’s education and development.