2883 Educators providing Courses

Corporate Coach Group

corporate coach group



I have always been fascinated by the answer to a single question: “How can I get the best performance from myself and others?” Even at a young age, it seemed obvious to me that it would be better to be positive rather than negative, which means: Goal focused rather than drifting Productive rather than busy Rational rather than erratic Organised rather than chaotic Confident rather than timid Optimistic rather than pessimistic Inspirational rather than cynical So, at the tender age of 17, I started my study on how one may become more goal focused, productive, rational, organised, confident, optimistic and inspirational. I read a lot, I experimented a lot, I observed others and I tested ideas to see which worked and which did not. I have been studying these topics for forty years. When I was 37, I started my company The Corporate Coach. I wrote unique training programmes based on the ideas and methods I had assembled. I framed my programmes into a system that was, and is still, designed to answer the same fundamental question: “How can YOU get the best performance from YOURSELF and OTHERS?” The Corporate Coach Group is based on three fundamental principles, of: Clarity Rationality Positivity These three fundamental principles form the bedrock of the program and each principle contains many subset principles, which we all should investigate, understand and apply in practice. Clarity; in regard to our goals, thinking and communication Rationality; in regard to planning, decision making, prioritisation and in handling conflict Positivity; in regard to our feelings (emotions) and in our personal relationships

John Clarke Personal Training

john clarke personal training


My name is John Clarke, I am a fully insured, highly qualified personal trainer and I am the head Personal Trainer/Owner of Liverpool’s most prestigious 1-2-1 Personal Training teams at G42 Studios. With me you get personal trained in a bespoke private facility. NO MEMBERSHIP is required! Amongst my cliental I have worked with Premiership Footballers, Champion pro Boxers, Radio, Television and music stars. Are you feeling unhappy with the way you look? Have you been disappointed with your personal training results in the past and feel like you have tried every diet in the world? Then I am the guy for you. I GUARANTEE YOU RESULTS or your money back. I don’t promote ‘magic pills’, special gimmicky machinery or any specific brands what so ever. I believe good FAST RESULTS come from hard work, knowledge, motivation and guidance. (Check out just some of my client transformations here) . I specialise in two fields FAT loss and MUSCLE gain. Which ever your goal may be whether it is bulking up or getting ripped I will put you on a personalised tailored made diet to suit your individual macros needs to achieve your goals. Not any two people are the same so I apply a nutritional diet to suit the individuals body as everyone has different genetic potential! I am constantly extending my knowledge at advanced nutritional courses so I am always up to date with the newest information on how to get you in the best shape and in the shortest time possible. .