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YES Your Entire Self

yes your entire self



Main Health Benefits: Reduced Stress with Increased Happiness Buddha was asked : ’What have you gained from meditation’? He replied ‘It’s not what I have gained, let me tell you what I have lost; anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity, fear of old age and death’. Sympton Reduction - reduced stress, anxiety with increased life quality Biological Markers - positive changes in cortisol levels affecting the immune system Neuorplasticity - the brain's ability to change in response to life circumstances & learning MINDFULNESS – FORMAL AND INFORMAL There are two ways of practising mindfulness; the formal way and the informal way. Formal mindfulness is better known as meditation. It involves following established practices taking time out of your day to be still and silent, to focus on your breath, to be aware of sounds, senses, thoughts and feelings. It can also involve totally clearing the mind. Informal mindfulness requires no conventions. It simply means bringing mindful awareness to everyday life, to daily activities such as eating, walking, driving and housework. Informal mindfulness is also part of your interactions with other people, at work, at home and in your social life. People have been practising mindfulness for thousands of years. It is stated it originated from ancient Buddhist, Hindu, Chinese and Tao Te Ching philosophies. However, some may suggest that it has its roots in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. To give an idea of dates; Buddhism was founded around 400-500 BC by Siddhartha Gautama who was referred to as the Buddha. My feeling is that I am just grateful for all those who have practised before us from all corners of the world, inviting this practice into my life to bring calm into the chaos. 'The role of such mindfulness practices is to keep the mind properly grounded in the present moment, decreasing reactivity to what happens in the moment. It is a way of relating to all experience - positive, negative and neutral - such that overall levels of suffering are reduced and a sense of wellbeing is increased' (Germet & Fulton, 2005). Today there are a variety of definitions within the Eastern and Western approaches. We are indebted to Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn for bringing the benefits of mindful practice to the West through his Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme (based on a type of Buddhist meditation called Vipassana). Dr Kabat-Zinn defined it as 'paying attention with purpose, non-judgemental and while in the present moment' (Kabat-Zinn, 1994, 2005). Over the years, I personally have benefited physically and mentally from mindfulness by: making time for 'non-doing' allowing me to be still enough to tap into my 'inner voice' living my experiences in a non-judgemental way, accepting as it is, letting go of my need to 'control' bringing moment to moment awareness to my physical body, thoughts, feelings and emotions What I have learned is that Life happens all around us; sometimes we can select what we experience and other times the experiences are a natural part of life. Either way, mindfulness practice has supported me to recognise the difference if I only honour myself enough by giving time to do mindfulness/meditation practice. Mindfulness is a way of life, a choice of behaviour and thinking. WHAT IS THE UNIVERSAL LAW OF ATTRACTION (LOA) Main Health Benefit: Learn to listen to your Inner Coach, not your Inner Critic In accordance with the Law of Attraction, you attract into your life those things, circumstances and conditions that correspond with the nature of your dominant, habitual thoughts and beliefs, both conscious and subconscious. The basic premise of the LOA is that like energy attracts like energy. The belief is that as we came from ‘source energy’ in order to attract what we want, we have to resonate with the energy of the Universe’s vibration by feeling, thinking and visualising our wants/purpose in life. However, taking specific action is always needed. As our focus is on LOA the more general lesson is that being positive, proactive and loving attracts more of the same into your life. Meanwhile pessimism, fear and lethargy will lead to a more negative experience in all aspects of life. By working to live more positively even just today, you’re already using the LOA to create a better existence. There are however 12 spiritual Laws of the Universe which are a network of interconnected spiritual laws that can impact on every aspect of your life. These laws can be used to assist in Law of Attraction work. WHAT IS NATURE THERAPY Main Health Benefit: Boost your immune system with relaxed mind and body. Nature Therapy can also be known as forest bathing, forest being or Japanese Shinrin-Yoku and describes the practice that combines a range of exercises and tasks in an outdoor environment. Garden therapy, horticultural therapy or ocean therapy may be viewed as forms of nature therapy. Many studies show diminished stress, reduced blood pressure and positive effects on the immune system.

