2366 Educators providing Courses

Frantic Productions

frantic productions


Fran Carpenter is the Managing Director of Frantic Productions Ltd. Frantic was formed in 1998. A prolific writer of school music resources and Christmas nativity plays and musicals, Fran has more than 20 years' experience of teaching early years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 as a music co-ordinator and specialist class music teacher. Fran's catalogue of school musicals and music education resources is growing all the time, and her nativity plays and musical productions have been performed worldwide in thousands of primary schools. Fran also worked for several years in school television and educational video production. She worked as a member of the producer's team on a series of BBC's Look and Read and on a TEFL video for Pearson Education, and was a co-writer of the accompanying teachers' resource packs. She is a member of the Orff Society UK and much of her music for children is inspired by the creative Orff approach to music education. In addition to her writing work, Fran runs music workshops in nurseries and schools and CPD teacher training courses for music hubs and teacher training colleges. These courses are highly regarded and provide teachers and students with a whole host of ideas for creative music making with early years and primary children. Frantic Productions is also a Music Hub Partner of Bournemouth's Music Hub, SoundStorm, running projects for Bournemouth primary schools and early years providers. Visit our Extras menu below for the full range of services Frantic can offer nurseries, schools and Music Hubs. The fabulous artwork on the Frantic Productions website and on the covers of our books since 2012 is by Vanessa Wells, withbits.com Fran is also delighted to have worked with the talented musicians, arrangers and composers, Dorian Kelly of Modal Music and Shan Verma of the London Jazz Piano School.

Bright Pi Education Consultancy

bright pi education consultancy


At Bright Pi we are passionate about supporting all those involved with the teaching and learning of mathematics; raising standards and helping all to achieve their best in the early years and primary phases. Based in the Midlands, we form a highly regarded team with wide ranging experience and up to date skills providing support to schools across the UK. The team has taught across the early years and primary age range and all have experience in local authority school improvement working with teachers, leaders and other stakeholders. Having worked as regional co-ordinators for the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), Bright Pi maintains a close working relationship with the NCETM delivering their ever-evolving national ‘Professional Development Lead’ programme. We are proud to work alongside other partner organisations including the National Maths Hub Network. We play a key role on the strategic board for our local hub and lead on the Mastery Readiness programme for the Origin Maths Hub. This supports those schools starting their journey in Teaching for Mastery, as well as those developing their practice. In addition, Bright Pi has also provided operational external key stage 1 moderation for the Standards and Testing Agency (STA), monitoring practice in various local authorities across the country. We are accredited by NCETM as Professional Development Leads and support individual schools as well as networks with bespoke packages of support, tailored to specific need and context. Bright Pi also offers CPD sessions for all those involved in mathematics education, supporting improvement in both subject and pedagogical knowledge. We are keen to raise the profile of mathematics as a subject and enjoy working with parents, governors and the wider community.

