260 Educators providing Courses

St. Kevin's College

st. kevin's college

St Kevin’s College is an all boy’s secondary school under the trusteeship of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust and is located in the heart of the Ballygall community on Ballygall Road East, Finglas, Dublin 11 where it has served the community in education since 1967. The school currently has an enrolment of 528 students. We provide a wide range of subjects which are expertly taught by a team of highly dedicated teachers who work diligently both inside and outside the classroom. Our primary focus is on teaching & learning with emphasis on both high academic achievement and learning support. An average of 70% of our students proceed to third level with degree courses. Another 20% access further and higher education Our six care teams, which comprise of our Form Tutor’s for each class and the Year Head, report to our Student Services Support team. This ensures that all of our student’s welfare is catered for both in the academic and pastoral areas. We strive at all times to provide opportunities for our students which values the student’s personal, social, spiritual and academic development during their time in the school. Our dedicated teachers also encourage students to get involved in extracurricular activities such as our extended range of activities including sports, drama, debating, green school committee and much more. There is a book club for 5th and 6th years. There is also a library in the school. Our Literacy and Numeracy strategies focus on improving the student’s skills in both areas and this improves student participation in all subject areas. We also value partnership which is essential to a successful school. We believe in a working partnership between the school and the home and we have many initiatives to maintain and develop this partnership into the future. We also would like to encourage partnership within the wider community of Ballygall which will help enrich the learning experience for all parties including our students. St Kevin’s college has DEIS 2 status. The 8 DEIS Strands covering Attendance, Retention, Transitions, Examination Attainment, Literacy, Numeracy, Parental Engagement, Partnership with others while designed for target students are applied on a whole school basis and benefit all of our students. St. Kevin’s College:  Proven academic success Comprehensive range of subjects State-of-the-art IT facilities. St Kevin’s uses VSWare education platform which is available to parents. We also provide the Edmodo Virtual Learning Environment. Every student has a personalised account on each platform. 100Mbps high speed Broadband Wi-Fi access throughout the school. Supervised after school study Optional Transition Year Programme Homework Club Breakfast Club Canteen Facilities providing healthy lunches for all students. (Junior Cert 1, 2, & 3 students are not permitted to leave the school at lunchtime.) Book Rental Scheme Anti-bullying policy, procedures and charter Home School Community Liaison Coordinator Links with the Home There are several opportunities for parents to link with the college formally throughout the academic year: Parent/Teacher Meetings School Journal Login to your sons VSWare account. Login to your son’s Edmodo account. Assessment Reports. (E- Portal and post.) Information Evenings Parents’ Council Email and text message Home School Community Liaison Coordinator The college operates an open door policy where a parent can make an appointment to meet with a Year Head at any stage if they have concerns. The Principal and Deputy Principal are also available to meet with parents should the need arise. We focus on partnership with the parents and believe that a co-operative relationship between the college and home best fosters the development of the student. First Year Induction Moving to second level is a time of great change for young children and their families. Here in St. Kevin’s College we are mindful of this transition and the challenges it brings. We offer a comprehensive first year induction which includes a ‘phasing in’ programme. Our Home School Community Liaison coordinator has strong links with all our feeder primary schools. This induction programme supports students as they make the move to our college. It helps them to get to know their new surroundings, make new friends, meet their teachers and learn the rules in close contact with their Form Tutor and Year Head. Our aim is to make first years feel confident and happy coming to school each day. The college is reputed for its high level of pastoral care which supports students in achieving their best. For students who experience small difficulties integrating in First year we offer them the Transition programme which helps them cope with the change. We provide a course for all students and their parents on Cyber bullying and internet/social media safety. Book Rental Scheme The college operates a very popular book loan scheme. This gives students the opportunity to rent most of their text books for a very reasonable charge. The books remain the property of the college and are always in excellent condition. Policies & Procedures The college operates policies that are fair and consistent, promoting equality for all and active participation in learning. These policies will be outlined to parents on information evenings and in the student journal. All policies are referred to Parents Council, Student Council and Staff prior to ratification by the Board of Management and publication. See policies here. School Canteen The school canteen delivers hot lunches, rolls and drinks and is an area for all students to have lunch. St. Kevin’s College promote healthy eating for students. Breakfast Club The student canteen also hosts a breakfast club before school serving cereals, tea and toast. Evening Study Students preparing for State Examinations are encouraged to attend supervised Evening Study held on four evenings per week. Extra–Curricular St Kevin’s aim to provide a wide of range of experiences to our students both inside and outside the classroom. We have a strong sporting tradition offering Gaelic football, Hurling, Basketball, Soccer, Rugby, Athletics to name just a few. We have a number of debating teams, a book club, Art installations at holiday times, Healthy eating/Keep fit “boot camps”. We run an annual international school tour and numerous day trips to reward students for excellence in subject areas. Our Transition Years go hillwalking and on many outdoor pursuit activities such as canoeing and sailing. We promote cultural activities whenever possible with students attending plays in the city’s theatres whenever possible both for subject related and general education purposes. Religion Our Mission Statement provides for education in the Catholic tradition although we accept students from all faiths and none. This provides for healthy and lively debate among our students during religion classes and contributes to the holistic development of all students. We hold religious services and Mass throughout the year led by our chaplain, Catriona Keegan, with contributions made by all students and staff. St Kevin’s college is a community which welcomes all our partners to participate in the spiritual life of the school