Live More Offline

live more offline


In this digital age there is more competition for our attention than ever before. This has a knock on impact on our lives as where we place our attention determines what we experience and how we feel... I, Alex La Via, was inspired to set up Live More Offline after noticing the impact of digital technology in my work and home life. Digital wellness is about using technology in a way that brings us closer to the things and people we value rather than being distracted away from our goals. Examples of unhelpful digital habits can be the extra episode of Netflix which leaves us feeling tired the next day, digital notifications that get in the way of focused work or scrolling time away yet feeling we don't have the time for the things we love. I am passionate about helping people to create a relationship with technology that is on their terms and creates the life they want! Alex La Via The Live More Offline approach is rooted in the evidence base of mindfulness and neuroscience. Drawing on research emerging on the impact of digital technology on focus, memory, creativity, empathy, wellbeing and sleep, to name just a few areas. I have experienced the 'always on' culture first-hand, within my corporate career, and understand the challenges of managing the blurred line between work and home life. In addition, I noticed my greatest challenge with technology on relocating to Yorkshire in early 2018 and being between jobs. At this time, I started spending more time on social media and Netflix. After noticing the impact on my life, I took the bold decision to disconnect from digital technology by flying to Spain and walking 500 miles on the Camino de Santiago. Spending six weeks walking in nature and disconnecting from digital technology, I felt energised, healthy and inspired. This led me to question how to get the right balance back at home. From this moment, I have undertaken academic research and furthered my training into the impact that digital technology is having on wellbeing and creating the lives we want. I now bring this combination of personal experience and knowledge to empower others to find a balance with digital technology which supports their goals and the life they want to live. It would be a pleasure to help you in creating meaningful change to meet your needs and goals. Experience: Over ten years' experience working within Big Four accountancy and FTSE 100 / FTSE 250 in-house environments Academic research with a Masters Degree in Mindfulness-Based Approaches at Aberdeen University, with a research focus on the impact that digital technology is having on wellbeing and the potential for mindfulness in digital habit change Qualified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher, listed by the UK Network for Mindfulness-Based Teacher Training Organisations as a mindfulness teacher who adheres to the UK Good Practice Guidelines Qualified digital wellness coach Studied with Judson Brewer's 'Mindfulness-Based Behaviour Change Facilitator' Training Course Qualified Mental Heath First Aider

Fresh Start Motorcycle

fresh start motorcycle



Fresh start motorcycle are Professional motorcycle DSA Approved Motorcycle Training School (ATB) That Teaches in CBT, DAS and Enhanced Rider Skills.7 days a week. Rider Training in all aspects of road riding. being less the 1 mile to the DSA Test center in Atherton As a family run business we small enough to really care about you, and what best suited in your training programme and needs. Yet big enough to cope.We have a Small friendly team of trainers only useing DSA approved trainers we are all also FBos trained. (FIRST AID in FIRST BIKE ON THE SCENE) Togetter we have lots of experience it all types of problems that you may have. A good selection of bikes with lower seat hight if required, our aim is for you to reach your goal. No short cuts or corner cutting here- just high – quality training at a value for money price. If you are planning on learning to ride, or improve you’re riding skills Fresh Start Motorcycle can help you We are based close to the DSA motorcycle test centre in Atherton Manchester; we are the closest training school to this test centre. It’s less the 1 mile away. so from the start you will be learning to ride in the area you most likely be taking your test We have a very large safe off road training areas for CBT and for practice sessions for your mod 1 test ect. Extremely good motorcycle and facilities, based in a motorcycle shop called speed demons we have a classroom seating, toilet, And you also get £10% off some items that you may buy in the shop; you can even buy a motorcycle or have one serviced all under one roof Why did I start my own Motorcycle Trainings School? It was when I was attending a my daughters graduation the advice the lecture gave to the young people now going out into the work place was this “If you can do what you enjoy doing as if when you go on vacation and make this your vocation you will never work another day in your life”This thought really hit home to me. Living and working in North London for 30 years I wondered what did really want to do. Where would I like to be? What did I enjoy doing Etc.? This was the easy part, I enjoyed my Motorcycle riding, and my charity work with Advanced Motorcyclist Group where I had become an observer with them. I enjoyed teaching others become safer better riders and seeing them enjoy their new riding skills. So career change to do what I enjoyed was required. A Fresh Start, a new way of life. The hard part was getting the training and qualifications and passed the DVSA test. In order to run a DVSA (ATB). My own motorcycle training school when completed the dsa exams I first moved and run a Motorcycle training school in west Cumbria.2003 then with the law changes with the 2 part test it ment a relocation and we moved to manchester area and been ruinning the training school in mancheter Atherton area since 2008 But in 2008 there was changes in the motorcycle test was conducted with the now know 2 part test with new test centres (mptc) required in order to do the new off road manoeuvres, but it meant over a 50 mile trip to the my nearest test centre. Because of this I felt I had to relocate and move my established business closer to one of the new DSA test centres, this we did at the start off 2008. Now we are based in Atherton Manchester only 1/2 mile from the DVSA test center i belive that we are the closest training school to any dvsa motorcycle mod 1 test area ,