Property SQ2

property sq2

BEST PRACTICE TRAINING IN THE PROPERTY INDUSTRY   Property SQ2 Limited is a leading provider of online education and training courses related to the property business.  We are registered with the CPD service and proud members of the Property Educators Accreditation Scheme. Between us we have 25 years experience in Property Investment and the Property Industry, and over 20 years experience training people in skills and techniques for best practice in the industry via a combination of face to face, live online, on demand and 1-2-1 training events. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE From building a retirement pot, to replacing your current income. Property is the vehicle to create financial freedom, choice and security Drawing on over 30 years of property and business experience with over 20 years of training, coaching and mentoring people in property investment strategies,  Our training courses and 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring solutions are here to help you succeed in the property business. Whatever your goal, whatever your background, whatever your experience. Whether you want to... * Build a safe and sustainable portfolio to bolster your retirement pot * Create a passive income to generate job-leaving level profits * Learn how to add value and recycle your precious savings through multiple property deals * Need a way into the property industry without a big deposit we can help. ARDEN HANLEY                                                                          Arden Hanley is a property investor, business owner, consultant and trainer. Having experience across multiple property investment strategies and related businesses such as lettings management, sourcing and property consultancy. A landlord and business owner for 20 years, trainer, mentor and coach to the property industry for 12 years, member of the Property Educators Accreditation scheme and a CPD trainer, Arden has not only extensive experience in the industry, but also a track record of using that experience to train others to achieve their property goals. Buy To Let & Social Housing  With previous buy-to-let experience in Australia, Arden was immediately drawn to this as a primary strategy. Today, Arden has an extensive buy to let portfolio in the UK that he has built in Northampton, Nottingham and Hull. He has a range of houses for family lets, rented to both working tenants and within the social housing sector, and flats serving the young professional market. Arden says, “I think buy to let is the foundation of any successful property portfolio and this part of my portfolio was what allowed me to first achieve financial freedom. I think every investor needs to learn the fundamentals of buy to let, even if they ultimately choose to focus on other strategies within their portfolio because there are so many simple but important lessons to learn around being a good landlord and managing tenants effectively that you get from understanding this core strategy.”  HMO & Rent To Rent                         HMO was a natural progression from initial Buy to Let purchases to “increase my cash flow and take advantage of market conditions in my target area at that time being Nottingham.” With an extensive HMO portfolio, his preference are a larger number of smaller HMOs i.e. 4-6 tenants rather than a smaller number of large HMOs, although he has experience of both. How can an investor make this strategy work for them? “I believe HMO provides an excellent income stream and if done correctly can be a very stable income stream as well. I think the key to a successful HMO is setting it up correctly from the outset to make it as attractive and user friendly for tenants, and identify potential cost centres or savings before tenants go in and empowering my lettings agents to put together the right tenant mix to create a harmonious environment.”  Distressed Property & Adding Value  Every property that Arden has purchased has been distressed to some degree, as he says “I believe this is the one true route to make money out of property.” He has applied the lessons he has learnt on smaller projects as he has moved on to larger more complex investment properties. It’s also given him the opportunity to work with distressed sellers which he regards as a core skill in a property investor’s arsenal. As Arden says, “With a distressed seller, you are a solution provider trying to create a win/win situation where you can offer a route for the seller to sell the property that removes their financial burden, while at the same time offering an opportunity for you as an investor to make a fair profit.”  Commercial to Residential & Development                         As his confidence has grown, so has Arden’s willingness to commit to more complicated projects and he has successfully adopted commercial to residential conversions as a strategy since 2013 primarily working with either disused retail or office space which is in abundance in the UK. It’s not hard to see the appeal, as Arden says, “I find that there is a huge opportunity for value uplift in this strategy as the closer you get to effectively a shell, the more opportunities you have to make money.’                     Portfolios                    There are a number of options for approaching the acquisition of a portfolio, whether it’s title splitting a block of flats, via a freehold/leasehold strategy, organising a share buyout of a property company, or structuring a staggered sale to maximise buyer and seller value and tax savings. Arden has experience dealing with the simple acquisition of a portfolio to the complex and sometimes challenging world of dealing with portfolios in trouble, direct to owners, via agents, liquidators or administrators.                     Complimentary businesses and deal structuring  Having an interest in a lettings agency, experience running a sourcing business/property consultancy for 7 years and working with multiple business partners has taught Arden the value of building business clusters to support each other and working with business partners and private investors to make business happen. ‘Property deals can come together from your own resources, time and effort, but as your ambitions grow and the opportunities get bigger, it’s important to think about how private finance and joint ventures can create profit for you and your partners. I’d rather have a cut of something than the whole of nothing.’  Mentorship & Training               For Arden, it’s an honour to be invited to mentor to share his knowledge with others which provides enormous, personal satisfaction. Even though he’s not naturally outgoing, Arden admits that “As a self-confessed property geek, if you ask me questions about property, I’m happy to talk for days.” He encourages his mentees to “Soak up as much as you can from people who have done it before and been successful. Soak up the knowledge for sure, but also the motivation and mindset.” He concludes, “I don't think there is any better way to start in property than to work side by side with someone who has been where you are starting from and has proved how to make it work.”  CHRIS CORMACK Chris Cormack is a property investor and business owner with a vast experience working with people to develop their property investments and business growth. Helping people to succeed has been a large part of his business focus over the last 16 years as a mentor, trainer and coach. His understanding of the industry through building his own portfolio across a range of strategies enables him to work with clients around their goals so they achieve whichever outcome they are looking for. Chris is recognised within the property industry and is member of the Property Educators Accreditation scheme and is CPD certified. From a standing start in November 2004 Chris built his property business across various strategies within the property industry. Property had a great appeal for 5 reasons: 1. Being his own boss  2. Recurring monthly income  3. Large lump sums of income 4. Long term capital growth 5. Opportunity to help others benefit from the same reasons 1-4. BUY TO LET & SOCIAL HOUSING  Chris believes "Buy To Lets are the foundation to any successful property portfolio because it's the quickest way to generate income while you learn the initial fundamentals of the business. Demand is high across the country for BTL which other strategies don't necessarily have. Within our portfolio we have a wide mix of tenants including families, couples, singles as well as fixed term guaranteed social housing contracts." Understanding the industry and our responsibilities is paramount and gives us the necessary grounding to progress income across other strategies. A number of his properties have been used as serviced accommodation through a commercial contract. These have resulted in guaranteed income, ensuring a hands off pain free outcome. HMO  Chris continues "For larger income, having HMOs brings considerable changes to your monthly bank account which was our natural progression. A major learning moving into HMOs was all the necessary fire requirements and additional management needs. These of course add costs which are not present with your BTL's. Having this knowledge prior to committing to this strategy is important along with a deep understanding of who will be your tenant market. Generally this is less flexibility so more targeted research initially is imperative to achieve your successful outcome. ADDING VALUE & FLIPS Lump sums of income is an area Chris has targeted when buying properties, modernising them and selling them. A key component to achieve these returns is looking to see where true value can be added, increasing value is paramount here. His view on this is that while it generates substantial income it also gives the opportunity to allow faster growth within his portfolio. Having addition capital to invest gives a wider deal choice and opportunities to structure deals. "Having greater tools while in front of a motivated seller allows you the facility to be more creative especially if you can offer a solution to their current situation." STRUCTURING SOLUTIONS  Over the years he has been able to structure deals which has helped the seller which in turn helped him dramatically reduce initial capital to acquire the property. "The key is to focusing on them, the seller and come to a win, win scenario." Achieving this has added numerous properties to the portfolio.  With a deal seeing what is really there gives Chris an edge. Where most people see a single outcome in a deal Chris likes to look for multiple outcomes across strategies. As his experience has developed the confidence has taken him into larger projects which can deliver multiple opportunities. Understanding the finance and tax implication can give additional advantages. Having bought a portfolio with land created multiple flip opportunities which resulted in the land cost him nothing, free land. Having free land gave him further choices around planning. Sell with planning or build out and sell with a decision based on whichever gives the greater return for time/money invested. MENTORSHIP, COACHING AND TRAINING Chris has been mentoring property investors since 2007. He himself had the benefit of a mentor and fully understands how it accelerates your portfolio growth, "money well spent" and that's from a Scotsman....! "It was a privilege to be asked and was something I had wanted to do, so I enthusiastically jumped at the chance." Being able to pass on market experience, as well as working with people to develop the best strategy for them is extremely rewarding. Sometimes it's the smallest thing that creates the biggest impact and it does not matter if you are new or have some experience in property, accessing another person's experience is a springboard to a new set of outcomes, for the better. 

Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation

institute of revenues rating and valuation


In January 1882, the rate collectors of Holborn invited their Metropolitan colleagues to a meeting to discuss the effect a projected reorganisation of London local government might have on their jobs and prospects. Some eighty officers attended and at a further meeting on the 25th February it was decided to form, with effect from the 1st April 1882, the Metropolitan Rate Collectors Association. As membership grew, the title was subsequently changed to the Association of Rate Collectors and Assistant Overseers in 1911. Changes in legislation resulted in a further change in title and in 1927, the Incorporated Association of Rating and Valuation Officers was established. The association was more commonly known as the Rating & Valuation Association (RVA) and no further change to the title was made until January 1990 when, with the impending introduction of Community Charge and National Non-Domestic Rate, we became known as the Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation (IRRV). A key aim of the Institute is to support its members’ professional and personal development and the sharing of best practice. We keep our members informed of current issues through our magazines, publications and a comprehensive website. Our conferences and meetings offer opportunities for networking with other professionals from the UK and overseas whilst the Forum Service continues to attract new organisations each year; the current membership now exceeding 200. We seek to influence the course of legislative and professional matters through dialogue with government bodies and other professional organisations and through commissioning and conducting original research. This is led by the Institute’s three Faculty Boards; Local Taxation and Revenues, Benefits and Valuation. The Institute has a membership of over 2,400 and offers a range of qualifications covering its professional fields. It is a nationally approved awarding body for its vocational and examination-based qualifications. Each year, in excess of 300 students sit our examinations and vocational assessments. Successful students join the thousands of IRRV qualified professionals currently working in both the public and private sector within the fields of revenues, benefits and valuation. IRRV qualifications and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme are designed to meet the needs of members at every stage of their careers. A thriving network of Associations is one of the IRRV’s main strengths. Our Associations organise programmes of professional and social activities that take place regionally and provide the opportunity for all members to become more involved in the work of the Institute.

