1245 Educators providing Courses

International House Bristol

international house bristol

IH Bristol was started in 1987 as The Language Project by Val, while studying for her PhD. The school has been teaching students ever since and it is the biggest remaining family owned and operated language school in Bristol. We joined the International House global network of affiliated language schools in 2009 and are proud to be members of such a highly regarded, diverse and vibrant organisation. Over the course of the years we expanded into two beautiful period buildings in the Clifton distric and diversified into teacher training, exams, junior summer - and winter - school and foreign languages. In 2019-2020 we added a new custom-built student common room to our Queens Avenue building, furthering our ambition to always put the student experience first. IH Bristol aims to give back to the community: we have taught many refugee classes in Bristol and have been involved in development projects in Cuba, Angola and Vietnam. We adapter our buildings for Covid very early so that we could facilitate English exams for medical professionals needed by the NHS. And let's not forget our free exercises and our Phrase of the Day videos, which can help students worldwide to increase their knowledge on a daily basis. We are working towards making our operation more environmentally sustainable and have so far installed 100s of ultra low energy light fittings and fixtures and sophisticated heating controls. The English Courses How can you be assured of the quality of the English teaching? Well, we are the people in Bristol that train teachers for English language schools and that run the English exams, so we know a thing or two about what’s needed. What's more, any member of the International House worldwide network must always have the highest quality standard in their teaching.

International Capital Market Association - ICMA

international capital market association - icma


The mission of ICMA is to promote resilient well-functioning international and globally coherent cross-border debt securities markets, which are essential to fund sustainable economic growth and development. In pursuit of its mission, ICMA is committed to: building trust in the market by promoting internationally accepted standards of best practice through the development of appropriate, broadly accepted guidelines, rules, recommendations and standard documentation, aimed at maintaining and enhancing the framework of cross-border issuing, trading and investing in debt securities; contributing to the development of sustainable finance through the capital markets; encouraging information flows and dialogue between all participants in the international capital markets: borrowers, intermediaries and investors, and service providers, including trading platforms, clearing houses and law firms; engaging with international and national regulators and policy makers and providing them with market expertise and technical knowledge across all ICMA’s core areas, to assist in ensuring that financial regulation promotes the resilience, efficiency and cost effectiveness of international capital markets; providing networking opportunities for market participants through conferences, seminars, roundtables and other events; promoting high professional standards for capital market participants by providing training and education opportunities.