Enfield Turkish Cypriot Association

enfield turkish cypriot association


ETCA is an organisation which grew from modest beginnings. In 1991 A few Turkish Cypriots in Enfield, had the vision or creating an association to serve Enfield's subs~antial, but voiceless Turkish Cypriot population by providing and facilitating access to, appropriate services sensitive to their culture, language and religion. In October 1994 a steering committee was elected and completed all the groundwork for the organisation's inaugural Annual General Meeting. At this meeting, held in January oj 1995, the organisation elected its first Management Committee and ratified its constitution. Since those early days, the organisation has gone from strength to strength, initiating and operating voluntary prf!jects in many key areas including Elders provision, Education, Health!nformation &Advice, Youth & Sports. In May 1996 a new Management Committee was elected. They continued the organisation's development, consolidating' ETCA's existing projects, initiating new ones. They" secured much needed self contained office space, for the expanded organisation, in Community House. The Association also achieved its first substantial grant funding from the National Lottery Charities Board for the Health Project, followed shortly by a grant for an Education consortium bringing together nearly all the Turkish Schools in Enfield. Throughout 1997 & 1998 the organisati'ln continued to increase its capacity to help more Turkish Cypriots in more ways. ETCA launched a Women's Group, extended the Sports project to incorporate two new youth football teams and a Table Tennis team and initiated the much needed Home Careproject. Today the organisation provides support, advice and help for thousands of Turkish Cypriots within Enfield and is subsequently one of England's biggest and most effective organisation in its field of work. Last year Lejke Elders Project was launched together with the Homelessness Project, Sure Start Project and Day Respite Service Project. ETCA, 1991 yılındaki mütevazi bir başlangıçtan bugünlere gelen bir örgüttür. Enfield'de bir kaç Kıbrıslı Türk, Enfield'in sayıca çok ama sesi pek duyulmayan Kıbrıslı Türk nüfüsun kültürüne, dil ve dinine uygun hizmetleri sağlamaya ya da bu hizmetlere ulaşmanın yollarını bulmaya yardımcı olacak bir dernek yaratma düşüncesindeydiler. Ekim 1994'te bir kurucu komite seçildive örgütün kurucu kongresi için bütün ön çalışmaları tamamladı. Ocak1995'te yapılan bu kongrede örgüt ilk Yönetim Kurulunu seçti ve tüzüğünü onayladı. O günlerden bu yana örgüt, Yaşlılara Hizmet, Eğitim, Sağlık, Bilgi ve Danışma, Gençlik ve Spor da dahil olmak üzere birçok temel alanada gönüllü projeler başlatıp işleterek güç kazandı. Mayıs 1996'da yeni bir Yönetim Kurulu seçildi.Y eniYönetim Kurulu örgütün gelişmesi, ETCA'nın varolan projelerinin sağlamlaştırılması ve yeni projelerin başlatılmasi çalışmalarına devam etti. Toplum Evi'nde ( CommunityHouse) artık genişlemiş olan örgütün çok ihtiyaç duyduğu, kendine ait bir ofis sağladl. Dernek ayrıca Milli Piyango Vakıflar Kurumu'ndan Sağlık Projesi i!çin ilk büyük mali yardımı almayı başardı. Bunu kısa süre sonra Enfield'deki Türk Okullarının hemen hemen hepsini biraraya getiren Eğitim Konsorsiyumu yardımı izledi. 1998'de örgüt, kadın projesini başlatarak, spor projesini iki yeni futbol takımı ve bir masa tenisi takımını kapsayacak şekilde genişleterek ve dört gözle beklenen Evde- Bakım projesine girişerek gücüne güç katmaya, saygınlıgını artırmaya devam etti. Bügün dernek, belediye sınırları içinde binlerce Kıbrıslı Tiürk'e destek, danışma ve yardım sağlayan,kendi alanında ingiltere'nin en büyük ve en etkin kuruluşlarından biridir. Geçtiğimiz dönemde 'Lefke ve Bölgesi Yaşlılarevi' projesini hayata geçiren ETCA, ayrıca evsizler, 0-4 yaş arası çocuğu olan anneler veya hamile kadınlar ve ailesinden birisine bakmakta olan kimselere manevi destek sağlayan kişilere destek veren projeleri de hayata geçirmiştir.

Philadelphia Church Of God

philadelphia church of god


From the beginning of Jesus Christ’s ministry with just 12 disciples to the thousands of laborers, supporters and co-workers of today, God’s Work has had a vital job to do. The purpose for which Christ established the Church characterizes its work—its activities and overall commission. The Work is a spiritual work. In the New Testament, Christ showed us that the purpose of God’s Work is twofold. First, we are to proclaim to the world, as a witness, the good news of the coming Kingdom of God. As part of that witness, because of mankind’s sins we are to publish the Bible’s warning of the disasters that will precede Christ’s Second Coming. Secondly, we are to spiritually nourish the Church itself, preparing the people God calls for future responsibilities under Christ when He returns to rule all nations in love. The many and varied endeavors of the pcg all trace back to this clear, exciting twofold commission. The ministers and members of the pcg are dedicated to proclaiming and living the way of life explained in the Bible. It is a way of sharing and giving, of caring for others, of striving for godliness in all our dealings with our fellow man. It is a way of family harmony and joy, a way of peace among nations and peoples of all cultures and races. It is a way of rigorous accomplishment, and drawing on God’s help to achieve the very fullest of our incredible human potential. The pcg is working—humbly, but diligently—to hasten the day when, as the Prophet Isaiah said, “the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9). The pcg promotes strong families and practicing “pure religion”—looking after the widows and fatherless (James 1:27). Members endeavor to follow God’s law: love toward Him and love toward fellow man (Mark 12:30-31). Philadelphia Church of God: Statement of Activities The purpose of the Philadelphia Church of God is to preach, promote and advance the spiritual teachings of the Church. It is also the Church’s responsibility to support and maintain local congregations and ministers in order to propagate the faith. In furtherance of the above objective, the Philadelphia Church of God will: Establish, maintain and administer churches to provide for the fraternal, spiritual and educational needs of those members of the public who wish to study or practice the religious observances, tenets and doctrines associated with the faith; Educate, ordain and hire ministers to care for and work with the congregations; Procure, advertise and arrange for the broadcast of The Key of David television program for the free educational benefit of the public and procure, advertise and circulate educational reading material and audio tapes for the free educational benefit of the public; Establish, maintain and administer a central office to provide for the overall control, coordination and management of the Philadelphia Church of God, which includes general administration and record keeping relating to funds received, funds disbursed and other legal requirements; Provide scholarships and other assistance based on applicants’ financial needs and local pastors’ recommendations to a summer educational program for youth and an annual religious retreat; Provide for an evangelical and missionary support system in particular areas of the world to which the Philadelphia Church of God desires to bring a similar message by similar means as mentioned above; Provide for humanitarian financial contributions or works of service through the Philadelphia Foundation to national and international charitable and humanitarian projects deemed worthy by the Philadelphia Church of God.