Blue Stream Academy

blue stream academy


Blue Stream Academy [https://www.bluestreamacademy.com/] provide CPD certified eLearning courses and management resources for health and care professionals throughout the UK.  Services: * GP eLearning and Management Platform * Health and Social Care eLearning and Management Platform * Dental eLearning and Management Platform * Hospice eLearning and Management Platform * Urgent and Private Care eLearning and Management Platform Popular eLearning Courses: * Fire Safety * Information Governance * Equality and Diversity * Principles of Health and Safety * Anaphylaxis  * Basic Life Support (levels 1 and 2) * Chaperoning * Safeguarding Adults (levels 1, 2 and 3) * Safeguarding Children (levels 1, 2 and 3)  * Infection Prevention and Control * Conflict Resolution * Care Certificate eLearning Course (15 eLearning modules and a practical assessment system) Click here to view a full list of modules. [https://content.bluestreamacademy.com/websitedocs/module_list.pdf] Management Platform Features: * 18 Compliance Reports * Digital Policy Recording and Agreement System * Diary and Collaboration System  * Customisable Trainee Profiles * Face-to-face Course Booking System * External Training Tracking * Complimentary Vacancy Advertisement OPTIONAL ADD-ON - Human Resources (HR) Management System * Rota and Shift Management * HR Reporting * HR Staff Profiles * The Bradford Factor Score * Objectives and Appraisal Tracking OPTIONAL ADD-ON - The CQC Health Check System * Room and Asset Management * Compliance Documentation Storage * Red-Amber-Green (RAG) Compliance Rating * Policy System Integration * eLearning Report Integration  Partnerships, Integrations and Certifications * FourteenFish Integration * First Practice Management (FPM) Integration * Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certification * ISO27001 Certification * Skills for Care Endorsement * LMC Buying Group Approved Supplier * Hospice Quality Partnership (HQP) Approved Supplier

The Atacc Group Ltd

the atacc group ltd


As the custodians of the world famous ATACC Course, we specialise in high fidelity, immersive education and all of this experience cascades down through every level of our training. Our mission statement is “empowering people to save lives” and that runs through everything that what we do! From our entry level First Aid courses, through our entire Immediate Emergency Care Programme (IECP), up to our advanced level critical care courses. All our courses avoid over-complication and unnecessary content, to clearly define what really matters, ensuring that the simple things are done well, to buy time for the more advanced skills that follow. Realistic, hands on, experiential learning has always been at the core of our training, with short theory sessions, followed by practical skills, all brought together in our casualty simulations. In addition to our training courses, The ATACC Group are the UK’s leading provider of Clinical Governance for the Emergency Services and also high-risk industries, backed by our Medical Advisory Group, with extensive experience from the NHS and the Major Trauma Networks. This provision ensures that standards of training, delivery and equipment are met and offers extended services such as Service testing and Incident debriefs for learning and welfare. Our consultancy work also extends into Medical technology and development, including simulation, rescue equipment and a number of key new medical devices. Our latest area of business is Digital Education for establishing Medical Communities. Whether it is a large scale international conference or personal private study, our brand new educational Metaverse ‘ATACC World’ will potentially offer a diverse and unlimited range of interactive medical education, which will also potentially generate the world’s largest medical community. The capabilities of the ATACC World are as big as your imagination, sharing best practice, promoting knowledge transfer, encouraging the development of high quality CPD and making medical conferences accessible, reaching communities normally unable to attend. We saved the best until last – it will be free to subscribe!

Inspiring Futures Through Learning

inspiring futures through learning

A message from Sarah Bennett, IFtL CEO I know every CEO is proud of their Trust, their schools, the staff and the pupils within it…..and I am no exception. I know every CEO feels their Trust is unique, that their USP is different from every other; and they have a WOW factor that exceeds all. I am absolutely no exception to that either! I am personally so proud of the journey we have travelled and what we have achieved to date - created by people with a genuine desire: ‘To inspire the futures of us all through learning together’ We formed Inspiring Futures through Learning (IFtL) in 2016 as a natural extension of our school improvement journey. Indeed, for over twenty years our founding school, Two Mile Ash School had worked with very secure, high-quality partners in their ITT School-Based Partnership, supporting newly formed Trusts in turning schools in difficulty around and created our CPD programme to support the development of leadership and continual professional development both locally and nationally. There was a very strong track record of school improvement led by high performing leaders who shared a common vision. Developing a Multi-Academy Trust with like-minded schools and their leaders meant that our vision could circulate further, ensure the impact of our work reached out to more children and more staff benefited from high-quality development and learning from each other. Since 2016 we have achieved great success. We can quantify our success in Ofsted reports, performance data, financial spreadsheets and our recruitment and retention figures. However, most importantly to note is that we can only achieve such success because of our culture and ethos. It is our more qualitative success that makes IFtL truly unique. We are a strong family, with different personalities and differing abilities but we have the golden thread that pulls us together - a belief that we are stronger together; that we will go that extra mile for each other and support each other when things aren’t going the way we want them to. The camaraderie is second to none as our school improvement system is strongly embedded in our schools as we use the skills and expertise to support each other. There is nothing new about a self-sustaining school improvement system – but the way we do it is unique to us and something that we are extremely proud of. Indeed, IFtL is all about the people: the adults and the children. Our values set us apart: